divine talisman

Chapter 212

Chen Xi felt that his body was about to explode!

The power that emanated from the Nether Record was like a vast ocean, and compared with it, his own true energy was like a small river ditch, which was more than a thousand times worse.

This force is mysterious, profound, and exudes a sinking force, as if life and death are no longer under his control.This is the aura of ghosts, he had seen it in Su Leng before, but the meaning of ghosts that Su Leng realized was too superficial and weak, just like pearls of rice grains, the dharma competes with the sun and the moon for brilliance.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Xi lost control of his body, leaving no room for struggle, and he was like a bystander, a soul out of his body, no longer belonging to this body.

how so? [

Who was that voice just now?

However, listening to what he said, it seems that he is not malicious to himself...

"Your name is Chen Xi, right? Hand over the magic weapon in your hand, and I'll leave immediately, and I promise not to trouble you in the future." At this moment, Qing Xiuyi frowned and said.In her eyes, Chen Xi, who was surrounded by herself and others, had a calm expression at the moment, but there was an indescribably weird aura, which made her feel uncomfortable, and she didn't dare to hesitate any longer.

"Miss Qing, didn't you say that you should kill this kid first, and then distribute the treasures? If that's the case, I want that three-inch villain!" Huangfu Chongming pointed at Ling Bai on Chen Xi's shoulder, and said leisurely.

"Hmph, I want the Buddha Pagoda!"

"The Pagoda of the Buddha is mine!"

Liu Fengchi from Longsha Island in the East China Sea and Man Hong from Cangku Mountain in the North Man spoke at almost the same time. As soon as they finished speaking, they glared angrily and sneered endlessly.If there is a disagreement, there is a sign of a big fight.

"Chen Xi, did you hear what I said just now? Look at the faces of these people. They are all high-spirited and arrogant. They treat you like an ant to bully you, and trample on you like nothing. Why? Because they think their status is higher than yours, His background is stronger than yours, and his cultivation base is stronger than yours, that's why he is so fearless and so lawful!"

Ling Bai stood on Chen Xi's shoulder, and said word by word: "Chen Xi, you have always been too kind, you always don't offend me, you don't offend me, and you stand up to resist when you are bullied, can you protect yourself in this way? ? Can you protect your relatives and friends?"

"What you have to do now is to kill! Kill them to be afraid! Kill them to mention your name and feel despair! Kill them all to pay a hundred times, a thousand times the price for their actions! Kill their relatives, Teachers and friends will have to bear your wrath, mountains of corpses and oceans of blood, bleeding and floating oars, no hesitation! You must let the world always remember that the fate of offending you, Chen Xi, is doomed to be beheaded, and families will be wiped out!"

This little guy has a strong killing intent!

When the people around heard the words, they were secretly startled, and then they felt a little joy in their hearts. Such a psychic baby also possesses such wisdom. What is it if it is not a spirit of a fairy weapon?

"Little brat, stopping killing by killing is not the way!" Suddenly, a hoarse and desolate voice came out of Chen Xi's mouth. There was a trace of unique sadness in the voice, which made Ling Bai stunned.

At this moment, Chen Xi had his hands on his back, his aura was imposing, and his deep eyes seemed to cover the universe, the changes of the stars, the tides of the sun and the moon, the changes of mountains and rivers, the vicissitudes of the sea... just a pair of eyes, unexpectedly evolved the rise and fall of heaven and earth, The theory of life and death reincarnation!


How did this guy look like someone else?

Everyone was keenly aware of the huge change in Chen Xi's temperament, and couldn't help but shudder in their hearts.

"Hmph! When death is imminent, you still play tricks and play tricks, die for me! Big Fuhu Fist!" Behind Man Hong, a bronze-skinned young man yelled violently, stepped forward, muscles all over his body stretched out, Black light lingered all over his body, gathered on his right arm, and punched out.

boom! [

Winds and clouds gathered, air currents roared, a simple single punch seemed to be able to break through mountains and disrupt rivers and seas. The terrifying power condensed into thousands of tiger head-shaped fist marks, claws and claws, piercing the air and grabbing at Chen Xi's forehead.

This attack was simple and concise, and it was a sudden attack, extremely ferocious.

"That's right, Man Zhe's Dafuhu Fist Seal contains the way of illusion, the way of shadow soul, and the power of tiger soul. The combination of the three has reached the point of proficiency. Maybe he will participate in the Stars Conference five years later. A place." On one side, Man Hong seemed to have expected that Man Hong would make a move, and secretly commented in his heart.

Da Fu Hu Fist Seal is a Taoist martial art inherited from the Cangku Mountain Sect. It contains the way of illusion and shadow soul, combined with the power of tiger soul, cultivated to the extreme, and with one punch, it has the might of thousands of tigers roaring and shaking the heavens.

Man Zhe's fist has already understood the essence of it, and it is extremely powerful.

"Pearls of rice grains, dare to shine?" Chen Xi snorted coldly, and with a wave of his right hand, a black and white brilliance rose up, resembling a wheel, spinning in circles, like the sun rising and the moon setting, implying infinite variables, life and death , reincarnation endlessly.


Man Zhe's fist prints are like paper, easily crushed by the black and white roulette, and his whole body is covered by the black and white roulette, there is no room for evasion, no matter how he evades, he can't escape the black and white roulette. The locking of the roulette, forgetting even the struggle.

Then, everyone saw an astonishing scene. Man Zhe's strong and vigorous body was filled with vitality, and in just a moment, he turned into a gray-haired, stooped old man with dense wrinkles on his cheeks, dizzy old eyes, and lost teeth. , the entire spine collapsed into the shape of a curved bow.

In just an instant, a valiant young man turned into an old man who looked like he was dying, his lifespan was gone, and his vitality was exhausted!

This... what kind of power is this?

Everyone's pupils shrank suddenly, and there was a great shock and terror in their hearts.

Cultivators, as long as they advance to the Golden Core Realm, they can have thousands of years of lifespan. As long as they continue to practice and advance step by step, they can even stay young forever. Longevity, get rid of the shackles of birth, old age, sickness and death, jump out of the five elements, and no longer in samsara.It can be said that longevity is the life of a monk, the foundation of his existence, without longevity, everything is nonsense.

However, at this moment, there is a kind of power that can reverse life, steal the foundation of life, how can it not make people feel scared?


With a crisp sound, Man Zhe's life energy was exhausted, and his whole body's skin, bones, and tendons seemed to be unable to withstand the erosion of time, and they cracked inch by inch, turning into fly ash.

Just like that, in the blink of an eye, a leader of the young generation at the Jindan Realm disappeared forever between heaven and earth.Watching this scene happen, everyone felt chills all over their bodies, like falling into an ice cave.

"Reincarnation... This is the great way of reincarnation, no, it's the law of reincarnation! Could it be that you're a celestial being!? No, even an ordinary celestial being can't control the law of reincarnation at all. Who are you?" Qing Xiuyi wondered. The quiet and indifferent woman, ethereal as smoke, seems to be thinking of something at this moment, and her heart is full of turmoil.

"It's just a little guy from Huang Tingjing. The blow just now might be his way to suppress the bottom of the box. If we work together, I don't believe we can't kill him!" Huangfu Chongming snorted coldly.

"That's right, I clearly remember that this guy is indeed only at the Huang Ting realm. He used the power of the magic weapon in his hand to unleash such a powerful blow at this time, but it is obviously impossible to last. If we attack together, we will surely kill him." Kill him!" Lin Moxuan's eyes flickered, as if he had seen through Chen Xi's secret, and said coldly.

"Brother Lin is right. This kid is indeed at the Huangting Realm. Only the power of a fairy weapon can make him display such terrifying power?" Xiao Ling'er also nodded.

Hearing this, the others were all secretly relieved. If Chen Xi's identity was said to be a celestial immortal, then their desire to get their hands on the treasures on him was no different from courting death. [

But obviously, this guy is not a fairy, and he doesn't even have a golden core realm.Then the power to kill Man Zhe just now is easy to explain. It must have come from the power of the fairy weapon in his hand.

Thinking of this, the greed in everyone's hearts is like wild weeds growing wildly, increasing instead of decreasing.The power of reincarnation, if you can have this immortal artifact, wouldn't you be able to cultivate the will of reincarnation and get rid of the shackles of the six realms?

"So that's how it is." Qing Xiuyi seemed to want to understand the reason, her expression regained her composure, and said calmly: "Everyone, let's do it together and kill him first, otherwise we will be defeated by him one by one, and none of us will be able to escape! "

While speaking, Qing Xiuyi flipped her bare hands, and a smoky ancient bronze mirror appeared in her hand, engraved with dense and mysterious patterns on the surface, flowers, birds, insects, fish, mountains, rivers and mountains, gathered together, emitting a hazy and chaotic atmosphere, It makes the surrounding void rippling with a layer of misty atmosphere that seems to be real and illusory.

Hazy Mirror!

Seeing this treasure, everyone was surprised for a moment. This Yanxia treasure mirror is a famous magic weapon of the Yunhe School. For some unknowable reason, this precious mirror was severely damaged, and its grade just fell below the fairy artifact.But even so, this magic weapon is already extremely powerful, and has won several prestige for the Yunhe faction!

At this moment, the Yanxia Mirror appeared in Qing Xiuyi's hands, and everyone immediately understood that this woman was going to attack with all her strength!


Almost as soon as Qing Xiuyi sacrificed the Hazy Mirror, another deep and simple voice sounded. In the hands of Huangfu Chongming, at some point, there was an extra tripod-shaped magic weapon, with three legs and two ears, and nine pythons entrenched in it. , Do the world!

"Nine pythons set the dry cauldron!"

"It turned out to be one of the six rare treasures of Prince Rui's Mansion!"

"Huangfu Chongming is about to go out with all his strength. It seems that he, like Qing Xiuyi, is determined to get the fairy artifact on this kid. No, he can't let it go!"

Seeing this scene, how could the crowd dare to be negligent, as if they were afraid that Qing Xiuyi and Huangfu Chongming would grab the top spot, they sacrificed their magic weapons without hesitation.

All of a sudden, more than a dozen magical treasures of different shapes appeared in the sky, surrounded by precious aura, with thousands of auspicious auras, brilliant rays of light, chanting like waves, and the piercing murderous aura, straight to the sky.

The battle is imminent!

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