divine talisman

Chapter 247 He is here

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This is the civilian area of ​​Pine Smoke City.

There used to be a dilapidated small courtyard standing here, where Chen Xi lived with his grandfather and younger brother for more than ten years. Now the small courtyard is gone, replaced by a mansion, covering an area of ​​a thousand acres, with blue bricks and black tiles, majestic. extreme.

It was only a year ago, but when Chen Xi saw the two gilt characters on the plaque, he felt as if he had been a lifetime away. [

"Will this be the place where my Chen clan will rise from now on?" Unconsciously, Chen Xi clenched his fists fiercely, and his heart became more and more determined. No matter what, he must defend the Chen clan, multiply and prosper, and regain its glory!

The vermilion gate of the mansion was opened, and there was a servant in green clothes standing on both sides. His figure was straight, his eyebrows were gentle, his appearance was young, but his expression was not humble. When he saw Chen Xi suddenly descending from the sky, he paced to the front of his house, although his expression was exhausted. They were extremely embarrassed, but they had an aura of awe-inspiring blades. Their eyes froze, but they didn't show panic.

"Excuse me... ah!" When one of the servants in blue saw Chen Xi's appearance clearly, his pupils dilated immediately, and he exclaimed, "You, you... are you Senior Chen Xi?"

Chen Xi was startled, and after a careful look, he realized that this servant in blue was actually a little coward, and he couldn't help feeling complicated and unspeakable emotions in his heart.

Xiao Nuo is a boy in Zhang's grocery store. When Chen Xi was still busy making talismans in Songyan City every day, this guy was recruited into the store by the boss Zhang Dayong. Because he was smart and clever, He was highly regarded by Zhang Yongtai, and Chen Xi often went to and from Zhang's grocery store, so he naturally recognized him.

However, what complicated Chen Xi's heart was that the Zhang's grocery store was completely destroyed by the Li's family, and the boss, Uncle Zhang, who had taken care of him for many years, didn't know how to live or die. Seeing that Xiao Nuo had become a servant of his mansion at this moment, his heart ached. Naturally, there are all kinds of tastes and emotions.

"Xiao Nuo, I have something urgent right now, I will have a long chat with you another day, and you go and inform my younger brother to meet me here." Feeling only for a moment, Chen Xi immediately restrained his mind and ordered.

After finishing speaking, he began to carefully look at the structure and layout of Chen's mansion, not wanting to waste any time.

Thinking about it, it is true that now he is trying his best to leave Huangfu Chongming and others far behind, and he has almost gained three hours of breathing time.

Within these three hours, he had to follow the idea he had already calculated in his mind and set up a barrier that could resist Huangfu Chongming and others, so as to protect his younger brother and the recently rebuilt Chen's mansion.

Therefore, for him, every minute and every second is extremely precious, like racing against the god of death, and it must not be tolerated to be wasted.


Xiao Nuo understood the seriousness of the matter from Chen Xi's expression, and did not dare to be negligent in the slightest, and rushed into the depths of the mansion to inform Chen Hao.

Only another servant in Tsing Yi was left, standing blankly in front of the vermilion gate, looking at the tall figure who was examining the layout of the mansion, his heart filled with astonishment.

Is this the broom star that everyone ridiculed back then?

His name is Dong Zheng, and like Xiao Nuo, he is a servant hired by the Chen family, and he himself was born and raised in Songyan City, so he knows everything about Chen Xi like the palm of his hand, like a thunderbolt.

But now he doesn't dare to call Chen Xi a bastard, and he wouldn't even dare to lend him ten guts.Let alone him, no one in the entire Songyan City would dare to call Chen Xi the bastard.

Because now, all the cultivators in the entire Songyan City know that Chen Xi is no longer the little talisman making apprentice he used to be able to be bullied by others.

He not only won No.1 in the Qianlong Ranking Competition in the entire southern border practice world, but also became a sworn brother with Bei Heng, the Supreme Elder of Liuyun Sword Sect. Call me Master Uncle! [

When it comes to identity, status, and cultivation, he has already surpassed all the monks in Songyan City. Who would dare to treat him like before?

What's more, the Li family and the Su family in Longyuan City who offended Chen Xi in the past were all wiped out one by one. With such lessons learned from the past, no one in the entire Songyan City would dare to underestimate Chen Xi.

On the contrary, after learning that Chen Xi’s younger brother Chen Hao returned to Songyan City to rebuild the Chen Clan, the entire Songyan City became a sensation. Not only did the major forces not stop them, but they sent a lot of manpower and material resources to help rebuild the Chen Clan. It's very simple, just to build a good relationship with Chen Hao and make a good relationship.It would be great if he could indirectly cling to Liuyun Sword Sect.

It is precisely because of this that the Chen family's mansion covering an area of ​​one thousand mu was able to be completed in just one year, and it was built majesticly, as solid as gold, and extremely strong.

Chen Xi didn't know that Dong Zheng, a little servant, would feel so much shock after seeing him. His attention was focused on the huge mansion, and he was acting fast in his heart, not daring to waste any time.

His ultimate goal is only one, to arrange the Taiweichen sword array composed of tens of thousands of ground-level high-grade swords and nine ground-level top-grade swords around the entire Chen's mansion!

As long as the sword array is [-]% complete, if a strong person in the underworld enters it, he will be instantly strangled to death with all his sword energy, let alone Huangfu Chongming and others.

However, the layout of Taiweichen's sword array is extremely troublesome, dense and complicated. It is very simple to perfectly cover the entire Chen's mansion under the protection of the sword array, but the difficulty lies in this sword array It is composed of 720 small sword formations, 360 medium sword formations, and 180 large sword formations, and the three sword formations, large, medium and small, are not isolated, but are connected layer by layer. , Echoing each other from a distance, its difficulty is great, like connecting tens of thousands of grains of sand in series with strands of hair, and constructing various patterns, as long as there is a slight mistake, there may be no way to make up for it flaw.

Fortunately, when Chen Xi was in the Qianyuan Treasure House, he had already kept all the changes and essence of this formation in mind. He only needed to assess the situation and choose the position of the foundation of the formation, and then he could start to set up the formation.

After half an hour.

The thoughtful look in Chen Xi's eyes disappeared, and he took a deep breath, but he couldn't cover up the thick look of exhaustion between his brows.

After fleeing for three days in a row, he was severely injured by the power of the Taiqing Yuye Pill. His current physical strength is on the verge of exhaustion of the oil lamp. At this time, he is trying so hard to play the position of the sword array, which has already made his eyes bloodshot. Manbu, with a waxy complexion, looked extremely haggard.

"Brother, what happened, how did you become like this?" The anxious and doubtful voice of his younger brother Chen Hao came to his ears. Chen Xi suppressed his exhaustion, and when he looked up, he saw his younger brother and Fei Lengcui standing beside him .

I haven't seen him for a year, but Chen Hao has grown a lot taller again, with broad shoulders and strong body, extraordinary heroism, a calm look on his brows, and a hint of majesty in his gestures.

And beside him, Fei Lengcui, the proud daughter of the younger generation of Liuyun Sword Sect, has become virtuous and quiet now. Coupled with her beautiful face, standing with Chen Hao is like a couple. Like gods and couples, it is pleasing to the eye.

When the two returned to Songyan City a year ago, they were already married. Now that they appeared together in front of him, Chen Xi was not surprised. He only felt a little guilty. On the day of his brother's wedding, he was not by his side. I am really sorry brother.

However, these thoughts were only fleeting, so he regained his composure, quickly told everything he had encountered, and finally ordered: "Go and gather everyone in the Chen family in the mansion as soon as possible. Don't take a single step. And I will hurry up and try to set up a big formation within three hours, and all crises will naturally be disintegrated by then."

Chen Hao's brows were dark, and he could imagine the anger in his heart when he heard that his brother was being chased all the way and almost lost his life.

However, he also understood that it was a critical moment, and no matter how angry he was, he would make up for it. Immediately, according to his elder brother Chen Xi's instructions, he hurriedly settled everything.

During this year, Chen Hao, relying on his name as a true disciple of Liuyun Sword Sect and his elder brother Chen Xi's radiant and brilliant reputation, had indeed recruited many young talents with clean and loyal family backgrounds to join the Chen family. With a few servants and servants, the entire Chen family now has thousands of people. In terms of scale, it is also one of the best in the entire Songyan City, and it is not inferior to the Li family back then.

Nowadays, what the Chen family lacks is foundation and development. After all, it only takes one year to rebuild. The continuation and development of a family is by no means as simple as imagined.

Chen Hao has been busy day and night until now, there are still many things to be perfected and implemented in the family affairs. This is a huge project that cannot be completed overnight. [

After Chen Hao left, Chen Xi was silent for a moment, and finally he gritted his teeth and took out another Taiqing Jade Liquid Pill, and swallowed it.Setting up a large formation like the Taiweichen Sword Formation would be impossible without sufficient real energy support.


The majestic medicinal power, hot as a volcanic eruption, rushed into the dantian again, ruthlessly ravaging the already devastated dantian and meridians.

Wisps of bright red blood overflowed from Chen Xi's facial features, making his appearance extremely hideous and terrifying, like an evil ghost crawling out of a mountain of corpses in a sea of ​​blood.

But at this time, he was already worried about these things. With the help of the violent and raging medicinal power in his body, he rose into the air, and with a movement in his heart, hundreds of swords came out of thin air.

Immediately, the sword was vertical and horizontal, the sword energy was like a tide, and the sky was full of cold sword light, like a dragon, like flying lightning, with a fierce momentum, as if it was about to fly to the sky, piercing the sky several times. a hole.

"The Eastern Seven Swords, Evolving Wood, return to their positions!" Chen Xi's eyes were like lightning, and with a wave of his sleeve robe, the seven swords flew away like a blue dragon returning to the abyss, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Seven Swords of the West, Derivative Gold, return to the throne!"

"Southern Seven Swords, Evolving into Fire, Returning!"

"Seven Swords of the North, evolve into water, return to the throne!"


In the entire sky, a sword chant resounded immediately, and the sword light flickered, tearing apart the void. Between the brilliant heaven and the earth, the whistling and wandering sword weapons fell into the surroundings of Chen's mansion one after another according to mysterious trajectories.

All of a sudden, the sky above the entire Chen's mansion seemed to have turned into a sea of ​​swords, dense with sword aura and sharp edge, covering nine heavens and ten earths.

Pine Mist City was not big in the first place, and the abnormal fluctuations in the sky over Chen's mansion immediately attracted the attention of some nearby forces.

Scratching... At this moment, no matter if they are practicing in seclusion, or visiting friends, or playing with friends, they all come here to investigate without letting go of what they are doing.

"God! There are so many high-grade swords!"

"Why do I feel that figure is very familiar... Ah, I remembered, it's Chen Xi!"

"Chen Xi? Unexpectedly, he came back. What is he doing?"

"It turned out to be setting up an formation! It's such a big hand, to use so many top-grade swords to set up the formation. Once this formation is completed, no one can stop the rise of the Chen clan!"

Looking at the tall figure standing above Chen's mansion from a distance, everyone around was secretly shocked.

After Chen Xi wiped out the Li family a few years ago, many monks in Songyan City had never seen Chen Xi again, but Chen Xi's name would often be heard in their ears.

Chen Xi won the first place in the Hidden Dragon Ranking Competition.

Chen Xi became the sworn brother of the Supreme Elder of Liuyun Sword Sect.

Chen Xi slaughtered the Su family, one of the six great families in Longyuan.

... They don't need to go out of Songyan City at all, the news about Chen Xi will fly to Songyan City as if they have grown wings, and will be heard in every detail.

Originally, they thought that Chen Xi had already leaped over the dragon gate and transformed into a dragon by wind, and would never return to this remote town again. How could they expect to see him again at this moment?

He came back, not only came back, but also brought countless top-grade swords, and wanted to build a large sword formation for the Chen clan to protect the Chen clan!

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