divine talisman

Chapter 245 Crazy Pursuit

Chen Xi was running away.

He used the divine weathering and feather escape method that combines the will of the sky and the will of the wind to the extreme. The whole person is like a transparent gust of wind, fleeing in the vast expanse of sea and desert, with a speed of thousands of feet in an instant.

The surrounding scenery flitted before his eyes like fleeting shadows. Due to the high speed, all the scenery reflected in his eyes along the way were distorted into strange lights and shadows.

He had no choice but to escape. After being teleported out of the Qianyuan treasure house, he originally thought he could breathe a sigh of relief, but as soon as he landed, he found that Huangfu Chongming, Liu Fengchi, Man Hong and others were all around him.

Even An Qianyu, Wang Daoxu, and Zhen Liuqing were not far away. [

One or two are fine, but Chen Xi is not afraid to fight with them.

But it's a bunch of people!A group of Jindan powerhouses from the younger generation of the Great Chu Dynasty!

Moreover, these guys all hated him to the bone and wanted to kill him. Faced with this situation, he could only choose to run away.


There was a sharp piercing sound coming from behind, and Chen Xi knew without turning his head that Huangfu Chongming and the others were still clinging to him firmly, without letting up.His situation is still extremely dangerous.

Chen Xi knew why these people were so desperate.

There are too many treasures on my body, the Buddha Pagoda, Nether Record, and Xie Xie Pen all have the value comparable to fairy artifacts.

And in the Qianyuan Treasure House, I searched for nearly [-] Taiqing Jade Liquid Pills, a sword array composed of tens of thousands of ground-level high-grade swords, and countless rare materials... But the combined value of these treasures, It's an astronomical figure that makes everyone crazy.

What's more, in the last triple test of the treasure house, I also obtained a half-step Taoist martial arts

Huangfu Chongming's gloomy and cold voice came from behind again. Hearing this, the murderous intent in Chen Xi's heart boiled violently. What he hated the most was threatening himself with the lives of his relatives and friends. In today's world, he only had a close relative like his younger brother. Being caught and killed by Huangfu Chongming, he absolutely couldn't forgive himself.


Chen Xi took a deep breath, looked for a direction, and galloped with all his might.

He has nothing to think about at the moment, only one thought in his mind, to rush back to Songyan City in the shortest possible time, because his younger brother Chen Hao is there, and the rebuilt Chen family's foundation is also there...

However, he seems to have forgotten that this place is in the depths of the vast sea desert, and it is at least a hundred thousand miles away from Songyan City next to Nanman Mountain. It simply can't be done.

Unless he advanced to the Jindan realm and was able to supplement his true energy with the power of the spirit pill, otherwise, he would consume less than half of his [-]-mile journey, and he might consume all his physical strength.

But at this moment, Chen Xi couldn't care less about anything, and was so paranoid that he became a lunatic.

There is only one reason, to protect my younger brother Chen Hao!

This bastard, he really wants the baby, not his life!

Chasing closely behind Chen Xi, Huangfu Chongming saw that Chen Xi ignored his words, and the anger in his heart skyrocketed. He wished that after he caught Chen Xi, he would cramp his skin, drink his blood, and eat his flesh!

"Young Lord, don't be impatient. This kid is only cultivated in the Huangting realm. He doesn't want to wait for me. As long as he has enough spiritual pills, he can keep his true energy full. When his true energy is exhausted, he won't have to wait." Obediently catch him without a fight?"

Liu Fengchi comforted him, wearing a blue shirt and stepping on a watery long sword, he seemed to be flying over waves, and his speed was extremely fast.

In fact, it's not just him, Man Hong, Lin Moxuan, Xiao Ling'er and others are also urging their own flying magic weapon, the speed is comparable.

If it wasn't for Chen Xi's Godly Wind Transforming Feather Escape Technique that combined the will of the wind and the will of the sky, they might have been chased by them long ago.

But even so, they were still shocked by the speed of Chen Xi's flying escape. This guy was only in the Huang Ting realm, and he possessed such a wonderful flying escape technique. Even he and the others could only follow closely behind, not Catch up, if it is allowed to advance to the Jindan realm, is it still worth it?

"I know this. I'm just a little angry. This kid is like a slippery loach. He can always survive in desperate situations, but luck is very good. If he can't kill him this time, I'm afraid he will die in the future." I will have trouble sleeping and eating." Huangfu Chongming shook his head and sighed softly.

When the others heard the words, they also showed expressions of deep approval, and they agreed with Huangfu Chongming's words very much.

"However, Young Master, An Qianyu, Wang Daoxu, and Zhen Liuqing are also chasing after us. If these three people intervene, it will be extremely troublesome." Liu Fengchi suddenly frowned.

Huangfu Chongming's eyes flickered coldly, and he said with a sneer: "Leave them alone for now, if something really happens at that time, then we can only kill them. Presumably everyone is unwilling to see the treasure on Chen Xi's body. The three snatched a copy, right?" [

"Of course." The others replied without hesitation.

"Then ignore them. With our strength, it is more than enough to kill the three of them. As for whether it will provoke the forces behind the three of them to take action, hmph, for the sake of the treasure, I don't care about other things!" Huangfu Chongming's eyes flashed. Squint, Sen Ran said.

Two days later.

Chen Xi only felt that his ears were buzzing, and his whole body was exhausted. His whole body was like a dead body that had just been fished out of the water. Every inch of his skin was burning with pain.

Galloping at full speed for two days, even with his strong physique, he still couldn't stand it. In addition, he didn't have a magic weapon for flying, so he only relied on his body to gallop, so the exhaustion of his physical strength was astonishing.

Compared with the exhaustion all over his body, the consumption of his true essence was what troubled him the most. Up to now, there was less than [-]% of his true essence left in his dantian. According to this speed, it would take less than an hour to recover all his true essence. Dried up.

As for the witch power surging in his flesh and blood, he didn't plan to use it. It was used to save his life at the last moment. Once he used it, it would be different from letting himself fall into a place of eternal doom. In that case, his escape this time would be meaningless up.

Fortunately, he has already flown away from the Vast Sea Desert, and just now, he even passed the range of Lanhai City. According to his estimation, he only needs to persist for one more day to reach Songyan City.

In fact, Chen Xi also knows that as long as he changes direction at this moment and rushes towards Longyuan City, as long as he reaches Liuyun Sword Sect, with Beiheng, the big brother from the fairyland sitting in command, these fellows will not dare to do anything wrong.

However, he did not intend to do so. Huangfu Chongming and his group were not the younger generation of strong men from various parts of the Great Chu Dynasty.It doesn't matter if you seek asylum by yourself, but it will cause great trouble for Liuyun Sword Sect. If you are retaliated by the forces behind Huangfu Chongming and others, the result will also be acceptable to Chen Xi.

"If it really doesn't work, use the Taiqing Yuye Pill. With my current body training, I should be able to withstand the huge impact of the medicine..."

Chen Xi gritted his teeth secretly. He had already made a decision. When his true energy was exhausted, if he could not get rid of Huangfu Chongming and others' pursuit, he would take the Taiqing Yuye Pill. As for whether it would damage Dao Ji, he no longer cared. .

This is also what he was forced to do, because he has never been in such a state of embarrassment, such a dangerous help...

Moreover, Chen Xi already hated Huangfu Chongming and the others to the core, and secretly decided in his heart that as long as he escaped this calamity, he would definitely wipe out all these bastards in the future!

"Damn it, is this kid made of iron? It's been two days, and his true energy hasn't been exhausted yet?" Huangfu Chongming didn't care about his demeanor, and cursed loudly, his face so gloomy that it almost dripped water.

After two days and two nights of continuous pursuit without sleep, even he felt tired and uncomfortable. If he hadn't been greedy for the treasure on Chen Xi's body, he might have turned around and left long ago, looking for a gentle place and falling asleep.

The other people's eyes were bloodshot, their faces were extremely ugly, and the fire of anger in their hearts had reached its peak.

They are the core disciples from various sects, they are pampered and have a noble status, but at this moment, they are like the low-level policemen who hunt for robbers in the world, sleepless, eat or drink, exposed to the wind and the sun...

Although there is a supply of panacea, they have to worry about the lack of real energy, but this kind of life is like a kind of torment, which makes them feel a great torture in mind and body.

They didn't do anything else these two days, they just thought up thousands of ways to torture people in their minds, and they waited to catch Chen Xi and use them one by one, so as to vent their hatred in their hearts.

"Hey! Look, this guy seems to be unable to hold on anymore, everyone chase after him!" Liu Fengchi suddenly spoke, revealing a great surprise.

Everyone's spirits were lifted immediately, and they saw that the figure who was hundreds of meters away had a slight and imperceptible disorder in his breath when he was flying away!

God has eyes, the opportunity has finally come!

Seeing this scene, everyone was uncontrollably excited, and almost burst into tears.

ps: The book review area is too deserted. Everyone is bubbling when they are free. Knowing that you are always there is also a great encouragement to me.

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