divine talisman

Chapter 244 The Key of the Supreme Purity

Chen Xi felt like he was hit by a pie falling from the sky, it was both an accident and a pleasant surprise.

When the Suanni Divine Beast attacked in a rage, he had no time to think, and dodged far away, completely unaware that the key-shaped treasure would fly straight towards him!

This kind of once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, or coincidence, was bumped into by him, and it was indeed a blessing in heaven, no difference.

What surprised Chen Xi most was that the moment he grasped this key-shaped treasure, the ancient and vast voice of the treasure house owner sounded again in his mind.

"This treasure is called the Key of Taiqing, and it is the only way to open the secret place of my Daoist Palace of Taiqing. What is hidden in it is the treasure passed down for 10 years by my Daoist Palace of Taiqing, Taoist scriptures, magic treasures, pills, Puppet... nothing else, I also hope that after my little friend obtains this secret treasure, he will choose disciples to preach for my Taiqing Dao Palace, inherit the mantle, and rebuild the foundation of the Taiqing Dao Palace, so I will be smiling for nine days." [

The key to Taiqing?It turned out to be the key to unlock the secret place of Taiqing Dao Palace!

Chen Xi's heart was shocked, and he suddenly remembered the treasures he had searched all the way in the Qianyuan treasure house. There were nearly [-] Taiqing Jade Liquid Pills, the Xuanqi Mochen Sword Formation composed of tens of thousands of ground-level swords, and the rare Compared with various materials...

From these astonishingly valuable treasures, it is enough to judge how terrifying the strength of the Taiqing Dao Palace is, not to mention, Ling Bai once said that the Taiqing Dao Palace Shanmen formation alone is a top-ranked heaven-level formation consisting of tens of thousands of handles. The sword weapon, and the terrifying formation composed of nine immortal swords, even the strong celestial beings can go back and forth when they enter.

From this, one can imagine how terrifying the background and strength of the Taiqing Taoist Palace are.

"The 10-year-old treasures of the Taoist Palace of the Taiqing are all hidden in the secret place, and there must be amazing treasures stored in them... The owner of the treasure house is right, this key of the Taiqing is indeed a peerless treasure. In the outside world, I'm afraid it will drive the entire cultivation world crazy?" Chen Xi was secretly amazed.

"Hahaha, the triple test is over, right and wrong, success or failure will be turned around, idiot, let's go to reincarnation, in the next life, we will continue the fate of Taiqing, and live up to the relationship between master and apprentice in this life."

At this moment, the old and vast voice sounded suddenly, like a yellow bell, resounding leisurely between the heaven and the earth, revealing a sense of open-mindedness and relief.

Hearing this, the expressions of all the people present were frozen, and they couldn't believe that the third test was over like this?Whose hands did that treasure fall into?

Only a few dozen people including Huangfu Chongming knew that Chen Xi had become the biggest winner of this treasure hunting trip!

Since entering the Qianyuan Treasure House, he has searched for various treasures in many portals, and obtained a Taoist Martial Arts, a Daoyi Yuandan, and the last key-shaped peerless treasure in the final triple test , such a deep blessing, who dares to say that he is not the biggest winner?


Hearing that old and vast voice, the beast as tall as a mountain suddenly raised its head to the sky and roared. There was a strong sense of sadness and reluctance in that stern roar, which made everyone present feel overwhelmed. moved.

The roar fell, and in the eyes of everyone, the strong man who was comparable to the fairyland, who killed more than 60 Golden Core cultivators in one blow, had two lines of hot tears in his blood moon-like pupils, and immediately the whole body was filled with golden light , Huoxia soared into the sky, and the tall body of hundreds of feet shrank several times in an instant, turning into a ball of dazzling golden light, like a golden ball of light.

It can be vaguely seen that in the golden light ball, there is an immature boy with his head tied in a bun and wearing a Taoist robe, sitting cross-legged, with a look of sadness between his brows. Transformed by beasts!

"Fool, let's go to reincarnation. In the next life, we will continue to have a clear relationship, and live up to the relationship between master and apprentice in this life..." Between the sky and the earth, the lingering sound echoed endlessly.

Everyone immediately understood that the sacred animal they were fighting against just now turned out to be an apprentice accepted by the master of the treasure house, which was really unexpected.

The long and remote ancient times, the brilliant future.

I live and grow up, and I am fierce and fierce.

I finally got a good teacher who taught me. [

Teach me the magic method, teach me the Dao Zang.

The root of wisdom is laid, and the foundation of Taoism is finally completed.

Live up to the teacher's heart and be grateful.


My family and my roots are all Taiqing.

This life is over, and the next life will be repaid.

Hope to respect the teacher, don't forget the bad disciples. "

From the golden light sphere, there came a young and clear voice, every word, sonorous and powerful, resounding through nine heavens and ten earths.Daotong's expression was filled with sadness, and there was an indelible firmness. He stood up, and golden fire burst out from all over his body. Immediately, his whole body melted in the raging flames, and disappeared completely in the world.

Perhaps, he has entered reincarnation.

Seeing this scene, everyone felt an indescribable emotion in their hearts. What kind of sect, what kind of master, can make a sacred animal so devout and loyal?

"Senior, I have gained a lot from the love I received today. If I get the secret treasures of the Taiqing Taoist Palace in the future, I will definitely open up the mountain gate and rebuild the Taiqing Taoist Palace, so that its torch will be passed on to the world forever."

Inexplicably, a strong urge to do something for the Daoist Palace of the Great Purity rose in Chen Xi's heart. He did not go against his will. He had already decided that one day, the Daoist Palace of the Great Purity would reappear in the world and be bathed in the Dao of Heaven and Earth , Immortal!

"Hey! How did I survive?"

"Just now... didn't I die?"

"what on earth is it?"

All of a sudden, between the sky and the earth, a golden flame suddenly appeared, and in that golden flame, many monks who died in the hands of the sacred beast just now came back to life one by one, reappearing in front of everyone's eyes!

No, maybe they didn't die at all just now, they were just concealed by the supernatural powers of the beasts.

"It turns out that this third test won't kill people at all. I didn't expect the owner of the treasure house to be so kind and admirable."

"That's right, this senior left behind a treasure house. Although there are tests, it is a gift to those who are destined, and he has no intention of harming him. In today's practice world, such a magnanimity is too rare."

"Perhaps, this is the true bearing and demeanor of the great sect, and only such a broad mind can influence the sacred beasts and make them return to the sect, even if they die, they will still be grateful."

Seeing those "dead" comrades reappear in front of them, many monks present couldn't help sighing, admiring the personality charm of the owner of the treasure house in their hearts.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xi also became more and more curious about everything in the Taiqing Dao Palace. [


At this moment, the whole world shook violently, as if the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, and the doomsday came. The entire void and wilderness were shattered piece by piece, exposing space cracks that were thousands of feet long, which was extremely terrifying.

"What happened? Is the Qianyuan treasure house going to collapse and disappear?"

Just when everyone was frightened, a dazzling clear light shot out, enveloping everyone, and quickly disappeared between the world.

Outside the Qianyuan Treasury, there are hundreds of monks, standing by and watching.

Most of them are Jindan monks, but unfortunately, when the Qianyuan treasure house was opened, they came a step late and could no longer enter it. The remaining small number of monks are either Huang Tingjing or Nirvana Realm cultivation base, the same way to enter the Qianyuan treasure house.

In the crowd, Tantai Hong stood there impressively.

When the Qianyuan treasure house was opened, he followed Huangfu Chongming and others, entered the treasure house, and passed through the eight-door golden lock array. However, when everyone entered the last door, he was caught by a The shape force sent out the treasury.

After observing for a long time, he suddenly understood that to be able to enter the Qianyuan Treasury, the cultivator must be in the Golden Core realm, neither high nor low, and after entering the eight-door golden lock array, if he is too old, he cannot enter the last door of.Because he saw many middle-aged people in the Golden Core Realm like himself, who were also thrown out of the treasury by the last door in the eight-door Golden Lock Formation.

This time, Tantaihong completely gave up.

However, he was still worried about Huangfu Chongming and others being able to share some treasures with him after they came out of the treasure house, because in his opinion, it was with the map of the treasure house in his hand that Huangfu Chongming and others could enter the treasure house and successfully enter the treasure house. To break through the mysteries of the eight-door Golden Lock Formation and enter the depths of the treasure house.

So, he has been waiting, refusing to leave.

Different from Tan Taihong's thoughts, the reason why other monks standing outside the Qianyuan Treasure House are reluctant to leave is that on the one hand, they are unwilling to enter the Treasure Mountain and return empty-handed, on the other hand, they have the idea of ​​killing people to seize the treasure .

So what if you can enter the Qianyuan treasure house?After coming out, kill people and snatch the treasures, you can also get the treasures in the treasure house, can't you?

Therefore, they have been waiting for the monks who entered the Qianyuan Treasury to come out, and then do some shady things.

Several hours had passed since Chen Xi and the others entered the Qianyuan Treasure House, but still no one came out.Just when everyone was getting impatient, boom!A thunderous sound came from the Qianyuan treasure house suspended in mid-air, piercing through the sky, almost shattering the eardrums.

Immediately, everyone saw that several distorted cracks were suddenly opened on the surface of the entire Qianyuan Treasure House, just like the dry and cracked land, and finally collapsed!The dust filled the air, and the entire Qianyuan treasure house was completely turned into billowing dust, stirring up the world, and the air waves caused by the collapse forced everyone around to fly back again and again, fearing that they would be drowned in it.

In just a few breaths, the precious air flow circulated, and the auspicious Qianyuan treasure house turned into dust and completely disappeared from the world!

The people who were choked up by the flying dust, looked at the billowing smoke and dust straight into the sky, and opened their eyes wide, and couldn't believe their eyes.


Could it be that something happened in the treasure house?

What about those who entered the treasury?Did he also die in it with the destruction of the treasure house?

Several doubts flooded into their hearts, and everyone's expressions became incredulous. Up to this moment, they couldn't believe that the Qianyuan Treasure House would be destroyed and collapsed.

"Chen Xi, you bastard, hand over the last peerless treasure to me!!"

Just when everyone was in doubt, a shrill and angry scream cut through the void and resounded through the sky, and then a figure rose into the sky, it turned out to be Yue Qi.

Seeing Yue Qi whose face was distorted due to anger, everyone present was very puzzled, and did not recognize who this person was, because this guy's appearance was too ordinary, not outstanding, and no one could guess his identity .

But Yue Qi's words caught everyone's attention.

The last peerless rare treasure?

Could it be that the last treasure in the Qianyuan treasure house was obtained by a guy named "Chen Xi"?

But who is this Chen Xi?

Among those present, only Tantaihong knew exactly who Chen Xi was, so when he learned that Chen Xi had obtained the last peerless treasure in the Qianyuan Treasure, his expression suddenly became extremely complicated.

He never thought that this young man who saved his daughter's life and was taken into the desert by himself would have such a great fortune?

When he thought that he had cooperated with Huangfu Chongming and others to kill Chen Xi and wanted to snatch the three celestial treasures from him, Tantaihong regretted it for a while.

To offend such a young man who can't kill many masters at the same time, and at the same time has great fortune and poor potential, is definitely a misfortune rather than a blessing!

"Hey, it turned out to be this guy. I clearly saw that he got a Taoist martial art and a Daoyi Yuandan. Kill! Kill him, and then grab the treasure!"

"Yes, I also remember this guy, his name is Yue Qi! He also has a piece of Xuanhong Wings on his body, which is also a rare and rare treasure. Let's snatch him together!"

Almost at the moment when Yue Qi roared into the sky, several rays of light rushed forward again, and they were the young Golden Core cultivators who had entered the Qianyuan Treasury.

As soon as they saw Yue Qi, they launched a robbery and killing operation, and they were very vicious.

Seeing this scene, all the people who were waiting outside the Qianyuan Treasure House to kill and seize the treasure became excited one by one, screaming and rushing towards Yue Qi.

The scene suddenly became chaotic.

Tantaihong didn't make a move. He looked around and murmured in his heart: "Did Huangfu and Xiaohou come out too? Where is Chen Xi? Where is he at this moment?"

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