divine talisman

Chapter 241

On the surface of the Linghuang Dao-Testing Stone, nine lines of simple and simple seal characters emerged, shining golden light and resplendent, arranged from top to bottom, representing the top nine people in the second test.

What shocked everyone was that the No.1 position was not Zhen Liuqing, but the name of Chen Xi who came from behind!

Only Zhen Liuqing knew what was going on. Although she also had sixteen kinds of Dao intentions, among these sixteen kinds of Dao intentions, there were only three kinds of Dao, which could not compete with Chen Xi's seven Dao's by far.

The quantity is equal, the fight is the quality of the pros and cons.

These are the well-known seven great ways that Chen Xi displayed, but it has become a mystery as to whether his other nine principles are the great way or the small way. [

But no matter what, Chen Xi has jumped to No.1 now. This is an indisputable fact, and no one can erase this achievement.

But at the back of the crowd, Chen Xi saw that his name was ranked first, but he didn't feel much joy in his heart. Shooting the first bird, especially in the situation where the strength method suppressed the audience, was more likely to cause many unnecessary troubles. trouble.

Chen Xi was first, Zhen Liuqing was second, and the other seven monks were Huangfu Chongming, Yue Qi, Liu Fengchi, Man Hong, An Qianyu, Wang Daoxu, and Xiao Linger.

Lin Moxuan and Pei Zhong, who were among the top nine before, were squeezed out of the list because of the appearance of Yue Qi and Chen Xi. In other words, the two of them have lost the qualification to obtain Daoyi Yuandan now. .

These two people, one is the golden core disciple of Huangtian Dao Sect in the Central Plains, and the other is the core golden core disciple of the Yunhe Sect in the Central Plains. They were originally in the top nine, but they were caught up from behind and kicked off the list. This kind of ups and downs, ups and downs, made the two of them so depressed that they almost vomited blood.

When the people around saw this scene, they also sighed for the two of them. This feeling of gain and loss can indeed drive people crazy.


Suddenly there was a sound of breaking through the sky, and nine rainbow lights exuding overwhelming power suddenly appeared in the hall, like nine divine dragons coming to the world, exuding a trembling aura.

With a flash of rainbow light, it appeared above the heads of the top nine cultivators, including Chen Xi, and turned into a fist-sized, crystal-clear pill that dripped and floated endlessly.

There are many mysterious dao patterns on the surface of this elixir, and there are intertwined golden chains as thin as a hair, forming a mysterious and dense pattern. This pattern is like an inviolable god, suppressed in the world. Around the elixir, the law power unique to the heavenly immortal is exuded.

Chen Xi could tell at a glance that the golden chains around the elixir were the power of laws mastered by the celestial beings. They were like the essence, cleverly capturing nature, able to extract the will of the Tao, and imprisoned in the elixir.

Obviously, these nine elixirs are Dao Yi Yuan Pills, that is, the legendary magical elixir that can make people instantly comprehend a kind of Dao Yi after being swallowed!

In today's practice world, the appearance of every Daoyi Yuandan will cause a bloodbath, it can be said to be a priceless treasure that everyone dreams of.

The reason for this is that Daoyi Yuandan is too rare and its effect is too heaven-defying.

This kind of elixir can only be successfully refined by those extremely powerful celestial beings who extract the Taoism they have comprehended and seal it in the elixir. Only one of each kind of Taoism can be refined, and It also consumes a trace of the essence and blood of the celestial being, causing its vitality to be seriously injured.

It is also because of this that, unless there are special circumstances, generally no celestial being is willing to use his comprehended Daoyi and natal essence to refine Daoyi Yuandan.

"The nine Daoyi Yuanpills represent the three great ways and six paths that I controlled when I became a celestial being. Please accept it." When the nine Daoyi Yuandans appeared, the old and vast The sound also resounded slowly, shaking the hall for a long time.

"Three kinds of great ways, six kinds of small ways? It seems that only the top three can get a Daoyi Yuandan containing the Daoyi, while the other six can only get the Daoyi Yuandan containing the Xiaodao."

Hearing this, the people around immediately understood. They looked at Chen Xi, Zhen Liuqing, and Huangfu Chongming with envy and curiosity. They really wanted to find out what kind of essence was contained in those three Daoyi Yuanpills. avenue. [

However, to their regret, no matter whether it was the three of Chen Xi or the other six, they all carefully took out a jade box, put the Daoyi Yuan Dansheng into the jade box, and did not swallow it directly, which also made them feel uncomfortable. It can be seen that what are the various Taoist meanings contained in these nine kinds of Daoyi Yuandan.

After receiving the Dao Yi Yuan Pill, Chen Xi had a strange look in his heart, because when he received the Dao Yi Yuan Pill just now, he clearly noticed that the Dao Yi contained in the pill turned out to be the Dao of Earth... …

"God, isn't this playing me!" Even with Chen Xi's calmness, he couldn't help but feel a burst of words, and almost couldn't help but yell.He has already mastered the Dao of the Earth, in other words, this Dao Yi Yuan Pill is useless to him at all!

"I am ranked No. 1, but I got a useless thing. On the contrary, I became a target of public criticism. I am in a dire situation. I don't know if the owner of the treasury did this intentionally, or because of his will?" Chen Xi sighed inwardly. He could only accept the result.

Fortunately, Daoyi Yuandan has not been swallowed, he can still give it to others, such as Ling Bai, such as his younger brother Chen Hao.

"However, the amount of Taoism does not determine the strength of combat power. It only represents the cognition of the way of heaven. If you want to completely transform it into your own strength, you still need to practice hard. And enlightenment is not for me. It’s not too difficult, so there’s no need to be too frustrated.” Chen Xi thought to himself.


The main hall shook violently, as if the sky was collapsing and the earth was cracking. The originally magnificent walls collapsed to the ground. Everyone felt that their eyes went dark, and the next moment they came to an empty wilderness.

This wilderness is vast, the sky is full of stars, the earth is full of weeds, there is no sound of wind, and there is no breath of life, it looks extremely cold and desolate.

Appearing here from the great hall in an instant, everyone was nervous for a while, looking around, noticing the danger, they all secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

"During the third test, there is a peerless treasure that I left behind. It is guarded by the soul of a suanni beast. If you are not strong enough, please do not step forward, otherwise you will die on the spot. No wonder I didn't remind you."

In the empty wilderness, the old and vast voice sounded again, "Jade is given to real celebrities, and treasures are given to people who are predestined. After a quarter of an hour, if the fate is to take the treasure, the hall here will fall into eternal silence, and all the lords will also be teleported." To the outside world, I hope you all hurry up, if you can get this treasure, it will be destined to my Taiqing Dao Palace, and I will regret it."

Peerless rare treasure?

Just these four words, there is an irresistible temptation, everyone present exploded immediately, everyone was so excited that they couldn't help it, their eyes were even more fierce, and they scanned the surroundings, as if they were warning Don't let others compete with you.


A fierce roar came from far away in the sky, piercing gold and cracking rocks, weeds trembled, and the whole world trembled suddenly.Accompanied by a roar, a huge beast in human form appeared in the sky. It was hundreds of feet tall, shoulder to shoulder with the mountains, and its golden hair was as bright as gold. There seemed to be countless mysterious dao patterns shining in every inch of its fur. Those two eyes were like two rounds of blood. Moon-like, fierce.

As soon as this beast appeared, it was like the arrival of an unrivaled demon king, roaring up to the sky, and the billowing fierce aura made the wilderness a deathly silence, the vitality of the heavens and the earth burst out, mourning and dormant.

Everyone was suffocated, and their hearts were filled with turbulent waves.


A mighty terrifying beast in ancient times!

Although he clearly knew that the ferocious beast far away was just a divine soul of Suan Ni, but the ferocious aura emanating from his body was not inferior to that of the strong in the fairyland, just standing there from a distance made everyone A feeling of insignificance that cannot be shaken arises in people.

And behind the huge body of Suan Ni, there is a jade platform hundreds of feet high, like the high platform built by the ancient ancestors when they sacrificed, the whole body exudes a green glow, and on the top of the high platform, the blue glow is condensed like the sun, shining brightly The heavens and the earth seem to be pregnant with the treasures of the heavens and the earth. [

You don't need to guess that everyone knows that it must be the "peerless treasure" in the mouth of the treasure house owner.


At this moment, the 狻猊 roared again, with a fierce power soaring to the sky, a pair of blood moon-like pupils suddenly looked towards this side, the eyes were like blood-colored lightning piercing the void, staring at everyone cold, from There was a great terror that could not be contained in the depths of my heart.

so horrible!

The highest cultivation level of everyone is only the Golden Core Consummation Realm. Facing this desolate ancient beast that is two realms higher than him, he has no confidence in his heart.

Only then did they deeply understand that compared to the previous two tests, this time is the real test of life and death!

"That suanni is standing on the side of the high platform, never leaving it. Facing it, we are like gnats. There is no chance of winning. How can we get that peerless treasure?" Someone looked ugly and wailed.

"This suanni is just a ray of soul, and it can be regarded as the strength of a strong man in the fairyland. For us, it is indeed like a moat that cannot be overcome, but I will not stop here. It is not mine to enter Baoshan and return empty. Style, this time I have to fight no matter what!" Someone bit the bullet and insisted.

"That's right, life and death are determined, wealth and honor are sought in danger, if you don't give it a try, how will you know if the brute is putting on airs? Maybe this is just a test of our courage by the treasure house owner, maybe?" Someone's eyes flickered. , pondered.

No matter how these people talked, Huangfu Chongming and the others looked at each other, tacitly knowing each other's intentions, and immediately walked towards Chen Xi from all around without a trace.

Huangfu Chongming, Lin Moxuan, and Xiao Ling'er from the east, Liu Fengchi and the three disciples of Dragon Sha Island in the East China Sea behind him from the west, Man Hong and his two juniors from the north, Pei Zhong and Xue Chen, the two Yunhe Send the Jindan core disciples from the south side, all behind Chen Xi, forming a semi-circular fan shape, surrounded by arches.

Only one way forward was left for Chen Xi, and this way forward was facing the direction of that ancient beast Suan Ni.

The meaning is self-evident, these people want to stick closely behind Chen Xi, if he dies, then take away the treasures on his body, if he doesn't die, then force him to go forward to die!

All in all, in the hearts of Huangfu Chongming and the others, the treasure on Chen Xi's body was even as important as the peerless treasure guarded by the 狻猊, and they would never miss this opportunity to kill Chen Xi and take away the treasure.

All the people present were attracted by the 狻猊 far away and the hundred-foot-high platform behind it, but only a few people realized that Chen Xi's situation had undergone earth-shaking changes.

These few people include Zhen Liuqing, An Qianyu, Wang Daoxu, Yue Qi and so on.

Seeing that Chen Xi was besieged, their expressions were different, but no one dared to intervene because of the large number of Huangfu Chongming and others.

And Chen Xi, as if he had expected this scene long ago, had a calm expression and remained silent.

He has already discovered that in this third test, the form of restriction still exists. Huangfu Chongming and others can only attack Suan Ni, but they can't attack themselves at all. It is so amazing that he has to admire it. The owner of the treasure house I am afraid that the use of prohibition has reached an unimaginable height.

Because of this, he didn't pay attention to the changes in his situation, just stared at the brute in the far distance, and an absurd thought arose in his heart. They are both ancient mythical beasts. Why is Bai Kui born to be a foodie? But why is Suan Ni so fierce and powerful?

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