divine talisman

Chapter 228 The Sword of Grand Virtue

Around 11:[-] p.m., there will be another update.


The stone tablet in the center of the Shamo cemetery is straight into the sky, exuding a desolate and simple awe-inspiring atmosphere, like a pillar reaching the sky, with strangely shaped handwriting carved on it, like tadpoles, like inscriptions, and after years of erosion , Those handwriting has long since become blurred and unrecognizable.

From a distance, this stele looks like an altar used by Zhenling. The black demonic energy surging between the heaven and the earth, as soon as they get close to the stele, they avoid it one after another, not daring to take a step forward.

In front of the stele, an iron sword was inserted into the soil, only half of the blade was exposed. [


Chen Xi's eyes lit up, and the iron sword exuded faint aura fluctuations, and there was even a hint of majestic and majestic righteousness in it. He was very familiar with this aura, just like the awe-inspiring swordsmanship practiced by his younger brother Chen Hao. From one source, the same approach but the same result.

Exercising the divine wind and feather escape method, Chen Xi's figure disappeared on the branch, and when he reappeared, he was already standing in front of the broken stone tablet.

Stretching out his hand to hold the iron sword, Chen Xi pulled it out forcefully.


A mighty sword energy soared into the sky, piercing through the sky, and the evil mist and demonic energy within a hundred meters around immediately evaporated out of thin air like snow melting into water.

This iron sword is black in color, with navy blue light shining through the blade. It is three feet two inches long. The body of the sword is engraved with mysterious traces of runes. These traces are simple and clear. The Yangtze River is mighty and mighty, with turbulent waves beating the snow. The ancient and continuous charm seems to be able to accommodate all things in the world, covering the rise, fall, and changes of the world. It is like a sword of history that covers all forms of the world!

"Good baby!"

The moment Chen Xi held the iron sword in his hand, he felt as if his whole body had been experienced in the rolling world of mortals. The various states of life, the change of dynasties, the prosperity of all things, the rise and fall of the world... all turned into a majestic aura hidden in his chest, wishing to set his heart for the world , To establish a life for the living and the people, to inherit the knowledge of the past saints, and to create peace for all generations!

"A good sword, this sword should be an artifact of Confucianism, influenced by the aura of great Confucian saints, it will last forever, and it is the most magnificent, majestic and majestic!" Chen Xi was full of admiration, and he suddenly remembered that his younger brother Chen Hao had cultivated it. Haoran Sword Dao is just as gentle as this sword's aura. If the two cooperate, they will complement each other and be a perfect match.

"This sword is mysterious, although it is not a fairy weapon, but it does not give way too much, but it can be given to my younger brother, and I can always meditate on it, and maybe I can go to a higher level in the Haoran sword."

Immediately, Chen Xi prepared to put the iron sword into the Buddha Pagoda.

Thousands of feet away, four or five sect disciples scattered all over the place saw the sword aura rushing to the sky in front of them, their eyes flickered, and they passed by without hesitation.

"Someone is coming!" Ling Bai reminded.

Chen Xi's body that was about to leave immediately froze. After a few breaths, five disciples of the sect appeared around him. They were all young monks from various regions of the Great Chu Dynasty. They stared at Chen Xi one by one, their eyes flickering. .

"Boy, did you take the sword treasure just now?"

"Leave the sword and spare you!"

"Sword Qi soars to the sky, this sword must be extraordinary, such a treasure, in fact, you can get it, cut off your own arm, and spare your life!"

Amidst a burst of cold shouts, the five people slowly approached, obviously holding the idea of ​​killing people to seize the treasure. [

Chen Xi's expression was calm. Judging from his aura, these five people were all strong in the early stage of Jindan, and their strength was obviously a level behind the Teng brothers.

"Murder to seize treasure? Then it depends on whether you have the strength." Without murderous aura or evil spirit, Chen Xi's expression was calm and his voice was indifferent. Facing the siege of these five Gold Core cultivators, he appeared extremely calm and composed.

"Since you're looking for death, then I'll help you!" The disciple of the sect who was closest to Chen Xi raised his hand and punched it out, pressing down with the real essence fist seal the size of a millstone.


In Chen Xi's hand, there was an extra sword that shot out with silver light, and it stabbed out at an incomparable speed, like a flash of cold light, the thunder blasted into the sky, the lightning burst through the void, tore apart the fist seal of true essence, and pierced through the person's throat ,puff!A splash of scorching scarlet blood splashed out, which was absolutely beautiful.

Kill with a sword!

As early as in the ruins of the Five Elements, Chen Xi single-handedly exterminated the Teng brothers who were in the mid-stage Golden Core. At that time, his cultivation base was still around the early Huang Ting stage. Now that he has double-cultivated with Qing Xiuyi and Fan Yunlan, he has With the help of the miraculous Tianxiangzui, body refining and Qi refining are only one step away from advancing to the Golden Core Realm, and his strength has at least doubled. Killing a monk at the early stage of Golden Core is naturally easy.

"This time it hurts, let's go together!" The other four people were startled, and shouted fiercely.

There was a hint of coldness on Chen Xi's lips, the long sword swirled around, and the sword shadow pierced the air like wind and thunder, but he used the Xun Zhen Sword Way in the "Wan Zang Sword Manual".

The sect disciple who attacked from the side hadn't gotten close, there was a bloody hole between his eyebrows, and half of his head was cut off.

Slaying a sect disciple with a single blow, Chen Xi didn't hold back his hand, the long sword swept across, like a thunderbolt locking a river, and ruthlessly pierced another person's ribs.With a pop, the man's body was cut in two, blood staining the ground.

"Run! This kid is no ordinary Huang Ting Consummation Realm cultivator, he has successfully cultivated the world's most difficult cultivation "Wan Zang Sword Code"!" Frightened and angry, they understood that Chen Xi was not someone they could provoke.

But it was too late to think of running away now.

One person escaped slowly, and his head was blown off by Chen Xi's sword. The other person was already a hundred feet away, and before he had time to rejoice, he felt a chill on his neck. Gorgeous blood flower.

In the blink of an eye, five early-stage Golden Core cultivators all died, and the scene was bloody and shocking!

Chen Xi didn't leave, nor did he go to search for the treasures stored on the corpses of these people. He suddenly turned around and looked behind the stele, "My friend, the show is over, it's time to show up!"


A figure swept out like smoke, and landed lightly on the side of the stele.

"The strength is good. With Huang Ting's perfect cultivation base, you can cross the border and kill five early-stage Golden Core cultivators. If this matter gets out, it will definitely be a sensation in the world. When you advance to the Golden Core Realm, you can even kill five monks in the Golden Core Realm. It would be a pity if someone with your talent was killed. I don’t want to embarrass you, but you have to hand over the sword you just got, it’s my Huang Yuhu’s Victory item, how about it?"

The young man named Huang Yuhu looked young, dressed in brocade clothes, with his hands behind his back, and his expression was indifferent, but he carried a strong hostility on his body. Judging from his breath alone, his strength should be similar to that of the Teng brothers, but he was stronger than the Teng brothers. Lin Moxuan, Xiao Linger and others were a little bit worse.

After thinking about it for a while, Chen Xi concluded that this person must be the same as the other golden core powerhouses of the younger generation, a core disciple of the golden core cultivated by a certain powerful force in the Great Chu Dynasty.

"What if I don't hand it in?" If it was before, Chen Xi wasn't sure of defeating the opponent, but now it's different, let alone this Huang Yuhu, even if he meets Qing Xiuyi again, he would dare to fight. [

Huang Yuhu smiled lightly, but the words he said were harsh, "If you compare me with those five trash just now, you will die a miserable death. I advise you not to provoke me to do it yourself."


Chen Xi pointed at the blade of the sword, and the long sword chanted, "Within three swords, your head will be taken!"

"Haha, as expected, most people in this world who want to die are overconfident and don't know the heights of the sky and the earth!" Amidst a burst of laughter, Huang Yuhu stepped on the ground with his toes, and the ground collapsed and cracked, while his men rushed towards Chen Xi in the air.brush!He was still on the way, and there were many snow-white scimitars in his hand, and the fierce knife energy gushed out, and the surrounding space was cut into several cracks like torn cotton wool, and the momentum was fierce.

"Splitting the Void Knife!" Huang Yuhu yelled violently, and the knife slashed down like a glare of sunlight tearing apart the night sky.

"One sword!" Chen Xi narrowed his eyes slightly, shook his head slightly, and stabbed out with a sword. The momentum of the sword was like mountains, and it was like rushing water. The mountains embraced each other, stagnant and dignified.It is the "Gen Dui Sword Way" in "Wan Zang Sword Code".

Gen, the mountain also.

The person who redeems is Ze Ye.

The mountains and swamps blend together, dignified like a mountain, and stagnant like a swamp. In an instant, everything around them seems to be stuck in a swamp of mountains, swamps, stuck, and delayed. A blunt force that seems sticky.

Huang Yuhu's flying figure froze for a moment, his whole body was like a big bug caught in a spider's web, even the saber intent in his hand seemed to be dragged, and the speed was reduced by at least [-]%.

"What kind of weird sword intent is this? But if you want to trap me with this, then you are too naive, Waterfall Saber Field!" Huang Yuhu's eyes were fixed, and he circulated his true energy again and again, and the saber's posture changed like a violent storm Similarly, thousands of knives were chopped out, and the knives crashed down like waterfalls across the sky.


Chen Xi immediately entered a situation where thousands of waterfalls were flying down. Those snow-white waterfalls were like a galaxy falling from the sky. Every drop of water contained a tyrannical and tyrannical will, which was extremely terrifying.

"Han Jian Dao!" Chen Xi looked calm and indifferent, and when he drew his long sword, the sword was majestic, like a god commanding thousands of waters, and it actually affected the falling speed of the ten thousand blade-mango waterfalls to become slower and slower!


When the waterfall was completely still, Chen Xi drew his sword and slashed. His movements were done in one go without any muddy water. Amidst the sound, the surrounding waterfall was cut in two, and Huang Yuhu's "Flying Waterfall Knife Field" was instantly shattered.

"How is it possible? How could my Waterfall Dao Domain be destroyed by a kid in the Huangting Realm?" Huang Yuhu's expression suddenly changed. At this moment, he suddenly realized that he had still underestimated Chen Xi's strength.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

Just as his voice was still lingering, a wisp of sword intent, as vast as the ancient clouds, appeared in his throat out of thin air and cut down.

Wanzang Sword's dry kendo!

The one who does it, the sky, the way of doing it is the most illusory, it melts into the surrounding void all the time, even if Chen Xi is willing, that void can turn into the sword intent in his palm, and snipe and kill the enemy without anyone noticing.


A bloody head flew out of the air, and there was still a hint of shock on his face, as if he couldn't believe that he would die tragically in the hands of a Huang Tingjing boy within three swords...


The snow-white scimitar fell to the ground with a clear sound, as if mourning for its lost master.

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