divine talisman

Chapter 216 Misty Rain Dao Domain

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Accompanied by that ethereal and clear voice, Qing Xiuyi appeared on the branch of a big tree, with a graceful figure and fluttering robes, like a Lingbo fairy, with a handsome and quiet demeanor.

Seeing that this woman had actually chased her here, Chen Xi's heart skipped a beat, and he murmured that something was wrong. Now that his body had suffered heavy injuries, he didn't even have the strength to lift a single finger. Facing this terrifying woman reincarnated from a celestial being, he didn't fight back at all. There is no room for it, but to sit and wait.

Crash! [

With a flip of Qing Xiuyi's hand, the surrounding forests suddenly disappeared, and then thick fog filled the air, filled with smoke and clouds, filled with water vapor, flowers bloomed quietly, streams ding-dong flowed, sunlight refracted down from the void, misty and rainy, Ripples like a rainbow dream.

After doing all this, Qing Xiuyi said calmly: "This is my Misty Rain Dao Domain, with your current strength, there is no chance of escaping."

Chen Xi raised his eyes and looked around. Looking at the Misty Rain Daoyu, which was as real as it was illusory, as lifelike as a small world, his heart suddenly fell into a trough. What Qing Xiuyi said was not an exaggeration.

The Misty Rain Dao in front of me is more complete than Han Guyue's Slaughter Dao and Teng Huaxu's Blood River Dao, and each path is hidden in every place in the void of the Dao, those flowers, streams, misty rain... no Adhering to the charm of the Dao, it is natural, and there are no traces, all of which prove that Qing Xiuyi's comprehension in the Dao Domain has reached an extremely high level, extraordinary and refined.

"What do you think of my Misty Rain Dao? Although it can't compare to any of the three Daos of the other side, sinking, and ending, it still takes a lot of my energy, and it's more than enough to trap you." Qing Xiuyi stood in a Beside the stream, she has a beautiful face, like a lotus flower in clear water, and her whole body is swaying in mist and rain, which adds to her mystery.

Looking at this woman, she is not like a monk who has cultivated in the secular world. Her body is clean and flawed, and she has been reincarnated into a human being. There is no secular smoke and fire, giving people the feeling of being a fairy and not a human being.

This is the reincarnated body of a celestial being. From the time of birth, he has enlightened wisdom, mastered all principles, mastered a little enlightenment experience in the previous life, and has a cultivation advantage comparable to that of all living beings in the world.

"Your dao domain is indeed very good, but I don't care about these things. This time you chased the old man, did you want to snatch something from me? You should know that even a dozen of you can't kill me together." Chen Xi Lying on the ground, although his posture is awkward, his expression has become calm and peaceful.

"I know this, but I didn't keep you before because I was blocked by the will of a big man in your body. I have almost understood the identity of this big man. I'm afraid he can't save you at this moment, because he is counting. It has been suppressed by the masters of the heavens and worlds for ten thousand years, not to mention the destruction of body and spirit, at least it has been able to contend with the gods of the three realms. Therefore, you are now an isolated aid, so you don't have to try to deceive me anymore."

Qing Xiuyi's voice was cold and ethereal, and her jade face was calm, but it was not cold, but calm and calm, no one could know what was going on in her heart.

Tens of thousands of years ago?

Was suppressed by the masters of the heavens and the world?

A tinge of horror welled up in Chen Xi's heart. It was only at this moment that he vaguely understood what kind of a heaven-defying existence that old and sad voice was.

But he said calmly: "If I'm not wrong, you are still extremely afraid of this big man behind me, otherwise you would never have said so much nonsense, and you would not have waited until now and not do anything."

"That's true. That big man made the heavens and the world afraid. It can be said that his wrists are shocking, and even if I re-cultivate to the realm of heaven, I have to guard against him. However, you should I also understand that people die for money and birds die for food, and I will do whatever it takes to get something." Qing Xiuyi nodded and answered truthfully.

It was also because she admitted this without hesitation that Chen Xi felt that this woman was not simple, and he couldn't even think of loathing her.Because compared to other people's hypocrisy and treachery, this woman can speak out her thoughts without hesitation, which only shows that she has absolute confidence in her own strength, and the situation has always been under her control!

"What are you going to do?" Chen Xi resolutely decided not to play tricks with this girl anymore, and asked very straightforwardly.

Qing Xiuyi replied: "Make a deal with you, hand over the celestial artifact on your body to me, and I will give you a corresponding treasure, spiritual liquid, exercises, elixirs... you can choose whatever you want. .”

"A deal?" Chen Xi said thoughtfully, "This is indeed a good way to solve the problem. The snatching turned into a deal, and it also compensated me with a fortune. As long as I agree, no matter who it is, I'm afraid they won't pursue it again. You. Good plan, really good plan.” [

Qing Xiuyi heard the sarcasm in Chen Xi's words, but she didn't take it seriously at all, and said calmly, "How do you feel about this deal?"

"Do I still have a choice?" Chen Xi asked back.

Qing Xiuyi said: "For you and me, this is already the best result. Presumably you are also aware of the gap between you and me. If you resist to the end, you will only kill yourself. That's not what smart people do. .”

"Too much deceit, Chen Xi, absolutely can't agree to her!" Ling Bai jumped up and floated in front of Chen Xi, his eyes were icy looking at Qing Xiuyi, and the breath gushed out from his body, like a sharp sword out of its sheath, wanting to To drink the blood of the enemy.

"Although I can't see why you are a spiritual creature, I can roughly tell that you are definitely not my opponent, so don't make so-called struggles." Qing Xiuyi shook her head, not sneering, but as if State a fact.

"Ling Bai, don't act rashly!" Chen Xi shouted in a low voice, his voice full of unquestionable taste.

Ling Bai's expression was uncertain, he hesitated for a while, and finally retreated angrily.

Seeing this, Chen Xi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately stared at Qing Xiuyi coldly, and asked, "What do you want from me?"

"Buddha Pagoda, Nether Record, and him." Qing Xiuyi raised her hand and pointed at Lingbai.

Hearing that Qing Xiuyi actually asked for him, Ling Bai's chest heaved with anger. If it wasn't for Chen Xi's words earlier, he would have already rushed forward to fight.

Chen Xi was also extremely angry in his heart. Although the Pagoda of the Buddha had long been broken, it was still an immortal artifact, and the Nether Record was an extremely mysterious treasure. Its value was even greater than that of the Pagoda of the Buddha, and Lingbai... ...In his heart, it is definitely not a "thing" that can be traded, but brothers who love each other, trust each other, and overcome difficulties with each other. They have already formed a deep friendship, how can they give up?

"Lingbai can't be handed over to you, but the other two treasures can." Chen Xi said without hesitation, "If you don't agree, then you have to fight to the end!"

"Chen Xi..." Seeing that Chen Xi was still defending himself at such a time, Ling Bai couldn't help but feel a warm current in his heart, and immediately a trace of determination appeared on his little face, and he paused word by word: "With your words, I I can't let her touch a hair of your hair today, even if I die!"

"Bloody rush, it's what a reckless man did." Qing Xiuyi shook her head, looked at Chen Xi and said, "If I kill you, I can still get everything, so you don't have the right to raise conditions with me, you only need to answer, agree Or not."

Chen Xi secretly sighed in his heart. I am afraid that today is more ominous than ominous. When he was talking just now, he had been working hard to recover his true energy. As long as he had even a trace, he could open the palm jade pendant and enter the cave. However, the hateful thing was , His body suffered too much damage, not to mention recovering his true energy, he didn't even have the strength to move his body.

"Chen Xi, you have to live well. Only by living can you have the chance to take revenge and kill those enemies who have bullied us. I believe you can do it."

Ling Bai's voice contained a trace of metaphorical meaning, like a deathbed entrustment, and Chen Xi suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.


However, before Chen Xi could make a sound to stop him, Ling Bai instantly turned into a golden light and soared into the sky. A majestic and sharp sword aura stirred all around, and every inch of the sword aura contained the meaning of either life or death. The Nirvana Sword Intent and the surge of sword energy tore apart the void in the Misty Rain Dao Domain, leaving pieces of broken traces.

And in this majestic sword intent, the extremely dazzling golden light on Ling Bai's body seemed to be burning, yes, like a devout believer who sacrificed his life in exchange for powerful power!

"Stop it for me! Stop it!" Chen Xi roared with indescribable panic, anger, and pain in his heart.

How could he not see that Ling Bai was harming his own life in order to save himself? [

However, it was precisely because he saw it that he couldn't accept the scene in front of him, he couldn't just watch Ling Bai, who was with him as his companion, die little by little in front of him.


Why is this happening?

Chen Xi was crying out in his heart, but he couldn't exert any strength to stop it. This kind of force that couldn't be controlled or stopped caused him to fall into unending pain.

In the distance, Qing Xiuyi also became terrified and moved in a rare way. She didn't seem to expect that Ling Bai would rescue Chen Xi even at the expense of his own life. This kind of friendship that kills one's life and becomes a benevolent made her calm in the past. Heavy lifting.

But she is also a person with a tough mind, she regained absolute calm in an instant, her bare hands fluttered, and a colorful haze gathered wildly in the palm of her hand.

"Unfortunately, even if you try your best, you are doomed to fail." Qing Xiuyi sighed lightly, and was about to make a move when she suddenly sensed something, her clear eyes suddenly turned to one side.


At this moment, the Misty Rain Dao Territory, which is perfect as one and isolated from everything, was torn apart by life, and all kinds of Dao Yi collapsed and shattered.Immediately, a figure covering his face in a black robe paced in, his figure was like a shuttle, walking on flat ground.

This person actually regards the Misty Rain Dao Domain as a thing!

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