divine talisman

Chapter 220

The green mist was as thick as insoluble honey, as soon as Fan Yunlan entered it, it felt like he was trapped in a cotton ball, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't dispel the green mist that lingered around.

"How could this be? Although I only have less than [-]% of my strength in my heyday, how can I not even dispel the fog?" Fan Yunlan's heart tightened, faintly aware that something was wrong.

The surrounding fog, which is as vast as a sea of ​​blue clouds, also has no end in sight, like a dream, exuding a mellow fragrance like fine nectar and jade dew, like old wine that has been cellared for many years, making people fascinated.

Fan Yunlan has been practicing so far, and she has experienced many vicious places, but it is the first time she has seen a place like the one in front of her. It feels like a phantom array, but she has not noticed any fluctuations in spiritual power. It looks like a beautiful land. It is an extremely fairyland of the sea of ​​clouds, but it reveals a strange atmosphere everywhere.

Ding dong... ding dong...[

A misty sound like the sound of heaven resounded in the depths of the blue mist like a gurgling stream, and immediately the whole world, every inch of space around, resounded with this graceful sound of ding dong.

Like a lark singing, like a celestial maiden singing, Gong, Shang, Jiao, Zheng, Yu, the most pure notes between heaven and earth, play a song that can be heard in a way that seems to be whispering, chant, and lingering. A mesmerizing voice.

Like a lover's hand stroking the cheek, like a passionate teenager and girl tactfully making love on the bed, full of desire, enjoying the joy of fish and water.

This voice is different from obscenity, it is not coquettish at all, but it is like the intertwined desires from the depths of millions of souls.

"What is this sound? Where did it come from?" Fan Yunlan only felt that deep in his heart, there was a fire of desire being ignited and raging, making his whole body hot, soft as water, and soft. soft force.

Since she practiced until now, she has never been emotional. For her, a disciple of the Demon Sect, the emotions and desires are like child's play, and they can't affect her Dao heart at all. However, at this moment, even if she closes her six senses, everything around her will change They all turned a blind eye, but they still couldn't stop that voice from sneaking in.

That ray of sound seemed to be a form of force, which went straight into the heart and disturbed her Dao heart.

She even found that in conjunction with this sound, the fragrance overflowing from the green mist quietly entered her body from every pore in her body. The aphrodisiac made her blood and vitality burn fiercely in the fire of desire.

Whether it's the sound or the mellow fragrance, they are extremely powerful, and the shape is irresistible. In an instant, various illusions appeared in front of Fan Yunlan's eyes.

This is a sign of demons rising up and becoming obsessed!


At this moment, Fan Yunlan heard a series of deep and rapid panting sounds. She lowered her head and saw that Chen Xi was holding Chen Xi in her hand with her eyes closed, her cheeks flushed, her chest heaving, and her whole body seemed to be in pain. Trembling in control.

Obviously, this guy, just like himself, has been eroded by the sound and scent, and his desires are full of desires, and he is trying his best to resist this extremely mysterious power.

"There's something wrong with this thick fog, stay away from me, hurry up!" Chen Xi's hoarse voice was full of mania and restlessness, like a wild beast trying to restrain his bloodthirsty desire, coupled with his distorted cheeks, he looked ferocious Compare.

As soon as he entered the green mist, he felt something was wrong, but like Fan Yunlan, he also couldn't resist the voice that kept pouring into his heart, and the scent that was as clear as wine.

And unlike Fan Yunlan, his body has not healed from heavy injuries, his true energy has been exhausted, and he has no strength in his body. The temptation he encountered would be more ferocious and direct, if it weren't for his heart that had been honed to be as firm as a rock , I am afraid that he has already been controlled by the fire of love, lost his mind, and completely fell into a beast of desire.

"In this thick fog, you can't escape, so it's fine, I'll let you go for now!" Fan Yunlan also knew that the situation was critical and there was no need to delay, so she resolutely let go of Chen Xi, sat cross-legged on one side, and resisted with all her strength. Burning passion like fire.

Chen Xi lay on the ground, secretly heaving a sigh of relief. Just now he was held by Fan Yunlan in his hands, and his body inevitably rubbed against Fan Yunlan. Coupled with the surge of desire in his heart, that feeling of burning desire made him sane. Almost collapsed.

"So you are here? Why didn't you escape?" [

However, before Chen Xi could fully resist the demon in his heart, Qing Xiuyi's serene and cold voice suddenly rang in his ears. When he opened his eyes, he saw that Qing Xiuyi had also broken into Qing In the fog!

"It's you! Qing Xiuyi, haven't you noticed that this green mist is weird? How about we stop arguing and fight after we get out of this green mist?" Fan Yunlan stood up abruptly, Lie Li in the black robe, with a hint of dignity in his voice.

"This green mist is indeed weird, but I only need to kill you, and I can still leave here safely. Why give you a chance to breathe? If my guess is right, after being hit by the Earth Immortal Jade Talisman, you are probably left with only With less than [-]% of your strength, wouldn't it be a pity not to take this opportunity to kill you?"

Before he finished speaking, Qing Xiuyi did not hesitate to strike, his figure was like lightning, his palms were like pine coils, like a crane flying, and he went to kill Fan Yunlan, straightforward, showing the determination to kill.


The strength of the fist is surging, like the cry of a crane, and there is a dignified and heavy power in the nimble and ethereal, and the shadows of thousands of fists unexpectedly created the vast scene of Wan Song's pilgrimage and thousands of cranes gathering.

"Songhe Huayu Quan, the Taoist martial arts of the Yunhe School? It's too deceiving, do you think I'm afraid of you?" Fan Yunlan seemed to be enraged, and no longer struggled to suppress the raging fire of desire in his heart, his figure flickered , with a fierce and fierce punch, beat out.

Compared with Qing Xiuyi's Songhe Huayu Fist, which is nimble and condensed, her punching technique appears to be extremely strong and fierce. The fist is like a sledgehammer, hitting the sky and smashing the ground, killing all directions, hitting the void, and buzzing like yellow Zhong Dalu's sonic boom.

This is the famous Blood Shadow War Hammer Fist of the Blood Moon Demon Sect. It is also a Dao grade martial art. A punch is like a hammer smashing. It is fast, fierce and fierce.

boom! boom! boom!

These two women fought again, their moves were fierce and decisive, merciless, they didn't attack each other's vitals, they both held the idea of ​​quickly obliterating their opponent's life.

Although Fan Yunlan only had less than [-]% of his strength left, but when he put his life on the line, he unleashed his poor potential, and he was on par with Qing Xiuyi, and it was inextricable.

Chen Xi was lying on the ground, unable to move. Watching these two women desperately fighting, the passion and desire in his heart did not decrease but increased, and there was a tendency to become more and more intense.

Because when Fan Yunlan and Qing Xiuyi were fighting, their punches collided with each other, and from time to time they would shatter each other's clothes. In some places, the snow-white jade skin was faintly visible, showing an attractive spring light.

Especially Fan Yunlan, who had always covered her face with a black robe, was torn off by Qing Xiuyi at the beginning of the battle, revealing a face as beautiful as a country and a city, with eyebrows like black ink, Qiong nose and cherry lips, eyes like a deep spring, water waves flowing, clear and full, her skin is white and delicate, smooth and moist, as if water can drip out with a pinch.

At this moment, her temples are disheveled, her skin is flushed like rose petals, her clothes are torn, and in her graceful and alluring figure, there is a burst of joy, revealing a thrilling temptation.

The same is true for Qing Xiuyi. In the eyes of the world, she looks like the fairy Lingbo who came from the hazy mist and rain. .But now, the temples are scattered, the skirts are torn, and the delicate and beautiful melon-seeded face also has a bright and attractive flush of color, exuding a coquettish aura that cannot be described.

Obviously, during the battle, the two were also seriously affected by the sound and aroma in the blue mist that could arouse the fire of desire in people's hearts.

This is because the two fought with all their strength, they no longer suppressed the desires of the Dao Heart, and they no longer dared to close the six senses. There was no obstacle between the whole body's Qi and the green mist, but the sound and fragrance took the opportunity to enter, and then the whole body was shocked. The fire of desire skyrocketed in an astonishing manner.

Although the two knew that going on like this would be extremely dangerous, but in order to kill each other, they fought endlessly without any compromise.

As the battle intensified, Qing Xiuyi and Fan Yunlan's clothes were damaged more, revealing a large area of ​​skin, deceiving frost and snow, blush all over, alluring.

Moreover, the breathing of the two women also became rapid, panting, and dripping with sweat. Seeing that, Chen Xi bit the tip of his tongue, and only then managed to suppress the raging fire in his body. [

Originally, he didn't know much about the relationship between men and women, and he has always been pure-hearted and ascetic since he practiced, and he has never been greedy for lustful pleasures, but at this moment, seeing the appearance of the two of them, the passion in his lower abdomen became more and more raging. His body was about to be incinerated and burned, this was his desire that he could hardly suppress himself.

ding dong... ding dong...

In the blue mist, the intoxicating faint sound became louder and louder, as if resounding deep in the heart, trying to release all the lust in the heart.

And the mellow fragrance in the mist is getting stronger and stronger, making people want to be drunk.


With two muffled sounds, Qing Xiuyi and Fan Yunlan, who were in the battle, staggered and fell to the ground as if they had been drained of all their strength, their bodies were so weak that they couldn't stand up no matter how much they struggled.

Fortunately, Chen Xi was lying in the middle of these two women, he could clearly see the bright spring in front of the two women, and he could even smell a trace of the strange fragrance escaping from the two women.

"Hmm..." Fan Yunlan moaned softly as if she had lost her mind, her eyes suddenly locked on Chen Xi beside her, her eyes were burning with passion, almost dripping water.

ps, there are too many harmonious words, and it has been a long time since I revised it... If everyone looks cool, please vote quickly, um, this is an automatic update.

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