divine talisman

Chapter 250

The sword rushed to the sky, and the sword chanted like a tide!

As soon as the Tai Qi Mochen sword formation was completed, there were many visions, as if a peerless sword cultivator appeared out of thin air, just the sharp and sharp aura was creepy, like falling into an ice cave.

Looking from a distance, in the midair of the Chen family's mansion, sword qi and sword light are flying across the sky, like snow-white dragons formed by sword light swimming, and the sword chant is clear and clear, just like a dragon chant.


The scene of the sky and the earth suddenly changed, billowing black clouds covered the sky, the originally clear sky seemed to be plunged into pitch black night, and on top of the Chen family's mansion, there appeared a round moon like an ice wheel, with silvery moonlight shining brightly It poured down, covering Chen's mansion in misty moonlight. [

This tai qi mote dust sword array actually aroused the power of the yin and yuehua, creating a vision of heaven and earth!


In Songyan City, everyone who witnessed this scene gasped and their scalps became numb. Even though they were separated by thousands of miles, they still felt like they were on their backs, and the sharp sword energy cut them I could barely keep my eyes open.

"Not good! What kind of sword array is this? Such a terrifying power, even the strong in the underworld can't compete with it!" Huangfu Chongming felt an extremely dangerous breath from the bottom of his heart, and he stopped capturing the spirit without hesitation. With Bai's movements, he retreated back again and again.

"Tens of thousands of ground-level high-grade swords and nine ground-level top-grade swords form a sword formation that arouses the visions of heaven and earth, bathing in the moonlight of the moon, this...even the blue sea that protects the island of Longsha Island in the East China Sea Thousand Shark Formation, its power seems to be inferior to this Formation!"

"Retire! This level of power is enough to strangle any strong person in the Nether Transformation Realm. Don't be caught in it, otherwise there will be death and life, and it is doomed!"

Liu Fengchi, Man Hong, Lin Moxuan, Xiao Ling'er and others also all changed countenance, panicked and retreated faster than Huangfu Chongming.

In an instant, everyone retreated violently, like avoiding a beast from a flood.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chen Xi raised his hand to catch Ling Bai and Chen Hao back, and coldly glanced at the people who retreated a hundred feet away, turned around and disappeared into the Tai Qi Wen Cheng sword formation.

Looking around from inside the Chen family's mansion, I saw several sword lights wandering around, forming a majestic sword barrier, like an upside-down big bowl, firmly guarding around the mansion, and the misty moonlight pouring down Down below, the sword barrier was rendered in a poetic and picturesque way, like a fairyland.

When it landed on the ground, without any hesitation, Chen Xi put tens of thousands of Taiqing Jade Liquid Pills into a storage bag, and handed them to his younger brother Chen Hao, "The Taiqi dust sword formation is enough to kill the powerhouses in the Nether Transformation Realm, the Earth Immortals Experts entering it will not be able to break through the formation for a while. With its protection, my Chen family can worry about it. However, the operation of a large formation requires a huge amount of spiritual power. Sitting in the big formation, supplementing the spiritual power of the foundation of the formation."


Before the words fell, Chen Xi couldn't hold on any longer, and he fainted to the ground.

He was really exhausted. He fled from the vast sea desert to Songyan City. He stayed awake for three days and three nights. The qi mote sword formation had cost him countless efforts, and his whole body was literally overdrawing his life. He was not seriously injured from the inside out, and was on the verge of running out of oil and lamps.If it weren't for a will to support him, it would be difficult to persevere until now.

It was also because of this that as soon as he relaxed his mind at this moment, he immediately fell into a deep coma, and he could no longer feel anything about the outside world.

Ling Bai also fell into a coma. The little guy had resisted the attack of Huangfu Chongming and the others by himself just now, at the expense of his own life. In terms of the severity of the injury, he was no better than Chen Xi.

Just like that, one big and one small both fainted and looked embarrassed, but no one laughed at them.

On the contrary, in the hearts of these servants and maidservants of the Chen family, there was a deep respect, although it was loud, it stirred in everyone's heart.

It was these two people who turned the tide and saved the Chen family from the fire and water. Without these two people, their fate would be slaughtered and exterminated along with the collapse of the Chen family. [

At this moment, everyone in the Chen family felt a sense of pride. With such a person in charge of the family, why not worry about the family's prosperity?Why don't you worry about living in a stable and prosperous life?

"Leng Cui, take my brother and Ling Bai to rest, and use the best elixir to heal their injuries. I will leave it to me to sit in the formation, and everyone else will do their own thing. Don't go out without permission!"

Chen Hao spoke in a low voice, breaking the atmosphere of silence.No one saw that when his gaze moved away from the bodies of Chen Xi, a drop of tear slipped from the corner of his eye, but it evaporated in an instant.

He became stronger, more fearful, and his temperament became more stable, like a mountain that has been washed by wind and rain, becoming more and more majestic.

"Here!" Everyone agreed abruptly and left in an orderly manner.

"Be careful too." Fei Lengcui said softly, then carried Chen Xi on her back, held Ling Bai in both hands, and left cautiously.

After everyone left, Chen Hao sat cross-legged in the center of the formation, his eyes were like lightning, and he glanced around coldly, a boiling flame was burning in his heart, he didn't dare to relax, his brother had already helped him too much, this Made him feel so guilty, so insecure, so capable of...

At this moment, he absolutely cannot tolerate the tranquility that he sacrificed his life for to be broken by the enemy!

Taiweichen's sword formation was ten miles away.

Huangfu Chongming and his group stared at the Chen family's mansion shrouded in the silvery moonlight as the sword energy soared into the sky. Their faces were gloomy, and there were shock, doubt, and unwillingness in their eyes.

This time, Chen Xi escaped again!

They couldn't remember clearly. This was the first time Chen Xi had escaped. The demonic obstacle that this guy hit was always in front of his eyes, but it seemed that he couldn't kill him at all.

"Little Marquis, what should we do next?" Liu Fengchi asked in a deep voice, with deep hatred and unwillingness in his voice, he was only one step away from killing Chen Xi and taking away all the treasures on him, However, it is just this one line that makes everything change, how can he be reconciled?

"What else can I do? Can you break through this damn sword formation? Huh?" Huangfu Chongming couldn't bear the anger in his heart anymore, lost control of his emotions, and roared.

Everyone was silent, the aggrieved and angry in their hearts was no worse than Huangfu Chongming, but what can they do if they are not reconciled?That sword formation is powerful enough to strangle any strong person in the underworld, let alone them and others?

"Hateful, I didn't say anything, my Huang Tiandao sword is still in his hands, damn it!" Lin Moxuan wanted to raise his brows, and said angrily.

"Hmph, why hasn't he taken away my Lingshu fire sword?" Xiao Ling'er snorted coldly.

"Stop arguing, whose weapons were not taken away by him? What's the point of such arguing?" Liu Fengchi frowned and stopped.

In the desert of the vast sea, in order to snatch the three immortal artifacts from Chen Xi, these people besieged them. Originally, they were sure of winning, but Chen Xi relied on a wisp of the will of a great man to use the other shore, sinking, and twilight realms to defeat them. All the attacks, even the sacrificed treasures were taken away, and it was precisely because of this that everyone wanted to settle accounts with Chen Xi so angrily.

You must know that those weapons are all top-grade earth-level weapons, not treasures bestowed by the sect. If they are lost at this moment, they will not know how to explain them when they return to the sect.

"Then what do you think we should do? Don't tell me you'll only use your lips." Lin Moxuan said with an unfriendly expression. They were originally a temporary alliance, and each other is the best in each region. Their eyes are higher than their heads, and they are proud Conceited, no one will convince anyone anymore, the reprimand in Liu Fengchi's tone immediately aroused dissatisfaction in his heart. [

Unexpectedly, Liu Fengchi was not angry, but pondered: "I do have a solution, compared to our loss, this is the only solution."

"Let's listen to it." Everyone was startled and looked up.

"Report this matter to the sect!" Liu Fengchi didn't hold back, and spit out a few words lightly.

"Report to the sect?"

"I understand. Now that we have tried our best to snatch back the treasure from that kid, we might as well report it to the Zongmen and let the Zongmen's high-level take action. And this matter is very important. When I report this matter, I will naturally be rewarded by the Zongmen , why not do it?"

"Yes, this plan is very clever. For the many treasures on that kid, the high-level sect will definitely send out experts, and we can not only kill this kid indirectly, let out a bad breath, but also take back the treasures that were robbed, and get the sect's treasures." Rewards are indeed the safest way."

None of the people present was a fool, on the contrary, everyone had exquisite minds and extraordinary intelligence, otherwise they would not be able to be called geniuses. Now when Liu Fengchi opened his mouth, they immediately understood the beauty of this plan.

"However, isn't it a bit overkill to make such a big move?" Huangfu Chongming frowned, and he also agreed with Liu Fengchi's method in his heart, but when he thought of so many famous sects dispatching masters together, he was only dealing with a Huang Tingjing kid , I am afraid that if I say it, it will be ridiculous.

"Not to mention the treasures that kid got from the Qianyuan Treasure House, the three celestial artifacts on his body alone can make several old monsters crazy. There is nothing wrong with doing so, and there is no need to worry about any criticism. If the news is leaked, there will definitely be countless people who will kill them regardless of their identities." Liu Fengchi said confidently.

"Okay, let's do it!" Huangfu Chongming immediately made a decision, and immediately glanced at everyone, and said in a deep voice, "However, Lord Ben wants to remind everyone that this matter can only be reported to the senior leaders of their respective sects, and it must not be passed on." The ears of others, presumably everyone is unwilling to share this news with others, right?"

"Of course."

Everyone nodded in agreement, and if it was any one of them, they would never disclose this matter.Immediately, they stopped staying in Songyan City, and each fled towards their own sects.

At this point, a shocking conspiracy against Chen Xi kicked off.

ps: Once this big plot is over, let's engage in refreshing stories such as upgrading, making talismans, traveling the world, and looking for opportunities, shall we?Of course, it revolves around the main line and will speed up the plot appropriately.

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