divine talisman

Chapter 214 A wisp of will


Ending Daoyu, condensed at the fingertips, pointed out, dusk emerged, sweeping the world, more than ten magic weapons were lightly brushed by the light of dusk, immediately like a kite with a broken string, lost contact with its owner, and fell down In the sea of ​​bitterness.

Except for Qing Xiuyi who sensed something was wrong early and took back the Yanxia Mirror, Huangfu Chongming's Nine Python Dinggan Ding, Liu Fengchi's Wanshui Dragon Shark Knife, Lin Moxuan's Huangtian Dao Sword, Xiao Linger's Lingshu Fire Sword, Xue Chen's Nine The Lingwan Crane Picture... Almost everyone's treasures were wiped out in one go, and the original brand was erased, completely becoming the property of the master.


Losing the connection with the magic weapon, Huangfu Chongming and the others all trembled, spit out a mouthful of blood, and suffered serious mental injuries. [

"Return my magic weapon!"

"Sinister! If you don't hand over my Huang Tiandao Sword, no one in the sky and the earth can save you!"

"How could this be? In the map of the Nine Spirits and Thousand Cranes, there is a ray of my soul sitting in it. How could it be easily erased?"

There were screams mixed with anger and fear, but facing Chen Xi who stood proudly above the sea of ​​suffering, they didn't dare to step forward again.

At this time, they had already realized that the Huang Ting Jing boy in front of him was by no means as simple as he appeared on the surface. The various Dao domains he exhibited had the power to turn decay into magic, which was unheard of and unseen!

You must know that every kind of dao domain is condensed by monks after countless times of honing, contemplation, and comprehension of the way of heaven. A monk can't grasp the true meaning of Dao domain all his life.Among the thousands of monks, it is already a great fortune to have one comprehend a kind of Taoism.

However, Chen Xi was able to display the three upper dao domains of the other side, sinking, and end in an instant. This terrifying method, as well as his skills in using the dao domain, had already surpassed all their imaginations. They couldn't believe it in this world. How could there be such a terrifying force.

Is this guy really at the Huang Ting realm?

At this moment, looking at the lonely figure above the turbid sea of ​​suffering, everyone felt a sense of power uncontrollably, as if they were facing an unshakable mountain.

They no longer extravagantly hoped to snatch the immortal weapon from Chen Xi, instead, they only hoped to get back their own magic weapon, that's all.

"You are not Chen Xi." Qing Xiuyi said suddenly, her cold voice broke the silence.

Chen Xi did not deny it.

"And I have seen that the attack just now has consumed all your strength, otherwise you would never have waited until now and did not attack." Qing Xiuyi looked calm and said word by word.

Chen Xi raised his head, glanced at Qing Xiuyi in surprise, and suddenly said, "So it's a reincarnation of a heavenly immortal, no wonder, then let me ask you, why didn't you take action when you knew that my strength was exhausted?"

"If my test is correct, you still have a little energy left, and you should be preparing to escape." Qing Xiuyi said without thinking.

"Oh, then I'll ask you again, can you find out who I am?" Chen Xi asked with great interest.

"You will definitely not be the spirit of a fairy weapon. After observing the three kinds of dao domains you just displayed, I think you should be the mind of a big man in the netherworld, no, it should be a wisp of will!" Qing Xiuyi thought for a while. Thinking, calmly and calmly, his eyes are clear, showing the luster of wisdom.

A wisp of will?

The conversation between the two did not hide it, and they heard every word in their ears. When they heard that Chen Xi's body contained a ray of will from a great man, they suddenly realized that a storm of turmoil rose in their hearts. [

Only the Celestial Immortal-level powerhouse who has survived the nine-fold catastrophe and has become an immortal can use the method of "will imprint" to scatter the worlds, just like an incarnation outside the body, roam the infinite universe, and observe the mysteries of the heavens.

Every ray of "will mark" contains the thoughts, wisdom, strength, and control of the laws of the heavens, and the monks who have not experienced the catastrophe are not their opponents at all.Even an Earth Immortal person, unless forced to do so, would never dare to offend the "will" of a Heavenly Immortal.

Because no one can guarantee that when he kills the "will mark" of a celestial being, whether its master will tear apart the void and appear in front of him in an instant, that will definitely be a catastrophe!

It was also because of this that when they learned that Chen Xi possessed a wisp of will from a great man, one could imagine the horror in everyone's hearts.

"Little girl, but she's so smart, if she doesn't die young, she will become a great weapon in the future, hahaha... I'll let you off this time and let me go." Chen Xi laughed endlessly, with a desolate and heroic voice. A unique pathos.


With a wave of Chen Xi's sleeve robe, the blood-red flowers from the other side of the sky, the turbid sea of ​​bitterness, and the dozen or so magic weapons that were taken from other people all disappeared. Then, he lightly swiped his right hand across the void, opening a dark and deep crack.

The next moment, he stepped into the crack and disappeared between the sky and the earth in an instant.

Everyone was stunned, and there was a strong sense of bitterness and deep frustration in their hearts.

Who are they?

He is an influential figure from the top sects of the Great Chu Dynasty, a leader among the young generation of Golden Core Realm powerhouses, and a powerful character who is expected to emerge at the Stars Conference in five years' time and have a place.

In the sect, they are good seedlings in the eyes of many teachers, in the eyes of a group of brothers and sisters, they are the shining stars of tomorrow, in the eyes of countless sentient beings, they are the proud sons of heaven.Relying on their strong background, strong strength, and respected status, they have practiced all the way so far, and it can be said that they want wind to get wind, and rain to get rain, which is not good.

However, this time, in front of a kid from Huang Tingjing, he stumbled fiercely, lost his wife and lost his army. Instead of getting the fairy artifact, they got their own magic weapon at the bottom of the box. It is conceivable to feel aggrieved, angry, and unwilling.

Among the people present, perhaps only Tantaihong had the most complicated emotions. He knew that after this incident, if he met Chen Xi again in the future, he might be an enemy rather than a friend, and it would be difficult to maintain the previous relationship.Thinking of his unintentional severance with a young man who possesses miraculous body training techniques, three celestial weapons, unlimited potential, and a wisp of the will of a big man standing behind him, his intestines are about to regret.

"Hey, I just hope that for Zixuan's face, I can save some affection..." Though thinking so, Tantaihong was still entangled to the point of further entanglement, and he couldn't resolve it for a while, and his face was gloomy and sad stand up.

"Hateful, really too hateful, Lin Moxuan, Xiao Linger, Huangfu Chongming, what did the three of you just say? You are just a small person in Huang Tingjing, how can you have so many cards? It caused us to lose a lot of treasures , you must give an explanation!" said Liu Fengchi, a disciple of Dragon Shark Island in the East China Sea, with an unkind expression.

"That's right, I have to give an explanation, because of this matter, my brother Man Zhe also lost his life in Jiuquan. If we hadn't been deceived by you, how could we have attacked that kid?" Man Hong also said viciously.

These two people were also full of evil spirits, and they all pointed their finger at Huangfu Chongming and the others. Seeing this, the others also turned their heads to look at Huangfu Chongming, all of them looked gloomy and their eyes were about to breathe fire.

"Hmph, what's the matter, instead of grabbing the fairy artifact, you acted wildly in front of me?" Huangfu Chongming was already suffocating his anger, but when he saw the crowd pointing at him, he became even more angry, and sneered loudly: "Let me Give an explanation, do you deserve it too?"

"You..." Man Hong glared angrily.

"Want to fight?" Huangfu Chongming said gloomyly: "However, you, Man Hong, have to think carefully about the Cangku Mountain Sect behind you. If you offend us, it will be tantamount to offending Prince Rui's Mansion, Huangtian Taoist Sect, and Jiuding Immortal Sect. , as long as you bear the consequences, I, Huangfu Chongming, will accompany you to the end today!"

Hearing this, Lin Moxuan and Xiao Ling'er stood beside Huangfu Chongming, and they all sneered, which clearly meant that they wanted to go in and out with Huangfu Chongming and hug each other. [

"Hmph, what did Miss Qing say?" Liu Fengchi snorted coldly, rolled his eyes, and looked at Qing Xiuyi who had been silent all this time. From his point of view, if he could pull Qing Xiuyi into a partnership, there would be no need to be afraid of Huangfu Chongming and others. .

"Yes, Man also wants to hear Miss Qing's point of view." Man Hong looks rough and burly, but he is not stupid. On the contrary, he is very good at observing words and expressions. As soon as Liu Fengchi opened his mouth, he immediately understood the meaning and spoke one after another.

When the two of them said this, they immediately focused all their attention on Qing Xiuyi. Even Huangfu Chongming and the others couldn't help but frown. Obviously, in the hearts of the three, Qing Xiuyi's decision also played an important role. important role.

After all, this woman's strength is there, and she is the reincarnation of a fairy. Once she decides to intervene in this matter and help Liu Fengchi and others, then Huangfu Chongming and others will have to reconsider their countermeasures.

"If I'm not mistaken, Huangfu Chongming, Liu Fengchi, Man Hong, the three of you should all come here for the Qianyuan Treasure House." Qing Xiuyi glanced at the surrounding people, and suddenly talked about the Qianyuan Treasure House.

Sure enough, when the three parties heard Qing Xiuyi's words, they all looked a little uncomfortable and their eyes flickered.

"You don't need to deny it, because I, Yunhe Sect, also came here for the Qianyuan Treasure House. I suggest, how about we cooperate with the four parties to explore the Qianyuan Treasure House together?" Qing Xiuyi said calmly.

"Why should we cooperate? Wouldn't it be better for each to find their own way?" Huangfu Chongming frowned.

"I know what you're thinking, isn't it just that you have a residual map of the Qianyuan treasure house? To be honest, I also have it in the hands of the Yunhe faction. I believe that everyone in Longsha Island in the East China Sea and Cangku Mountain in the North Man must also have it in their hands. remnants of the

Qing Xiuyi rolled her eyes, glanced at Tantai Hong, and said calmly: "After all, the remnant map is not a complete map. If we work together, the chances of entering the Qianyuan Treasure will be greater. When we encounter danger, we can share some of it together. , what do you guys think?"

"Then after entering the Qianyuan Treasury, how should the treasure be distributed?" Huangfu Chongming hesitated.

"Each means." Qing Xiuyi said.

"Okay, we agree." Huangfu Chongming, Liu Fengchi, Man Hong and the others agreed after a little thought.

"Pei Zhong, Xue Chen, I will give you the remnant map. You two will act together with other fellow Taoists first, and I will go to solve some things first. When I find the treasure house of Qianyuan, I will definitely return in time." With a wave of Qing Xiuyi's plain hand, a jade slip fell into Pei Zhong's hands, but she turned and left without hesitation, her skirts fluttering, and she disappeared into the vast sea of ​​sand in the blink of an eye.

This woman is mysterious, what is she doing here?

Everyone raised their eyes and looked at the direction where Qing Xiuyi disappeared, feeling a little doubt in their hearts.

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