divine talisman

Chapter 238 Yue Qi Becomes Famous

Zhen Liuqing didn't seem to notice the shock of the people around her, she stood up on her own, with her skirts swaying, and when she passed in front of Huangfu Chongming, she nodded and said, "Young Lord, does this result disappoint you?"

"Miss Zhen's savvy is superb, she really lives up to her reputation. wwv m)" Huangfu Chongming smiled, but the smile was a bit forced, obviously, he was in a very bad mood after being bullied by Zhen Liuqing.

"It's not that simple. Compared with Qing Xiuyi, this woman doesn't seem to give way too much..." Chen Xi felt deeply moved in his heart when he saw it. He was very curious, if Qing Xiuyi was here, what kind of results would he be tested for? ?

The next test is An Qianyu and Wang Daoxu. These two people have endured for a long time, in order to make a blockbuster at this last moment.

The results came out quickly, and both of them had fourteen kinds of morality, which was still a step behind Huangfu Chongming. This result also made them slightly dissatisfied. After careful calculation, they were only on par with Liu Fengchi and Man Hong. Not to mention compared with Zhen Liuqing who ranked first. [

However, this result still aroused a burst of amazement from all around, and it also slightly relieved the depression in the hearts of the two of them.

Until now, in everyone's minds, the rankings of this assessment can be roughly arranged. Zhen Liuqing ranks first, Huangfu Chongming ranks second, Liu Fengchi, Man Hong, An Qianyu, and Wang Daoxu are evenly matched, and they can be ranked third for the time being. , Fourth, Fifth, No.6.

The rest are Lin Moxuan, Xiao Linger, and Pei Zhong who also have 9 kinds of Taoism, which can be ranked seventh, eighth, and No.[-].

In this way, Xue Chen, who possesses twelve kinds of Taoism, has already been squeezed out of the top nine, and is destined to be rewarded with a Daoyi Yuandan.

This made Xue Chen's expression extremely ugly. In his opinion, if An Qianyu and Wang Daoxu hadn't appeared at the last moment, the top nine positions would definitely have their own place. Depression can be imagined.

"I have mastered thirteen kinds of Taoism now, which should be about the same as Lin Moxuan and others. Unfortunately, the top nine places are already full, and I don't know if I can get in..." Chen Xi also secretly calculated in his heart.

Da Da Da...

There was a sound of footsteps, although the sound was subtle, but in this silent atmosphere, it suddenly woke up the people who were contemplating. When they looked up, they saw the ordinary-looking Yue Qi, who was unknown, walking towards the Qihuang Dao-testing stone. go.

Only then did everyone suddenly realize that there were still two people who hadn't been tested yet!

It's no wonder that they left out Chen Xi and Yue Qi, after all, one of these two people's cultivation base is only at the Huang Ting Perfection Realm, and the other is not well-known and is too ordinary.Compared with other brilliant and famous heroes of the younger generation, the two are indeed extremely easy to be ignored.

Seeing Yue Qi walking forward, Chen Xi couldn't help but feel a little helpless. Originally, he thought that he would go first, but he didn't expect that this guy took a step ahead.

"Hey, this guy still doesn't give up. The top nine are already confirmed. What's the use of going to the test?"

"Don't underestimate this person, this guy has entered No.12 in the first test and obtained a Taoist martial arts. Maybe he is a group of dark horses."

"Dark horse? Hmph, if he had an astonishing level of enlightenment, he would have already become famous all over the world. Didn't you see that Xue Chen, the core Jindan disciple of the Yunhe Sect, was squeezed out? No matter how powerful he is, how can he surpass Xue Chen? "

"Stop arguing, let's watch him take the test. We won't be able to enter the third test until he and that Huang Tingjing boy finish the test."

Faced with the discussion of the crowd, Yue Qi still had a dull expression, silently sitting cross-legged under the Qihuang Enlightenment Stone, closing his eyes and not speaking.


An astonishing scene appeared, as soon as Yue Qifu sat down, streaks of divine glow gushed out from his head like crazy, appearing on the surface of Qihuang Enlightenment Stone.

In the blink of an eye, there were fifteen kinds of Taoism, which completely surpassed Lin Moxuan and Liu Fengchi and others, and kept pace with Huangfu Chongming, only one way behind Zhen Liuqing! [

Seeing such a result, the audience was in an uproar. Everyone couldn't believe their eyes. There was only one thought in their minds, dark horse!This kid is definitely a dark horse!

Huangfu Chongming was startled, but it was the first time he looked at Yue Qi who was on par with him in this ranking.

The expressions of Liu Fengchi, Man Hong, An Qianyu, and Wang Daoxu were a little suspicious. Just like Huangfu Chongming, the four of them also quickly thought about Yue Qi's origin, Beiman Gu Yuezong?When did such a sect produce such a great genius?

And Lin Moxuan, Xiao Linger, and Pei Zhong's faces suddenly became gloomy. The appearance of Yue Qi made their rankings become precarious. Not surprisingly, among the three of them, one will be eliminated.Such a result was something none of them wanted to see.

"Hahaha... I, Yue Qi, have been cultivating for nineteen years, hiding in every possible way and enduring in every possible way, in order to become famous all over the world at this moment. Now I have finally achieved it. Not only have I obtained a Taoist martial art, He also has the qualifications to obtain a Daoyi Yuandan, and after five years to participate in the Stars Conference, he is destined to shine brilliantly and shock the monks all over the world!"

Yue Qi suddenly stood up from under the Qihuang Measuring Dao Stone, looked up to the sky and laughed, a crazy and distorted look appeared on that dull and ordinary cheek, he looked extremely crazy and arrogant, unlike the silent boy before. It's like two different people.

Seeing this scene, no one spoke. Maybe they couldn't understand this duplicity guy in their hearts, but they couldn't refute his words, because after this incident, Yue Qi's name was destined to be destroyed after this incident. The major forces of the Great Chu Dynasty noticed and became one of the most popular figures of the young generation.

"It's just for the sake of a false name, why bother?" Chen Xi sighed for no reason in his heart, and all the good feelings for Yue Qi disappeared.

"Boy Chen Xi, what are you still doing? You are wasting everyone's time for nothing. Can you bear the responsibility? Take the test quickly!" At this moment, Liu Fengchi suddenly turned his head and looked at Chen Xi with displeasure, coldly. Humph.

Seeing Liu Fengchi open his mouth, Huangfu Chongming, Lin Moxuan, Xiao Linger, Man Hong and others also all sneered endlessly, looking at Chen Xi with undisguised deep-rooted hatred.

If they hadn't been able to make a move during this test, they would have killed Chen Xi long ago.

This kid seems to have offended many people?

The eyes of the people around were more vicious than the other, and they keenly noticed that there seemed to be a deep hatred between Chen Xi and Huangfu Chongming and the others that could not be resolved.

They couldn't help feeling curious, this kid is only at the Huang Ting realm, how could he offend so many young and strong men, and live till now?

Even Zhen Liuqing couldn't help being surprised. Originally, she thought that Chen Xi had only offended Huangfu Chongming and Liu Fengchi, but how could she have imagined that he would even offend several other strong men of the younger generation?

"This guy is really interesting..." Zhen Liuqing became more and more curious about Chen Xi. She really wanted to know how a guy with a cultivation level of Huang Tingjing survived from the hands of so many young powerhouses to the present, and he seemed to be still alive. Get very moisturized.

Facing the various gazes of the crowd, Chen Xi remained expressionless. He glanced at Huangfu Chongming and the others indifferently, walked forward silently, and arrived in front of the Emperor Qi Dao Measuring Stone. , or angry emotions, with a calm look.

"It doesn't matter that much, no matter whether you can break into the top nine or not, it's not bad to experience the magic of the Emperor Qi Dao Detecting Stone..." Chen Xi let go of his mind, and slowly closed his eyes.

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