divine talisman

Chapter 232

Pills swarmed, roaring like rain!

Looking at the spiritual pills flying all over the sky, Chen Xi couldn't help but take a deep breath, and suddenly felt a pure, cool and majestic spiritual power pouring into his limbs and bones, which suddenly lifted his spirits, purple The real essence in the mansion seemed to be more condensed.

"This is just taking a breath of pill energy. If you swallow one pill, what kind of magical effect will it have?" Chen Xi looked at the hundreds of pills, and his heart was burning.


When a elixir flew past his eyes, Chen Xi raised his hand and grabbed it, only to see that the elixir was crystal clear, like a crystal, with wisps of radiant glow lingering in it, emitting a clear chant like the roar of dragons and tigers , It is clear to the ears and eyes, and the whole body is clear, and it seems extremely mysterious. [

"Taiqing Yuye Pill! This turned out to be a ground-level pill with a hint of spirituality!" Ling Bai also grabbed a pill with his hands, looked it over, his eyes lit up suddenly, and shouted excitedly: "The monk is advanced!" After the Golden Core Realm, the ordinary spiritual liquid can no longer meet the needs of cultivation, and only by relying on the power of the elixir above the ground level can one make a further progress in cultivation. And this Taiqing Yuye Pill is a world-renowned one. The top-grade elixir of planting land was produced ten thousand years ago, but only the Taiqing Taoist Palace could refine it. A single Taiqing Yuye elixir is enough to be worth [-] catties of spiritual liquid!"

Like magic treasures, pills are also divided into four grades: Heaven, Earth, Xuan, and Yellow, and each grade is divided into four grades: lower, middle, upper, and best.

Among them, the yellow-rank and Xuan-rank elixirs can only be called Yuan Dan, which is the basic elixir, and it is not complicated to refine.And the pills of earth and sky ranks are called panacea because they already possess a trace of spirituality.

Obviously, this Taiqing Yuye Pill is a kind of earth-level panacea, and its quality is excellent, ranking among the best!

"Taiqing Jade Liquid Pill?" Although Chen Xi didn't know how powerful this pill was, he was very clear that he would be inseparable from the support of the Earth-level Spirit Pill in his future advancement to the Jindan realm.

The most important thing is that after advancing to the Jindan realm, the body is equivalent to having the root of heaven and earth. When fighting against the enemy, as long as you have enough earth-level spirit pills, you don't have to worry about the emergence of unsustainable monsters after the depletion of true essence. An embarrassing scene, because the earth-level elixir can instantly restore the true energy, so that the golden elixir monks can maintain a long-lasting and vigorous combat effectiveness!

If it were a cultivator from the Purple Mansion or a cultivator from Huang Ting, even if he swallowed the earth-level elixir, he would not be able to do this at all, and his dantian would be washed away by the majestic power of the medicine, and his life would be damaged.

This is the strength of the Golden Core cultivator. The so-called Golden Core Dao is the establishment of the roots of heaven and earth, which makes the dantian extremely tough and firm, as solid as gold soup, and it is precisely because of this that it can withstand the erosion of the medicinal power of the earth-level elixir.

"Okay, with so many earth-level spirit pills, as long as I can advance to the golden elixir realm, I won't have to worry about the depletion of my true energy when I fight against others." Chen Xi waved his sleeve robe, and in the space, hundreds of Thousands of Taiqing Yuye pills turned into raindrops, and he collected them into the Buddha Pagoda.

There are thousands of pills like rain, and as soon as they entered the pagoda, they turned into a river of pills, circling and flying in a mighty way, and Bai Kui, who was sleeping soundly on one side, suddenly shuddered Lingling and stood up , when he saw the countless Taiqing Yuye Pills, he screamed excitedly, rubbed the ground, jumped up, chased after Dan Qun's buttocks, and ate it with great joy.

Chen Xi noticed this scene, but he didn't stop it. There were so many pills, at least one hundred thousand, and even if the little guy kept taking them for a year, they could only be counted as a drop in the bucket.What's more, Bai Kui is a very picky eater now, and after tasting something new, he won't eat it again.

"This alchemy library has been looted by myself now, and I don't know what other treasures are hidden in other places..." After Chen Xi collected the pills in the surrounding space at once, without hesitation, his figure moved into the deep portal. rush away.

He didn't dare to waste a little bit of time, the gate of the Qianyuan Treasure House has now been opened, Huangfu Chongming and the others are probably trying their best to break the eight-door golden lock array, if they rush over, what benefit will they have?


As soon as he entered another portal, Chen Xi heard a dense sound of sword chant, like a tide like a wave, with a huge momentum, and then he saw several swords flying endlessly in the void with a mysterious trajectory.

The sword light shot out, thousands of chimes sounded in unison, and the fierce sword energy forced Chen Xi to suffocate his breath, and his heart was shocked. Those sword weapons were all earth-level high-grade magic weapons, colorful and flying automatically. Ming, tens of thousands of ground-level high-grade swords, surrounded by nine noble swords like kings, sing together and resonate. The sound waves are enough to directly shatter the purple mansion, and even the monks of the yellow court. torn.

This is a sword array!A large sword array composed of tens of thousands of ground-level top-grade swords and nine top-grade swords!

"Tai-Qi Xuan Chong Sword, this... this is actually the Tai-Qi Xuan Chong Sword Formation of the Tai Qing Dao Palace!" Ling Bai was shocked, "There are a total of [-] and [-] ground-level high-grade Tai Qi Xuan Chong swords, nine of them The sword array formed by the top grade Tai Qi Xuanling Sword of the earth level, once fully activated, is enough to kill the strong in the Nether Transformation Realm!"

Speaking of this, Ling Bai paused, and said with a firm face: "The owner of this Qianyuan treasure house must be a strong man from the Taiqing Taoist Palace, otherwise he would never have set up such a mountain-protecting sword formation. In the mountain gate of Qingdao Palace, there is a large formation composed of tens of thousands of heaven-grade top-grade swords and nine immortal swords, the lethality is so terrifying that even the heavenly immortals will have to go back and forth." [

Tens of thousands of heavenly grade best swords?

Nine swords?

Chen Xi couldn't help feeling a little astonished. What kind of power is this Taiqing Dao Palace that would take out so many treasures and set up such a terrifying sword formation?

"Chen Xi, take them away, take them all away, in the future you will start a sect and deploy this formation in front of the mountain gate, it will be enough to kill all the little ones!" Ling Bai shouted excitedly.

This "Taiweichen Sword Formation" is indeed shocking.

"Okay, now my younger brother is rebuilding the Chen family. With these sword formations, they can be arranged around to form an excellent barrier, and can also protect my Chen family's foundation!"

Chen Xi also did not hesitate, and immediately made a move.

He didn't recklessly force himself to collect it, but silently acted out this array,

This Taiweichen Sword Formation, because of the host, did not start, but slowly operated according to the position of the formation, and all the changes were presented in detail, as if teaching the tricks of the formation The same, it is effortless to comprehend it.

But even so, it took Chen Xi a full quarter of an hour to grasp and memorize all the tricks and changes in this formation, and only then did he begin to collect the tens of thousands of swords.

This time, Chen Xi learned his lesson and put all these sword weapons into the hidden place in the pagoda of the Buddha. In this way, he avoided Bai Kui who foolishly swallowed some of the sword weapons.

"I have collected all the magic weapons in this portal. Let's go to the next portal." Chen Xi counted the time and felt more and more urgent.

Faced with such a big opportunity for him to search wildly by himself, who can not worry that several people will rush over in the next moment and join the ranks of the search?

At this time, Chen Xi was like a locust with an incredible speed. He first plundered nearly a hundred thousand Taiqing Jade Liquid Pills, and then he plundered the Taiweichen Sword Formation. The next moment, he appeared in another In one portal, in this space, there are all some rare materials, Taibai fine gold, Youshui Mingshi, Liuyang red melting iron, Yunshen Qingxin wood... All kinds of refining materials, rare stones, scattered all over the place , piles and piles are listed there, it is simply reckless.

All of these were swept away by Chen Xi. Anyway, there are eight spaces in the Pagoda of the Buddha, which are comparable to one realm, enough to hold countless treasures of heaven and earth, and there is no need to worry about the problem of not having enough magical treasures.

Just when Chen Xi kept plundering.


More than a dozen figures broke through the eight-door golden lock formation and rushed into the space where Chen Xi was originally. They were Huangfu Chongming, Liu Fengchi, Man Hong and the others.

As the first batch of pioneers to pass through the eight-door golden lock formation, each of them was extremely excited, but when their eyes swept around, the excited smiles on their faces froze immediately.

This space is empty, there are no treasures, it is obvious that someone has stepped in first, which makes everyone look extremely bad.

"What's going on here? Why is it so empty, without even a hair? There is still a trace of alchemy in the air, pure and thick, at least at the level of an earth-level panacea, how could it all disappear? "Someone said in surprise.

"Damn it! It's obvious that someone took the first step and searched it all. If you let the master know whose hands it fell into, chop off his hand!" Someone cursed angrily. [

"Could it be that kid Chen Xi?" Someone asked.

"Chen Xi? Damn it, why did I forget that this kid was one step ahead? But this kid is too ruthless, his food is too ugly, he won't even give us a chance to drink soup, he really deserves death!" Some people are so angry that they jump their feet.

These young generation of powerhouses are usually proud and conceited, their eyes are higher than the top. This time they can take the lead in passing through the eight-door golden lock formation, and pull other monks behind. They are also extremely excited. Knowing that they were exhausted and worked hard to get in, but they didn't get anything, how could it make them feel so embarrassed?Everyone's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, their eyes were about to breathe fire, and they were so angry that they almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

"Let's chase after him quickly! That kid might be not far ahead, catch up to him, and let me spit out what he eats!" Huangfu Chongming, the little prince, at this time also had no demeanor at all, with a distorted expression on his face, Gritting his teeth, he growled loudly.

No more nonsense, everyone is desperately urging their true essence, rushing towards the deep portal, full of murderous aura.

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