divine talisman

Chapter 224

not good!

Hearing the Jiaoyue that exploded in his ears, and feeling the sword intent coming from behind Chen Xi, Chu Tianju never expected that there would be a sudden change at this critical moment, and his heart sank.

However, he was not slow to react, he used his true energy with all his strength, turned his palm into a fist, shaped like a big blue sun, and slammed hard on the sword glow that came suddenly.


The fist and sword collided, and the strength was scattered. With the help of this impact, Chu Tianju's body turned over like a kite, and flew back tens of feet. [

"Ah! Ah!" As soon as Chu Tianju's body fell to the ground, the two daughters, Xiao Wan and Xiao Xia, had already received a fatal blow from Qing Xiuyi and Fan Yunlan, and their foreheads were smashed into pieces in an instant, like rotten watermelons It seemed to splash all over the ground, killing him on the spot.

Chu Tianju's face suddenly became gloomy, and his heart was full of fear.

He didn't dare to escape, because the auras of Qing Xiuyi and Fan Yunlan had already firmly locked him in, especially Fan Yunlan, who already had a great "momentum" in his cultivation, which made Chu Tianju Like facing the vast world, I feel so small that I dare not act rashly.

"Miss Qing, I'm Chu Tianju of Qinghuamen, Master Longxuan Patriarch, for what you did just now, Chu did not intend to offend you. It was my two junior sisters who did not know the etiquette and acted on their own. Chu apologizes to you here. " Chu Tianju's eyes flickered, and he put everything on the dead Xiaowan and Xiaoxia.

"Qinghuamen Chu Tianju? Hmph, can you say such a lame excuse? What an embarrassment to your master!" Qing Xiuyi said coldly, with a wave of her plain hand, she put on a snow-white crane cloak, Wrap your body tightly.

On the other side, Fan Yunlan also took out a blood-colored cloak and covered his body, but stood on one side, silent, and didn't know what he was thinking in his heart.

"Miss Qing, Chu is really wronged! If you are not relieved, I can use elixir and magic weapon to compensate you. I only hope that Miss Qing can forgive Chu and resolve this mistake." Chu Tianju hurriedly He argued that he would not admit to this matter even if he was killed, otherwise the disaster would be deeper, and it might even affect the family and teachers behind him.

After all, Qing Xiuyi is the reincarnation of a celestial being, and also a treasure in the hands of the Yunhe Sect, who is favored and protected by many old monsters. If he knew that Chu Tianju had attracted Qing Xiuyi's attention, the consequences would not be his fault. I, and even the forces behind him, couldn't bear it.

"Injustice?" Qing Xiuyi opened her palm, revealing a three-inch transparent needle as thin as a cow's hair, which is the Ice Soul Locking Needle. Splendid City is famous for refining and selling ice soul locking needles, didn't you give this to these two women?"

Chu Tianju said with an ugly expression, "This..."

Qing Xiuyi interrupted coldly: "There is no need to explain, there is only one fate for you today, and that is death!"

While speaking, Qing Xiu's clothes were like misty clouds, and she came to Chu Tianju suddenly, stretched out her arms and clenched her fists, like a raised iron whip, ruthlessly smashed at Chu Tianju's Tianling Gai.

This series of movements, like a rabbit rising and falling like lightning, is almost impossible to guard against. Chu Tianju didn't expect Qing Xiuyi to do it as soon as he said so.


Qing Xiuyi's simple single punch seemed to be extremely heavy, and it directly shattered Chu Tianju's arms, making a sound of bone shattering.

Push, push, push... Chu Tianju backed away for more than ten steps, his face was extremely pale, sweat was dripping from his forehead, the bones of his arms had been shattered into powder, and he lay paralyzed like two soft noodles. the sides of the body.

"How is this possible? I'm a mid-Gold Core cultivation base, how can I be so vulnerable? Could this woman have advanced to the Nirvana realm?" Chu Tianju was filled with shock and anger, and couldn't believe it.

Although he had already heard that Qing Xiuyi's strength was unfathomable, but only after he really got in touch with her did he realize that he still underestimated this woman, whose combat power would absolutely sweep away any Golden Core cultivator in the same rank!

Boom boom boom...[

The strength of the fist broke through the air, Qing Xiuyi didn't give Chu Tianju a chance to breathe, and trampled on him again.In an instant, he came to Chu Tianju's side, his fist contracted like a crane's beak, the majestic true energy was condensed at one point, and the punch burst out, like a crane swooping down to choose someone to eat!

"Qing Xiuyi, you can't kill me, don't you fear the revenge from my Chu family and Qinghua sect?" At the critical moment, Chu Tianju yelled violently, and a golden pill slowly rose from his forehead. abundant.


This golden elixir, which contains Chu Tianju's nine kinds of Taoism and cultivated all over his body, turned around and radiated light. Regardless of the oncoming punch, he directly attacked Qing Xiuyi's body with a bang.

This style of play is purely desperate and extremely brutal.

Chu Tianju also seemed to understand that if he didn't try his best at this time, there would be no possibility of escape.

However, to his surprise, Qing Xiuyi was more ruthless than him, she ignored the Jindan's attack at all, her punch remained unchanged, and she directly stabbed him at the throat.

Click!Chu Tianju's larynx was smashed with a punch, and the fierce punching wind even twisted his entire head, and he died on the spot. The appearance of his death was extremely miserable.


At this time, Chu Tianju's golden core also bumped into Qing Xiuyi's body, but like a mud cow falling into the sea, it was absorbed by a ray of colorful rays of light, and all its power was dispelled.

Looking carefully, the seven-colored glow was emanating from the Yanxia mirror. It turned out that she seemed to have calculated all the changes before she acted, and sacrificed the Yanxia mirror early.

"The mid-term cultivation base of the Golden Core wanted to plot against me. I really wanted to kill myself..." Qing Xiuyi shook her head, without even looking at Chu Tianju's body, she reached out to grab the Golden Core and put it away. Into his own storage magic weapon.

During these few breaths, Chu Tianju, the core disciple of the Qinghua Sect Jindan, was completely killed. Qing Xiuyi's powerful and powerful attack power made Fan Yunlan's eyes look serious.

She could naturally see that Qing Xiuyi's cultivation had improved a lot, obviously, just like herself, she had gained a lot of benefits from the double cultivation just now.

When it came to double cultivation, Fan Yunlan's mood suddenly became extremely bad. His eyes looked at Chen Xi, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, and had never woken up.

Qing Xiuyi was also silent, staring at Chen Xi coldly, as if staring at a dead body, without any emotional fluctuations

These two women, one is the proud girl from the Yunhe Sect, she is picturesque, beautiful, and is a fairy that cannot be desecrated by many young disciples in the world; Bai Mei, whose appearance is a disaster for the country and the people, and with the cultivation base of the Seven Wheels of Nirvana, is a powerful figure in Longyuan City.

Such two women lost their lives to the same man due to an accident at the same time. It is conceivable how complicated their feelings are at the moment.

Ling Bai guarded in front of Chen Xi, pursing his lips in silence, but his eyes were full of stubbornness and ruthlessness, which was the determination to protect Chen Xi even to the death.

In a certain accident, taking a woman's virginity does not mean capturing their hearts. On the contrary, in order to cover up their shame or vent their anger, they will intensify their revenge on the man who took their virginity.

In particular, this man's status, identity, and cultivation level are far from theirs, so there is no way to win their respect, admiration, or fear.

Under such circumstances, Chen Xi's situation is undoubtedly extremely dangerous. [

What worried Ling Bai the most was that Chen Xi hadn't yet come to his senses up to this moment, that is to say, if he wasn't there, these two women could kill him instantly with a flick of their fingers.

Like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

"It's amazing. I never expected to share a man with Miss Qing." Fan Yunlan suddenly laughed, with a hint of sarcasm or self-mockery in his voice.

"I'm just poisoned. If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't be taking advantage of him." Qing Xiuyi remained calm, and said indifferently: "It's also fortunate that it was him who made me get rid of all kinds of desires. The impurities in the primordial essence have been completely removed, and now my Dao foundation cultivation base can enter the nirvana state at any time, so you should stop killing me as soon as possible, because you will never be able to do it again."

"You think you are the only one who has improved?" Fan Yunlan said slowly, "Of course, I won't fight with you now, unless I get rid of this man on the ground first."

"That's right, I think so too." Qing Xiuyi nodded and said, "No matter what happens today, I will kill him to wash away the stains and shame on my body."

"I'm also worried that this matter will spread and my reputation will be ruined. Why don't we make an agreement? Let's kill him together, and then make an oath of heaven, so that neither of us will publicize this matter, how about it?" Fan Yunlan asked softly.

Qing Xiuyi thought for a while, then nodded in agreement.

Ling Bai's heart sank when he saw it, and he said in a deep voice: "Both of you, if it wasn't for Chen Xi, you probably would have gone mad in the intoxication of Tianxiang and disappeared, right? Now it's a bit too much to repay your kindness with revenge. ?”


Hearing this, Qing Xiuyi and Fan Yunlan were both taken aback, and then suddenly looked stunned, obviously remembering all the information about Tian Xiangzui.

However, the two of them would not let Chen Xi go just because of these words. After all, it was a matter of their own innocence. If this matter got out, it would tarnish their reputation even more. The two of them would never tolerate such a thing happening. of.

And the way to erase all culprits is to kill people!


Qing Xiuyi made a sudden move, and her right hand, which was as white as jade, protruded out like electricity, and immediately held the three-inch tall Ling Bai in her hand, without giving him a chance to react.

But this is also normal, Qing Xiuyi's strength was originally stable over Ling Bai's head, but after the double cultivation, she has improved again, and she can catch her with surprise.

"You villain is indeed wonderful. You are as intelligent as a human, but you have the body of a magic weapon. If you don't want to die, just stay still, otherwise, if I try hard, you will be suspicious." Qing Xiuyi said calmly, with the threat in her words The meaning is to reveal the legacy.


Seeing that Ling Bai was captured first by Qing Xiuyi, Fan Yunlan snorted coldly, as if unwilling, he raised his hand and slapped Chen Xi on the ground, the real essence in his palm condensed, and the magic flames surged, obviously using all his strength.

Qing Xiuyi smiled calmly, and also waved out one hand, and slapped Chen Xi on the forehead from the other side.

Both of these two people had the desire to kill, and at this moment they were attacking from both sides. It seemed that no matter what, Chen Xi could no longer escape the fate of being killed.

Chen Xi's life is at stake!

Ling Bai stared until his eyes were about to burst, his small face was twisted and hideous, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't break free from the restraints, he couldn't help screaming angrily, his eyes turned blood red all of a sudden.

However, at this moment, the mutation suddenly increased.

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