divine talisman

Chapter 246 Astrological Water Mirror Technique

I was delayed by urgent matters, and it was a little late to update. Well, today is still the same at the third watch. In addition, I would like to thank my old brother Zui Qingtian for voting for a precious monthly ticket!



In the star-studded night sky, an almost transparent figure flashed away. The speed was so fast that it had completely surpassed the speed of sound. Wherever it passed, the air was torn into a vacuum channel that could not be bridged, and the void ripples were like broken river surfaces. Circle after circle of ripples rippled towards the sides, shattering the void.

Behind this figure, more than a dozen dazzling flashes of light followed closely, and the colorful flying magic weapon dragged out meteor-like flame tails, which were extremely eye-catching in the dark sky. [

Chen Xi noticed that his physical strength was continuously draining, and the little real energy left in his dantian was being exhausted little by little, but he remained calm, silently counting the time in his heart.

And in his hand, suddenly there was an extra elixir, the whole body was crystal clear, and there were wisps of radiant glow faintly lingering in it, emitting a clear chant like the roar of dragons and tigers.

Taiqing Yuye Pill!

The world-renowned top grade pill, a Taiqing Yuye pill, is worth the value of one hundred thousand catties of spirit liquid, and there is still a price!

The earth-level elixir is a powerful pill that only Jindan monks can swallow, because the advanced Jindan realm and the root of heaven and earth can withstand the erosion of the power of the earth-level elixir.

If it were a Zifu monk or a Huangting monk, if they forced themselves to swallow the earth-level pill, they would only be overwhelmed by the majestic and powerful medicinal power and severely damage the Dao foundation.

At the moment when the dantian's true energy was exhausted, Chen Xi swallowed a Taiqing Jade Liquid Pill without hesitation. In order to get rid of the pursuit behind him, he completely ignored other things.


All of a sudden, he felt like a huge fire dragon had penetrated into his body, and the majestic medicinal power rushed directly into the dantian, making waves, rampaging, and all the meridians in his body seemed to be unable to withstand this force, distorting and swelling, and about to break inch by inch If it weren't for the fact that his Dao heart was extremely solid, the severe pain caused by this moment alone would be enough to make him faint completely.


It was as if his whole body was being ruthlessly beaten by thousands of giant hammers. The severe pain made Chen Xi's aura thick and heavy, causing a trace of disorder to appear.However, accompanied by this sharp pain, the dantian exploded with exhausted true energy, but it was extremely violent, berserk, and rampant, as if it wanted to break through the dantian and rush out of Chen Xi's skin.

This feeling was like having a volcano erupting in his body, but he couldn't find a way to vent it. That suffocating feeling was about to explode Chen Xi's entire body!

Chen Xi never expected that his body could barely bear it with just one Taiqing Jade Liquid Pill, and his body was even on the verge of exploding.

This also made him deeply understand the power of the earth-level elixir, as it is said in the legend, monks who are not in the golden elixir state cannot swallow it at all.

"Let it out! If you don't let it out, you will explode and die the next moment..." Under the stimulation of being on the verge of death, Chen Xi's eyes suddenly turned blood red, his indifferent and calm cheeks twisted, and the veins all over his body exploded. A tyrannical and terrifying aura suddenly swept out from his body, sweeping across the world.

At this moment, he was like a demon from ancient hell, eager to drink soul and blood.

He turned his head and glanced behind him.


Huangfu Chongming and the others who were chasing after him suddenly felt an inexplicable horror in their hearts, and their extremely fast-flying figures suddenly appeared a little stagnant. [

Looking up, he met Chen Xi's sweeping gaze.

What a pair of eyes!

Without any emotional color, colder than Jiuyou Xuanbing, more dazzling than scalding scarlet blood, the brutal killing intent is like a volcano erupting, flashing the icy light that destroys everything.


Everyone was not surprised and looked at each other in blank dismay.


There was a thunderous sound, and in the eyes of everyone, Chen Xi, whose aura was full of violence like a volcanic eruption, swayed and disappeared from his field of vision in the blink of an eye.

The speed is so fast that it has skyrocketed by at least three times compared to just now!

"This guy must have swallowed an extremely powerful elixir. Although his aura has skyrocketed, it is extremely chaotic. Once he can't control this force, he will definitely destroy his dantian and destroy his Dao foundation. At that time, even the gods will not be able to save him. !" Liu Fengchi suddenly said, he seemed to see something, his eyes flickered.

"I see, it seems that this bastard even wanted his life to escape..." Huangfu Chongming narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a cold smile: "But if he thinks that he can escape our pursuit with this, That's a big mistake! Everyone, hurry up and follow, maybe this time we don't need to do anything, and we can get a huge bargain!"


Knowing what happened to Chen Xi, everyone's spirits were revived, and they stopped talking nonsense immediately, and drove the flying magic weapon under their feet, chasing after him with all their strength.

"Stop, stop chasing."

Not long after Huangfu Chongming and the others left, three rays of light appeared again in the sky, and Zhen Liuqing, who was dressed in a plain long dress, looked up into the distance and groaned.

"Stop chasing? Why?"

An Qianyu said in astonishment.His voice was a little dry, and his brows were full of exhaustion. Like Huangfu Chongming and others, he, Zhen Liuqing, and Wang Daoxu had also pursued for two days. Up to now, it can be said that he was exhausted physically and mentally. After so much effort, hearing that Zhen Liuqing was planning to give up at this moment, he was naturally extremely unwilling.

"That's right, that kid obviously took an extremely powerful panacea just now. Although his strength has skyrocketed, he will not last long. This is our opportunity. It would be a pity if we just give up." Wang Daoxu also interjected.

"So what if we catch up? The three of us can't beat Huangfu Chongming and the others. Instead of this, it's better to evacuate early." Zhen Liuqing said slowly.

"But...we gave up after chasing for so long? That kid has many treasures!" Seeing Zhen Liuqing's resolute expression, An Qianyu and Wang Daoxu couldn't help but look at each other, and asked in a daze.

"I'm not interested in those treasures, I'm just wondering if he can escape Huangfu Chongming's pursuit." Zhen Liuqing smiled lightly and said, "Don't you think this little guy in Huang Tingjing is very interesting? He is the only one in the Huangting realm, but he is the one who has obtained the most treasures, such a freak is very rare."

interesting? [

Both An Qianyu and Wang Daoxu sneered in their hearts. In their hearts, it would be truly interesting to snatch the treasure from Chen Xi.

As if she didn't notice the expressions of the two, Zhen Liuqing continued to herself: "What's more, I used the astrological water mirror to calculate before, and this guy's fate is extremely weird, as if covered by heavenly secrets, ethereal, like a mirror flower and water moon , I can’t see the reality, but I’m sure, this son is definitely not the appearance of an early death, chasing him down, maybe he can get the treasure.”

Astrological water mirror technique!

Hearing this name, both An Qianyu and Wang Daoxu were shocked. This technique belongs to the extremely mysterious divination technique, and it is also one of the secret techniques inherited from the East Sea Smoke Pavilion. The secret of the heavenly secret, seeking good luck and avoiding evil, turning disaster into good fortune, is extremely mysterious and powerful.

It is precisely because of this technique that Donghai Yange Pavilion is respected in the Great Chu Dynasty, free and unrestrained, and stands immortal in the world of practice for tens of thousands of years.

Even when the royal family of the Great Chu Dynasty worshiped their ancestors, they would invite some experts from the Shuiyan Pavilion who were proficient in astrology and water mirrors to act out their secrets and pick auspicious dates to complete the grand ceremony of worshiping their ancestors.

Knowing that Zhen Liuqing has actually mastered the astrological water mirror technique, and even used it to calculate Chen Xi's fate, the shock in An Qianyu's and Wang Daoxu's hearts can be imagined.

And as far as the two of them know, the astrological water mirror technique cannot be used indiscriminately, and every time it is used, it will consume a hundred years of life.The loss of a hundred years of life is the punishment from the heavens for the caster.

It was also because of this that when they learned that Zhen Liuqing had sacrificed her hundred-year lifespan and used the astrological water mirror technique to test Chen Xi's fate just to satisfy her curiosity, the two of them were shocked, but at the same time felt extremely absurd. Is it worth it?

Seeming to see through the intentions of the two, Zhen Liuqing slightly raised the corners of her lips, showing a mysterious smile, but she didn't explain much, and she would never explain.

This is the rule of the Shisha Pavilion that has survived to this day, and not everyone can talk about Tianji!

However, she had secretly decided in her heart that when she returned to the Water Smoke Pavilion, she would definitely report Chen Xi's fate number to the suzerain, presumably her old man would be very interested.


The light breaks through the sky, and wherever it passes, the watery clouds are burned and incinerated to form a straight passage, which is spectacular.

Chen Xi felt that he was like a roaring flame wrapped around a volcano. Only by using the Divine Weathering and Feather Escape Technique with all his strength, could he release the majestic medicinal power that was rampaging in his dantian and almost exploded.

Mountains, rivers, stretches of land, majestic cities, countryside and villages... all kinds of scenery whizzed by, and it seemed so unreal.

His speed at this time was more than three times faster than usual, and he completely left Huangfu Chongming and the others far behind.

But Chen Xi didn't dare to relax his vigilance, and he was galloping with all his strength. On the one hand, it was because the violent medicinal power in his dantian needed to be vented, and on the other hand, he was worried that he would not have extra time to arrange everything after returning to Songyan City. He was chased by Huangfu Chongming and others.

"Three hours! I only need to set them aside for three hours to kill, and everything will be settled. At that time, even if someone from the Nether Transformation Realm invades, there will be a return!" Chen Xi resisted the burning pain all over his body. Severe pain, with a great perseverance to play everything in my mind.

after one day.

Chen Xi's aura had become extremely weak, his complexion was pale and transparent, traces of dark red blood escaped from the corner of his mouth, his eyelids were as heavy as lead, if it wasn't for the support of the only remaining obsession, he might have fainted already.

In this day, he has almost exhausted the power of the elixir in his dantian. However, although the medicinal power is no longer violent, his dantian and the meridians around his body have been severely damaged, devastated, and even most of the meridians have been broken. Unbearable.

This is the dominance of Taiqing Yuye Pill, the top-grade elixir of the earth. For monks in the Golden Core Realm, it is a precious cultivation pill, but for monks below the Golden Core Realm, it is undoubtedly a treasure. kind of poison.


Just when Chen Xi's consciousness was about to become numb, he suddenly raised his head, and a vast and undulating mountain came into his eyelids. On the side of the mountain, there was a city shaped like a tortoise shell built against the mountain, covering an area of ​​more than [-] square meters. Thousands of miles away.

Pine Smoke City!

Looking at the familiar outline of the city, Chen Xi's heart trembled. He summoned up his energy and used up the little strength left in his body, and plundered from the midair towards the most familiar place in his memory.

At this time, he couldn't care less about hiding his figure, nor about attracting the attention of the cultivators of Songyan City. He only had one thought in his mind, to find his younger brother, to find the mansion of his Chen clan.

After a few breaths, Chen Xi suddenly stopped, staggered to the ground from mid-air, stared blankly at the majestic mansion covering an area of ​​a thousand acres, and looked at the plaque hanging on the vermilion gate.

There are only a few words on the plaque with simple and unsophisticated workmanship, iron painted with silver hooks, snakes and flies, these two words are Chen's!

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