divine talisman

Chapter 207

"Hahaha, I consume half of my blood essence and use the upper blood river domain. Even a great cultivator of Nirvana will fall into it. If he doesn't die, he will have to peel off his skin. How can your little thunder be able to resist? Chen Xi, I want to kill you. You, cruelly killing, imprisoning your soul, suffering the pain of being devoured by all demons, making you kneel in front of my elder brother's spiritual tablet day and night to repent!"

Seeing Chen Xi who was struggling endlessly like a straw in the blood river, Teng Hua stood arrogantly on the blood river, and couldn't help laughing ferociously: "Also, I want to take back the pagoda of the pagoda, the nine-character mantra town spirit talisman, and deprive you Oh, by the way, there is also that little guy who can combine with a magic weapon and cultivate like a human being. I want to catch it and refine it into an enchanted weapon for my use !"

"Bastard! How dare you try to refine me into a demon soldier? You are doomed, and the Blood Moon Demon Sect behind you will also suffer annihilation because of you!" Ling Bai gritted his teeth angrily, and worked with all his strength. Cultivation level, Nirvana sword intent mixed with rolling thunder, rampage, roaring like a dragon, wishing to kill this arrogant and conceited demon sect remnant with a single sword.

However, Chen Xi seemed to turn a deaf ear to it, with a calm expression on his face. While resisting the evil spirits and fierce ghosts rolling in the river of blood, he quickly thought about ways to destroy the enemy in his mind.

It can be denied that Teng Huaxu's Blood River Dao Domain is indeed very powerful, even stronger than Han Guyue's Killing Dao Domain. Being in it, not only will he be attacked by exhausted ghosts, but he will also have to resist the blood gushing out of the blood river. His majestic suppressing power, if he is a little careless, he will be swallowed up by this river of blood in an instant, devouring his soul and saving his flesh and blood. [

Up until now, Chen Xi could only rely on the Xiaolei Sword and the restraining effect of Thunder Daoist on dark things to barely protect himself, and he couldn't immediately kill the enemy and get out of trouble.

"Blood River Dao, why do I feel that it is a bit similar to Luo Xiu's Blood Erosion Dao, it's full of surging seas of blood, cluttered with ghosts and demons, extremely evil and bloody..." Chen Xi's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly remembered the competition in the Qianlong Ranking , Without doing anything by himself, the Youminglu and Xiexie Pen automatically and completely killed Luo Xiu.

"Youminglu, Xiexie Pen... According to Luo Xiu, this pair of treasures contains the aura of the Six Realms of Reincarnation and Nether Purgatory. Perhaps, they are born to restrain these evil spirits?" Chen Xi recalled what Luo Xiu had said. , Thinking of the scene where Luo Xiu was killed with an understatement of the Xie Xie pen, he immediately took care of it.

"Teng Huaxu, do you recognize this thing?" Chen Xi took out the Nether Record, and as soon as he appeared, a majestic, bright and upright Yin Ming aura surged out.

roar roar...

Feeling the pure and vast Nether breath, in the surging river of blood, countless ghosts suddenly screamed, looking excited, screaming, as if they had met a savior, struggling to grab the Nether Record.

"You Minglu? Isn't this the supreme tome handed down from generation to generation in my Demon Sect, the legendary Holy Tome of Demons, the Book of All Demons!?"

Teng Huaxu was shaken all over, while firmly controlling the power of the blood river, making those evil spirits and ghosts approach Chen Xi, while staring at the Nether Record in Chen Xi's hand, his eyes were full of greed and fiery color, that The appearance is exactly the same as that of Luo Xiu back then, and he can't wait to swallow the Nether Record.

"The Book of All Demons? The Supreme Sacred Book of the Demon Sect?" Chen Xi suddenly learned a lot about Nether Records, and he never imagined that the treasure he got from Su Leng when he killed Su Leng in the Sword Tomb's Nirvana Territory. , the background is so big!

"Chen Xi, I don't want any of the Buddha Pagoda and the Nine-Character Mantra Town Spirit Talisman on your body. As long as you hand over the Nether Record to me, I'll let you go now, how about it?" Teng Huaxu took a deep breath, forced himself Suppressing the excitement in my heart, I said slowly.

"It's not impossible to leave it to you, but you have to tell me first what secrets are hidden in this Nether Record." Chen Xi said indifferently.

"Okay, this Nether Record is... Haha, idiot, you still want to get the secret of the Nether Record from me, do you think I will tell you? Do you think I don't know that you are deliberately delaying time? Kill you, I will do the same You can get Nether Record!"

Before Teng Huaxu finished speaking, the person had already disappeared from the spot, and the next moment he had arrived in front of Chen Xi, and raised his hand to grab the Nether Record in his hand.

This guy is indeed a demonic mind, treacherous and ever-changing, with decisive and ruthless methods, he will strike as soon as he says he wants to, without delay, if he were an ordinary person, he might be caught off guard on the spot and die on the spot.

But it was for Chen Xi. Teng Huaxu's attack seemed to have been expected by him. Before he got close, a cold smile appeared on his lips. Iron is not iron, jade is not jade, and the whole body is as black as a brush.

"Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!..."

The Xie Xie Pen appeared out of thin air, and several icy and sonorous shouts sounded again, and the evil spirit soared to the sky, wanting to judge the world and exterminate all evil spirits.

"Huh? This is..." Teng Huaxu was terrified, his whole soul was surrounded by an extremely dangerous feeling, and his body froze for a moment.

He is the golden core disciple of the Blood Moon Demon Sect. Since he was a child, he has sacrificed evil spirits and fierce ghosts to practice exercises and temper demon energy. Because, he didn't know what fear was at all, but at this moment, he felt a kind of fear from the bottom of his heart, that kind of palpitation, uneasiness, panic and inexplicable emotion, impacting his soul, making him tremble all over. . [

"This is... this is... the verdict..." Teng Huaxu seemed to recognize the Xie Xie Pen, but he screamed in horror as if seeing the most terrifying thing in the world, but before he could finish speaking, The Xie Xie Pen has already attacked brazenly!


With a cold and sonorous cry, the Xie Xie Pen seemed to be psychic, and the appearance of Teng Huaxu seemed to excite it. It rose out of thin air, and outlined a cross in the void.

Horizontal, like an iron chain crossing a great river, calm and heavy, everything is indestructible.

Standing vertically, like nine heavens falling into the Milky Way, it is wanton and cold, and everything is unstoppable.

One horizontal and one vertical, intertwined together, exuding a strange power that makes people palpitate, the straight and clean lines seem to want to cut this sky, this place, and this person into a black and white, good and evil orderly, There is a difference between voicing and turbidity.


Teng Huaxu's eyes suddenly shrank, and he opened his mouth, and then his whole body was torn apart from the middle, blood and blood mixed with blood, sprinkled all over the sky.

Puff puff……

After killing Teng Huaxu, the momentum of the cross remained undiminished, and it shot away. Chen Xi saw that the surging blood river was directly torn into pieces, passed through the bodies of several monsters, and even directly attacked In the storm around the ruins of the Five Elements, a cross hole was shot out!

A glare of sunlight shone in from the hole, bringing a ray of long-lost light.

Although this ray of light disappeared in the blink of an eye, and the storm returned to normal, but the power of this blow made Chen Xi feel a kind of shock from the bottom of his heart, even trembling.

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