divine talisman

Chapter 235 Great Annihilation Fist


Chen Xi was not surprised at all. The cultivators who entered the Qianyuan Treasure House this time were not the Golden Core powerhouses of the younger generation. Looking at the entire Great Chu Dynasty, they were all well-known people. With Huang Ting's perfect cultivation, he was able to obtain The result of No.4 is enough to be proud of.

Of course, he felt a little regretful in his heart. The twelve Taoist martial arts left by the owner of the treasure house must have their own advantages and disadvantages. The next ones are all leftovers who have been selected, and their grades may be slightly lower.


Just as Chen Xi was thinking, the surrounding white light suddenly parted, and eight items exuding misty rays of light appeared in front of Chen Xi's eyes. They were jade slips. The jade was as simple as the size of a thumb, and it was dark golden. Dao will fluctuate, fairy sounds are ethereal, extremely wonderful. [

"Bashui Shenquan, Taoist martial arts, is divided into 36 moves. The moves are like raging water, surging waves, and those with extremely strong comprehension can comprehend the Taoist meaning of raging water..."

Chen Xi turned over the first jade slip, which recorded the Taoist martial arts Bashui Shenquan, but this jade slip was placed under a severe restriction, he could only see some introductions, but he couldn't see the content behind it.

"The way of wrath is just a small way, a kind of watery way, and it is not suitable for me to display my strength, so it doesn't matter if I don't cultivate it." Chen Xi examined it for a moment, shook his head, and immediately went to look at the second jade slip.

There are also good and bad Taoist martial arts. If you want to distinguish the good from the bad, you only need to figure out the quality of the Taoism contained in it. The Dao is the best and powerful, but it is also the most difficult to cultivate. , but it is easy to use, as long as one can understand the profound meaning of it, its power is still astonishingly terrifying.

The truth is actually very simple. Martial arts are for people to use after all, and its power depends on the understanding and strength of the practitioner in the final analysis.

So when it comes to cultivating Taoist martial arts, one should not only look at their quality, but also whether they are suitable for their own cultivation.

"Qinglian Shenguang Slash, Taoist martial arts, is divided into eighteen levels, one level is more fierce than the other, cultivated to the extreme, ten thousand lotus blooms, overwhelming the world, those with strong comprehension can comprehend Qinglian's Taoism..."

Chen Xi shook his head again. The Qinglian Daoyi was also a small way, belonging to the Wooden Avenue, and he had already controlled the Wooden Avenue. It would be overkill to practice Qinglian Daoyi again. He opened the third jade slip again.

"Cracked Mysterious Yin Palm..."

"Seven styles of starting a prairie fire..."

"Shadow step..."

"Little Devil Mother Sword..."

"The Extinction of the Seven Emotions means..."

"Snow Lion Sound Wave Art..."

He flipped through eight jade slips in a row, and Chen Xi liked them all, but none of them made his heart flutter and he couldn't put it down.

In fact, he himself knew that he was a bit too picky. These eight Dao grade martial arts fell into the outside world, and each of them could make all the monks scratch their heads. But how to put it, if it is not suitable, it is not suitable. Willing to force my will.

If there is still no match in the end, he can only settle for the next best thing and choose the one he is most satisfied with among all the Taoist martial arts.

It's a pity that there is only one Taoist martial art left for him to look at at this moment, and the opportunities to choose from are already pitifully few.

"Forget it, if it really doesn't work, choose the Snow Lion's Sound Wave Art, so as to control a rhythm and Taoism, and be able to catch the enemy by surprise, which is not bad..." Chen Xi sighed secretly, and opened the last jade slip. . [

"Great Annihilation Fist, half-step martial arts, fragments, divided into three layers, this boxing method is one yin and one yang, one positive and one negative, the power is divided into two poles, yin and yang collide, positive and negative repel each other, the two poles are stimulated, and the power is strong. It is so big that it can annihilate all things, and it can crush everything...However, with my power, the way of annihilation is only a scale and a half claw, and the method is perfect."

Half-step Taoist martial arts, also known as false Taoist martial arts, in the practice world, generally refers to those Taoist martial arts that have not yet been perfected. In other words, this kind of Taoist martial arts is just a fragment. Unless one's martial arts cultivation has reached an extremely terrifying level, one cannot comprehend the meaning of it even if one has practiced to the depths.

Like this big annihilation fist, the annihilation dao meaning contained in it is only half a claw, and for ordinary geniuses, no matter how much they practice, they can't grasp the annihilation dao meaning in it.

"It's no wonder no one picks this exercise. It turns out that it's a half-step martial art created by the master of the treasury, and it's just a remnant of the level..." Chen Xi's heart skipped a beat, and he had a vague feeling that this boxing technique is extremely suitable. Own.

According to his calculations, after practicing this boxing technique, although he can't master the meaning of annihilation, the technique of this boxing technique can enable him to use the six principles of yin and yang, water and fire, and heaven and earth, thereby producing incredible power.

You must know that the six Taoist intentions of yin and yang, water and fire, and heaven and earth are all two-to-two repulsive, polarized Taoist intentions, and Chen Xi has grasped these six Taoist intentions in his heart and used them in the Great Annihilation Fist. , every move and every style already contains the meaning of Taoism, and its power will inevitably not be inferior to other Taoist martial arts.

In short, according to Chen Xi's idea, the Great Annihilation Fist is regarded as a shell, a technique for using power, and the essence of power is changed from the Annihilation Dao Intent to the six Dao Intentions of Yin Yang, Water Fire, and Universe. .

This kind of idea is very bold and novel, but only a freak like Chen Xi can think of it. After all, other people are not like him, who can control the six ways of going up.Maybe there are such stunning geniuses, but at this moment, only Chen Xi can see the Great Annihilation Fist, and dare to think so.

This is called chance, sometimes it must be in fate, and sometimes it cannot be forced.

"That's it!" Chen Xi bit his finger without hesitation, and the blood from his fingertips pressed onto the last jade slip.


A layer of shimmering golden light appeared on the jade slip, and it obediently fell into Chen Xi's hands. After flipping through it for a while, his heart felt a surge of excitement. As expected, this Great Annihilation Fist was for him precisely because it hadn't been perfected yet. It provides room for free play, and the technique of using the power of the two poles is even more unimaginable and full of unconstrained creativity. If the environment does not allow it, he would like to sit on the ground now and study it.


"Damn it, it turned out to be this bastard!"

"Miss Zhen won the first place, and Huangfu Xiaohou came in second, but I didn't expect that No.4 was you!"

In a resplendent and resplendent hall, there are three people standing at this moment, two men and one woman.

Two of them, Chen Xi, knew each other, namely Huangfu Chongming, the Young Lord of Prince Rui's Mansion, and Liu Fengchi of Dragon Sha Island in the East China Sea, but he didn't know the remaining one woman.

This woman has bright eyes and bright teeth, a slender figure, and her black hair is coiled into a simple and elegant high bun, which makes her face more beautiful and beautiful. She is Zhen Liuqing from the East Sea Smoke Pavilion.

Obviously, these three people are the top three who passed the first stage of assessment first.And that Zhen Liuqing even beat Huangfu Chongming and Liu Fengchi to rank first!

It has to be said that this female monk who has always been mysterious and low-key is indeed worthy of the praise of the current Emperor Chu. Only from the fact that she was the first to pass the first test left by the treasure house owner, her strength and Taoism can be measured. How tyrannical.

Seeing these three people, Chen Xi was not afraid at all. He had already seen that Zhen Liuqing was obviously not from the same force as Huangfu Chongming and Liu Fengchi, so there was no need to worry too much.As far as Huangfu Chongming and Huangfu are concerned, although he is not sure that he can defeat the combination of the two of them, he can still escape safely. [

He has this kind of confidence, because after going through that absurd double cultivation with Qing Xiuyi and Fan Yunlan, his strength is not what it used to be, even if he meets Qing Xiuyi, a strong reincarnated celestial being He dared to fight, let alone Huangfu Chongming and Liu Fengchi.

"Hahaha, there is a way to heaven, you don't go, you come to the gate of hell, now I will give you a chance to hand over all the treasures you searched in the treasure house and the Taoist martial arts you just obtained, and I can make you die happily Some!" Seeing Chen Xi's appearance, Huangfu Chongming was startled at first, then overjoyed, and at this moment he spoke coldly, his eyes full of murderous intent.

Huangfu Chongming really hated Chen Xi so much. In his heart, since he entered the vast sea and desert, his strength had grown rapidly, and his luck was even better than heaven. His cultivation base increased greatly, and he, Qing Xiuyi, Liu Fengchi, Man Hong and others teamed up to besiege him. They wanted to seize the three fairy treasures in his hands, but who would have thought that instead, he would use a mysterious celestial will to break the barriers of himself and others? Joining forces, even took away the magic weapon in the hands of myself and others!

What angered Huangfu Chongming the most was that after they entered the Qianyuan Treasure House, they originally planned to search it wantonly, but who knew that after entering, the portal spaces they passed along the way were completely wiped out by Chen Xi. Who can bear this feeling of suffocation and anger without taking a sip of soup?

Only by killing Chen Xi and taking all the treasures on him can he vent Huangfu Chongming's monstrous anger!

"That's right, just do what Brother Huangfu said, this kid is too hateful, he must get rid of it!" Liu Fengchi also stood up, sneering again and again.

Facing this scene, Chen Xi's expression was as calm as water. He even turned around, and instead of looking at these two people, he looked at this resplendent and resplendent hall with interest. The irritation made Huangfu Chongming and Liu Fengchi's faces turn ugly.

I...was actually looked down upon by an ant in the Yellow Court Realm?

kill him!

This time, no matter what, I will kill this bastard who deserves to be hacked into pieces!

The auras of the two of them exploded, and they showed their full cultivation without any scruples, and they were about to join hands to kill Chen Xi.

However, at this moment, Zhen Liuqing, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke up, her voice was like a warbling in the valley, and it was pleasant to hear, "Two brothers, although I don't know the grievances between you, I have to remind you, If you can't pass these three tests, you can't hurt people with your hands."

When she was speaking, her starry eyes flickered, and she glanced at Chen Xi. An unstoppable curiosity flashed in the depths of her eyes. How could this guy be so sacred? With only Huang Tingjing cultivation level, how could he provoke Huangfu Chongming and Liu Fengchi? Is it gnashing of teeth, wanting to kill and then quickly?

ps: Thank you brother satyr, Dongfang 12, Qingfeng, ynshq, Wanzai Liufang, users 15800872, fgferte, old dream, half Marlboro, rice fried rice with an egg, Huoyanzhi, leonstone, ylwng and other brothers for their valuable votes Monthly tickets, and support with support!Thank you!

ps2: I have already arrived home, and the two changes will be resumed tomorrow, and next month will be three days later. If there is no accident, the [-]D will be updated every day!

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