divine talisman

Chapter 209

Thank you brother "Xiaojun" for your precious monthly ticket!


Puff puff!

In mid-air, wherever the Nether Record passed, monsters of the Five Elements crumbled and annihilated like pieces of paper.It is like an unstoppable torrent of iron cavalry, where the horseshoes trample, everything is wiped out.

In this massacre-like battle, the vast ocean of monster beasts gradually began to thin out, and the figures of Chen Xi and You Minglu gradually appeared in everyone's eyes. [

At this moment, no one paid any attention to whether the Teng brothers were alive or dead. Their eyes were fixed on the Nether Record tightly held in Chen Xi's hands, burning hot and greedy.

magic weapon!

Peerless magic weapon!

A psychic artifact that has not yet been subdued!

Is it... Immortal Artifact?

Only immortal artifacts possess such terrifying power and such psychic thoughts, right?

"Patriarch Tantai, what is the name of this Huang Tingjing boy? What is his origin?" At this moment, Huangfu Chongming began to re-examine Chen Xi.

Because he suddenly discovered that this little thing that looked like a mayfly in his eyes actually had many coveted secrets, like a body training technique that could swallow the essence of the five elements, like a mysterious magic weapon tightly held in his hand...

But whether it is the body training technique or the mysterious magic weapon, it doesn't seem like a small person should have it, and a small person doesn't deserve it, so how did he get it?

As soon as Huangfu Chongming opened his mouth, Lin Moxuan and Xiao Linger who were beside him also quietly pricked up their ears. The two of them were the same, because of the matter of body training exercises and mysterious magic weapons, they became curious about Chen Xi's origin.

"His name is Chen Ke, and he is from Longyuan City. He helped my daughter once before. As for his origin, I don't know much about it." Tantai Hong hesitated for a moment, and said slowly.

Chen Ke?

Huangfu Chongming, Lin Moxuan, and Xiao Linger exchanged glances, none of them had heard of this name before.This is also a matter of course, the three of them, one is the young master from Prince Rui's mansion, a relative of the emperor, with a respected status, and the other two are from the Huangtian Taoist sect and the Jiudingxian sect, which are famous schools in the Central Plains, and they are all of them. The Jindan core disciples in the sect were on par with Huangfu Chongming in terms of status.

How could it be possible for these three leading figures of the younger generation to have heard of a little-known little man in Longyuan City in Southern Border?Of course, it is impossible for them to recognize it, because this is the fake name Chen Xi used...

"So that's it. It seems that this Chen Ke is just a little guy who is just lucky. It's not worth mentioning. But that's okay. Don't worry about asking him for the body training method and the treasure that looks like a fairy weapon later." Offend someone. Ladies and gentlemen, are you willing to participate in it and attack together?" Huangfu Chongming said leisurely, sweeping the others away.

The meaning of the words was obvious, it was obvious that they wanted to snatch Chen Xi's body training techniques and Nether Records, they were blatant and domineering, but no one thought it was abrupt.

The practice world is like this, realistic and cruel.Whether it is a self-proclaimed decent monk or a cruel and treacherous member of the Demon Sect, in order to get what they want, they use the same means, relying on fists, relying on the background, whether they cover it up or say it outright, Essentially there is no difference.

"Okay, I agree." Lin Moxuan frowned, as if he felt that what Huangfu Chongming said was too direct and vulgar, but after pondering for a moment, he nodded reservedly and agreed.

"I can also agree, but I want to know first, how does the young master plan to distribute the looted items?" Xiao Ling'er hesitated for a while, and finally couldn't resist the temptation, and said slowly. [

"It's very simple. Let's study and understand the body training techniques together. As for the mysterious magic weapon..." Huangfu Chongming thought for a while, and said with a smile: "Let's grab it first, after all, there are not only us in the ruins of the five elements." People, in other places, there are several groups of powerful characters watching from the sidelines, once a dispute occurs, the consequences are unpredictable."

Lin Moxuan and Xiao Linger nodded.They have already discovered the existence of other monks, or in groups of three or two, or in groups of four or five, and some of them are like them. They are young figures from various places in the Great Chu Dynasty, and their strength should not be underestimated.

Especially in the place far away from the ruins, Qing Xiuyi of the Yunhe Sect was also among them. This woman was the reincarnation of an immortal, and no one dared to ignore her existence.

"Patriarch Tantai, what about you? Do you want to get involved?" Huangfu Chongming asked.

In fact, Tan Taihong was also struggling violently in his heart, his expression was uncertain, and he said bitterly after a long time: "I can promise, but can you promise me, don't hurt Chen Ke's life, because... I still owe him A kindness has not been repaid, and he was also brought into the desert by me, hurting him, I can hardly sleep or eat."

A trace of imperceptible contempt flashed across Huangfu Chongming's eyes, but he smiled heartily: "Okay, Patriarch Tantai is affectionate and righteous, which is admirable. As long as that kid obediently offers everything, we will naturally let him go." One horse."

"Okay, everyone, the four of us join hands. Although we are not afraid of anyone, we must not be careless. We are taken advantage of by others, especially that woman Qing Xiuyi, we must guard against it!" Huangfu Chongming raised his head and swept the sky, Looking at the group of monster beasts whose number has decreased sharply, he said with burning eyes: "Hurry up, the moment the group of monster beasts completely collapses, we will attack immediately!"


Chen Xi was immersed in the wonderful feeling of the rapid increase in strength, but he didn't dare to be careless, because the strength of the Nether Record was also rising steadily, and if he was a little negligent, he might be killed.


I don't know how long it took, the ninth star core was conceived in the thunder witch pattern, and soon reached a saturated state. This star core has sharp edges and corners, and there is a distorted thunder arc flowing around it, looming like a silver snake, emitting Breathe out a bitter and destructive breath.

At this point, the star cores in the nine witch patterns have all grown and reached a saturated state. If anyone looks at Chen Xi's back, they will find that on the nine palace pattern formed by the nine witch patterns, there are stars of different colors. Star core, rising slowly, red, gold, cyan, black... like nine stars shrunk by millions of times, echoing each other, forming a round nebula pattern like Tai Chi, colorful, clear and eye-catching.

Body training Huang Ting is perfect!

In less than three hours, Chen Xi's body training was actually raised from the initial stage of Huang Ting to the perfect state of Huang Ting in one fell swoop. With such a speed of cultivation, no one would believe it, it was too scary.

However, Chen Xi didn't show a trace of joy, instead he fell into a kind of bewilderment, because he didn't have any physical training techniques of Huang Ting's realm in his hands.If you want to practice, you must enter the cave again and ask for it from Ji Yu.However, at this moment, his body training cultivation has reached Huang Ting's perfection in a very short period of time. This has exceeded all of Chen Xi's imagination, and he can't even think of the reason for it.

What worries him especially is that with such a fast advancement speed, there shouldn't be any defects in his own body training, right?

"Not good! Chen Xi, someone is flying towards us. The person who came is not good!" Before Chen Xi could figure it out, Ling Bai's voice suddenly rang in his ears, and he woke up suddenly, and suddenly looked up.

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