divine talisman

Chapter 213

Hazy Mirror!

The Nine Mangs are set to dry the cauldron!

A piece of magic weapon appeared in the sky, which immediately changed the color of the world, the void wailed, every inch of air was filled with various forces, expanded, exploded, and made a scalp-numbing sharp sonic boom.

These four forces, whether it is Qing Xiuyi, Huangfu Chongming, Liu Fengchi, Man Hong, or the people behind them, are all young generation powerhouses from various regions of the Great Chu Dynasty. The strength is tyrannical, and the magic weapon in his hand is also a treasure inherited from the sect behind him. The power is extraordinary, and it is by no means comparable to ordinary goods bought and sold in the market.

At this moment, these magic weapons are fully used in conjunction with their cultivation bases. The momentum is no less than volcanic eruptions, landslides and tsunamis, as if to tear a hole in the sky! [

"Sure enough, the wickedness is not dead, the killing is endless, let it go, let's send you back to the west, and repent on the road to Huangquan." Chen Xi was surrounded in the center, and when he saw this scene, that hoarse and desolate voice sounded from his lips again, But this time, apart from the sadness in the voice, there was also a resolute murderous intent.

"Flowers bloom and fall, a thousand-year cycle, flowers and leaves do not meet each other, love and fate are separated, lead the soul to the other side of the dark world. The road of fire shines, leading to the other side!"

Accompanied by the mournful and old voice, Chen Xi suddenly moved. He pointed to the sky and stepped on the ground, and his body traveled to the eight poles, as if he was moving in the depths of the void. The whole earth looks like a carpet covered in blood from a distance, stretching across the void, leading to the hell where evil is destroyed.

The other side of Daoyu - the road of fire!

The shocking red flower is the famous manjusawahua in the Nether Hell, also known as the Bianhua, like fire, like blood, and known as the flower of attracting souls, representing disaster, separation, and death.It is said that after death, the soul leads to the netherworld under the guidance of Bianhua.

"Not good! It turned out to be the other shore realm in the reincarnation of the netherworld. Everyone will kill him with all our strength, otherwise we will all have our souls extracted, suppress the nether purgatory, and never escape!"

Seeing the crimson blood flowers covering the sky and the earth, Qing Xiuyi's eyes suddenly shrank, and with a clear chirp, her sleeves fluttered, her plain hands turned over, and the haze mirror burst out a cloud of colorful light, like a dragon like a dragon , scrolling across the sky, piercing through the sky to kill Chen Xi.

Without Qing Xiuyi's reminder, the others also sensed that something was wrong, and immediately shot with all their strength.


The Nine Pythons Dinggan Ding flew up in the sky, and the phantom was like a mountain topping the sky. Countless mysterious runes floated out from the body of the tripod. Every rune turned into a mountain. The majestic atmosphere of the mountain ruthlessly suppressed Chen Xi who was below.

Almost at the same time—

A long knife that devours dragons and whales cuts across the sky, the blade seems to carry poor sea water, the waves beat, the clear water is surging, and giant dragon sharks in the sea that are hundreds of feet long roar in it, with a fierce aura overwhelming.

A fist smashed through the air, and the shadows of the fist were heavy, like mountains overlapping, forming a sledgehammer, as if it wanted to smash the mountains and starry sky, shattering the void and the world, making people unable to distinguish between real and fake.

Lin Moxuan's Huangtian Dao Sword, Xiao Linger's Lingshu Fire Sword...

At this moment, all kinds of terrifying attacks poured out like a tide, and even the monks in the nirvana realm would have to flee for their lives if they saw that power.


As if the sky was falling apart, the sun and the moon were falling, the bloody sea of ​​flowers all over the sky was bombarded to be riddled with holes and fragments, especially the colorful haze displayed by Qing Xiuyi, which possessed the unparalleled power of devouring and melting. Rampage in the sea of ​​flowers, disturbing the void, invincible.

However, what everyone couldn't believe was that these attacks couldn't get even half a step closer to Chen Xi. He was walking in the void, free and unrestrained, as if he had jumped out of the six realms of reincarnation, not among the five elements, and his expression was neither sad nor happy, just like a statue watching with a smile. Yunjuan Yunshu, Bai Yuncanggou's god, is above all living beings.

"How is it possible?" Huangfu Chongming roared in shock. [

"When I attack with all my strength, the Nirvana cultivator will only have to escape for his life. How could he not even touch this guy's clothes?" Liu Fengchi looked suspiciously.

"How can he be so powerful as an ant in the Yellow Court? Even with the power of a fairy weapon, it's impossible to escape my full blow so easily, right?" Man Hong's face was changing.

"Bi'an Daoyu, who is on the other side, how can he attack him?" Only Qing Xiuyi, as if she had figured out the reason, frowned and said coldly: "Everyone, first break this Bi'an Daoyu and lose your support. This person Naturally, you must be suspicious!"

"Miss Qing is absolutely right."



For a moment, everyone didn't think so much anymore, and attacked the crimson Bana flowers all around the world with all their strength.

"If they are extradited, the sea of ​​suffering will end, and the gods will not be able to earn it, and they will be suppressed and sinking." At this moment, Chen Xi pressed his finger towards the void again.


A turbid and hazy sea stretches between the sky and the earth, the turbid waves are surging, and at the edge of the sea, an unparalleled force of swallowing surges out of the sea. The waves are rough, as if countless gods are shouting "Sink!" "Sink!", as if wanting to sink the entire world and everything into this vast ocean.

Sinking into Dao Territory, the sea of ​​bitterness!

Buzz buzz~~ All the magic weapons flying in the air seemed to be grasped by a big hand, struggling violently and whimpering, and pulling away bit by bit towards the turbid sea of ​​suffering.

"Sinking Daoyu!" Qing Xiuyi couldn't keep calm anymore, and screamed: "Everyone, be careful, the Sinking Daoyu suppresses all things and erases the wisdom of all living beings. Loot and go!"

"Damn! How could there be such a terrifying Dao!"


"Come back to me!"

Everyone's complexion suddenly changed, and they all shouted to take back the magic weapons. These magic weapons are their trump cards in the bottom of the box. They are rare and rare. Once lost, their combat power will be greatly reduced. If it is not for snatching Chen Xi this time Immortal weapon, they will not use it at all.

So when they heard that the Sinking Dao Realm wanted to plunder their own magic weapon, each of these people tried their best and didn't dare to hesitate even for a second.

"Want to take it back? It's too late! Twilight measure, end all things, all living beings fall, end Dao Domain Gods Twilight!"

Accompanied by a desolate and hoarse voice, Chen Xi braved the wind and waves in the sea of ​​suffering, stepped forward, and arrived in front of the dozen or so magic weapons. With a single touch of his finger, he condensed a strong twilight color, like the end of time, like the universe At the end of the book, there is a sense of sadness, sorrow, and hopelessness.

Dusk is the end, the end.

After dusk, there is eternal silence and eternal darkness, opening up a new era for the next dawn! [

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