divine talisman

Chapter 230 Breakthrough

The second update is around 11:[-].


The Extreme Realm Bead is an extremely miraculous treasure. It can detect some hidden spaces within a radius of a hundred miles, and it can also break through the barriers of some secret realms and fairy houses. It is extremely mysterious.

With this bead, Su Leng, the youngest elder of the Su family, searched for many secret realms and immortal mansions, and even obtained the classics of exercises and treasures from them, which caused a great sensation in the entire Longyuan City. Frozen to death, but this bead fell into Chen Xi's hands.

"This Su Leng was also a person with great luck back then. Now that he died, not only the Extreme Breakthrough Orb fell into my hands, but also the mysterious Nether Record and Exorcism Pen. Things are really good luck tricking people." Chen Xi was filled with emotion, and raised his eyes to look at the Qianyuan treasure house in the sky. [

At this moment, the treasure house of Qianyuan, which stretches between the heaven and the earth, has gradually revealed its true colors. It seems to be made of the cleanest and most flawless jade. It is supported by 36 giant pillars made of gold. The surface of the treasure house is engraved with the sun, moon, stars, flowers and plants. The insect fish and the dense and complicated runes of various colors formed layers of light curtains like water waves, and only the buildings and pavilions inside could be vaguely seen.

The splendid glow all around is like a gauze curtain, isolating the treasure house from the outside world.

And on the top of the treasure house, there are domineering statues of desolate ancient gods and beasts, including three-legged golden crows, green-lin giant dragons, 狴犴, 狻猊, chi kisses, prisoner cattle...etc. Unruly, they are quietly entrenched on the treasure house. Although they are dead things, they look down on the world indifferently like gods.

Divine beasts are entrenched, the weather is shocking, and the Qianyuan treasure house in front of you is definitely of extraordinary origin!

"This is such a big treasure house, are the inheritances of the immortals, exercises, elixirs, treasures... and the mysterious Daoyi Yuandan all sealed in it?"

Chen Xi's heart felt hot, and without any further hesitation, a ray of spiritual fire transformed from his body quietly approached the splendid Qianyuan treasure house.

What a powerful ban!

The closer he got to the treasure house, Chen Xi felt a force field flooding in front of him, as if he was facing a vast ocean, which he couldn't overcome. Moreover, this force was not static. It was surging from all directions, squeezing it hard, and with his current cultivation, he couldn't help but feel suffocated, and his bones seemed to be unable to withstand this huge force, making a crisp crackling sound.

At this time, Chen Xi was only three steps away from the Qianyuan treasure house.However, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move the slightest bit, and as time passed, the squeezing force of the surrounding force field became stronger and stronger, making him like a mayfly chained in the depths of the sea, as if In the next moment, he will be squeezed out of his body.

The distance of three steps is like a chasm in the sky, the kind of force field that fills every inch of space, I am afraid that even the strong in the fairyland can't break through it forcibly!


At this moment, Chen Xi sacrificed the Extreme Breaking Realm Bead without hesitation, pouring all the true energy in his body into it, and then a brilliant colorful light gushed out from the bead. A layer of transparent and distorted fluctuations, he knew that this was the barrier of prohibition around the treasure house.


Holding the Extreme Breaking Realm Orb, the transparent barrier is like a punctured bubble, leaving a long and narrow crack, leading directly to the inside of the Qianyuan Treasure House.Seeing this scene, how could Chen Xi dare to be negligent, he jumped into it, and disappeared completely.


"Not good! Someone broke in first!"

"Damn it, what is that colorful light? You must know that there is a forbidden barrier made by a celestial being around the Qianyuan treasure house. How could it be broken?"

"Extreme Breakthrough Orb! It must be this treasure, and only the Extreme Breakthrough Orb in this world can see any barriers!"


Just when Chen Xi broke through the barriers of the Qianyuan Treasure House, the colorful light emitted by the Extreme Realm Bead immediately attracted the attention of nearby Huangfu Chongming, Liu Fengchi, Man Hong and others.

They kept staring at the Qianyuan Treasure House, waiting for the barrier to disappear, and rushed in immediately. Who would have thought that someone would be one step ahead of them?

"Bastard! I recognized that guy, it's that Huang Tingjing kid, Chen Xi!"

"Chen Xi? How could it be him? How could he have a world treasure such as the Extremely Breaking Realm Orb in his hand?"

"It's too much to say, so what if he is one step ahead? After we go in, kill him and take back the treasures he found."

After recognizing that the guy who sneaked into the treasury was Chen Xi, Huangfu Chongming and the others' faces turned gloomy, their chests were burning with anger, and they wished they could tear Chen Xi apart, but they had no choice but to do so at the moment, after all, they didn't have the Extreme Breakthrough Orb in their hands. , You can only enter it until the barriers of the Qianyuan Treasure House disappear by themselves.


At this moment, there was another burst of dense sound of piercing the sky in the distance, and then streaks of light flew towards this side from the horizon. Roughly counting, there must be at least a hundred people, and it is not sure if they will be there again. Did you come again.

"An Qianyu from the Cracking Sky Sword School of the Central Plains!"

"Central Plains Mingxia Sect Wang Daoxu!"

"Donghaiyan Pavilion Zhen Liuqing!"


Following the appearance of those escaping lights, Huangfu Chongming, Liu Fengchi, Man Hong and others all showed expressions of surprise, as if they had never expected that they would meet so many influential figures of the young generation who were shocking the world here. became much heavier.

The more masters enter the Qianyuan Treasure House, the greater the competition. If there are more wolves and less meat, there will inevitably be battles. Who would like to see this happen?

"If Miss Qing is still here, how wonderful it would be!" Huangfu Chongming sighed suddenly. At this moment, he fully appreciates the beauty of Qing Xiuyi. If she is in charge, why worry about fighting with other forces?

This sigh fell into the ears of other people, and it was also recognized by everyone. Qing Xiuyi can be said to be the most outstanding and dazzling star of the Great Chu Dynasty. If anyone wants to make things difficult for himself and others, he must first think about it. If someone is not Qing Xiuyi's opponent, the treasures that can be divided up will naturally increase greatly.

It's a pity that Qing Xiuyi is no longer there, and no one knows where she went.

At this moment, as more and more monks came, the scene suddenly became spectacular. These monks were not the outstanding young people from various regions of the Great Chu Dynasty, but hundreds of disciples from major sects, almost all of them were in the Jindan realm. of cultivation.They occupy different positions and do not interfere with each other, but they faintly form a confrontational situation, and the atmosphere seems extremely dull.

What made Huangfu Chongming and the others feel a little relieved was that their group gathered monks from Huangtian Daozong, Jiuding Xianpai, Donghai Longsha Island, Beiman Cangku Mountain, and Prince Rui's Mansion. The strongest group of people in the world does not need to be afraid of other forces.

After the cup of tea exercise, a clear chant like a bell in the morning and a drum in the evening, rang between the heaven and the earth.

All the people present suddenly looked up, and then they saw that the Qianyuan Treasure House quietly suspended in the air, rumbled open the majestic and magnificent gate of the main hall! [

Immediately, an arch bridge that seemed to be paved with clouds formed from outside the gate of the treasure house, like a rainbow bridge, across the sky and the earth, leading directly to the gate of the treasure house.

Almost at the same time, a vast and majestic coercion suddenly swept across the entire world, and flames suddenly gushed out from around the treasure house, like magma from the depths of the earth, trying to burn the entire world.

The terrifying heat wave seemed to melt everything, and even forced those monks who were close to him to retreat again and again.

Whizzing!Whoosh whoosh!

At this moment, a few flashes of light flashed in the air, stepping on the rainbow bridge, rushing towards the gate of the treasure house.

"Looking for death!" Huangfu Chongming's eyes burst into murderous intent. How could he not be angry that someone wanted to enter the treasury before them?

"Young Master Huangfu, let's hurry..." Before Tantaihong finished speaking, he stopped abruptly, and saw the few monks who rushed towards the treasure house before they had time to let out a scream, and turned into a ball The flame disappeared in an instant.

The treasury was surrounded by beautiful rays of light, and the flames were soaring. Only when you get close can you truly feel the high temperature of the flames. The tragic deaths of those monks were like a basin of cold water, instantly extinguishing the eagerness in everyone's hearts.

"Let's go. Just now those idiots were only focused on moving forward, but they forgot to resist the surrounding flames. We only need to sacrifice a powerful magic weapon and rush through that wall of fire to enter it!" Huangfu Chongming narrowed his eyes, and his words passed quickly. Yindao, he has already seen that the treasure house is surrounded by flames, and although there is a rainbow bridge running through it, if you want to enter it, you must avoid those flames.

As he said that, he sacrificed an iron fan that looked like polished scales. The dull fan surface suddenly supported a light curtain like water waves.

Almost at the same time, Lin Moxuan, Xiao Ling'er, Tantaihong, Liu Fengchi, Man Hong and others also used their own magic weapons and swished away through the air.

In fact, not only Huangfu Chongming and others, but other monks present also discovered the mystery, and sacrificed various water magic weapons one after another, piercing through the air and shooting towards the treasure house.

For a moment, the sky was full of radiant light.

Witnessing this scene, some monks who were only as strong as Huang Ting couldn't help agitating, and rushed towards the treasure house recklessly, but the ending made them feel cold. If they survived, they would all be reduced to ashes in the flames of love.

What is particularly surprising is that on the way, there is another monk who is obviously cultivated in Nirvana, but he is blocked by the treasure house. There seems to be a layer of force field outside the gate of the treasure house. Can't get any closer!

In the dark, it seems that the open door of the Qianyuan Treasure House is only opened by the monks of the Golden Core Realm, which seems extremely mysterious.

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