divine talisman

Chapter 206 Blood River

Thanks to brothers "Niu Dawan's fish", "emn", "user 46761996" for their monthly votes and support!


The Five Elements ruins were filled with the sound of killing, shouting, and explosions of true essence. Coupled with the cover of the swarm of ice bats, Chen Xi killed Tenghua in time and did not attract the attention of others.

However, when Teng Huaxu was completely enraged, he unscrupulously released the monstrous demonic energy on his body, instantly breaking through a large blank area with the dense crowd of ice bats like a tide.And his figure is also revealed in everyone's eyes.

This is... magic energy? ! [

Not only did Huangfu Chongming, Lin Moxuan, Xiao Linger and Tantaihong's complexions change, even the monks in other corners of the Five Elements ruins all looked towards Tenghuaxu in the sky.

The magic energy is rolling!

Bloody sky!

Looking at Teng Huaji who seemed to be drilled out of the nether purgatory, and looking at the blood moon demonic energy circulating around him, almost instantly, a name appeared in everyone's mind - Blood Moon Demon Sect.

"This guy is indeed a remnant of the Blood Moon Demon Sect!"

"It seems that Huang Tingjing kid didn't deceive us."

"Blood Moon Demon Sect, that Demon Sect that almost stained the world with blood and spread poison all over the world 3000 years ago, why did it appear in the world again?"

Lin Moxuan, Xiao Linger, and Tantaihong all looked suspicious, and then they all glanced at Huangfu Chongming beside them, full of suspicion.

Huangfu Chongming's face was also extremely gloomy. Just now, in his capacity as the young master of Prince Rui's Mansion, he swore that the Teng brothers were not from the Blood Moon Demon Sect. Who would have thought that Teng Huaxu would be exposed before long? Isn't this a slap in the face for being a disciple of the Demon Sect?

More importantly, Huangfu Chongming knew that if he didn't explain his relationship with the Teng brothers clearly, this matter might even implicate Prince Rui's mansion behind him. I can't afford it either.

The Blood Moon Demon Sect is the enemy of the entire Great Chu Dynasty's practice world, and everyone is the target of punishment. As a member of the royal family, if it is found that it has an affair with the Blood Moon Demon Sect, it will be a big hit. The sinners of the Chu Dynasty will never be redeemed after a hundred deaths.

"Everyone, don't misunderstand me. I was also deceived by these two people. Don't worry, I will personally destroy the remnants of this demon sect later!" Huangfu Chongming said murderously. He made a decision almost instantly to kill Teng Huaxu separated himself from the Blood Moon Demon Sect.

"Little Marquis, how long do we have to wait? Let's kill him now!" Tan Taihong said furiously, he was actually wronged even more, the Teng brothers were the apprentices of his savior, and it was precisely because of this , he would bring the two of them to the vast sea desert to search for the treasure house. Who would have thought that these two would be the remnants of the Blood Moon Demon Sect?

What shocked Tantai Hong especially was that Huangfu Chongming was introduced by the Teng brothers, so he would not believe that Huangfu Chongming had nothing to do with the Blood Moon Demon Sect, but at this moment, both he and Huangfu Chongming needed to cleanse themselves. Innocent, let go of the relationship with the Blood Moon Demon Sect, so killing Teng Huaxu has become a top priority.

Huangfu Chongming glanced at Tantai Hong, and said coldly: "Patriarch Tantai, please be safe and don't be impatient. Wait until Teng Huaxu and that Huang Tingjing boy fight to the death and you will be hurt, and it will not be too late to do it. It will be more than just killing demons." Zong Yuxie can also obtain that kid's body training technique, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone."

Tantaihong was startled, and couldn't help but sigh secretly: "This guy is too crazy, it's already at this time, and he's still thinking about Chen Ke's body training skills..."

Hearing the conversation between the two, Lin Moxuan and Xiao Linger's expressions also softened, and they remained silent. The two of them are actually thoughtful people. Although they have doubts, they will not reveal it right now.


At this moment, a ferocious roar of beasts resounded almost simultaneously from the entire ruins of the Five Elements. Immediately, everyone was horrified to discover that all the monsters within a radius of a thousand miles, in groups and waves, Chao Tenghua and Chen Xi The place where it is located surges away. [

The flame snake demon.

Golden Feather Vulture.

Green suds monster.

Giant Rock Buffalo.

It seems that all the monsters in the entire Five Elements Ruins have moved out, covering the sky and the sun, roaring and roaring like swarms of locusts, rushing towards this side from all directions.

In just a few breaths, the figures of Chen Xi and Teng Huaji were already submerged in the exhausted beast tide, and they couldn't even see their shadows.

"A lot!" Looking at the group of monster beasts that covered the sky like a black cloud, Tantaihong's scalp felt numb for a while. Fortunately, these monster beasts did not attack them, which made him feel relieved.

"The monsters in the Ruins of the Five Elements are bloodthirsty like crazy, leaping and bloody rushing all over their bodies, they are like a bright light in the dark, attracting monsters is like blood meeting flies. This is troublesome. Besieged by beasts, even Nirvana cultivators may not be able to escape!"

Huangfu Chongming frowned, and said with a little regret: "It's a pity that the kid's body training technique, if I knew it, I should have forced him to hand it over..."

Lin Moxuan nodded in agreement, but Xiao Linger smiled, noncommittal.

At this moment, all the monsters in the ruins of the Five Elements were attracted and attracted away, so that the monks in every corner were secretly relieved, and there was no need to waste their true energy and persevere.While replenishing their true energy, they all looked at the sky, at the place where the poor monsters gathered.

The change in the Five Elements Ruins also attracted Teng Huaji's attention, but he no longer paid attention to it so much, he had fallen into extreme anger, and there was only one thought in his mind, to kill Chen Xi and avenge his elder brother!

"Chen Xi, have you seen it? The exhausted monsters have already surrounded you, it seems that God doesn't want you to live!" Teng Huaxu laughed wildly, his expression twisted ferociously, his eyes were full of hatred and killing intent.

"What does God mean, how can you, a remnant of the Demon Sect, be able to figure it out? It's really ridiculous." Chen Xi shook his head and said disdainfully, but he was secretly vigilant in his heart.

A disciple of the Demon Sect in the late Jindan period was desperate, and he didn't dare to be careless. Fortunately, Tenghuaji had been killed just now. If the two brothers had joined forces to deal with him from the beginning, he really didn't know whether to flee or fight. up.

"Die! Die!" Teng Huaxu yelled violently, his whole body was filled with blood, his clothes fluttered, his long hair fluttered, and a fist-sized blood-colored golden pill slowly rose above his head, on which blood spirits and Yin demons surged. , fierce wind, will-o'-the-wisp... and other eerie meanings, the most striking of which is a river of blood, in which monsters loom, bones float, howl ferociously, and blood soar to the sky.

"The amount of blood is dark, the six desires are bred, the demons of the heart are immortal, and all phenomena are derived. Use my blood essence to summon the river of blood dark, devour souls, conceive all demons, and condense the will of the blood river!" In the voice of singing, Teng Huaxu On that distorted and ferocious cheek, there was a hint of reverence and awe.Like prayer, like sacrifice, extremely weird.


Amidst the singing, a river of blood swept out of thin air, rolling waves, turbulent, the river was full of bones, ghosts and ghosts, as if trying to break free from the river of blood, both hands kept stretching out the surface of the river of blood, into the void, Hissing for help, cursing, wailing, a scene of horrific horror.

Legend has it that in the early days, there was a congenital blood river in the Netherland, which gathered the turbid energy of the world and suppressed all wronged souls, ghosts, yakshas, ​​and demons. The end of all evil.

Obviously, the blood river domain that Teng Huaxu has condensed at this moment is what he realized after comprehending the Nether Blood River. [

"Blood River Daoyu! It turned out to be the upper way inherited from the ancient demon sect, Taoism, Buddha, demon, Confucianism, soldiers, formations, swords... In the ancient time, each sect and sect had different Taoism and enlightenment. , but they are all the natural Taoism between the heaven and the earth. If you comprehend it to the extreme, you can point directly to the original heart of the Dao, and lead to the same goal by different routes. And this blood river domain, in the inheritance of many demon sects, is also a very famous existence .”

Seeing Teng Huaxu using the Bleeding River Domain, Lingbai said via voice transmission: "Thunder breaks all evils, Chen Xi, hurry up! You use the Thunder Sword to defend against the enemy, and I also have the power of thunder in my body, let's join hands , restrain him innately!"

However, before Chen Xi and Ling Bai could take any action, Teng Huaji's attack had already arrived first.

"The river of blood rolls backwards, and the common people perish!" Teng Huaji yelled, pointing to the sky and the ground, like a demon emperor, a river of blood rolled and roared, and rolled down like a bloody whip with a range of hundreds of feet, bombarding it, Before the nearby monsters approached, they were annihilated, and everything was stained with thick blood.

The color of the world changed, and Chen Xi could only feel that there were countless fierce ghosts struggling in front of him, and countless screams exploding in his ears. The terrifying bloodthirsty desire was like a flood of beasts impacting his mind, and violent, bloodthirsty, and crazy emotions were in his mind. Raging Pentium.

"My heart is like a bright mirror, free from all evil, my body is like a clear sky, with the scorching sun hanging high. Thunderbolts, destroying evil and punishing evil!" Chen Xi's Dao Heart is so firm, in just a moment, he relied on his great perseverance and perseverance to destroy There are all kinds of evil thoughts in the mind, the body and mind are clear, and the thoughts are clear.At the same time, he used the Xiaolei Sword to perform the "Shock Sword Dao", turning into thunder light, crackling, killing the blood river force that invaded from the whole body, destroying the dead.

However, being in this blood river area, surrounded by thick bloody waters, evil spirits and ghosts, exhausted, killing wave after wave, it was impossible for Chen Xi to get out of trouble in a short time.

"Ni Mie Nine Heavens, Divine Thunder breaks the law!" Ling Bai yelled loudly, and transformed into a Gengjin Sword Bamboo. The majestic Nirvana Sword Intent, mixed with the oscillating and distorted lightning arc, turned into a sword light hundreds of feet long, sweeping around!

Puff puff……

The sword is like a rainbow, and the thunder bursts. Wherever it passes, the rolling river of blood is torn into hundreds of pieces, not to mention how many ghosts and ghosts have been killed.But what is shocking is that the river of blood returned to its original state in the blink of an eye, rushing madly again, as if it hadn't suffered any harm at all!

Suddenly, both Chen Xi and Ling Bai fell into a trapped situation!

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