divine talisman

Chapter 248 A strong enemy is coming


In the azure blue sky, more than a dozen rays of light pierced through the sky, colorful and dazzling, whizzing sharply, and layers of clouds were cut into shattered cotton wool.

Soon, a vast mountain appeared in sight.

"Young Lord, look, this mountain is the famous Nanman Mountain in southern Xinjiang. It is said that this mountain is isolated from the world, and there are many terrifying demon kings. I don't know if it is true or not." Liu Fengchi pointed. There are mountains under his feet, he said.

Huangfu Chongming was not interested in these things. He glanced at the city at the foot of Nanman Mountain and said, "That kid should have hid in that city. I'm surprised that he fled for three days and three nights in a row. Why didn't you run away?" [

"You will know as soon as you enter that city." Liu Fengchi said.

Huangfu Chongming shook his head, and muttered: "It's better to be careful, this kid is not like a stupid person, he should have something to rely on hiding in this city, let's not capsize in the gutter..."


When he was speaking, Huangfu Chongming suddenly raised his eyes, his eyes were like lightning, and they shot directly at the sky above the city, and he could vaguely see several sword qi going straight to the sky, criss-crossing, like lightning, like flying rainbows, for a while Qingyue's passionate sword chant sounded even more distantly.

"Sword energy soaring to the sky?"

"That's an earth-level high-grade sword weapon, good guy, there are thousands of handles!"

"Huh, it turned out to be Chen Xi! That's right, it must be him. The mystical eyes I have cultivated are enough to scan thousands of miles away, and I can recognize that kid even if he turns into ashes!"

The others also noticed the vision in the distance, and they immediately expressed their surprise one by one, and that Man Hong had practiced a Taoism called the Eye of the Profound Cave, so he could see through Chen Xi's trace at a glance.

"Damn it! This kid must have scavenged these high-grade swords from the Qianyuan treasure house. He even dared to show them off. He really wants to die!"

A blazing greed flashed across Huangfu Chongming's eyes, and he immediately shouted in a deep voice: "Go, grab this guy's treasure, and then tear him into pieces!"

Even among the major sects behind them, the high-grade magic weapons of the earth rank are all precious-level existences with amazing value. If they are bought and sold in the market, as soon as they appear, they will inevitably be snapped up. It is very rare.

At this moment, not only Huangfu Chongming was jealous when he saw that Chen Xi possessed thousands of high-grade earth-level magic weapons, but everyone else was also greedy and couldn't restrain themselves.

Thousands of ground-level high-grade swords, this is simply an astronomical figure!

How many treasures did this kid loot from the Qianyuan treasure house?Besides these swords, are there other rare and precious treasures?

Thinking of this, the crowd could no longer hold back their impulses, and the exhaustion of the past few days was swept away, and they swarmed over the distant city with all their strength.

Whoosh!Whoosh!Whoosh! ...

At this moment, Huangfu Chongming and the others galloped with all their might, releasing their aura without any scruples. The coercion of the Jindan Realm powerhouse swept across Songyan City, causing the Songyan City to jump around and become a mess.

Aside from Chen Xi, his younger brother Chen Hao, and others, the highest level of cultivation in the entire Songyan City is only in the Purple Mansion Realm. Facing the aura of a Golden Core Realm expert who is two realms higher than himself, it is like a mouse encountering Like a cat, panicked and panicked.

Who are these young people? [

How could it have such a terrifying aura?

Looking at the more than ten rays of light passing overhead, everyone in Songyan City felt cold all over and breathed heavily. It was the oppression caused by the huge gap in realm, and there was no way to stop it.

Fortunately, these people just passed by and did not embarrass them. This also made the monks in Songyan City secretly relieved, and immediately a touch of curiosity appeared in everyone's hearts. These young strong men came to Songyan City. What is Yancheng going to do?

Those sharp-eyed people immediately discovered that the target of those young and strong men... turned out to be the Chen family!

Soon, all the monks in Songyan City knew the news, and they all hid in the dark and looked towards the place where the Chen family was.

Although the reconstruction of the Chen family only took a year, but in Songyan City, people dare to underestimate it, because the head of the family, Chen Hao, and his wife, Fei Lengcui, are both true disciples of the Liuyun Sword Sect, the number one power in southern Xinjiang. Because it is also the crown of Songyan City, who can surpass the right one.Coupled with the fact that his elder brother, Chen Xi, sworn brotherhood with the Supreme Elder of Liuyun Sword Sect, and his authority was overwhelming, this background was enough to crush all the major forces in Songyan City several times.

Everyone even thinks that the future Songyan City will definitely be ruled by the Chen family!

However, at this time, more than a dozen murderous young strongmen came through the air, aiming directly at the Chen family. Seeing this scene in the eyes of the cultivators of Songyan City, it immediately aroused all curiosity.

Dare to invade the Chen family, what kind of terrifying force is standing behind these young strong men?

The Taiweichen Sword Formation was indeed the Great Mountain Protecting Formation of the Taiqing Taoist Palace back then. The rigor of the formation and the intricate and complicated formation techniques were definitely something Chen Xi had never seen in his life.

It is also because of this that every time he completes a step, he feels that one point of effort has been consumed. If it were not for the extremely strong power of his soul, it would be difficult to persevere until now.

What's more serious is that after swallowing the second Taiqing Yuye Pill, his already damaged body was severely injured again. When setting up the formation, he almost couldn't suppress the violent collision in the dantian several times. Even so, his aura was on the verge of going mad and dying by suicide.

Fortunately, the Taiweichen Sword Formation only needs to lay the foundation, and it can be completed.

The so-called formation foundation is the core of a formation, without it, the entire formation will be as empty as nothing, with no power at all.What Chen Xi needs to do is to use the nine ground-level top-grade swords to lay out the rune formation pattern at the base of the formation, so as to penetrate every link of the entire sword formation.

However, just when he was about to lay out the foundation, whoosh!Whoosh!Whoosh!A sharp sound of piercing the sky suddenly pierced the sky, and came suddenly, accompanied by Huangfu Chongming and others.

Chen Xi's eyes froze, but he did not hesitate in his hands. He picked up a top-grade sword of the earth rank, and began to engrave intricate and mysterious runes on the surface of the sword with his own blood essence.

"Why don't you run away? Master Ben has already said that no matter how hard you struggle until the end, it will be of no avail. Kneel on the ground obediently and hand over your treasures. After ten years of tormenting you, I will kill you immediately." how are you?"

Huangfu Chongming stepped forward with his hands behind his back, looking at Chen Xi whose breath was disordered and whose expression was as tired as a withered tree, a hint of disdain could not help but appear on his lips.

Chen Xi ignored him, turned a deaf ear to him, casually smashed the top-grade sword of the earth level that had been carved into the base of the formation, and sacrificed another one to start the seal carving.

"Young Lord, this kid is setting up an formation! Kill him quickly, or you will change later!" Liu Fengchi swept around, especially when he saw Chen Xi carving swords with his own blood essence, his expression changed, and he shouted loudly. speak out.

Formation! ? [

In an instant, Huangfu Chongming and the others understood what Chen Xi was doing, and their expressions sank.

Thousands of ground-level high-grade swords are used as the base of the formation. If this formation is successfully deployed, its power may be enough to kill any of them...

"Do it! Don't let this kid successfully set up the formation!"

Huangfu Chongming's reaction was extremely fast, and he yelled loudly almost instantly. Immediately, his whole body swayed, his feet stepped on the stars, his hands were like giant dragon-shaped claws, and he transformed into thousands of breathtaking golden claws, flying all over the sky , One after another, they killed Chen Xi. Wherever they went, the space vibrated, layers upon layers, and the scene was blurred.

Taoist martial arts, Nine Pythons Cracking Heart Claws!

Every claw shadow contains sharp gold Taoism and phantom Taoism, which are false and real, true and false, and every attack is full of fiction and reality, which is hard to guard against.

Almost at the same time, Liu Fengchi, Man Hong, Lin Moxuan, Xiao Linger and the others also displayed their most powerful Taoist martial arts, in order to kill Chen Xi with one blow and completely stop the rhythm of their formation.


However, at the same time as Huangfu Chongming and others shot, a blinding golden light suddenly emerged from Chen Xi's body, and the next moment, Ling Bai dressed in white stood in the air.

And in his hand, he held a black and narrow sickle, one foot long, with a blade like a dark and cold crescent moon, sharp and sharp. The whole sickle was covered with exhaustive mysterious runes, surrounded by black light, Sprinkling out the word "kill" one after another, the surrounding space was shaken to collapse and shatter, which was extremely astonishing.

The Scythe of Slaughter!

A peerless weapon that contains the intent of a heinous killing!

"Chen Xi, set up your formation with peace of mind, leave this place to me, even if you die, I will win you a chance to survive!" Ling Bai's voice was full of resoluteness.

While he was speaking, the whole person rose up from the sky, and with a light swipe of the killing scythe in his hand, an astonishing scene appeared, and the world seemed to be plunged into a dark night.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!..." It seemed as if a demon from the bottom of the abyss shouted, stirring endlessly in this dark night, and the breath of killing permeated every inch of space.

Kill Daoyu!

There is no light here, only killing, killing gods and demons, and murderous aura soars into the sky.

In an instant, Huangfu Chongming and others were trapped in it.

"Hmph, how can a small dao domain trap me?" Huangfu Chongming calmly snorted and punched out.


Amidst a thunderous dragon chant, a golden snake python with fluttering beard opened its teeth and claws, roared out from its fist, and tore open a gap in the Slaughter Dao Realm in just a split second, with extremely terrifying power.

"Everyone, quickly break through this Dao Domain and kill Chen Xi. If he succeeds in setting up the formation, I will wait and hope!" Amidst the violent shouts, Liu Fengchi also rushed to the sky, killing Ling Bai in the distance. go.




The others also understood that time was running out, and they used all their cultivation one by one, all kinds of magic weapons flew across the sky, and all kinds of powerful Taoist martial arts swept out. Such power simply changed the color of the world.

These more than ten people, who do not have the cultivation base of the Golden Core Perfection Realm, are full of Taoism, and the magic weapon is tyrannical. They attack the lonely Lingbai with all their strength, showing a crushing momentum. Torn to pieces, on the verge of breaking!

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