divine talisman

Chapter 223

three hours later.

The blue mist transformed by the heavenly fragrance that enveloped the entire forest became thinner, and the figures of Chen Xi and the three of them gradually appeared.

"These three bastards, how can they be naked and don't even wear clothes? It's immoral!" Ling Bai glanced over, and immediately found that Chen Xi and the three were naked, sitting cross-legged on the ground, quickly closed his eyes, and said He pouted hard.


Ling Bai didn't even look at it, but with a pinch of his fingers, his true essence swept across the torn clothes on the ground, covering the bodies of the three of them, and then he breathed a sigh of relief. [

"Huh? I made such a big commotion, and the three of them didn't seem to notice it. Could it be that they are at a critical moment of cultivation, should I take this opportunity to kill those two women?" Ling Bai looked at Fan Yunlan He Qing Xiuyi's eyes flickered.

This is an opportunity!

He knew that once he waited for the two women to wake up, he would definitely become angry, and maybe he would silence Chen Xi, the guy who robbed them of their virginity.

Da Da Da...

At this moment, there was a sound of slight footsteps, which suddenly came from a very far away. From the sound, it seemed that three people were rushing towards this side.

Ling Bai's heart trembled, he didn't care about other things, he flew to Chen Xi's side, and hid quietly.


"Two junior sisters, this forest is very weird. It is full of miasma and poisonous mist everywhere, and there are some strange-shaped skeletons. It is extremely gloomy. You should be careful."

"Brother Chu, why are we here?"

"Junior Sister Xiaowan, didn't you listen to Senior Brother Chu? Senior Brother said earlier that some people are fighting here with Earth Immortal Jade Talismans. They are obviously fighting for such a rare treasure. Let's take this opportunity and maybe we can reap the benefits."

"Senior Sister Xiaoxia, the person who can use the Earth Immortal Jade Talisman is probably extremely powerful and has a background. It seems a bit inappropriate for us to catch up and take advantage of the fire?"

"Okay, don't talk about it, wealth and wealth are in danger, no matter who he is, as long as he has enough benefits and opportunities, he can kill people and silence them. Who will know that we did it?"

In the ancient forest, a man and two women are rushing forward quickly. The man is tall and handsome, wearing a flat sky crown, a python robe and silver clothes, and gilt cloud pattern boots. His hair has a slight purple luster, showing dignity Proud temperament.

If Chen Xi was here, he would definitely be able to recognize that this person was the core Jindan disciple of Qinghuamen, Chu Tianju.

In Tianbao Building that day, Chu Tianju once learned martial arts with Taoism

Chu Tianju was full of suspicions, quietly hid in the distance, and observed quietly. This observation immediately made him discover an astonishing thing.

On the ground near the three of Qing Xiuyi, there were scattered fragments of rags and two smears of blood that were as bright as peach blossoms, exuding an indescribably strange aura.

Moreover, the appearance of the three of them at this moment also looked a bit unbearable, with their clothes torn and their hair messy, especially Qing Xiuyi and that woman, with patches of snow-white skin exposed on their bodies, and a charming spring feeling faintly revealed between their brows...

Chu Tianju's eyes suddenly became strange. Could it be that these three people did some peace talks here just now?As soon as he thought of this, his heart pounded, and he looked at Chen Xi with jealousy and envy at the same time.

"How can this kid be able to fall in love with Qing Xiuyi, and there are two women and one man? Damn it, it's really too hateful!" Chu Tianju was burning with jealousy, and evil thoughts abounded, "Look at the three of them Practicing cross-legged, it seems that I can't perceive everything outside, if I take this opportunity to kill this kid, and then control these two women, wouldn't I have two more charming slaves by my side in the future?"

The more Chu Tianju thought about it, the hotter he felt. He knew that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If he lost it, he would definitely regret it for the rest of his life.

"Xiaowan, Xiaoxia, I have two ice lock needles here, one for each of you, step forward and insert the two women's dantians, while I will kill the boy in the middle. Don't worry, they are currently practicing At this critical moment, for us, it is like a lamb at the mercy of others, and there will never be any danger." Chu Tianju made a quick decision, and took out two ice soul locking needles from the magic weapon stored, and said through sound transmission.

The Ice Soul Locking Needle is three inches long, as thin as a cow's hair, as if transparent and glowing with a cold light like ice crystals. It is a treasure refined from the Ice Soul in the center of the earth. It is comparable to a top-grade magic weapon of the earth rank.

The greatest magical effect of this needle is that it can imprison the soul and make the enemy lose the power to resist.However, this kind of thing is not very powerful in battle, and it is generally only used when extorting confessions from the enemy.

To put it simply, the Ice Soul Locking Needle is actually a torture tool for cultivators.Only those big families and big sects have it.

"Senior brother Chu, that's Qing Xiuyi..." Xiao Wan hesitated.

Before he finished speaking, Chu Tianju interrupted: "Don't worry, as long as you subdue her, I will use a thousand ways to train her to be obedient and loyal to me, no one will find out."

Xiaowan and Xiaoxia glanced at each other, immediately stopped hesitating, got up and rushed towards Qing Xiuyi and Fan Yunlan.

Chu Tianju also did not neglect, even in a hurry, he flew in front of Chen Xi, raised his hand and slapped Chen Xi's celestial spirit cover away.

He was so excited, he never expected to encounter such a god-given opportunity, when he thought that from today on, that Qing Xiuyi, who looked like a fairy Lingbo in the eyes of the world, would become a taboo in his arms from now on, he felt in his heart I couldn't help shivering for a while, feeling ecstatic.

He didn't even notice that there was a three-inch little man hiding in the shadow behind Chen Xi.


Seeing that Chu Tianju was about to kill Chen Xi, Ling Bai did not hesitate, and made a bold move. The fierce and fierce Nirvana Sword Intent burst out, like a ray of sunlight, piercing the darkness suddenly, and struck at Chu Tianju's big hand. kill and go.

"Looking for death!" Almost at the same time, two screams sounded at the same time. It turned out that Qing Xiuyi and Fan Yunlan suddenly woke up at this critical moment.

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