divine talisman

Chapter 229

Huang Yuhu died so fast, maybe in the end, he couldn't believe that he would be killed by Chen Xi, but these were all related to Chen Xi, he was only responsible for killing people.

"Six people, six treasures for storage, six golden elixirs, Chen Xi, hurry up and search for the treasures." Ling Bai stood on Chen Xi's shoulders, his eyes sparkled, and he said excitedly.


However, as soon as Ling Bai's voice sounded, the changes rose sharply.Far away from the Shamo cemetery, a loud bang exploded. At the same time, the ground shook violently. In the distance, a golden rainbow light pierced through the void like a pillar of light. In the center, a phantom of a palace like a majestic majestic mountain is reflected.

The sea of ​​clouds is churning, and the sun is shining! [

Amidst the loud bang, the true face of Mount Lu of the palace appeared inch by inch between the sky and the earth, the dazzling and splendid rays pierced the sky like a sharp sword, and the sea of ​​clouds surged like waves.

As if it has been covered in dust for thousands of years, the whole body is like a palace carved out of white jade, bathed in the splendid glow, and now it is seen again, standing between the heaven and the earth, exuding a majestic atmosphere of misty vicissitudes.

This aura is so strong and mighty that one can't help feeling awe and admiration.

Qianyuan treasure house!

Almost instantly, Chen Xi was completely attracted by the palace in the distance, and he was even more certain in his heart that that palace must be the inheritance treasure land left by the legendary celestial being, possessing countless treasures, and Lingshu cultivator The coveted Daoyi Yuandan!

"Go, the appearance of this palace is so loud that I'm afraid it has attracted monks from all directions. Let's go too, before it's too late!" Chen Xi didn't care about anything else, and made a decisive decision, rushing in the direction of the Qianyuan treasure house. go.


Chen Xi used all his strength to cast the divine wind and feather escape method, and his whole body disappeared in place like a flash of wind and lightning.

"Huh? There is..."

"Qianyuan Treasure House!"

"The legend turned out to be true. It is said that there is a treasure collected by a celestial being hidden in it. Unexpectedly, it really appeared!"

"Go! Don't be taken over by others!"

The monks who traveled in the depths of the vast desert were almost all attracted by the majestic palace that appeared out of thin air, and all of them showed extremely fanatical expressions, their eyes were burning hot, and their breathing became rapid.

Like Chen Xi, they rushed over there without hesitation.

If you look down from the sky, you will find that thousands of lights are gathering towards the palace from all directions, and the momentum is extremely majestic.

A quarter of an hour later.

Chen Xi took the lead to arrive at the place where the palace rose. This place was obviously a barren desert before, but now with the appearance of the Immortal Mansion, the sand layer on the ground has been lifted away, revealing huge cracks and gullies, and there are even countless Flames filled it, rising like a glow of fire.

These flames turned out to be extremely rare spiritual fires in the world. They gathered together like fire dragons, churning endlessly. You could even see huge three-legged golden crows flapping their wings in it. Waving it, it blows out an exhausting flame, and the blazing high temperature is enough to melt everything in the world!

"Sea of ​​burning spirits! Unexpectedly, the treasure house of Qianyuan is hidden in the sea of ​​burning spirits..." Chen Xi resisted the blazing heat all over his body, and looked at the palace stretching between heaven and earth, filled with amazement. [

The sea of ​​burning spirits, like the ruins of the five elements, the cemetery of evil spirits, the sea of ​​ghosts, and the domain of thunderstorms, are all extremely dangerous places in the vast desert.Legend has it that this place has the most violent spiritual fires in the world, which will last forever, and even the strong in the fairyland dare not step into it easily, it is extremely terrifying.

Facing this vast sea of ​​flames, Chen Xi only dared to wander on the edge, not daring to go deep into it.I'm afraid that if you enter it, if you accidentally move it, you will be incinerated and lose your body and soul.

Fortunately, the treasure hall lies between the sky and the earth. As long as you are careful and avoid the wisps of fireflies like fireflies, you may be able to get close to the treasure hall.

But at this moment, the treasure hall with an area of ​​[-] zhang, bathed in the splendid sunlight, seems to have a force field that isolates everything around it, and no one can get close at all.

"The treasure house hasn't been opened yet, so we have to wait nearby." Ling Bai frowned.

"Huh? Someone is coming!" While Chen Xi was thinking, he suddenly and keenly sensed a sound of breaking through the air from thousands of meters behind him.Involuntarily moving his body, the Binghuo witch pattern was running, and the whole figure suddenly turned into a fire shadow, mixed in the Qionglinghuo, completely hiding the traces.

Sure enough, right after Chen Xi hid, a powerful fluctuation of true essence suddenly came from a distance. The powerful force tore apart the void, and appeared not far from where Chen Xi was just now.

There were three men and one woman who came, they were Huangfu Chongming, Tan Taihong, Lin Moxuan and Xiao Linger.

"Damn it! Originally, I thought that with the help of the fragmented map in my hand, I could enter the Qianyuan treasure house without anyone noticing, but now that there is such a big commotion, I'm afraid it has attracted several people to covet it." Huangfu Chongminghong said with a gloomy expression.

Not only him, but several other people also looked very depressed. Who would have thought that the advent of Qianyuan Treasure House would cause such a huge phenomenon of heaven and earth?

Whoosh whoosh!

Just as they appeared, Liu Fengchi and others from Longsha Island in the East China Sea, Cangku Shan Manhong from Beiman and others also came in droves, and behind the two groups were Pei Zhong and Xue Chen from the Yunhe Sect. Only Qing Xiuyi was missing.

"Unexpectedly, all these guys are here. If you want to get enough benefits from the Qianyuan Treasure House, you obviously have to guard against these people..." Chen Xi hid in the densely packed spiritual fire nearby, watching these people who once went to the Qianyuan Treasury together. The enemy who shot himself secretly thought about the countermeasures.

Qing Xiuyi did not appear, which was beyond Chen Xi's expectations, but that was fine, if it was the enemy he feared the most, she was the first to suspect.As for the other people, he is not so afraid now, but what worries him is that if these people join forces, it will be a little troublesome.

"At such a time, why hasn't Miss Qing come?" Huangfu Chongming frowned, glanced at the people around him, and muttered, "Everyone must have seen the current situation. The appearance of Qianyuan Treasure House must have attracted several people. Spy, I suggest that we all join forces for the time being, grab all the treasures after entering the treasury, and then share them equally. As for the others... as long as they dare to rob us, come and kill one by one, what do you think?"

"it is good!"

"This plan is the most appropriate."

"We also agree."

The others were not stupid either, after a little thought, they nodded and agreed to Huangfu Chongming's suggestion.

"Sure enough, they are united..." Chen Xi frowned upon seeing this scene.

"Chen Xi, let's go in now, do you have an Extreme Breakthrough Orb in your hand from time to time? It will come in handy at this time!" Ling Bai suddenly spoke through sound transmission.

"Extreme Breaking Realm Bead?" Chen Xi was overjoyed, and said to himself, "Why did I forget about this treasure?"

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