divine talisman

Chapter 242

The Baizhang high platform hides a peerless treasure, but at this moment, no one dares to go forward, because that sacred beast is too terrifying, fierce and mighty, comparable to a strong earth immortal, no one dares to play foolishly with his own life.

But let them give up such an opportunity, but they were really unwilling to do so. All of a sudden, everyone began to discuss countermeasures.

"Why don't you all rush forward, catch this evil animal by surprise, and then use their own means to seize the treasure, what do you all think?" An Qianyu of the Central Plains Splitting Sky Sword Sect suddenly spoke loudly, and the sound spread around.

It was said that everyone present was very moved, cooperation would benefit both, and division would hurt both, everyone understands this truth, if they can unite to deal with that beast, the chances of winning the treasure will undoubtedly be greatly injured.

"Young Lord, this guy seems to be trying to steal your limelight?" Liu Fengchi glanced at An Qianyu, and said with a chuckle. [

"Hmph, let him show off. We only need to guard this kid well. The three celestial artifacts on this guy are not inferior to that peerless rare treasure." Huangfu Chongming sneered.

Liu Fengchi agreed deeply, nodded, and said no more.

"Senior brother An is right, there is only a quarter of an hour to seize that treasure, after a quarter of an hour, this place will disappear forever, and we will miss this opportunity, why don't we join hands and defend against the enemy together, Fang is the best choice." Central Plains Mingxia Sect Wang Daoxu also echoed.


Seeing that Wang Daoxu also stood up, the people around saw that the hesitation in their eyes gradually became less, and some people even showed eagerness to try.

"I also agree to do this." Zhen Liuqing said in a deep voice.

"I, Tu Feng, also agree. I have said long ago that life and death are determined, and wealth and wealth are found in danger. If you don't take risks, how can you get a peerless treasure?"

"That's right, that's what I think too. If you enter Baoshan and return empty-handed, that would be too useless!"

"Okay, just do what Brother An said!"

"Damn it, fight it out!"

Seeing that Zhen Liuqing also agreed to join forces against the enemy, the other people present couldn't sit still any longer, they all agreed and joined An Qianyu's camp.

In just a few breaths, apart from Huangfu Chongming and the others and Chen Xi, the other cultivators had already been gathered together by An Qianyu, Wang Daoxu, and Zhen Liuqing, forming a new camp with hundreds of people, which was spectacular .

And Yue Qi, who appeared in everyone's eyes as a dark horse, also joined them.

"Young Master Huangfu, everyone agrees, what do you think?" An Qianyu couldn't help feeling complacent when he saw that his words and words had achieved such an effect, but his face was reserved and indifferent, and he glanced at Huangfu Chongming and the others. People, asked in a deep voice.

Seeing this scene, and especially seeing An Qianyu becoming the leader of the crowd, Huangfu Chongming's face sank no matter how calm he was. If it wasn't for the treasure on Chen Xi's body, the leader at this moment should be him, Huangfu Chongming. It's An Qianyu's turn to tell him what to do?

"I..." Huangfu Chongming thought for a moment, then said in a deep voice.

However, before he opened his mouth to refuse, An Qianyu smiled at the crowd behind him and said, "Everyone thinks, should Huangfu Xiaohou join in?"

Obviously, An Qianyu wanted to use everyone's opinions to force Huangfu Chongming to join his camp.This is the use of the so-called public opinion.

"Yeah, let's join the little dude too." [

"With you joining, the chances of each of us to win the treasure will be greatly increased, why not do it?"

"Come on in, I have great admiration for the cultivation of the little dukes."

Everyone didn't feel that they were being used by An Qianyu. They rushed to invite Huangfu Chongming and others, and compared each other enthusiastically. It has been greatly improved. As for who is the leader, it is just a false name, and there is no alliance of blood and gold, who cares about these?

Huangfu Chongming frowned, as if thinking, but he was furious in his heart, wishing to tear up that bastard An Qianyu, "Let me join An Qianyu's camp? Absurd! If you really do this, isn't it indirectly proving that I Huangfu Chongming took a head over this bastard?"

Chen Xi smiled when he saw this scene, he knew that his chance had come.

"I also agree with everyone joining together to fight against that evil animal. I wonder if Brother An can accept it?" Chen Xi suddenly asked.

An Qianyu was stunned, but also said with a smile: "Naturally, you are most welcome. Fellow Daoist Chen is the most enlightened. Although he only has the cultivation base of Huang Tingjing, his real strength must be extremely high. How can we have such a person?" The reason for the refusal?"

He had already noticed the strange relationship between Huangfu Chongming and Chen Xi, and had a faint feeling that Huangfu Chongming and the others seemed to be determined to gain something about Chen Xi.Naturally, he was also extremely curious, what was there that would make Huangfu Chongming even ignore that peerless treasure, and want to keep a close eye on Chen Xi?

Of course, if there was an opportunity to carve up some benefits from Chen Xi, he wouldn't mind doing so, as it would be able to draw Chen Xi into his camp, which would be in his favor.

Chen Xi smiled. He naturally saw that An Qianyu's attitude towards him was a bit abnormal, but as long as he could temporarily get rid of Huangfu Chongming and the others, he wouldn't care too much about it.

What's more, as long as he blends into the crowd, there are many people, and it will help him avoid unnecessary troubles, and it is not impossible to fish in troubled waters.

Seeing this scene, the faces of Huangfu Chongming and the others became gloomy, but they could no longer crowd around and not let anyone go under the watchful eyes of the crowd, so they could only watch Chen Xi walk into the crowd.

"Okay, I agree too. I belong to the cultivation world of the Great Chu Dynasty, so we should take care of each other and overcome difficulties together." Unexpectedly, Huangfu Chongming's expression changed, and he agreed to join An Qianyu's camp.

"This is naturally very good. With fellow Taoists joining us, we will be even more powerful. Why don't we worry about getting that treasure?" An Qianyu said with a smile.Being able to suppress Huangfu Chongming's head, An Qianyu was secretly happy.

However, this scene made Chen Xi wonder for a while, why did An Qianyu choose to offend Huangfu Chongming and the others at this time, isn't he afraid of retaliation?

"I asked him to do this." At this moment, a sweet voice like a yellow warbler in the valley came from his ears. Chen Xi raised his eyes, but saw that at some point, Zhen Liuqing, the female disciple of the Yange in the East Sea, had arrived. to their side.

"Why?" Chen Xi frowned and asked, but his mind was thinking quickly. Could it be that this woman is also like Huangfu Chongming and others, coveting the treasures on her body?

"It's just a little curiosity. I really want to know what kind of person is the guy who can suppress me in the realm of enlightenment."

Zhen Liuqing's clear eyes were so clear and deep that one couldn't guess what was going on in her heart, and she murmured, "And if I'm not mistaken, Huangfu Chongming and the others suffered a big loss at your hands. Come on, let me be even more curious, how did you survive under the eyes of Huangfu Chongming and others with only Huang Tingjing?"

"I can't answer this question for you." Chen Xi thought for a while and said.

Zhen Liuqing smiled lightly, her pure and beautiful cheeks were like lotus flowers in bloom after the rain, exuding an irresistible comfortable feeling, "I knew you would say that, but as long as you don't die this time, I have a lot of opportunities to understand you."

Chen Xi secretly sighed in his heart, and said no more.Through this brief contact, he already had a faint feeling that this woman might be more difficult than Qing Xiuyi. If she discovered some secrets about him, he might be in trouble. [

"Okay, since everyone agreed to defend against the enemy together, let's start to act, we don't have much time left!" An Qianyu shouted.

The crowd clapped.

Immediately, everyone sacrificed all kinds of magic weapons, and they rose through the air, like a group of colorful clouds with a range of hundreds of meters, rushing towards the hundred-foot-high platform guarded by Suan Ni.


Breaking through the light and tearing apart the void, these hundreds of young Golden Core cultivators are all extremely powerful, and the magic weapons in their hands are not even above the ground level. At this moment, they are all dispatched at this moment, and the momentum is so great that Chen Xi can't help but watch. He smacked his tongue endlessly.


Suan Ni divine beast, with a golden glow all over its body, and its height is as high as a mountain, watching those fly-like monks dare to rush towards it, as if it was enraged, it roared up to the sky, the sound was like a thunderbolt blasting the air, and the terrifying ominous aura exploded The agitation filled the nine heavens and ten earths, and the colors of the heavens and the earth changed.

"Everyone spread out and fly in different directions, each with his own ability to seize the treasure!" An Qianyu yelled loudly when he was still a hundred feet away from Suan Ni's huge body.

The closer the distance is, the more strongly you can feel the ferocious aura emanating from this beast. Everyone was originally a mess, forming an alliance hastily, just to go their separate ways at this moment, interspersed in a detour, disrupting the attack rhythm of the beast. Then he took the opportunity to snatch the treasure on the Baizhang High Platform.

Anyway, just don't confront the Suan Ni beast head-on, and try to avoid it if you can.As for who will become the target of Suan Ni's attack, no one will care, and this person deserves the bad luck.

Yes, everyone hastily formed an alliance, just for the sake of God selecting a hapless ghost at this moment, attracting Suan Ni's attack target, and creating time for others to seize the treasure.

Because according to the previous situation, no one would force themselves to be the first ghost to die, and they didn't want to hide behind, wait for others to die first, and then take the opportunity to make a move.

However, the time is only a quarter of an hour. If the stalemate continues like this, no one will be willing. It is precisely because of this that An Qianyu's suggestion will be recognized by everyone in an instant.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh... The originally hordes of teams dispersed abruptly, like rainbow clouds flying in all directions, not wanting to bypass Suan Ni's body as tall as a mountain, and detour to the hundred-foot-high platform.


Just as An Qianyu was yelling, the sacred animal roared, and the pair of blood moon-like pupils instantly became extremely cold, revealing murderous intentions, and the golden glow surged all over his body, thunder and lightning roared, like a tsunami, and he raised his head with enough strength The arm, tens of feet long and as thick as a giant pillar, pierced through the void, and slapped down hard.

ps: The cold is not good, and I am really tired until now. I have written this chapter in a bit of a hurry, and I feel a little dissatisfied. I will try to recover as soon as possible, and write a chapter that satisfies me and makes everyone feel wonderful.

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