divine talisman

Chapter 205 Killing the Gods

Thank you brother "Happy Life" for your precious monthly pass, and brother "user 46761996" for your support!


Chen Xi didn't feel sorry for missing a hit. If Teng Huaji was so easy to kill, he didn't deserve to be with Huangfu Chongming and others at all.

On the way to the Hanhai Desert, he once said to Tan Taihong that both of the Teng brothers have the cultivation base of the late Jindan stage, and they have mastered various powerful exercises, and their strength is comparable to that of Lin Moxuan and Xiao Linger. Between siblings.

Moreover, the two brothers are twins, and they have a tacit understanding. Once they join forces, their strength will double and skyrocket. Even Tantai Hong said frankly that under the condition of the two brothers joining forces, their strength can completely compete with the monks in the Nirvana realm ! [

Chen Xi knew that in the face of such an enemy, he had to get rid of one of them with all his strength first, so that he would have a chance of winning. That's why he took the lead in launching the attack.


At this moment, Teng Huaji's counterattack came through the air.The blood knife crossed the sky, like a rising blood moon, and within the blood moon, there was still a wisp of pale ghost fire burning blazingly in the blood moon. The white flame covered the sky, and the murderous intent was condensed, slashing towards Chen Xi with extreme speed.

"The ghost fire of the blood ghost!" Ling Bai quickly conveyed a thought to Chen Xi: "The ghost fire of the blood ghost is a rare kind of cold flame in the world. It is extremely powerful and invades the body. To be a puppet manipulated by him is extremely vicious, Chen Xi, you must absolutely not allow his sword glow to touch your body."

"Slaying God Technique!" Chen Xi just wanted to use his strength to break through his strength, and use the "Li Jian Dao" that contains the meaning of the way of fire, but Ling Bai's thoughts spread into the sea of ​​consciousness like lightning. Magic.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the majestic power of consciousness suddenly condensed and turned into a sharp-shaped weapon that came out through the body. This weapon was like a sword but not a sword, with jagged edges, like God who killed evil ghosts. The blade appeared in Tenghua and the sea of ​​consciousness in the next moment, and slashed down towards his soul!

"This little bastard in the Yellow Court Realm, as long as he gets a little bit of my blood ghost fire, he will lose consciousness in an instant and become a puppet controlled by me. I'll see if you don't obediently hand it over... Ah!" Teng Hua and Slashing out with a knife, he was grinning triumphantly in his heart, but unexpectedly, there was a sharp tearing pain in the sea of ​​consciousness, as if the whole soul was torn in two, the pain made his eyes go black, and his consciousness suddenly became disordered. The attack in his hand also appeared a little stagnant.

"Not good! This bastard possesses the art of mind and soul attack! Little brother, hurry up and save me!" Teng Huaji is worthy of being a powerful character who has experienced many battles. In danger, he still opened his mouth and let out a heart-piercing roar.

"Want to ask for help? How is that possible? Die with me!" How could Chen Xi miss such a good opportunity, almost at the moment when he cast the God Slaughtering Art, he made a bold move, tiptoed his toes in the void, and flew towards him like a flying arrow Transformed and assassinated.

"How dare you! Blood Phantom Exorcism!" At this moment, Teng Huaxu on the side also reacted. Seeing that his brother was about to be attacked and killed by Chen Xi, he dared not hold it back. He suddenly opened his mouth and opened his mouth. threw up.

All of a sudden, the exhausted ghost flames of blood and ghosts spewed out, covering the sky and the earth, pale and gloomy. This large group of pale cold flames merged into a huge monster tens of feet high.

The ice bats constantly pouring in all around were attracted by the ghost fire of the blood ghost, and a large area withered and decayed, showing a rancid black, all dead, and their souls were absorbed into the ghost fire of the blood ghost, adding strength to the ghost fire.

This "Blood Ghost Fire" is indeed extremely terrifying. Once it covers it, all living souls will be sucked away and merged into the will-o'-the-wisp, and even the vitality surging in the void will be sucked out.

It is a vicious, predatory cold flame.

To make this fire, it is necessary to slaughter a large number of living beings, capture souls and blood, and then blend in various evil flames and evil spirits. After several times of tempering, the ghost fire finally becomes a great success, and it evolves into a blood ghost, which is extremely terrifying.


It was too late to say it, but as soon as this huge demon spirit condensed by the ghost fire of the blood ghost appeared, it let out a ghost-like roar, raised its hand and slapped Chen Xi hard.

This attack could be said to be extremely ingenious, attacking him had no choice but to save him, if Chen Xi didn't dodge, even if he could kill Teng Huaji, he would probably be killed by that demon spirit's big hand.

It seems that Chen Xi had no choice but to give up killing the enemy, and could only dodge... [

"Om!" At this moment, a cold and quiet sword chant suddenly resounded through the heavens and the earth. Accompanied by the sound, a blinding golden light burst out from Chen Xi's body, striking and killing the giant hand of the crushing demon spirit.

This golden light is naturally Lingbai. In terms of cultivation, the little guy is even better than Chen Xi, and he is evenly matched with the golden core cultivator. At this time, he is outrageously, and the whole person turns into a Gengjin Sword Bamboo that contains the power of thunder. Follow the way of Nirvana Sword, stab out with a sword, the wind and clouds are turbulent, the thunder rushes and the electricity surges, and the sword is double.


The demon spirit's big hand was shattered into fragments by a sword. These fragments were composed of blood ghosts and ghost fires. Under the thunder strike contained in the Gengjin Sword Bamboo, they were wiped out one after another as if encountering a nemesis.

Almost when Ling Bai had just struck out, Chen Xi also pierced Teng Huaji's throat with his sword.


A ball of gorgeous hot blood burst out, splashing the void, Teng Hua Ji hadn't recovered from the attack of the God Killing Technique, and died on the spot, without even a trace of struggle and resistance, and it was too late to explode the golden core .

From the beginning of the battle to the present, there were only a few breaths at most, but the danger in it was extremely thrilling. If one step made a mistake, Chen Xi might fall into a situation of eternal doom.

Fortunately, the tacit understanding between him and Ling Bai has reached the point where he can understand each other's thoughts without talking too much, and it is precisely because of Ling Bai's trump card that the other party will only focus on killing Teng Hua after performing the magic killing technique And, without any influence from the outside world, there is no hesitation in the action.

After Teng Huaji's death, he left behind a golden core with a strange blood-colored luster, and a magic weapon for storage, all of which were unceremoniously included in the Buddha Pagoda by Chen Xi.

This golden elixir is a good thing. The power of self-explosion made the great monk Nie afraid to avoid it. Like the last time he fought with Han Guyue, the patriarch of the Han family, if Lingbai hadn't exploded four golden elixir at the last moment, Han It was impossible for Gu Yue to be killed so easily.

The "big brother" saw Teng Huaji being killed, the golden core was taken away, Teng Huaxu's eyes were about to burst, and blood flowed out. His brother, who had been inseparable from him for many years, fell helplessly in front of his eyes, and died in a yellow court. In the hands of the little ants in the environment, this is unbearable pain!

"Damn it, you all should be damned! Chen Xi, do you think this is my true strength? I will imprison your soul in the blood pool of all evils, and suffer the pain of being devoured by thousands of ghosts for the rest of your life. Even if you want to die, it is impossible!"

Teng Huaxu yelled ferociously, completely angry, his body shook, and the pitch-black demonic energy around him gushed out loudly, crying ghosts and gods howling, and the blood was so bloody!At this moment, he no longer hides his identity as the Blood and Demon Sect, and reveals all his demon skills.

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