divine talisman

Chapter 215 Oasis Forest

Deep in the vast desert is an unknown world, mysterious, dangerous, and vast. No one knows how big and deep it is.

Where there is a desert, there is an oasis, but the oasis in front of me is like an ancient and lush forest, with fertile black soil, big trees that reach into the sky, and vines as thick as buckets that climb on the treetops, like strips of vines. Hanging boa constrictor.

Different from ordinary forests, most of the plants here are taupe and umbrella-shaped, like a large blooming mushroom, with dots of stars on the branches and leaves, emitting a soft light.

The air here is very hot and humid, filled with smoky miasma, musty, poisonous mist, colorful, beautiful and deadly danger.

If someone turns over the black soil on the ground and breaks the two-foot-deep rock layer, they will find extremely rich mineral deposits, black crystal, purple silver stone, red sun steel, green tide crystal, colorful fine gold, rain rainbow cold iron ... and other rare natural treasures from the outside world, these are excellent materials for refining flying swords and magic weapons, and can even assist in cultivation. [

However, this oasis forest seems to be isolated from the world, and few human footprints appear again, and in this forest with strange vegetation, there are all kinds of poisonous beasts and monsters roaming, densely covered with poisonous mist and miasma , even if someone comes in, the bones will be kept.


However, today, someone broke the tranquility of this forest. A black figure descended from the sky and landed directly on the hot and humid black soil, splashing a puddle of mud.

This person looked extremely embarrassed, lying there motionless, he had a handsome face and a resolute outline, but at this moment his face was as pale as paper, and his eyes were closed tightly.


A three-inch tall man in white clothes flew out. After looking around, he found that there was no danger. Then he cast his eyes on the young man on the ground. After a little inspection, he found that it was not dangerous, but his breathing was a little disordered, so he secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

"Being controlled by the mind of a great man, the sequelae can be very serious. It is said that a monk with a slightly weaker physique may even seriously injure the soul and destroy the Dao foundation. Fortunately, Chen Xi's body training is extremely powerful, and he may be able to wake up after a while... …" Ling Bai thought for a while, then sat cross-legged in front of Chen Xi, his eyes scanned the surroundings vigilantly, and began to protect Chen Xi.

Chen Xi's condition was indeed very bad. Sometimes his body was freezing cold, like falling into an ice cave, and sometimes it was scorching hot like being in a furnace. His consciousness also became broken and disordered.

He felt that he was walking in a sea of ​​flowers that were as red as blood, and the world around him was blood-red, and the flowers of the other side that were alluring, catastrophic, and separated seemed to be singing together, attracting his own soul.

"Flowers bloom and fall, a thousand-year cycle, flowers and leaves do not want to see each other, love and fate separate, lead souls to escape, to the other side of the netherworld... This is the road of fire, to summon souls and tranquilize the souls of the world, to the other side of reincarnation, and to stabilize the six realms." Chen Xi's heart rose. With a little enlightenment, I immediately felt that a majestic idea poured into the sea of ​​consciousness, and the knowledge about the Tao of the other side took root in the mind...

I don't know how long it took, and Chen Xi began to walk in the burning sea of ​​flowers on the other side. Wherever he passed, thousands of flowers swayed, like a courtier devoutly paying homage to the supreme Holy Emperor in his heart.


The turbid waves emptied, the turbulent waves slapped the snow, and a turbid sea on the shore of the cliff was reflected in front of the eyes. The sea water was surging, containing unparalleled suppression power.

"In the sea of ​​bitterness, if you plant a sinful karma, turn your head back, sink into evil, suppress evil spirits, even if he is a god and Buddha of the gods, and commit evil consequences, you should also bury the sea of ​​bitterness, wash away your sins, and establish the order above the six realms. This is sinking Dao, the end of the sea of ​​suffering!" Chen Xi stood above the sea of ​​suffering, his clothes fluttering, his long hair flying, his eyes opened and closed, as if he had transformed into the controller of the order of the six realms, riding the wind and waves, and traveling to the eight poles.

The scenery in front of me changed again, it was a dusk, the gods were fighting, the demons were conquering, the blood stained the world, and the power shook the universe, but once they could escape the twilight, each one was like the setting sun. Back to the sky, with hatred and silence before the darkness came.

"Twilight? The end?" Chen Xi was about to chew carefully to comprehend the rhyme of the Tao, when a desolate and mournful voice suddenly rang out in his ear, "This Tao goes against the heavens and cannot be tolerated by the gods of heaven and earth. Slander, little guy, with your current strength, it's better not to comprehend for the time being, remember, remember."

"The dream lasted for tens of thousands of years, and I am very gratified to see my old friend pass on to others. After this incident, I can also lose the world, hahaha..." The desolate and sorrowful laughter seemed to contain the love for the heavens and the world. Limitless resentment and sorrow, but at the last moment, it seemed to be relieved, as indifferent as water, returning to the eternity of tranquility, eternal silence.

Chen Xi was taken aback, and when he opened his eyes again, he found himself lying in a forest. The hot and humid air filled with the fragrance of grass and trees poured into his nostrils, giving his chaotic mind a sliver of clarity. He reacted, only to feel severe pain flooding his body like a tide.

pain! [

The whole body felt like being savagely sliced ​​by a reamer, and the pain was unbearable. The meridians and acupoints all over his body seemed to be gnawed by billions of tiny bugs, which brought Chen Xi pain like a thousand cuts.

He understood what was going on. While the idea of ​​the old voice was controlling his body, the majestic power it brought also caused unbearable damage to his body, and now the sequelae were onset.

Chen Xi tried his best to maintain a sliver of clarity in his mind, only then did he realize that the true energy in his Purple Mansion had been exhausted, the meridians all over his body were damaged like fluff, and the witch power in his flesh and bones seemed to have been squeezed dry, dim and shriveled, as if The vitality of the whole body has been greatly damaged.

Even Chen Xi felt his heart palpitate when he saw this scene.

"When will this be repaired before it can be restored to its full strength?" Chen Xi gritted his teeth and tried hard to resist the pain that was surging all over his body. He wanted to stand up, but found that he couldn't even lift a single finger.

"Chen Xi, are you awake?" Ling Bai also noticed that Chen Xi had woken up at this time, and cried out in surprise.

"Well, where is this place?" From Chen Xi's mouth came a hoarse voice like a knife sawing wood. The voice was so unpleasant that he himself was startled.

"I don't know, it should be an oasis forest in the vast sea desert." Ling Bai glanced around and shook his head, "Leave that aside, how is your injury? How long will it take to recover?"

"It should take a long time." Chen Xi carefully sensed the degree of damage to his body, and said with a frown. "At least within ten days and a half months, I can't do it again, even worse than an ordinary person."

Ling Bai was taken aback, and just as he was about to speak, an ethereal and calm voice came from above the forest, "As expected, you no longer have the imprint of the will of that great man. Become a useless person."

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