divine talisman

Chapter 211

The ruins of the Five Elements seemed to evaporate out of thin air, disappearing, and what appeared in front of everyone was the scorching sun, the hurricane that was as cold as a knife, and a vast sea of ​​sand that could not be seen at a glance.

But at this moment, no one paid attention to these things. All they needed to know was that this place was still a vast sea and desert. Their eyes were fixed on Chen Xi, and they were always on guard against other people. The atmosphere was still dull and depressing.

"Everyone, please quit. This person has robbed a six-winged blood dragon bat inner alchemy from my Yunhe sect. He pays for it. I, Qing Xiuyi, am determined to obtain the magic weapon in his hand. If anyone intervenes, it will be with me." The Crane faction is the enemy." In this dull atmosphere, Qing Xiuyi spoke lightly, and there was a hint of arrogance in her words without any concealment.

The faces of the others all changed slightly, Huangfu Chongming snorted coldly: "Qing Xiuyi, your Yunhe faction is too domineering, such an opportunity is worth seeing, no matter how powerful your Yunhe faction is, we will never tolerate it." You monopolize all the benefits, what do you think?"

"Young Master Huangfu is right. The Cloud Crane Sect is well-known in the Central Plains, but I am not afraid of Longsha Island in the East China Sea. Qing Xiuyi, I have long heard that you are the reincarnation of an immortal with unfathomable strength. Today Maybe it’s time to ask for a lesson or two.”[

As soon as Huangfu Chongming finished speaking, a tall and thin man in a blue shirt stepped forward. Under his feet, the void seemed to be a tidal wave, rolling him forward. The temperament is free and easy, and it looks extremely outstanding.

"Hmph, that's true. I've taken a fancy to that kid's body training technique. No one can stop me today!" Immediately afterwards, another rough and deep voice sounded, a tall and burly man with thick eyebrows and tiger eyes The big man is naked to the waist, with a bone ring in each ear, and a broad sword that looks like a door on his shoulder. He stands in front of the crowd like a small hill, exuding a fierce and fierce aura without hesitation. , appearing extremely domineering.

"Dragon Shark Island in the East China Sea, Liu Fengchi, the core disciple of Golden Core!"

"Beiman Cangku Mountain, Jindan Core Disciple Man Hong!"

These two people had been hiding in the crowd just now, and when they stood up now, they were immediately recognized by others, and their expressions couldn't help but change.

Chen Xi was also startled when he saw it. Originally, he thought that Qing Xiuyi and the others and Huangfu Chongming and the others were already the top two forces present, but he didn't expect that two powerful characters would appear at this moment. Suddenly it was much heavier.

Suddenly, the situation gradually changed.

The field evolved into a four-party camp. Huangfu Chongming's side, Qing Xiuyi's side, Liu Fengchi's side, Man Hong's side, and some monks of unknown origin were scattered everywhere. Facing the powerful lineup of the four sides, these unknown monks also I can only temporarily choose to stand on the sidelines.

Although there were only three people on Qing Xiuyi's side, but because Qing Xiuyi was in charge, they became the most powerful force indistinctly.

The four sides faced each other, and Chen Xi was surrounded by them in the middle, unable to fly.

Chen Xi pursed his lips, and secretly suppressed Nether Record with all his strength. The confrontation between the forces of the four directions bought him some precious time, and he wanted to take this opportunity to make good plans.

"Okay, I admit that all three of you are qualified to participate in this matter." The appearance of Liu Fengchi and Man Hong made Qing Xiuyi seem to change her attention, she pondered for a while, glanced around, and said slowly: "But the others, Just leave first, there is no room for you to intervene here, so as not to hurt your own life. What do you think?"

"I agree with this idea." Huangfu Chongming nodded.

"It couldn't be better, this way, it can prevent some people from taking advantage of troubled waters." Liu Fengchi also agreed.

"I have no objection." Man Hong laughed loudly.

Seeing that these four groups of people joined together again in a blink of an eye, the crowd suddenly became commotion, and many people showed a bit of fear.Especially those who have sects and sects, their expressions are cloudy and uncertain. They can run away from the monks but not the temple, and fighting against the behemoths represented by these four groups of people will only bring disaster to the sect.

A monk withdrew and clasped his fists at everyone: "I still have something urgent to do, so I won't get involved in it. Let me go!"

After speaking, he left without looking back.

With this person as an example, people immediately left one after another. These people are from the Central Plains, Northern Man, and East China Sea. They understand how powerful the background behind these four forces is. Clans bring disaster. [

In just a few breaths, the number of people around dropped sharply, and there were only less than a third of them left. Seeing this, the rest of the people also knew that the situation was over, and they completely lost the opportunity to fish in troubled waters. clean.

As for whether these people left willingly, or whether they hid in the distance and planned to wait for the opportunity, it is impossible to know.

"Okay, now there are only our Quartet forces left. If we fight for treasures, we may be caught by this person and take the opportunity to escape. I don't think you want to see this happen. So I suggest that we join forces first, kill him together, and then decide on the ownership of the treasures on his body, how about that?" Qing Xiuyi took a deep look at Chen Xi, and wrote lightly.

This chick is so vicious!

Looking at this scene, Chen Xi's mood fell into a trough in an instant. Qing Xiuyi's move had almost blocked all the escape routes he could think of.

He knew that even if he had thousands of schemes and tricks at this moment, in the face of absolute strength and oppression, there was no room for him to use them.


At this moment, his heart skipped a beat, his body tensed involuntarily, and an imperceptible fluctuation, like lightning, flashed in his mind.

It's the Nether Record in your hand!

This psychic magic weapon seemed to be aware of the coveting of the people around him at this moment, so he stopped struggling and became quiet.

Chen Xi lifted his spirits, and forced himself to suppress the ecstasy in his heart. As long as he didn't need to be distracted from suppressing Nether Record, his chances of escape would be greatly increased, and there wouldn't be any chance of fighting back.

However, what was the flickering fluctuation in my mind just now?

"Chen Xi, I can't take it anymore!" At this moment, Ling Bai suddenly jumped out of the pagoda of the Buddha, glanced around angrily, and said coldly: "These people treat you like an ant who will be slaughtered by them. Look, aren't you angry?"

Chen Xi's heart tightened. He never expected that Ling Bai would jump out foolishly. He possessed the Nirvana sword, and he was always worried that others would notice it and bring him a disaster. However, at this moment, he appeared by himself. In front of everyone, the traces are exposed, is this little guy crazy?

However, upon hearing Ling Bai's words, Chen Xi immediately fell silent. He remembered the attitudes of Lin Moxuan, Xiao Ling'er, and Tantai Chongming towards him during the journey.

That look of contempt, look of disdain, behavior of domineering, I can really laugh it off, don't you care?I don't need their approval, but the humiliation I have suffered and the dignity I have been trampled on have been swallowed in my stomach for the rest of my life, and I dare not speak out?Dare to think or not?

A cage can't trap my heart, and a shackle can't imprison my body. My way is to be free and easy, soaring to the sky...how dare I forget?

How dare you forget?

Chen Xi's eyes became brighter and brighter, and his whole body and mind seemed to have broken the shackles and jumped out of the cage. At this moment, he was no longer afraid of anything, and longed for a battle!

"No matter how weak the mayfly is, with the determination to shake the big tree, it has already surpassed all living beings. No matter how humble the ants are, with the mind of a goshawk, they can already overlook the world. My friend, you have won my respect, let me help you Let's go, hahaha... The dream is tens of thousands of years old, who will talk about the spring and autumn, the rise and fall of heaven and earth? Sigh! Sigh! Sigh! It's all in reincarnation..." A desolate and hoarse voice suddenly exploded in the sea of ​​consciousness, between words Full of heroism and sorrow.


Just when the voice sounded, the Nether Record, which looked like a book, seemed to have been opened to the first page, and a majestic and strange force rushed into Chen Xi's body. [

At this moment, no one noticed the inconceivable changes taking place in Chen Xi's body.


"Senior sister, what I'm talking about is this little thing. It has a body like a magic weapon, and it also holds a powerful sword intent. It's extremely weird. If it wasn't for its help last time, I would have snatched the six-winged blood dragon bat a long time ago." Got it!" Pei Zhong said quickly to Qing Xiuyi as soon as he saw Ling Bai.

"Could it be another spirit of a fairy weapon?" Qing Xiuyi said with a strange brilliance in her eyes.

Immortal Artifact Spirit?

When the others heard the words, they were all shocked, and their gazes fell on the three-inch tall Ling Bai, with fiery colors in their pupils.

A psychic book-shaped magic weapon that looks like jade but not jade, and a three-inch villain with the body of a magic weapon and a three-inch villain who controls the sword intent. How many rare treasures does this Huang Tingjing guy have in his body?

"Chen Xi? Could it be that young man who won No.1 in the Qianlong Ranking Competition and conquered the Buddha Pagoda?" Tantaihong was shocked. He noticed the name Ling Bai used to call Chen Xi, and he almost couldn't believe himself for a moment. ears, exclaimed.

"What? The Buddha Pagoda in southern Xinjiang that people can subdue is also in the hands of this kid? Doesn't that mean that this kid may have three immortal artifacts in his hands?"

"I also remembered that when I came to Southern Border, I heard that a young man took over the pagoda of the Buddha that stood in Longyuan City for several years. I didn't expect it to be this boy!"

"Three pieces of fairy artifact? If those old monsters who are hidden from the world know about it, I'm afraid they won't hesitate to snatch it, right?"

Hearing Tantaihong's words, all the forces present were in an uproar. The gaze they looked at Chen Xi was like staring at a mouth-watering fat lamb, exuding a fatal temptation that few people could refuse!

ps: My thoughts are a bit bad, I'm stuck badly, and I'm trying to recover, if there are any mistakes, I hope everyone forgives me.

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