divine talisman

Chapter 222

"What should I do? Do I want to commit myself to this guy?" Qing Xiuyi was anxious and struggling, but she was filled with desires all over her body, unable to exert any strength, instead she had to clench her teeth all the time, Beware of the last sliver of sanity being washed away, one can imagine how tangled and painful this feeling is.

"Forget it, use him to dispel the desires in your body, and when your cultivation level recovers, killing him is..." Qing Xiuyi knew that there was no time to wait, if Fan Yunlan woke up first, what awaited her would be a catastrophe, she immediately gritted her teeth, Lightly untied Luo Shang, and then leaned forward...

Different from Fan Yunlan's crazy and unrestrained, Qing Xiuyi's undressing movements are methodical, but extremely fast, without a hint of rush, but like the elegance and calmness of burning incense and bathing, but she is a woman after all, no matter how calm she is. In the face of a strange man, she took the initiative to take off her clothes, which still made her feel inexplicably ashamed, and her beautiful face was so red that it was about to bleed.

Right now!

Chen Xi suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were bloodshot, and hugged Qing Xiuyi fiercely like a beast. [

Qing Xiuyi was struggling to resist the desire bursting out of her heart with only a sliver of willpower, her delicate body was strong, but when Chen Xi stopped her and hugged her, she had no strength to resist at all.

"Bastard! Let go!" Qing Xiuyi screamed, but no matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't break free from Chen Xi's embrace. Instead, the ecstasy from skin friction stimulated Chen Xi to hug her even tighter.

Qing Xiuyi was completely stunned.

who is she?The proud girl of Yunhe School with a supernatural status, possesses the coveted reincarnated body of a celestial being, and her reputation spreads throughout the Great Chu Dynasty. The goddess in the hearts of children cannot be desecrated.

However, at this moment, she was forcibly hugged by a strange man whose status, identity, and cultivation were all different, and she completely lost the initiative. I was stunned for a while, and I was at a loss.

In bewilderment, Qing Xiuyi felt a chill in her buttocks, and immediately realized that the obscene pants under her waist were no longer there. Before she could react, a big hand had already reached into her buttocks, and she began to rub it vigorously...

"Bastard! I'm going to kill you, kill you..." The angry flames in Qing Xiuyi's eyes were mixed with the thick fire of lust, and there was no trace of calm and lingering appearance, but rather a charming and irresistible person. The newlyweds are charming and charming.

"Hmm..." The gluteal cleft was violated, Qing Xiuyi felt her legs go weak, she was unable to speak, and her struggling emotions gradually became weaker.The next moment, she felt that there was a hard object in her body, and her delicate body trembled. A strange feeling suddenly spread from her body, submerging her rationality.

Chen Xi suddenly woke up halfway.

His body was still shaking, and waves of pleasure hit him, without opening his eyes, he understood what he was doing, and realized that the woman in his arms had been replaced by another one.

Qing Xiuyi!

He actually pressed Qing Xiuyi under his crotch to be polite to Cheng Huan?An indescribable feeling surged into Chen Xi's heart. He remembered the feeling of being looked down upon when he saw Qing Xiuyi again and again, and he remembered the aggrieved and angry feeling he had resisted when facing this woman... …

Suddenly, he pressed one hand on Qing Xiuyi's rear hip, pressing Qing Xiuyi's delicate body close to him, while the other hand rubbed hard on Qing Xiuyi's round, peach-like buttocks. Kneading, with great force and without reservation, until the snow-white, creamy skin glows bright red.

Huaizhongqing's slim and slender body in Xiuyi was shaking violently, like a water snake, her clear eyes were blurred, dripping with sweat, and she uttered a moan that seemed to be in pain or lightly groaning, which on the contrary brought Chen Xi even more pleasure.


Just like before, the thick blue mist around them swarmed into the bodies of the two of them one after another, and that inexplicable force nourished and strengthened their bodies, true energy, and souls over and over again.

At this time, Chen Xi had already woken up from that vengeful state of mind, and his rough movements slowed down a lot, and he began to carefully perceive the earth-shaking changes in his body.

"A single yin does not grow, and a single yang does not grow, so the heaven and the earth are combined with yin and yang. The clear air rises to the sky and becomes yang, and the turbid air descends to the earth to become yin. Day is yang, night is yin, heat is yang, and cold is yin. For yang, women are yin, body skin is yang, internal organs are yin...Yin and yang blend together, and then all things are born, vitality is refined, and the principle of heaven's cycle is also..." A series of comprehensions about yin and yang, made Chen Xi completely understand What is yin, what is yang, what is the combination of yin and yang, and the dragon and the tiger are in harmony.

Regarding the Yin-Yang Dao, there has never been such a moment for Chen Xi to comprehend it so profoundly. [

The nine witch patterns on his back underwent a fundamental change, the shape of the nine palaces began to rotate, and the nine bright star cores formed a nebula condensed by the five elements, yin and yang, stars, thunder, and wind. Wanting to come out through the body, there is a faint sign that he is about to advance.

In the great lake of his purple mansion, the real essence surged and the sound of the waves surged, like the Yangtze River contained in it, the four seas were churning, and the clouds and water were stirring.The vortex in the center, which is the depth of the "Xuanmin Gate", also seems to conceive a life, making a strong and powerful sound, just like a heartbeat.

"Huh? The quality of my true essence seems to have improved by more than one level. The yin and yang are blending together and full of vitality. I am only one step away from condensing the Liangyi golden pill from the gate of Xuanmin. Could it be that all this is because of the green The power contained in the fog?"

As far as Chen Xi knew, after advancing to the Huangting realm, he had to absorb the yin and yang energies of the heavens and the earth, and refine his true essence. This time he entered the vast desert, he also wanted to find the Nine Suns Profound, and prepare for the impact on the Jindan realm.However, man is not as good as God, and this strange encounter has brought him great benefits. He has completely tempered the Zifu Zhenyuan, completely transformed it, and its quality has been greatly improved.

And he faintly felt that the quality of his current true essence was better than absorbing the nine yin and nine yang xuan, it was more condensed and tough, filled with a lively vitality, and the cycle was endless, and the chance of condensing the golden core was also greatly increased!

"Finally, I have enough strength. I am only one step away. Both my body training and Qi training can reach the Golden Core realm! I really didn't expect this time to be a blessing in disguise. The encounters in life are indeed unpredictable and mysterious. "Chen Xi's heart was extremely agitated, and he unconsciously let go of Qing Xiuyi from his arms, and immersed himself in the cultivation of great ease and joy.

At this time, Qing Xiuyi also seemed to have absorbed the power contained in the green mist, and practiced cross-legged on the ground with her eyes closed.

The three of them are all naked, sitting cross-legged, but there is a hint of obscenity, the body is like a sea of ​​desires, and all the desires are eliminated. of blue mist.

"Heavenly fragrance drunk! How could there be such a treasure here?" Looking at the tumbling blue mist in front of him, Ling Bai's originally anxious eyes suddenly became brighter.

Worried about Chen Xi's comfort, he followed Fan Yunlan's footsteps all the way here, but because he had sacrificed his life before, injured his origin, consumed too much power, and slowed down his speed, he didn't rush here until this moment.

"There are six holy beasts in the Heavenly Demon Realm outside the Territory. Among them, the Heavenly Scented Sacred Beast is also known as the Beast of Desire. It was born from the heaven and the earth. This Tianxiangzui is clearly transformed from the essence and blood of the Tianxiangyu Beast. My dear, there are so many Tianxiangzui! , it seems that in the battle tens of thousands of years ago, the extraterrestrial demon also invited a heavenly fragrance holy beast to fight!"

Some information about Tianxiangzui flashed through Lingbai's mind. In the extraterritorial Heavenly Demon Realm, the Tianxiang Holy Beast has a high status and is mysteriously traced.

The reason for this is because it is said that this sacred beast of heavenly fragrance is transformed from the purest power of lust among the original power of heaven and earth, and it controls the "way of lust" like a god, surpassing hundreds of millions of living beings, supreme Compare.

The gas produced by the Tianxiang holy beast can make all the males and females in the world blend together, and the male and female have intercourse.For monks, if they can get a ray of blood essence, they will have the wonderful effects of yin and yang, and the harmony of water and milk during the dual cultivation of men and women. An incredible height.

Because of this, the blood essence of the Tianxiang Sacred Beast is also called Tianxiangzui. Of course, this is only one of the many wonderful uses of the essence and blood of the Tianxiang Sacred Beast, but even so, Tianxiangzui is still a rarity that cannot be found. Treasures have a price.After all, this Heavenly Fragrance Holy Beast lives in the extraterritorial Heavenly Devil Realm, opposite to the practice world, separated by an endless space barrier, out of reach.

"Ah!" Ling Bai seemed to be thinking of something, and suddenly exclaimed, "Chen Xi and those two women would have entered into the green mist transformed by Tianxiangzui, right? Such thick Tianxiangzui, I am afraid that even the heavenly It's full of energy when you go in, and your desires are full of... Well, are they doing some shameless things now?"

Immediately, Ling Bai's expression became weird, and he was seventy to eighty percent sure that Chen Xi must have fucked those two damned women!

That's right, in Ling Bai's heart, both Qing Xiuyi and Fan Yunlan were extremely hateful, forcing him to almost kill himself, and even robbing Chen Xi of treasures, how could he not hate them?

Thinking of Chen Xi being able to ride on these two women and do whatever he wanted, a sense of revenge-like pleasure rose in Ling Bai's heart, and he murmured to himself: "In this world, there shouldn't be women. Women are all troubles and injustices. It's even more of a hero's tomb. If it wasn't for the woman, the master wouldn't..."


ps: Please, the data has dropped a bit, brothers need to work hard.

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