divine talisman

Chapter 208

The first!

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"Take away the good fortune of heaven and earth, and turn decay into magic, how could such an attack appear here?" In a corner of the ruins of the Five Elements, Qing Xiuyi seemed to have sensed something, suddenly raised her head, and there was something in the misty eyes. A ray of lightning burst out, as if it was about to cut through the darkness, looking up into the sky, peeping down into the underworld, staring closely at the place where the ray of sunlight appeared just now, a gleam of light appeared in his usual calm mind at this moment. ripple.

"Huh? What happened, why do I have a feeling of heart palpitations?" [

"It's such a terrifying aura, although it's only a wisp, it makes me uneasy, as if I'm facing a big enemy!"

"Excellent! Could it be that there are peerless masters hidden in the ruins of the Five Elements?"

On the other side, Lin Moxuan, Xiao Ling'er, Huangfu Chongming and the others all stared at each other, and all looked up into the distance, but they found nothing except the group of monsters covering the sky and the sun. Can't help but be surprised.

In fact, it wasn't just them, other people in the Ruins of the Five Elements also more or less felt a trace of sudden depression, which made them terrified and bewildered.

It's a pity that this sudden breath came quickly and disappeared. When everyone activated their soul power and wanted to find out, just like Lin Moxuan and others, they didn't find anything.



Killing Teng Huaxu, destroying the blood river area, passing over the bodies of thousands of beasts, piercing through the storm barrier... This is the power of an understatement with the Xie Xie pen.

This blow seems to rule the sky and the earth, and split the yin and yang of the universe. The realm has reached the point where the law of the Dao is penetrated and the decay is turned into a miracle.This kind of attack, if it were Chen Xi himself, he would not have the slightest confidence to dodge from this attack!


After destroying the enemy with one strike of the evil pen, he trembled violently, wanting to break free from Chen Xi's shackles, but was grabbed by Chen Xi, who had been prepared for a long time, and suppressed him fiercely. Inside the Buddha Pagoda.

This evil pen is very weird, like a rebellious child, once it is allowed to move, it will be out of control, and it will be in a quiet state only if it is suppressed with great strength.

Chen Xi had tried many methods, but he couldn't completely refine this pen. At present, he could only release it carefully when he could use the evil pen. He had to guard against it from escaping Lose.


As soon as the evil-killing brush disappeared, all kinds of five-element monsters around like a tide showed their ferocious brilliance, and they rushed forward again, and they were under their siege, like a straw in the vast ocean, ready to attack at any time. The end of being swallowed.

However, what made Chen Xi feel a little more at ease was that these monsters were obviously very interested in the flesh and blood left behind after the Tenghua and Fall, as well as the devilish energy, as well as the shattered river of blood, and they scrambled to snatch the food away.

"Chen Xi, quickly take away that Teng Huaxu Golden Pill, and don't let these bastards take advantage of it!" Ling Bai reminded.


However, before Chen Xi could take any action, the Nether Record in his left hand suddenly released a devouring force, and swept it out. Wherever it passed, the river of broken blood, flesh, devilish energy... were all swept away. , even Teng Huaji's Golden Pill was swallowed by You Ming Lu, the speed was so fast that Chen Xi didn't even have room to react. [


After devouring the golden elixir that turned into void, the power of You Ming Lu seemed to be awakened, and a majestic force erupted, shaking Chen Xi's arm, and he almost lost control of You Ming Lu.

"Damn it! How did this happen?" Chen Xi felt nervous for a moment. At this moment, he couldn't care less about other things. He used all his magic power and all his true essence to suppress the Youminglu, but the effect was extremely weak like a mantis arm blocking a car. The Nether Record was rampaging in his hands, and he was breaking free of his control bit by bit. If it continued like this, Chen Xi would completely lose this mysterious treasure known as the sacred scripture of the Demon Sect.


The Nether Video was roaring, and it seemed to be mocking Chen Xi for his overreaching. With a sudden charge, the force was so great that it took Chen Xi's body along and shot all the way.

Puff puff……

You Minglu did not escape, but started killing among the monsters. Along the way, all the ice bats, flame snake monsters, golden-feathered vultures, and green-horned vine monsters were all released by it. The power of devouring kills and kills, and the residual blood left by those monsters is even more unceremoniously swallowed by it. Even Chen Xi's heart skips a beat when he sees the vigor and invincible fighting power that sweeps the world.

"These five-element monsters are bred from the blood of gods and demons, fragments of magic weapons, and the essence of the five elements. It is obvious that this Nether Record is devouring the blood of those gods and demons to enhance their own strength... No, if you let It regains its strength little by little, and I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to subdue it again!" Chen Xi held the Nether Record tightly with both hands, and he didn't dare to let go, his body was being carried by the Nether Record to dance back and forth, rampaging like a leaf stuck in the strong wind. , can only drift with the tide, extremely embarrassed.

How to do?

Chen Xi glanced around inadvertently, and found that the Nether Record had only swallowed the blood of those monsters, but did not touch the leftover essence of the five elements, and his heart skipped a beat.

"Okay, let's compare whether you increase your strength faster by devouring blood, or I increase your strength faster by devouring the essence of the five elements!" Chen Xi gritted his teeth, and fully utilized the witch power in his body. Shutu, Yimu, Gengjin, Binghuo, The five witch patterns of Renshui are like a shark with its bloody mouth wide open, sweeping the essence of the five elements around wildly.

Wherever the Nether Records went, Chen Xi went there, and wherever the five witch patterns were devoured, those monsters were succumbed, and were crushed and killed wave after wave by the Nether Records. Not only were their blood looted, Even the essence of the five elements was incorporated into Chen Xi's body.In just a few breaths, thousands of monsters of various colors died tragically.

However, these monsters are ferocious and ruthless, they seem to be born only for killing, they don't know what it is to run away in fear, and they still come forward one after another, Ling Bai can't bear to see it.

This is naked massacre!

If it were a normal person, they would have been so scared that they would have run away, but these monsters are like a tendon, stupidly sent to death, which is ridiculous and pitiful.

Just like that, You Minglu was gradually awakening his strength, and Chen Xi was also improving his body training cultivation level little by little. It seemed to form a kind of competition, and no one was willing to be surpassed by the other side.

Strictly speaking, Chen Xi actually had a huge advantage, because the Nether Record still had to release its power to slaughter monsters, while he only needed to ensure that he would not be thrown out by the Nether Record, and he could sit back and enjoy the benefits, continuously collecting the essence of the five elements in the air, Transformed into its own witch power.

As time passed, Chen Xi's mood gradually became calmer. Although he could not suppress You Minglu for the time being, he didn't have to worry about You Minglu getting out of his control.

His mind was placed on the witch pattern on his back. To his surprise, it took less than a quarter of an hour, and a star core had already been born in the five witch patterns representing the power of the five elements, showing a red, The five colors of cyan, yellow, blue, and gold are pure and clean, as clear as glass, emitting the light of stars.

This kind of cultivation speed cannot be described by leaps and bounds. It is enough to match the strength of Chen Xi's painstaking cultivation for several years, and it can only be described as shocking.

In this unimaginable cultivation, these five star cores have quickly reached the level of roundness and fullness.

Under such circumstances, the essence of the Five Elements, which was continuously absorbed, was led by Chen Xi, and began to gather in the chaotic soil sitting in the witch pattern of the garrison land. After a little transformation, it formed the power of the sun, and moved towards the witch pattern of the sun. to go. [

Half a quarter of an hour later, a star core also condensed in the Taiyin witch pattern, the whole body was pitch black, like a black pearl with no impurities, clean and flawless.

Then, Chen Xi began to impact the star core in the sun witch pattern...

In the sky of the Five Elements Ruins, a strange scene appeared.

Among the vast ocean-like group of monsters, there is a figure flying aimlessly among them, like wind and electricity, and like an uncontrolled kite, looming, where the monsters pass by, one after another disappears. .Just like a farmer wielding a hoe plowing the field, the dense group of monsters was also plowed into blank cracks by this figure, which is shocking.

What kind of terrifying power must this have, to be able to walk wantonly among the monsters with such a posture of crushing everything, as if entering a human realm?

"Huh! It's that Huang Tingjing boy, and he's not dead! Where's the Teng brothers? Did he kill them?" Huangfu Chongming's eyes narrowed, and he vaguely recognized that the looming figure among the group of monsters was Chen Xi. .

"Impossible, he is at the Huangting Realm. The two remnants of the Blood Moon Demon Sect have the Golden Core Realm. Maybe they were killed by those monsters." Lin Moxuan shook his head and said, In his heart, Chen Xi was a worthless and insignificant ant, even if he was killed, he would not believe that this ant could cross the border and kill the Teng brothers.

"Then why is Brother Teng dead, but he is still alive? And you see, he doesn't seem to be afraid of those monsters at all, but they are all buried in his hands." Xiao Linger frowned. .She also didn't want to believe that what she saw was real.After all, no one in this world would like to see an insignificant person suddenly grow into an existence that can be equal to himself.Xiao Ling'er couldn't accept this kind of deficit for a while.

"No! That's not his power, but the power of the magic weapon in his hand!" Huangfu Chongming seemed to see something, his body shook suddenly, and his eyes were full of heat, "What a spiritual magic weapon! Obviously I haven't been surrendered by this kid yet, so...could it be an immortal artifact? Only immortal artifacts can be so psychic, right?"

"Immortal Artifact?" Lin Moxuan and the others also looked shocked, and looked at the group of monsters with all their strength.

On the other side, Qing Xiuyi had already seen Chen Xi's figure clearly, and even his appearance, and immediately remembered that she seemed to have seen this person in the Jiange of Tianbao Tower.

"Xue Chen, did that person steal your six-winged blood dragon bat inner alchemy?" Qing Xiuyi said suddenly, her voice was as clear as a spring in the forest, but it contained no trace of emotion.

"Huh?" Xue Chen looked at it with wide eyes, frowned and said, "It seems to be that kid."

"Yes, that's good. The magic weapon in his hand is extremely powerful, and it hasn't been subdued yet. I'll grab it later, and it's a retaliation." Qing Xiuyi nodded, and said calmly, as if to say A thing that couldn't be more commonplace.

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