divine talisman

Chapter 239

Chen Xi sat cross-legged under the Qihuang Dao-testing stone, and did not attract too much attention from the other cultivators. After all, no one would believe that a boy in the Huang Tingjing realm who was a big realm behind his own cultivation level could make a lot of waves?

They are chatting.

Or when discussing in twos and threes about the third test, how to deal with the guardian beast Suan Ni, so as to snatch the last treasure.

Either congratulate Yue Qi, hoping to establish a relationship with this blockbuster black horse, such a talented person, maybe one day he will turn into a dragon with golden scales and soar into the sky.Forge a good relationship while it is not rising, maybe it will be useful in the future.

Or is it testing the nine Dao Yi Yuan Dan, what kind of Dao Yi is contained in it, is it the Dao?Or trail?These are topics of great interest. [

All in all, Chen Xi, who was ranked last in the moral test, became an existence that people in the hall paid attention to.

However, Chen Xi couldn't care about these things at this moment. The moment he closed his eyes, the black color that emerged from the Emperor Qi Dao Stone poured into his sea of ​​consciousness.

The next moment, he felt the world spinning, and in a trance, he came to a chaotic world. There were no creatures in this world, and there was no heaven and earth.

Then he felt that there are endless auras, gestating and breathing in this world, all kinds, as numerous as a galaxy, none of which are the same.

To Chen Xi's amazement, these auras all developed a charm that belonged to Dao!

That's right, it's moral.

The exhaustive variety of auras represents the most primitive and original Taoism in the world, which is so dazzling and innumerable!

"It is said that before the very beginning, there was chaos, the two worlds were not separated, and the heaven and the earth did not exist. It is called the origin of the world, the end of the universe, and there is nothing there. Are you in the chaos that bred the origin of the world right now?" Chen Xi looked around, his heart filled with shock.


Accompanied by a strange sound like the sounds of nature, in this chaotic world, five rays of light appear across the sky, gold, blue, blue, red, and yellow, representing the five avenues of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

The five kinds of Daoyi are intertwined head to tail and circulate endlessly, forming a hazy halo that is as round as Taiji, with divine glow and auspicious aura, illuminating the chaos.

The whole world is no longer gray and chaotic, but rendered with a layer of color, colorful and bizarre. Mountains, rivers, mountains, flowers, trees, insects, fish, magma, thick soil, and mineral species are emerging one after another, which corresponds to the cycle of the five elements and gestates all things. Reason!


Another ray of light appeared, which was the will of thunder. As soon as it appeared, it was like the first sound when the world was opened up, shaking the world with a bang.

When the Awakening of Insects begins, all things sprout!

At this moment, in the dead world, there is a little more vitality, a little more breath of life, as if the finite life has broken out of its shell, bathed in the brilliance of the world, and the world has become magnificent and colorful.

Immediately, two kinds of clouds, representing yin and yang, rise across the sky. From then on, the sun and the moon hang high in the sky and the earth, and day and night are clearly distinguished.

Immediately after—

The appearance of hundreds of millions of stars adds a touch of depth and vastness to the world; [

The ethereal wind appears, adding a touch of change and freedom to the world;

The path of fire paved by Bianhua flowers guides the soul to the final place of solitude;

The sinking sea of ​​suffering on the turbid side has suppressed all sins and evil karma for the world.

The thirteen kinds of Dao intentions have shaped a world. There may be incomplete and vague places, but it represents Chen Xi's cognition and perception of the Dao of Heaven and Earth.

However, to Chen Xi's surprise, all these changes were not over yet. Immediately after the sinking Taoist will, a divine glow emerged again.

As soon as this divine glow appeared, the whole world seemed to have a touch of magical charm, which was reflected in the veins of leaves, the texture of rocks, the physiology of living beings, and the principles of the world. Everything has a layer of mystery Poor "reason", because there is "reason", so that hundreds of millions of creatures have traces to follow when they pursue and explore the way of heaven.

This divine glow represents the Dao of Talisman!

Chen Xi hadn't fully grasped this grand road until now, and it was obvious that this should be a hidden dao intention detected by the Qihuang Dao Detecting Stone.

"Combining the talisman, I now have fourteen kinds of Taoism, which should have surpassed Lin Moxuan and others, and is on par with Liu Fengchi and the others. In this way, one of the nine Daoyi Yuan Pills must be mine." Seeing this scene, Chen Xi secretly heaved a sigh of relief, but before he could react, another ray of light soared into the sky...

Chen Xi observed the changes of Taoism in that chaotic world, not knowing the passage of time, but to the outside world, it was only a moment that passed.


A rush of humming sounded like a tidal wave, and it sounded continuously from the Emperor Qi Dao Test Stone. The people who were discussing were all startled, and looked up at the place where the sound came from in doubt.

Immediately, everyone was stunned.

I saw that on the surface of the black ratio of Qihuang Shidao, there were five gods appearing at the same time in an instant, and this scene shocked everyone in an instant.Because in the previous test, everyone's will appeared in one way, no one was like Chen Xi, if they didn't come out, there were five kinds!

What does this mean?

Almost everyone knows in their hearts that these five Taoisms must complement each other. In other words, there must be an extremely close connection between these five Taoisms, rather than being isolated!

There are exhaustive Taoisms between heaven and earth, but some Taoisms are closely related, like the Taoism of the five elements, like the Taoism of Yin and Yang, and like the Taoism of mountains and rivers. They are independent of each other and complement each other.

If a monk can grasp these closely related Taoism, it will undoubtedly be more powerful than mastering one of them, and the understanding of the nature of Taoism will be more profound and thorough.

And there is a generally accepted standard in the practice world, only in those avenues can there be such a close connection!

Different from the fused Dao Yi, this is a relationship from the origin of Dao Yi, which is born naturally and is the existence of human absolute law modification. [

"This kid actually comprehended the five ways! This... Is this something a monk in the Huangting realm can do?"

"Five kinds of Taoism that complement each other, is it the Five Elements Dao? If so, this child's understanding is high enough to be the best in the world, and it is as good as the past!"

"how is this possible?"

Everyone's eyes widened, as if they were seeing a ghost. At this moment, they suddenly realized that the Huang Tingjing boy who appeared last and was ignored by him had a level of enlightenment that surpassed everyone present!

The reason why they think so is that these are the five avenues, not the trails.

Because enlightenment is extremely difficult for monks, and comprehension of the great way is several times more difficult than comprehension of the small way, which is a qualitative difference, not quantitative.

To give the simplest example, when the strong in the fairyland cross the tribulation, mastering one avenue is more confident than mastering ten small avenues, and the probability of surviving the catastrophe is also higher. This is the power of mastering the avenue !

"I have only mastered four kinds of great ways and nine kinds of small ways now, and just now three kinds of small ways were detected by the Qihuang Dao Detecting Stone. , I simply don’t give way to the elder brother.”

Zhen Liuqing's beautiful eyes were shining brightly. If she was only curious about Chen Xi before, now she has regarded him as an object worthy of attention. Even Chen Xi's astonishing performance reminded her of her elder brother, the one who was Known as the most dazzling genius in the Shisha Pavilion for thousands of years.

"Eldest brother is currently retreating to prepare for the Stars Conference five years later. If this guy can advance to the Golden Core realm, there is a chance to meet him at the Stars Conference. But unfortunately, this guy's cultivation base is too low , if the golden core is perfect, maybe he can still compete with the senior brother. Taking a step back, even if he advances to the golden core state and participates in the star conference in five years, I am afraid that even I will not be able to win, let alone the senior brother. It's time to fight..." Zhen Liuqing sighed secretly in her heart, regretting that Chen Xi's cultivation level was too low.

Compared to Zhen Liuqing's admiration, Huangfu Chongming and the others turned gloomy. In their hearts, Chen Xi was an ant with unlucky luck and his strength was not worth showing off. This kind of thought that the Emperor Dao Stone is broken.

Five ways, how could it appear on a bastard who deserves to die?


When Yue Qi saw that he had endured the limelight he had won for more than ten years and was snatched away by Chen Xi in an instant, he felt an uncomfortable feeling in his heart, worse than eating a dead fly.He snorted coldly, trying to win back the attention of some others, but unfortunately everyone in the hall was focused on Chen Xi at this time, who would care about him?

This also made Yue Qi hate Chen Xi even more.

However, no matter what the onlookers thought in their hearts, the glow on the surface of the Qihuang Dao Stone did not show signs of disappearing suddenly. To everyone's surprise, immediately after the appearance of the five kinds of Dao intentions, there were two kinds of Dao intentions again. Will appear at the same time!

What does this scene represent?

It means that Chen Xi has mastered all seven ways!

"God! Where did this freak come from? Seven ways, there are such ferocious people in this world?" Some people couldn't help being shocked and exclaimed.

Although the others didn't speak, their stiff and shocked expressions revealed that their moods were full of turmoil, and they couldn't keep calm anymore.

Because in their field of vision, on the Qihuang Tao Dao Stone, the gods are still appearing uninterruptedly, eight, nine, ten... soon surpassed Xue Chen, reaching thirteen gods, this number, Already able to keep pace with Lin Moxuan, Xiao Linger, Pei Zhong and others!

However, all this is not over yet...

ps: Sorry, I can only update it today. This chapter involves some divisions of Taoism. It is difficult to write, and it is also boring. In addition, the cold is not good, and it took several hours to finalize this chapter. Zhang, this feels too tiring.

However, I'll make it up.Counting, there are 5 days in this month, and today is 6 days.Starting tomorrow, the 6D will be updated for six consecutive days, and I will try my best to make up for all this.The update time is about noon, around 11:3000 pm, and around [-]:[-] pm, with no less than [-] words per chapter!

And in order to urge myself to ensure the update, starting from tomorrow, I owe one update and make up two updates. If I don’t make up within two days, please whip me!

Finally, I hope you guys can vote more. I haven’t asked for a red ticket since the book was opened. Now the number of red tickets is really horrible. Brothers who have red tickets, please vote more and give me some encouragement!

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