divine talisman

Chapter 221 Rided

Chen Xi felt something was wrong. The gleam in Fan Yunlan's eyes was so hot that it seemed like two blazing torches were burning. They were the flames of desire, and there was no reason to speak of them.

"Hmm..." On the other side, Qing Xiuyi let out a weak muffled moan from her nostrils, like a kitten meowing, ecstasy piercing her bones, scratching her heart and lungs.


Hearing this soft hum, Chen Xi could only feel his soul tremble. The surging desire in his heart was like a flood that could no longer be contained. If you block the car with your arms, you may be annihilated by all your desires.

"Give...Give me..." Fan Yunlan's murmur-like voice sounded in her ears, and then she didn't know where the strength came from, and she turned over and rolled into Chen Xi's arms. [

Chen Xi was startled, and immediately felt a fiery soft body clinging tightly to his chest. Even through a layer of clothing, he still strongly felt the softness and plumpness of this delicate body, as if hugging warm jade , and seemed to have found an outlet for the turbulent desire in his heart, which stimulated him to feel a chilling feeling that he had never experienced before, crisp and numb, and more comfortable.

But just this sliver of reason told him that if he continues like this, he is destined to become a beast driven by desire, he opened his mouth and shouted: "You..."

However, before he could utter a word, his mouth was blocked. It was Fan Yunlan, who actually took the initiative to throw herself into her arms, covered Chen Xi's mouth with her delicate and cold cherry lips, and sucked her little lilac tongue like a spirit snake. stand up.

In an instant, Chen Xi felt as if he had been struck by lightning, his mind went blank, and his remaining sliver of wisdom was covered by all his desires. At this moment, there was only one voice in his heart, and that was to vent, to vent the surging desire in his heart!


Chen Xi's tongue roughly penetrated into Fan Yunlan's lips, wantonly swallowing the jade-like tongue, causing Fan Yunlan to let out a soft and seductive moan.

Chen Xi's movements seemed to irritate her, instead of retreating, he went up to meet her, just like a lustful woman in a bewilderment, tearing off the clothes on her body, even the only remaining aquamarine embroidered ruffles , were also ripped off by her, and her naked and graceful body was completely exposed to the air.

Her shoulders are cut like a knife, her collarbone is exquisite and exquisite, her waist is like a silk girdle, her skin is like snow and fat, the peaks and peaks are undulating, with two bright red spots, trembling like a pink bud in the wind, and her slender and straight jade legs are tight. Sitting tightly on both sides of Chen Xi's waist, her buttocks were plump, soft and amazing. Surrounded by strands of blue mist, her almost perfect naked body exuded a thrilling temptation.

Chen Xi could only see a hoarse roar like a wild beast coming out of his throat, but unfortunately, he was severely injured, and even though his heart was full of desire, he couldn't lift a finger and could only stare blankly.

"Hiss!" Chen Xi suddenly sucked in a breath of cold air. It turned out that Fan Yunlan stretched out his little hand, grabbed his vitals, and actively led him into a dense and rich valley, breaking through the wall, and entering an unbelievably wonderful place. Where the words spread, the strong stimulation made all the pores of his body open.

And at this time, Fan Yunlan also screamed, her blue hair fluttering, her black eyebrows frowned slightly, as if in pain or comfort, her delicate body swayed like a wild horse running in the vast grassland, galloping and swaying...

At this moment, the two were completely combined, and they were in perfect harmony.


A majestic feminine force entered Chen Xi's body, like rain from the sky, moistening and repairing his severely damaged and damaged meridians and acupoints at an astonishing speed. Every inch of his body seemed to be cheering and jumping for joy. , the whole soul became muddled, like holding a void, wandering around the world, dripping freely.

That refreshing and wonderful feeling made him feel as if he had come to the star dome of the universe for a moment, broke through the thick and dark fog and confusion, and saw a vast long river running across the infinite universe, as if gathering hundreds of millions of lives. The torrent rushes to the unknown end.

And almost at the same time, a wave of red yang energy also poured into Fan Yunlan's body, circulating endlessly, scouring her meridians and acupoints, and it actually played a wonderful role in consolidating the foundation, cultivating the vitality, and condensing the foundation of the Tao.


The surrounding blue mist, as if being summoned, began to gather towards the two of them, forming a vortex, an inexplicable and incomprehensible source of the world's power, pouring into the two of them, washing every inch of flesh and blood, Every inch of muscle and bone, every inch of Yuanling, every inch of true essence.

The chaotic breath soil in the witch pattern on Chen Xi's back received the influx of this force, and suddenly radiated bright light. Strips of chaotic energy radiated out, surged, cheered, and then turned into all kinds of essence power, surging Enter the nine witch patterns. [

The power of the chaotic soil was mobilized, and the witch power that had been exhausted in Chen Xi's flesh and blood began to recover bit by bit, nourishing the shriveled and shriveled flesh and blood membrane.

And Fan Yunlan is even more powerful, Chen Xi can even feel that a devouring and plundering power gushes out from this woman's body, continuously absorbing the power contained in the green mist, even the power contained in his own chaotic atmosphere. A lot of strength was also absorbed by her.


Fan Yunlan seemed to feel that the power absorbed in his body had reached its limit, and the wind in his body automatically floated away from Chen Xi's body, sitting cross-legged on the ground, practicing exercises, his eyes had not been opened from the beginning to the end, obviously he had fallen into a kind of epiphany in the state.

Chen Xi immediately felt a sense of loss, and the desire in his body that hadn't been fully vented rose again, and he didn't even notice that Qing Xiuyi was staring at him with a strange look, which was smoky and strange. The luster is like a flame burning in the smoke, and the mist is rolling like a wave.

Although this woman is full of soft witchcraft, but with a great perseverance in her heart, she has been restraining the burning desire all over her body until now.

She witnessed the process of Chen Xi and Fan Yunlan making peace with her own eyes, and the feelings in her heart could not be described in words, like disdain, anger, loss... It was extremely complicated.

What makes her feel more ashamed is that seeing this pair of dogs and men enjoying the pleasure of lust in front of her, the desire in her body has not decreased but increased, and the distance has become stronger and stronger. Come forward and share the joy.

But at this moment, when she saw Fan Yunlan cultivating with her legs crossed and her aura getting stronger little by little, she felt extremely anxious. She knew that if she waited for this woman to open her eyes, she would be suspicious!

Almost instantly, Qing Xiuyi focused her attention on Chen Xi, because she discovered that it was entirely due to Chen Xi that Fan Yunlan recovered from the flame of desire that he could not resist.No, it should be the result of the combination of yin and yang and the combination of yin and yang.

ps: There are so many harmonious words!

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