divine talisman

Chapter 210 Snatch

The first!


After a massacre without any suspense, the group of monsters and beasts in the mid-air has become disorganized and disorganized. Looking around, it looks like a piece of rotten cloth covered with scars, which is too horrible to look at.

And in the surrounding storm, there were no more monsters. It seemed that the monsters in the ruins of the Five Elements had all been wiped out in this massacre. For the monks present, they were no longer a threat.

Whoosh whoosh! [

There was a sound of piercing through the air, and then Chen Xi saw that monks in twos and threes surrounded him from all directions. Among them, Qing Xiuyi, Huangfu Chongming, Lin Moxuan, Xiao Linger... all of them were like lightning, There is not a small distance from the monks behind, and the strength of these many monks behind is also not bad. There are men and women, and they are heroic. It can be judged from the powerful aura escaping from their bodies. These are at least They also all have the cultivation base of the Golden Core Realm.

Such a group of people came galloping from all directions, with cold and stern expressions, and more or less a trace of burning greed in their eyes, just as Ling Bai said, those who come are not good!

"Seeing that I can't subdue the Nether Record, it's like taking advantage of the fire?" Chen Xi saw through these people's thoughts in just a split second, and his expression suddenly became ice-cold. He tightly clenched the Nether Record with both hands, mustering all the strength in his body, and clenched it tightly. Grinding his teeth, he exerted all his strength.


You Ming Lu suddenly stopped in mid-air, no longer flying, but still struggling violently, wanting to break free from Chen Xi's grasp, just like a rebellious wild horse, Chen Xi tried his best to ensure that it would not let it fly Go, but can no longer find the strength to deal with other things.

In other words, all of Chen Xi's power is now under the restraint of Nether Records. If other monks attack him, his situation is destined to become precarious, and he will even have no resistance at all!

At this moment of urgency and urgency, Chen Xi felt an unprecedented sense of crisis in his heart, what should he do?Do you really want to let the Nether Record go?No, even if I let go, it won't be able to escape, it will definitely be snatched away by others, but if I don't let go, I will fall into a desperate situation...

"Bastard! If you can hear me, cooperate with me obediently, otherwise you will be able to escape from me, but you will not be able to escape from other people's clutches! Also, I know that you want to increase your strength, as long as you join hands with me, Get through this difficult time, and I can help you do all of this!"

Chen Xi looked calm and calm on the surface, but he was gnashing his teeth in his heart, and sent an idea into the Nether Record in a hurry.It was purely out of desperation that he went to the doctor for a sudden illness, which seemed absurd and naive.He didn't believe it himself, he just had the attitude of giving it a try.

"Chen Ke, you have also seen that now you are besieged on all sides, a turtle in a urn, hurry up! Obediently hand over the things in your hands to me, and I will keep you alive!" At this moment, a voice suddenly exploded in Chen Xi By the ear, looking up, Huangfu Chongming flew over first.

Huangfu Chongming's speed is indeed very fast, what he cultivated

Facing his elder brother, Huangfu Chongming could only bow his head and bow his head as a vassal, but Qing Xiuyi actually compared him with Huangfu Changtian, obviously he didn't take Huangfu Chongming seriously at all, no wonder he wasn't angry.

While Qing Xiuyi was speaking, other people also rushed over.

Lin Moxuan, Xiao Linger, and Tantai Hong stood behind Huangfu Chongming.Pei Zhong and Xue Chen stood behind Qing Xiuyi.The others were also in twos and threes, in groups of four or five, standing in different corners around Chen Xi, staring at Chen Xi, and confronting each other faintly, the scene suddenly became silent.

No one dared to make a move first, and no one was willing to withdraw. On the contrary, it gave Chen Xi a chance to breathe.


At this moment, around the ruins of the Five Elements, the tumbling storm barrier, as if it had lost its power pillar, was fragmented and collapsed.

The scorching sun poured in, and the ruins of the five elements appeared like a mirage under the sunlight, a series of gorgeous ripples appeared, and disappeared into the void in the blink of an eye!

At this moment, the five-element storm and the five-element ruins all disappeared under the eyes of everyone, as if they had evaporated out of thin air.

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