divine talisman

Chapter 204 The Teng Brothers

Thank you brother "Yetianyu" for your precious monthly ticket, and brother "leonstone" for your support!


Blood Moon Demon Sect?

Hearing Chen Xi's voice, the expressions of Lin Moxuan, Xiao Ling'er and the others changed, and their gazes towards the Teng brothers suddenly became suspicious.

The Blood Moon Demon Sect almost swept the world 3000 years ago, killing countless people, blood flowing like rivers, almost overthrowing the Great Chu Dynasty and ruling the world, it can be said to be notorious and fierce. [

Knowing from Chen Xi at this time that the Teng brothers might be members of the Blood Moon Demon Sect, one can imagine the shock in everyone's hearts.

"Everyone, don't listen to this kid's nonsense. How could the two of my brothers be members of the Blood Moon Demon Sect?" Teng Huaji said hastily, but his heart was full of shock and anger, and he couldn't figure out how Chen Xi guessed himself. identity.

"That's right, that kid spitting blood is trying to sow discord, fellow Taoists, don't be fooled by him." Teng Huaxu also hurriedly explained.

While speaking, both of them glanced at Huangfu Chongming intentionally.

"Well, I can assure you that the two of them are not the remnants of the Blood Moon Demon Sect. Everyone should believe what I say, right?" Huangfu Chongming said calmly, sweeping his eyes away from the others.

Indeed, he was the Young Lord of Prince Rui's Mansion of the Great Chu Dynasty, with a respectable status and a relative of the emperor. The moment he stood up to guarantee the Teng brothers, he immediately dispelled the doubts in other people's hearts, and their expressions became more relaxed.

"Hmph, I have long seen that this kid has a vicious mind. Let's take him on a treasure hunt with good intentions. He is ungrateful and dares to slander my brothers. It is an unforgivable crime and he deserves death. I will go and take his treasure." Little life, wash away the shame of my two brothers!" Teng Huaji said in a cold voice immediately after receiving Huangfu Chongming's guarantee.

"Yes! Everyone wait a moment, my two brothers will capture him right away, deprive him of his physical training skills, and kill his life!" Teng Huaxu said viciously.

When it came to the word "body training exercises", he specially emphasized the tone, showing hints, which made the eyes of Huangfu Chongming and others brighten. Without further words, he obviously acquiesced in the Teng brothers' approach.

"Okay! This kid's cultivation is so low that he is not worthy of possessing such a miraculous body training technique. You two brothers will go and capture him, take back his body training technique, and then we will keep it together. Let's study together." Huangfu Chongming nodded reservedly.

The Teng brothers glanced at each other, they were all filled with secret joy, they didn't expect the twists and turns, but in the end they were able to kill Chen Xi grandiosely, this kind of thing, they didn't even think of it.


Without any hesitation, the two rushed towards the group of ice bats.

"Everyone, let's resist these monsters and wait for the good news. If we can get the body training technique from that kid, I promise that I will let you and others understand it together, and we will never break our promise." Looking at Teng The brothers rushed into the group of ice bats, Huangfu Chongming glanced at Lin Moxuan, Xiao Linger and Tantaihong, and said Langlang.

"It couldn't be better." Lin Moxuan nodded.

Xiao Ling'er smiled, obviously agreeing with Huangfu Chongming's attention.

Tantaihong's expression was uncertain, and he had to say something, but when he saw Huangfu Chongming staring at him coldly, his heart skipped a beat, and he didn't dare to hesitate, and bitterly replied: "All according to the young master's orders."

Huangfu Chongming was full of ambition, he couldn't help laughing and said, "Okay, everyone joins forces to defend against the enemy, work together, and benefit evenly, it's the best."

Inside and outside the words, they already treated Chen Xi as a dead person. [



bang bang bang...

As soon as Chen Xi entered the group of ice bats, he was immediately attacked from all directions. Looking around, they were all ice bats waving their wings, and there were ice blades that were like a rainstorm.

These ice blades were sharp and cold, powerful enough to crush a yellow rank magic weapon, but when they landed on Chen Xi's body, they only splashed out a series of dazzling bright water splashes, and the skin was intact, without any damage to the velvet hair.

However, due to the fact that these attacks were too dense, all the strength gathered together was no less than that of a Gold Core cultivator's attack. In an instant, Chen Xi's energy and blood surged, he dodged again and again, and his situation became embarrassing.

"Star Dou Big Mudra!" Chen Xi didn't dare to hesitate, and activated the Binghuo Wuwen, a flaming Star Dou Big Mudra shot out across the sky, the waves of fire billowed, and the coercion of the surroundings shocked the ice bats that had been culled. Slightly hesitated for a moment, taking advantage of this opportunity, the Xingdou Mahamudra changed again, the flame subsided, and the water surged away, sweeping away with the intention to subdue all waters in the world.

Puff puff puff puff puff...

As if meeting a nemesis, the blood-red pupils of those ice bats showed a look of awe and panic, as if a courtier met the supreme emperor, almost without any resistance, he was crushed into balls of water essence by the big handprint of the star , was completely absorbed by Chen Xi into the Renshui witch pattern.

Soon, a watery star core was also born in the Renshui witch pattern, and with the continuous influx of water essence, the size of the star core also increased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Happy! Such a chance, I was bumped into it. If I can kill all the monsters in the ruins of the Five Elements, how many times should my strength be increased?" Chen Xi couldn't help but look up to the sky as he felt the continuously rising power in his body. Laughing, along the way, the boredom accumulated in the chest was swept away, and it was hearty.

"Strength, power, financial resources, intelligence, force... This world is composed of "forces". As long as I master the powerful strength, any conspiracy, conspiracy, or ghost tricks will all be wiped out and collapsed! This is called Ruyi En." Qiu, this is what it means to be free and unrestrained, a cage can’t trap my heart, a shackle can’t imprison my body, I’m free and free, and this is my road to the Great Dao!”

At this moment, Chen Xi's Dao Heart was like a Bodhi platform that washes away the dust, and a bright mirror that brushes away the dirt. It was clear and transparent, revealing his original heart. Unknowingly, his cognition of his own cultivation path became more profound. , is also more firm.The whole soul seems to be sublimated and washed, and the limit is improved...


The power of the soul, which has not been broken through for a long time, finally undergoes an earth-shaking transformation at this moment, from "spiritual thought" to "spiritual consciousness".The whole world has become lively.

He "saw" the blood of the gods and demons, the fragments of magic weapons, and the strands of water elemental power surging in the bodies of those ice bats, all of which were clearly visible.

He "sees" that there are evil spirits, resentment, killing spirits, true essence spirits floating between the heaven and the earth... all forms of spirits cannot escape his perception.

He "saw" that in the ruins far away, Huangfu Chongming and others were instigating the Teng brothers to deal with him, and on the other side of the ruins, groups of monks, their faces, clothes, and expressions could not escape his eyes .Among them were his old acquaintances, Qing Xiuyi, Pei Zhong, and Xue Chen from the Yunhe Sect of the Central Plains.

This is the power of "spiritual consciousness", it's like having one's own eyes in the world, observing everything, showing every detail, no slightest disturbance, any tangible thing, can't escape the detection of divine consciousness!

"Wonderful, once my consciousness is complete, my soul power can already keep pace with monks in the Nirvana realm, and I can also practice the "God Killing Art"!" Chen Xi felt the changes in his soul, appreciating the completely different weather in front of him, The essence, qi, and spirit of the whole person are in a wonderful state of floating in the dust and united with myriad transformations.And in this state, he had comprehended the essence of the mystery of "Slaying God Art" almost instantly.

"Boy, do you think it's safe to hide here?" At this moment, two figures rushed into the group of ice bats. Where the figures passed, the ice bats were shaken to death and annihilated, revealing their extreme strength. the power of.

These two people are brothers Teng Huaji and Teng Huaxu. [

"Chen Xi, by now, you should understand the reason for my two brothers' visit, right? Obediently call out the things, maybe I can let you die more quickly." Teng Hua and gloomy laughed.

"By the way, you should also hand over your body training technique, otherwise, don't blame my two brothers for catching you, using the blood and soul search technique, and pulling out your soul, making people desperate to die. No, I suffer from poverty day and night." Teng Huaxu added from the side.

"So, if I hand over things, I'm dead, and if I don't, I'm dead?" Chen Xi asked calmly, without any emotion.

"That's right, but if you obediently hand over everything, I can guarantee that you will die happily without suffering any pain. How about it, is it kind enough?" Teng Hua said with a smile.

"Haha, what my elder brother said is right. If it were me, it wouldn't be so. Boy, the opportunity has been given to you, and it depends on how you grasp it!" Teng Huaxu shouted violently.

"If that's the case... then let's see who dies first!" When the cold and indifferent voice sounded, Chen Xi had already disappeared in place, and the next moment, he had already appeared ten feet in front of Tenghua.


In Chen Xi's hand was an extra-high-grade black-grade sword, on which lightning flashed and electric arcs flickered, filled with a piercing and freshly-exploded destructive aura. This miniature thunderstorm array is exactly one of the many swords presented by Mrs. Shuihua when he was in Tianbao Tower in Hanhai City. The sword is named Xiaolei.

At this moment, the Xiaolei Sword was thrust out by Chen Xi with the profound meaning of "Shaking the Way of the Sword". The swiftness and fierceness of the sword's force instantly smashed into the void, crushing the dead and destroying the dead, piercing directly to the face.

"Hmph, I knew you boy wouldn't be obedient and just grab your hands, Chaos Demon Breaking Spirit Knife!" Teng Huaji shouted violently, his body spinning like a spinning top, and a bright red blood knife appeared in his hand, splashing out like a chaotic cloak. One hundred and eight knives have been chopped out.The saber was precise, and slashed fiercely on the tip of Chen Xi's sword.

boom! boom! boom!

Swords and swords collided, thunder shot out, blood flowed everywhere, and the cold and chaotic air blasted in all directions. The ice bats within a hundred meters around were killed before they even had time to dodge.

Chen Xi's sure-to-kill sword was completely disintegrated by Teng Huaji!

"Boy, do you dare to sneak attack me with this level of strength?" Teng Huaji smiled contemptuously, but the movement in his hand was not slow, the bloody knife shook, and sliced ​​off Chen Xi's head through the air!

He wanted to take this opportunity to kill Chen Xi's life with one blow!

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