divine talisman

Chapter 236

Can't do it?

Hearing Zhen Liuqing's words, Huangfu Chongming and Liu Fengchi were startled, and their ugly faces suddenly became suspicious.

As if they didn't believe it, the two secretly circulated their true energy, and instantly discovered that there was a layer of restriction around their bodies. This restriction does not restrict freedom, but it has a kind of fascination with various forces. The suppressing effect of the imperial guard, if you want to do it, you must break this layer of restriction.

Unfortunately, with their current strength, they can't even touch this layer of restriction, let alone break it.

No wonder, this kid obviously sensed the existence of this restriction, so he dared to be so arrogant! [

The two raised their eyes to look at Chen Xi, feeling aggrieved and angry in their hearts, and their expressions were extremely gloomy, almost dripping water.They really don't understand why this kid's luck is so good every time, as if he has been favored by God in the dark, his luck is so good that even they are jealous.

"Young Lord, be angry. Let's be patient for a while. Although France and France fight each other in the three tests, but in the third test, there is a sacred beast guarding the treasure. With this kid's cultivation, he will definitely be killed in an instant. Killed by a sacred beast, then we only need to search for the treasures on its body." Liu Fengchi took a deep breath, and said in a voice transmission.

"That's the only way to go!" Huangfu Chongming gritted his teeth and replied, with a hatred that could not be concealed in his voice, "This kid's luck is too strong, if he grows up, it will definitely be a disaster. Kill him too!"

Liu Fengchi narrowed his eyes slightly, and nodded secretly.Facing an enemy with poor potential and great luck, only by killing him in the cradle before he grows up can people feel completely at ease.

"These two people have shown their murderous intentions towards me, and one day we must get rid of them early!" On the side, Chen Xi was keenly aware of the two men's murderous intentions towards him, and he was also secretly plotting in his heart.

"Interesting, interesting. These three people have their own scheming plans. They can't wait to kill each other. I don't know why they have such a big hatred. If we find a chance, we should investigate the young man's background." On the other side, Zhen Liuqing, who was a bystander, was also full of thoughts and thoughtful thoughts.


With a flash of white light, another cultivator passed the first stage of the assessment and became the fifth lucky one to obtain Taoist martial arts. Chen Xi raised his eyes and saw that it was Lin Moxuan of the Huangtian Taoist Sect.

After Lin Moxuan appeared, he glanced at everyone around him. When he saw Chen Xi appearing one step ahead of him, a glimmer of gloom flashed across that haughty and conceited face. Obviously, he lost to Chen Xi in the ranking of passing the test. , made him feel a great shame.

"Find a chance and kill this kid!" Lin Moxuan also wanted to kill Chen Xi early, and the reason was exactly the same as that of Huangfu Chongming and Liu Fengchi.

Not long after Lin Moxuan appeared, Man Hong, An Qianyu, Pei Zhong, Xiao Ling'er, Wang Daoxu, Xue Chen, Tan Taihong and many other monks of the younger generation also passed the first test and appeared in the hall.


However, No. 12 is not Tantai Hong, but a young monk named Yue Qi, who is a disciple from the Ancient Moon Sect of the Northern Man. He is dressed in gray and has an ordinary appearance, so he is easily overlooked.However, Yue Qi was able to become the No. 12 cultivator who passed the first stage of assessment, no matter how ordinary he was, he attracted everyone's attention.

This is a dark horse!

Everyone thinks so, but compared to Yue Qi, Chen Xi pays more attention. After all, a cultivator in the Huang Ting Consummation Realm made it to No.4 and obtained a Taoist martial art. How can it not surprise all the other Jindan disciples who didn't get the ranking?

Some people even have evil thoughts in their hearts, planning to commit murder to seize the treasure when they get out of the treasure house.

Being paid close attention to by many young Golden Core cultivators, Chen Xi was like a wild crane in the clouds who stayed out of the matter, his expression was calm and unmoving, but his heart was full of sneers.

These people are obviously weaker than Huangfu Chongming and others. If he dares to pay attention to himself, he doesn't mind teaching them a painful lesson that they will never forget for a lifetime!

Boom! [

When the last monk who passed the first stage of the examination appeared in front of everyone, in the center of the hall, the ground shattered, and a stone tablet burst out, with a simple shape, like a pillar piercing the sky, on which surged several kinds of The aura of air, feng shui, earth fire, sun, moon and stars... These exhausting auras actually have a hint of moral charm!

"It turned out to be the Qihuang Taoist stone. It is said that in the ancient times, in order to test the realm of Taoism of the monks in the world, the Qihuang who used the art of refining to penetrate the universe with one hand, picked the chaotic god stone of the beginning, and it took thousands of years to refine it. Ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand and nine hundred and ninety-nine Dao-testing stones have been scattered across the heavens and myriad realms, and have become sacred objects for testing the realm of Taoism in the three realms. It is unbelievable that it is true to see it here."

"That's right. In the vast territory of the Great Chu Dynasty, there is only one in the Imperial Palace of Jinxiu City. It shows how precious it is. It is rumored that this stone can not only detect the Taoism comprehended by monks, It can even test out the hidden Taoism that it has never discovered, which is simply a wonderful creation, extremely miraculous."

"Hidden meaning?"

"That's right, my generation of monks is comprehending the Dao of Heaven and Earth every day and every night. All the things, principles, and perceptions we have experienced...are constantly accumulating, but we don't know it. , you can test whether there are some hidden meanings in your accumulated insights.”

"So powerful? Doesn't that mean that once these hidden Taoisms are tested, we can instantly comprehend them and turn them into our own use?"

"It's not so easy. Most of the hidden Taoism is incomplete, just like pearls scattered all over the place. After being detected by the Qihuang Dao-testing stone, you still need to understand it with your own heart. Get the "pearls" of this place. Only when they are strung together, can we have the opportunity to control its essence and use it for ourselves."

"I understand that the function of the Emperor Qi Dao Test Stone is to point out the direction of enlightenment for monks, so as to achieve twice the result with half the effort, so as not to ponder blindly on one path, and finally realize nothing and die in depression."

Seeing the simple and majestic stone tablet that appeared in the center of the hall, there was a burst of exclamation and commotion in the hall. Chen Xi listened to these voices without a trace, and immediately understood the magical function of the Emperor Qi Dao Detecting Stone. Amazed.

Between the heavens and the earth, there are as many paths as there are sands in the Ganges River, and monks can't fully grasp all the Taoism throughout their lives.And on the way to comprehend the Tao, most of the monks are ignorant. They don't know where to find the Tao, and they don't know whether the Tao that they have always wanted to comprehend in their hearts is really suitable for them, whether it is true or not. can be comprehended by oneself.

As a result, the vast majority of monks spend their entire lives in the realm of enlightenment, either because their comprehension is too poor, or because the Tao they are obsessed with is not suitable for them, and they cannot grasp it at all.

There are even some people with amazing comprehension, because the way of enlightenment they choose is not in line with themselves, they have exhausted their lifespan, and have not touched the edge of the way, and finally stopped on the road of cultivation with hatred.

The appearance of the Qihuang Dao Test Stone has solved these disadvantages when enlightening the Dao. It can test the hidden Taoism in all the insights accumulated by the monks. How can such miraculous effects not be moving and amazing?

"I don't know how powerful that artifact emperor is. He was able to refine such a holy artifact. It is different from seeking great blessings for hundreds of millions of creatures in the heavens and worlds, and establishing the reputation of immortality. It's the amount of merit!" Chen Xi was filled with longing, and he admired this Qi Emperor extremely.

"The second test is to realize the fate of the Dao, and the top nine who have the most sense of the Dao will get a Dao Yi Yuan Pill." Suddenly, the old and vast voice sounded again, conveying to the ears of everyone present.

Daoyi Yuandan!

Upon hearing these four words, everyone's breathing became heavy, and their eyes were so hot that they could melt everything.

"I'll come first!"

"Damn it, let's see who dares to snatch it from me!"

"Go away, if you are not strong enough, you will be in the back, be careful not to hurt yourself!"


As soon as the old voice fell, everyone roared and rushed towards Qihuang Daoshi, desperately looking like they wished their parents would have two more legs. [

The scene was very chaotic, everyone seemed to be in a state of madness, eager to test their enlightenment realm early, so as to grab a Daoyi Yuandan.

Thinking about it, a dao yi yuan pill can instantly make a monk master a dao yi.

Chen Xi was also very moved, but he stood quietly behind and did not step forward.

Because of the existence of a layer of restriction in the hall, it is impossible for monks to fight each other. What's more, it is not until the end of the test that it is possible to distinguish who has comprehended more Taoism and who has comprehended less, so as to rank the top. The ranking of the nine places simply needs to be rushed forward.

There are many people who have the same idea as Chen Xi, like Zhen Liuqing, Yue Qi and so on.

"Hmph, I really don't know how to live or die! I, Huangfu Chongming, is the first tester, who has any objections?" At this moment, Huangfu Chongming's loud shout suddenly resounded from the crowd.

Immediately, the crowd who rushed forward did not look stagnant, as if they were afraid of Huangfu Chongming's power, and reluctantly gave way.

Seeing this, Huangfu Chongming snorted coldly, put his hands behind his back, stepped forward, walked to the Qihuang Dao Measuring Stone, and sat down cross-legged.


A layer of ripples suddenly appeared on the surface of the Emperor Qi Dao Measuring Stone, revealing a miraculous scene.

ps: Severe cold and fever, I really can't hold it anymore, and now I have to go on an IV, so I can only change it today.It was only yesterday that I resumed two updates, and today there is a situation. I feel very sorry for everyone, but I also hope that brothers can understand that unless it is absolutely necessary, I really don’t want to use sick leave as an issue. No matter what happens tomorrow, there will be two updates. , and strive for daily [-]D updates next month!

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