divine talisman

Chapter 249 Generous Death

Calvin is amazing, everyone take your time, I will code Chapter 2.In addition, I would like to thank my brother for casting a valuable monthly ticket for playing casually!



The Killing Daoyu was instantly riddled with holes, and Lingbai's small face was even paler, and he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood. After being hit with all his strength by Huangfu Chongming, he obviously also suffered a great backlash.

However, his expression was still firm, and there was even a tinge of fanaticism and piety like that of the ancient ancestors when they sacrificed, as if for Chen Xi, he could sacrifice everything! [


An extremely dazzling golden flame burned on Ling Bai's body, soaring into the sky, stirring all around, the majestic and surging Nirvana sword intent enveloped the Killing Dao Domain, instantly restoring the Killing Dao Domain that was on the verge of shattering.And after mixing with the Nirvana Sword Intent, the Slaughter Dao Domain became more tenacious, exuding a terrifying aura of magic words.

Annihilation, neither life nor death, all things return to silence.

Killing, beheading life and destroying spirits, everything is extinct.

These two kinds of Taoism are the upper way of life and death. At this moment, they are merged into one. Suddenly, the Slaughter Dao Domain has almost turned into a Shura Dojo, a place of death, and wants to exterminate all invaders!

"Ni Mie! Slaughter! This three-inch villain can display such a dao domain. Even if it is not a fairy artifact, it must be a great treasure. If it can be used by me, my strength will skyrocket by at least [-]% !" Huangfu Chongming looked at Lingbai, and an unstoppable greed rose in his heart.

Not only Huangfu Chongming, but other people also saw Lingbai's extraordinaryness, and they all wished to suppress and refine Lingbai for their own use.


Lin Moxuan couldn't bear it anymore, and made the first move.He is a sword cultivator, and his understanding of the Nirvana Sword Dao possessed by Ling Bai far exceeds that of others. He has an intuition that if he can successfully comprehend this kind of Sword Dao, his strength will be raised to a whole new level. Even when fighting against Qing Xiuyi, he was unafraid.

What's more, Ling Bai mastered not only the Dao of Nirvana, but also the Dao of Slaughter, which also has an irresistible attraction to Lin Moxuan who entered the Dao with the sword.

So he made a move, and when he made a move, it was Huang Tian Dao Zong's Zhenzong Taoist martial arts - Huang Tian Hunyuan Sword!

According to legend, the majestic heaven and earth at the beginning of the Taiyuan were restored to the real master, but the aura of the Great Brahma encompassed all the heavens. Above the sky, there were five clouds of nature, whose color was pale yellow, which was called Huangtian. .Above the sky, its color is black and blue, so it is called Qingtian.

And this Huangtian Hunyuan Sword is a kind of swordsmanship that contains Huangtian Dao. It is as powerful as the thick yellow earth, the most powerful and simple, vast and profound, covering the world.


As soon as Huang Tian's Hunyuan sword came out, it seemed that Huang Tian was in power, locking the four directions and eight poles. The strong and simple power, like a god descending, crushed the void, broke through the heaven and the earth, and wherever it passed, the killing domain was broken and torn like the surface of water. Crack, the momentum is extremely frightening.

"Hmph! Die for me!"

"Little guy, don't struggle any longer, and submit to me obediently!"

"you are mine!"

Seeing that Lin Moxuan did not hesitate to consume a lot of real energy and used Huangtian Hunyuan Sword, the Zhenzong martial arts of Huangtian Daozong, the others snorted coldly and shot with all their strength, not wanting to take Lingbai, lest they be snatched away by others. [


These more than a dozen people shot together, all using the Taoist martial arts of their respective sects, coupled with the cultivation base of Jindan Perfection, its power is so great, it is like a volcanic eruption, a tsunami and an earthquake, and the original restoration is as good as before. The Slaughtering Dao Domain suffered another severe blow, broken like cotton wool.


Ling Bai trembled all over his body, unable to bear this kind of force that was like a light on his back and oppressive like a mountain, he suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, his figure was on the verge of falling.

Even if he tried his best and sacrificed his own life, he was still no match for the all-out attack of more than a dozen strong young men in the Golden Core Perfection Realm, and he himself suffered extremely serious injuries from this attack. Life is at stake.

But even in this situation, Ling Bai was gritting his teeth and desperately, and the killing scythe in his hand transformed into thousands of blade shadows, and the killing words condensed from the chilling killing intent, overwhelming mountains and seas, flying all over the sky, firmly blocking Chen Xi's body forward, refused to take a step back.

Not crazy, not live!

Huangfu Chongming and the others were amazed, and their determination to win Lingbai became more and more determined. Their attacks became more violent, and all kinds of powerful Taoist martial arts were bombarded out like they didn't need money. That kind of terrifying If it were another Golden Core cultivator, he would have been obliterated and died long ago.

hold onto!Lingbai, hold on...

Chen Xi looked at the three-inch figure in mid-air, felt his generous fighting spirit and determination, and a line of bloody tears rolled down Chen Xi's face. He knew that Ling Bai was winning the last line for himself. Vigorous, fighting desperately for the Chen Clan behind her...

Exhausted anger roared like molten lava on every inch of his body. Stimulated by this anger, the movements of Chen Xi's hands did not become disordered. On the contrary, his speed became faster and more stable, like a butterfly wearing flowers, There are many phantoms, mysterious runes and seals are engraved on the top-grade swords of the ground level. Up to now, there are only three top-grade swords connected to the ground to be refined, and the Taiweichen Sword Formation can be opened!

"Leng Cui, take care of yourself. Even if I die in this battle, I must not let my brother sacrifice. Over the years, he has already burdened too much for my Chen family..." In the Chen family's mansion, Chen Hao looked at him. Heaven, with a cold expression, but fierce flames burning in his eyes.


The sword chanted like a dragon, and the vast sword energy rushed straight into the sky. Chen Hao didn't even look at his wife, and stepped into the air, standing solemnly in front of his elder brother Chen Xi.

He was full of gratitude and admiration for Ling Bai, but he didn't get involved.

Because he also understands that when a person chooses to work hard, what he has to do is to inherit his will, guard the rear, and win the last chance for the people behind him, or wait for the next moment to work hard.

Even though I died nine times, I don't regret it!

Fei Lengcui stood on the ground, looking at her husband's tall, majestic and steady back, biting her lips tightly, she shed tears, but there was a sincere smile on her face, and she murmured in her heart: "This is just the way to go!" He is the hero in my heart, my good husband..."

Behind Fei Lengcui, those thousands of clansmen, servants, and servants newly recruited into the Chen family, seeing this scene, the horrified emotions in their hearts began to calm down, no longer trembling, no longer cowering, but Little by little, they straightened their chests and backs. They felt proud and honored that they were members of the Chen family.

In the face of danger, it is a family's fortune to be united as one.

It is a country's fortune to break through mountains and rivers and unite as one. [

Perhaps only after going through this ordeal, the newly rebuilt Chen family can lay an immortal foundation, just like the reborn phoenix dancing in the nine heavens.

In the distance, all the major forces in Songyan City and all the monks witnessed this battle of disparity in strength. They didn't know who Ling Bai was, but they felt the fighting spirit that he would never regret until death. That kind of dedication to desperately guarding everything.All kinds of feelings surged in my heart for a moment, which was extremely complicated.

Mantis blocking?

Or moths to the flame?

Knowing that it is death, but generously rushing to die, if all the monks in the world have such courage, perseverance, and determination, why worry about not being able to succeed in the way?

It's a pity that there are too few people in this world who can face the bleakness directly and fear life and death.It is also because of this that the persistence and fear displayed by Ling Bai at this moment are so shocking.

But in the hearts of everyone, this tragedy is only a flash in the pan, and it is destined to be wiped out, and the Chen family will inevitably perish accordingly.Because the opponent is really too strong, more than a dozen young Jindan experts are enough to sweep the entire Songyan City, facing this kind of power, the Chen family is not immune.

Unless the Liuyun Sword Sect has an expert to help, but this is obviously impossible, Songyan City is a million miles away from the Liuyun Sword Sect, and the distant water cannot save the near fire, so how can it stop what is happening in front of it? everything?

In fact, looking at this matter from another angle is quite normal. In the practice world where the jungle preys on the jungle, things like the collapse of families and the destruction of sects happen almost every day. If the strength is not good enough, they can only be slaughtered by others. Only with superior strength can they stand firm. In the final analysis, everything else is false, and strength is the standard to measure everything.


In mid-air, Ling Bai flew out, and he vomited blood continuously in mid-air. He looked extremely haggard at this time, his eyes were dim, and his breath was weak and disordered, like a candle flickering in the wind, which might be extinguished at any time.

The fact is indeed the case. Up to this point in the battle, he has lost all his fighting strength, and all his strength has been squeezed out. Due to the self-inflicted loss of life, his body has been severely damaged by Fa-repair. At this time, let alone Huangfu Chongming and others , even an ordinary person can kill him.

"Everyone, this little thing is mine!" Huangfu Chongming strode out, amidst the laughter, he reached out and grabbed Ling Bai fiercely.


A sword intent, as vast as mountains and peaks, suddenly pierced, smashed the void, and rebelled against yin and yang.It was Chen Hao who made the move, and the moment he made the move, there was an awe-inspiring sword intent.

During this year, his cultivation has also improved rapidly, and now he has the cultivation of Huang Ting's Perfection Realm, just like his elder brother Chen Xi, only one step short of advancing to the Golden Core Realm.

Moreover, he specializes in the way of swordsmanship, and has immersed himself in the way of Haoran swordsmanship for a long time. When he stabs out with a sword, it is like an ancient sage coming to the world, wanting to restore the order of the world, judge good and evil, condemn guilt, and restore the world to a peaceful and prosperous world!

"Great swordsmanship? Great swordsmanship, but unfortunately you are not strong enough. If you are a strong person in the Jindan realm, I am still afraid of it. Now, give me a shot!"

Huangfu Chongming snorted coldly, and grabbed it with his big hand, like nine pythons strangling through the air. Haoran's sword intent was shattered and annihilated inch by inch, and Chen Hao's whole body was shaken by this claw force, and he flew out in an instant. was hit hard.

In comparison, Chen Hao's current strength is indeed a bit weak, and the difference in cultivation base is a big realm, which is a fatal injury that he can't make up for.

After repelling Chen Hao with a grab, Huangfu Chongming's figure didn't stop, and grabbed Ling Bai again. In his eyes, one person can block his steps today, and this little thing is destined to be in his palm.

Seeing this, Liu Fengchi and the others also knew that it was absolutely impossible for them to snatch Lingbai by Huangfu Chongming, and they focused their attention on Chen Xi almost instantly.

Apart from that little thing, this guy has more valuable treasures on him!

Without the slightest hesitation, they acted brazenly.

At this moment, Chen Xi and Ling Bai fell into absolute danger at the same time. In the Chen family's mansion, many people felt desperate and closed their eyes together.

"You... all damned!"

At this moment, Chen Xi suddenly raised his head, his blood-colored eyes burst out with murderous intent, as cold as a beast without emotion.And in his hands, the last ground-level top-grade sword was driven into the foundation of the formation.


Tens of thousands of swords blared together, hundreds of millions of sword qi broke through the ground and rushed straight to the nine heavens and ten places. The fierce and murderous aura was like a mighty river, surging and surging, piercing through the eight poles, causing the stars to shake and the moon to fall. , Heaven and earth mourn endlessly.

Taiweichen sword formation, after countless years, finally reappeared in the world at this moment, blooming the eternal glory that will never be wiped out.

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