divine talisman

Chapter 234 The Test Begins

Chen Xi stood in front of a portal. wwv m)

So far, he has obtained nearly [-] Taiqing Jade Liquid Pills, a mountain guard formation consisting of tens of thousands of ground-level top-grade swords and nine ground-level top-grade swords, and tens of thousands of various refining materials. , and many other precious spiritual materials...

The sum of these treasures is simply an astronomical figure when converted into spiritual liquid.In southern Xinjiang, with such financial resources, it is enough to establish a sect and establish a medium-sized sect.

It is a pity that, so far, he has not come across some jade slips of exercises, such as Taoist martial arts, refining weapons, alchemy, and making talismans.

"Perhaps, behind this portal, there should be some classics of exercises..." Chen Xi was about to enter the door when he suddenly heard a sound of breaking through the air behind him. [

"Good boy, it turned out to be here!"

"Hahaha, let's see where you run away, you nasty brat."

"Damn it, you can plunder a dozen or so spaces, and you won't even give us a sip of soup, it's just too deceitful!"

"Bastard! Hand over the treasure, kneel down and die!"

Accompanied by the sound of breaking through the air, a burst of angry cursing also sounded, and Chen Xi didn't need to guess that it must be Huangfu Chongming and the others.

"Unfortunately, these people are chasing after them too fast. From now on, I'm afraid there will be no chance to monopolize the benefits..." Thinking this way in his heart, Chen Xi's movements were not slow at all. When he heard the sound of piercing through the sky, he He had entered the door without hesitation, and walked into an empty hall.

When he saw the surrounding scene clearly, he couldn't help but froze.

Different from the portal space I saw before, this hall is vast and deep, connecting the sky of billions of stars above, and the land of mountains and rivers below, it is majestic and vast, like a continent, shocking.

There is no end in sight, no end in sight, this is a wonderful and vast space that does not know the end.

And where the earth meets the sky, stands a huge statue.

This man is tall, with a stern and stern face, with the sky above his head, his feet on the earth, standing between the sky and the earth, as if he has stood there for hundreds of millions of years, never moving.

As if they sensed Chen Xi’s arrival, an ancient and vast aura suddenly came from the giant who was ten thousand feet tall, and almost at the same time, several dazzling golden lights suddenly shot out from the giant’s acupuncture points.


There was a thunderous sound like a tide, and on the giant, a force that would destroy the world circulated from every acupuncture point in his body, and indistinctly, he could hear a burst of majestic singing like a heavenly voice. sound.

At this moment, the whole world seems to be filled with the figure of this giant, with a golden light and mana, like an ancient god who has come back from the silence, making people unconsciously feel small and boundless.

At this time, Huangfu Chongming and others also flew in one after another.

"You bastard, you escape quickly. I think you still..." The voice stopped abruptly, because just like Chen Xi, all of their hearts and minds were overwhelmed by that majestic figure that stood on top of the sky.

"Huh? What happened..."

Not long after Huangfu Chongming and others came in, An Qianyu, Wang Daoxu, and Zhen Liuqing also came one after another, but when they saw the huge figure clearly, they all shrank their pupils and lost their minds in shock. [

Following the astonishing vision of this towering stone statue, the entire Qianyuan treasure house experienced drastic changes, and those monks who were still stranded outside the Eight-Gate Golden Lock Formation were also arrested by a wave of ghosts. The power was transmitted here, and as soon as he recovered, he was completely stunned by the scene in front of him.

At this moment, together with Chen Xi, the Huang Tingjing cultivator who sneaked into the Qianyuan Treasure House early with the Extreme Breakthrough Realm Bead, and all the other Golden Core cultivators who entered the treasury, they all gathered in this boundless and endless land. In the space, the mind is overwhelmed, and the words are lost.


Amidst the shocking sound, the stone statue with a stern and stern face suddenly flashed a strange light in its pupils, shining brightly.The pupil of his right eye is radiant, like the rising sun, bringing light and vitality to millions of living beings in the world, while the pupil of his left eye is as dark as the night, rotating the extreme darkness, full of extinction, death, Emotional powers such as awe-inspiring and killing.

One black and one white, one clear and one turbid, forming a pair of eyes that make countless people tremble in awe.Like the gods overlooking the world and seeing all things, it has the strongest impact on people's hearts.

"The way of dryness, endowed with a faint heart of heaven, walks the way for the sky, with double merit and virtue; the way of yuan, returns to the silence of emptiness, conceals evil and promotes good, and eradicates sins. My name is Qianyuan. The treasury, waiting for fate, can also be counted as a good deed of merit."

All of a sudden, a sound like a big bell buzzing and rolling between the heaven and the earth, just like the chanting of heavenly music, there was a spectacular scene of flowers falling from the sky and golden lotuses springing up from the ground, which was extremely unbelievable.

In this voice, everyone present felt as if their bodies and minds had been washed, and the awe of the god statue became more and more intense in their hearts.

"The gift of the Tao is destined, and there are three tests specially set up. Those who pass will get it, and those who fail will retreat. Remember to do what you can, don't be greedy and burn your heart, and seek short-circuits."

As soon as the words fell, the towering god statue suddenly turned into billions of brilliance and disappeared, and the surrounding world immediately returned to the gray silence before.

And everyone immediately felt that they had entered a vast white space, and the surroundings were quiet, but they were left alone.

Surrounded by a vast expanse of whiteness and rising haze, Chen Xi secretly heaved a sigh of relief as he looked around. He knew that he had already been separated from other people, so he didn't have to worry about Huangfu Chongming and the others rushing up and attacking him.

"Is this the assessment place left by the master of the treasure house, huh?" Chen Xi sat cross-legged on the ground, and was about to tell Ling Bai to be more careful, but suddenly found that the little guy was imprisoned in the Pagoda of the Buddha, and he couldn't listen anymore. He can't hear his own words, and he can't summon him out.

"Could it be that there are some mysterious and weird restrictions here?" Chen Xi's heart trembled, and at this moment, he saw the extremely dazzling white light around him suddenly change like water waves.


In the white light, a light and shadow dressed in white suddenly appeared, with a straight back, like a sword or a gun. After careful observation, Chen Xi discovered that this light and shadow was exactly the same as himself, as if he was his own brother.

Of course, he also understood in his heart that this light and shadow was definitely not himself, but was made up of the dazzling white light around him.

In fact, it’s not just Chen Xi. At this moment, other people like Huangfu Chongming, Lin Moxuan, Xiao Linger, Liu Fengchi, Man Hong, An Qianyu, Wang Daoxu, Zhen Liuqing, etc. are also in a completely isolated space like Chen Xi. , facing the same "self" condensed by white light.

"The first stage of the assessment, beheading yourself and killing the opponent, even if you pass the assessment, remember, only the top twelve can get a piece of Taoist martial arts inheritance." The vast voice resounded around the surroundings again, ethereal, but It was cold and dry, with no emotion at all.

Taoist martial arts?Only the top twelve can get it?

Chen Xi's heart skipped a beat. [


On the opposite side, the light and shadow condensed by white light stepped out in one step, faster than lightning, and arrived in front of Chen Xi in an instant, stabbing out with a sword.

God's weathered feather escapes the law!

Wanzang Sword, "Xun Sword Way"!

Huang Ting's cultivation is perfect!

In an instant, Chen Xi immediately realized that the attack method, movement skills, and strength of this light and shadow were all exactly the same as his own!

To cut oneself, perhaps this heavy assessment is to defeat oneself... Thoughts flickered in his mind, but Chen Xi's movements were not slow.

When he was in the Tianbao Building in Hanhai City, Mrs. Shuihua once entrusted her maid to present Chen Xi with ten top-grade black-grade swords. This Gale Wind Sword was one of them, and it was a set with the Xiaolei Sword.Others include a set of five-element swords, a set of Yin-Yang letter swords, and a Yuanchen Xinghe sword.

"Xun Swordsmanship!" Chen Xi shook his right wrist, and the Gale Sword was like a wisp of a swiftly flying wind spirit, erratically erratic, as it charged forward.

Xun is the wind, freedom, and restraint. When it is violent, it tears mountains and seas, and when it is gentle, it is like green willows blowing catkins. Among the eight great swords of the Wanzang Sword, Chen Xi has the most profound grasp of the Xun sword, and at this time it is used to fight against the enemy. , he is also particular.

The first test set by the owner of the Qianyuan Treasure House is to kill oneself. In the final analysis, it is to defeat oneself, and if you want to defeat yourself, you must face the enemy with head-to-head and stabilize the opponent in all aspects, which is the real meaning If you defeat yourself in the world, if you are opportunistic, you may never be able to overcome this level.

What is the purpose of defeating yourself?

It is to be firm on the way, fear the past, fear the future, and never retreat in the insignificant way of heaven. This is not a contest of skills and strength, but an assessment of the heart of the Tao. Whether the heart of the Tao is strong is the key to this heavy test. The core lies.

chi chi chi...  

Xun Sword Dao vs. Xun Sword Dao, the two swords are like a light wind, erratic in the void, entangled with each other, the sword lights shoot out, but they don't collide, as if they are looking for the other's weakness.


Seeing that there was no way for Chen Xi to do anything, the light and shadow made a decisive decision. Once the sword's momentum changed, it turned into the Li Sword Dao again, wreaking havoc like a raging fire.

Chen Xi also changed positions and left the sword path, and rushed forward.

Just like that, the eight great sword powers of the Wanzang Sword Code were transformed into each other by the light and shadow and Chen Xi, and turned against each other, killing each other inextricably for a while.

But at the next moment!


With a muffled sound, a hole was suddenly pierced in Guangying's throat, and it was redrawn into white light and disappeared.

"Although the strength is comparable to mine, a dead thing is a dead thing after all. As long as I am firm in Daoism, I can't do anything to kill obsessions, self, and demon barriers. How can you be my opponent?"

Chen Xi shook his head. Everything he had experienced in these years had already sharpened his Dao heart to be stronger than fine steel, as solid as a rock, how could he be beaten down by a "self".

"Practice and practice, if you can't control your mind, how can you talk about transcending all living beings? If you can't control your mind, you can't call it eternal life." The vast voice sounded again, "Congratulations to No. 4 for passing the examination, and the rest There are eight kinds of Taoism and martial arts, please choose one and accept it with a smile."

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