divine talisman

Chapter 231 Eight Golden Locks

After entering the main entrance of the Qianyuan Treasure House, the first thing that catches the eyelids is a magnificent hall.

This hall seems to be opened in a virtual space, with the sky above, the stars twinkling, and the earth below, it is paved with rare blue light stones, shrouded in haze, like a mirror.And around the main hall, there are many portals, densely packed, like a beehive, and it is impossible to tell how many portals there are at a glance.

These are not static, but are constantly changing positions like stars, and among these portals, some have murderous aura, some are full of precious aura, a thousand streams of auspicious aura, and some reveal a sense of friendship. ringing sound.It seems that behind every portal, there are extraordinary treasures hidden.

Of course, it is not ruled out that there is a dead end, a place of death.

"Look, Chen Xi, these portals seem to be dense and complicated, but they are formed into a group of eight, the eight groups form one body, and the eight bodies form one statue. The cycle repeats and evolves endlessly. It's as if they are arranged according to the order of the formation. "Ling Bai stood on Chen Xi's shoulder, staring at the surroundings for a moment, then said suddenly. [

Chen Xi had already discovered a trace of mystery in it, nodded and said: "These gates are indeed a formation, if I perform well, it should be a large eight-door golden lock formation, divided into rest, life, injury, Du, scene, death, Surprise, open eight gates, these eight gates divide yin and yang, there is evil and good luck, once you enter the evil gate, you will go back and forth, you must be suspicious of death, once you enter the auspicious gate, you can save your life, and maybe you can get many treasures in the treasury."

"So that's the case, maybe this is a test set by the treasure house owner." Ling Bai suddenly said: "Then tell me, where do we go from, is Jimen?"

"According to the essentials of the formation, the eight-door golden lock formation, if you enter through the gate of life, the gate of scenery, and the gate of opening, you will be auspicious; if you enter through the gate of injury, gate of shock, and gate of rest, you will be seriously injured; if you enter through the gate of Du and death, you will die." Chen said. Xi frowned and muttered.

"Then why are you hesitating, we just need to find out the Shengmen, Jingmen, open the door, and go in?" Seeing that Chen Xi only said that he would not do anything, Ling Bai couldn't help but wondered.

"No, I always feel that there is something abnormal, let me knock it again." Chen Xi frowned and said, at the same time, the talisman knowledge he had learned so far was running at full speed in his mind, and he quickly counted the eight gates around him that were composed of many sects. Door golden lock array.

Ling Bai didn't bother him either, and looked around on his own.

After a while, Chen Xi's eyes lit up, he let out a long breath, and said with a smile, "It's so dangerous, I almost fell into the trap of the owner of the treasury, this golden lock formation with eight palaces is different from ordinary ones, the eight gates are upside down, Reversal of yin and yang, it should be called yin and yang reversed eight palaces and golden lock formation, among the eight gates, only two are auspicious gates, and the others are evil gates!"

"Then where do we go in?" Ling Bai asked quickly.

"The gate of death!" Chen Xi stretched out his hand and pointed. There was a murderous aura in the gate there, as if there was a crisis of poverty hidden in it. If he didn't recognize the true face of this gate, he would definitely think that the gate behind , is the place of death, but it is different now, this is the real "Jimen".

And the nearby door with overflowing precious energy and a thousand streams of auspicious energy is the real "violent door"!


At this moment, there was a loud noise outside the treasure hall, and then the closed gate suddenly opened, and a rainbow bridge poured out, penetrating between heaven and earth.

"The gate of the treasure house has been opened, so let's leave as soon as possible, before it's too late." Chen Xi's heart trembled, and he brought Ling Bai into that "gate of death" and disappeared.

"There are so many portals!"

"Could it be that there are all kinds of treasures hidden behind these portals?"

"God, I can feel the aura of Shubao just from that portal!"

Amid the sound of breaking through the air, Huangfu Chongming, Liu Fengchi, Man Hong and others flew into the main hall, and when they saw the densely packed doors that looked like a beehive, they didn't let out a single exclamation.

"This time when the Qianyuan Treasure House came into the world, there was a lot of commotion. The younger generation of powerful people from all over the place came. There are many monks and few meat, and although there are many sects, it may not be possible for us to obtain all the treasures in it. "Lin Moxuan sighed softly.

"It's okay, we have a lot of people, and each of us has a map of the treasure house. We can get as many treasures as no one can surpass us." Huangfu Chongming smiled and said: "We are now standing in the Qianyuan treasure house. According to the map, how should I enter the hall of the palace?"[

"The map in my hand shows that there are a total of 96 portals in this Qianyuan treasure house, and each portal contains unpredictable mysteries. Entering it is equivalent to entering another space. Everyone must be extremely careful." Tan Taihong said.

"That's right, these gates form the eight-door golden lock formation, but it is marked on my map that this formation is different from the ordinary eight-door golden lock formation, and I don't know how it is different." Liu Fengchi frowned. .

"Mine is the same. It is said to be a real treasure house, hidden in the Jimen. We have to find the Jimen in it before we can enter it safely and get the treasure." Man Hong also nodded and said.

"Then quickly find the Jimen among them, in case someone else seizes the opportunity." Huangfu Chongming said resolutely: "Pei Zhong and Xue Chen, two fellow Taoists, I heard that your Yunhe Sect is proficient in the way of array talismans. I'm counting on you guys."

Pei Zhong and Xue Chen looked at each other and nodded in agreement.Without Qing Xiuyi, the two of them have become the weakest existence in this gang. If they want to gain benefits from the Qianyuan Treasure House, they naturally have to cooperate with others.

Both brothers and sisters sacrificed a magic weapon in the shape of a compass, looked at the various gates that circulated continuously, and began to perform with great concentration.

When the two of them performed the formation, other monks also came in droves, and many of them were knowledgeable monks who saw many mysteries hidden in those portals, and they all acted out in their own way.

At this time, they have not seen the real treasure, and there is no conflict of interest between them, so there is no need to worry about disputes with other people.Besides, it is extremely unwise to have a dispute at this time. It is not worthwhile to let other people sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight for nothing, but in the end it will be cheaper for others.

Everyone is racking their brains to play the real portal, racing against time, lest others will take the lead, so the treasure house hall is extremely quiet.

Let’s talk about Chen Xi, who just entered a portal, at least saw dozens of huge formations in operation, intertwined and intertwined, forming a large formation with murderous intentions soaring to the sky, which is enough to trap any master below the level of a celestial being. in it.

Fortunately, this huge and extremely complex killing formation was not activated, and it was extremely quiet. Chen Xi went deep into the formation without any danger.

"A lot of pills!"

As soon as he crossed this killing formation, Chen Xi saw that in a space shrouded in haze, spiritual energy-filled pills were suspended everywhere, and each pill seemed to have a spirituality, dancing and dancing in the air, It looked extremely miraculous.

ps: Let me tell you one thing. I am on a business trip and travel to a city almost every day. I can only take time to go to an Internet cafe to code words at night to ensure continuous updates. I feel really tired, but I am working hard to persevere. I hope everyone will also Can vote more.

In addition, I have seen some comments and corrections in the book review area, and I will gather the plot in the future and describe it around the main line. The description of "" will appear after this big plot.Well, that's it, good night everyone.

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