divine talisman

Chapter 251

Chen Hao didn't blink his eyes, he had been sitting cross-legged for three days without moving.

My brother has fallen into a coma and has not woken up until now, and he has exhausted all the elixir, and his injuries have not improved at all. According to his wife Fei Lengcui's test, if his brother can't wake up from the coma within three months, then his whole body will be damaged. People are useless.

This news made Chen Hao feel worried, and his heart was even more suffocated. Even if he knew that the enemies outside the formation might retreat early, he would never leave the formation.

Because this elder brother told him to do this, before his elder brother wakes up, he will keep guarding here, stubborn and stubborn, as if this is the only way to pray for his quick recovery...

While Chen Xi was unconscious, the outside world was also turbulent. [

Splendid City, Prince Rui's Mansion.

On Huangcheng Avenue, there is a majestic and majestic pitch-black palace. Outside the palace, there are two statues of dragons covered in pitch-black scales and roaring ferociously. No one passing by dare to look directly at them.

In the empty and solemn hall of Prince Rui's Mansion, Huangfu Chongming, who was dressed in a bright yellow brocade robe, stood respectfully at the lower head, with a humble demeanor and no hint of pride.

"In this way, that young man named Chen Xi has not only obtained most of the treasures in the Qianyuan Treasure House, but also has three celestial artifacts on his body?" On the main seat in the center, sat a tall and burly middle-aged man wearing a yellow robe of nine pythons. , wearing a gold-plated crown, between the eyes opened and closed, there were strands of golden lightning, which was extremely terrifying.

"Reporting to father, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this matter. Liu Fengchi from Dragon Shark Island in the East China Sea, Man Hong from Cangku Mountain Sect in Northern Man, Lin Moxuan from Huangtian Dao Sect, and others can all prove what you said." Huangfu Chongming took a deep breath. In one breath, he answered slowly.

"Hmph! There are so many people who know about this matter. It seems that there are many competitors who want to step in." The burly middle-aged man snorted coldly, and said in a deep voice, "Stay back, wait until I collect the All of Chen Xi’s information, and then make a decision.”

"Yes!" Huangfu Chongming turned around and exited the hall, and then let out a long breath.

East China Sea, Dragon Shark Island.

In the vast blue sea, there are islands dotted one after another.In the sea waves, a herd of dragon sharks with a length of thousands of feet roamed around, their scales shining brightly, and from time to time they let out a roar like a war drum, splashing and splashing the billowing waves, rushing straight to the sky.

"If my test is correct, then the sword formation composed of tens of thousands of ground-level high-grade swords and nine ground-level top-grade swords should be the Taiqi Mochen Sword Formation. This formation was the overlord Taiqing Dao Palace tens of thousands of years ago The mountain-protecting sword array unexpectedly fell into the hands of this son, so it can be seen that many treasures in the Qianyuan treasure house were indeed obtained by this son."

On the island, in a majestic jade-colored palace, on the high throne, an indifferent yet majestic voice resounded.

This person sat on the throne, like a dragon and a tiger, full of domineering, his whole body was like a majestic sea, and the green light shrouded his whole body, making it impossible to see his true face clearly.

This is formed by the operation of his qi, and it is terrifying and natural, like a god born in the blue sea, so high that people can only look up.

Below the main hall, Liu Fengchi knelt on the ground, not daring to raise his head.

"Three pieces of celestial artifacts and many treasures from the Qianyuan treasure house. Could it be that this child is also a person of great luck? But since he dared to take away the weapons of my disciples of Longsha Island, I can only go through it once... But Before that, it's better to find out the identity of this son." The majestic voice came from the throne, and the emerald green flames trembled for a while, and the monstrous power made the whole hall tremble.

Northern Man, Cangku Mountain.

Here is a group of mountains standing in the sea of ​​molten lava. On the mountains, there are row upon row of palaces, and the tallest palace among them is as red as a burning flame, like the place where the god of fire lives.

Bursts of thunder rumbled loudly, shaking the guards outside the palace, almost kneeling on the ground, and the magma outside rolled violently, with rough waves.

It was the voice of a person speaking, the voice was like thunder, resounding through the heavens, full of supreme majesty, "Very good, Man Hong, you did a good job, this time I will mark you as a great achievement, if you can snatch the treasure from Chen Xi , and you have a share too!" [

"Thank you suzerain for your love!"

Man Hong looked up in surprise, and a vague yet majestic figure appeared in his eyes. The figure was surrounded by black flames, exuding a scorching aura that melted everything.

But just for a moment, Man Hong's eyes were stinging, and he quickly lowered his head, not daring to peek at the face of the suzerain anymore.

Central Plains Yunhe faction.

Thousands of cranes are chirping, their snow-white wings are flapping on the clear white clouds, dancing gracefully and endlessly. In the lingering and diffuse white mist, there are rolling and quiet mountains, clear mountains and waters, picturesque scenery, and bamboo forests everywhere. , Qingxi gurgling, flying springs and waterfalls, cranes flying together, just like a fairyland on earth.

The name of the mountain is Yunhe Mountain, a well-known cave and blessed place in the Central Plains.

"It's inconceivable that such a remote and small city as Pine Mist City should have a young man with great luck." said an old man with white hair and childlike face, wearing a silver robe.

Pei Zhong and Xue Chen stood bowed, their eyebrows lowered, and their postures extremely respectful.

"According to what you said, old fellows like Prince Rui Huangfuchong, Dragon Shark Island Master Mo Lanhai, Master Six Owls of Cangku Mountain, etc. will definitely not be able to help but make a move. Think about it, that kid has so many treasures that even The old man couldn't help but be moved."

The old man stroked his beard and said with emotion, he stood there quietly, but in the eyes of others, his figure seemed to be floating between the void and the reality, looming, ethereal and hard to find, like a phantom.

"However, if my expectations are not bad, facing this kind of little guy with great luck, those old guys will definitely investigate the identity of the little guy before they dare to do anything. That's all, I'm so excited to go out for activities It's not bad to stretch your muscles, and you can also meet some old friends..."

Such a scene not only happened in Prince Rui's Mansion, Dragon Shark Island in the East China Sea, Beiman Cangku Mountain, and Yunhe Sect, but also happened in the Huangtian Dao Sect of the Central Plains where Lin Moxuan belonged, and the Jiuding Immortal Sect where Xiao Linger belonged. .

These big sects that have been passed down in the world for an unknown number of years sent several spies to the southern border almost on the same day, and soon, news about Chen Xi, big and small, appeared in their hands like snowflakes.

"The sworn brother of Bei Heng, the grand elder of Liuyun Sword Sect?"

Among the many news, the relationship between Chen Xi and Bei Heng was suspected to have become the focus of attention of many old monsters. They didn't find it difficult. On the contrary, as if there was a tacit understanding, they all thought of a wonderful idea in unison.

The forbidden area behind Liuyun Sword Sect.

As usual, Beiheng sat cross-legged on the green lake and meditated. In another 300 years, his fourth heavenly step would come. He had to race against time to prepare, not daring to neglect.

As a strong man in the fairyland, although he has stood proudly at the pinnacle of the world of practice, but the Nine Heavens Tribulation is like a sharp sword hanging above his head, and he is worried that it will fall at any time. The feeling of uneasiness can only be felt The monks in the fairyland can taste it.

And the first stage of the catastrophe is more powerful than the first stage, no one can guarantee that the next catastrophe can be passed safely.Therefore, there are only two ways of cultivation for the strong in the Earth Immortal Realm. They can either go out and travel around the world to collect enough treasures to overcome the catastrophe, or they can practice in seclusion, trying to comprehend the Tao and temper their cultivation.

"Hey, if I can enter the Xuanhuan Realm, it will be easier for me to touch the Dao of Heaven, and the Dao will be more comprehensive, rigorous, and profound..."

Bei Heng opened his eyes, sighed, and immediately felt a chill in his heart, what happened to him?I have never been so restless and restless in my usual practice. [

Is something going to happen?

The higher the cultivation level, the deeper the understanding of the way of heaven. In daily practice, you can often feel the coming things in the dark. It is similar to seeking good luck and avoiding evil, but it is different, because it is just an intuition , I can't tell whether it is bad or good.

Of course, if you are proficient in divination, then it's another matter.

"Master Beiheng! Something is wrong. There are many strong earth immortals coming from all over the Central Plains, threatening to see you!" The voice of Ling Kongzi, head teacher of Liuyun Sword Sect, came from outside the forbidden area.


Bei Heng slapped his thigh and sighed: "As expected, something big has happened, I don't know what these old guys are doing together..."

As he said that, he stood up, took a step, and disappeared into the forbidden area the next moment.

At this moment, on the main peak of Liuyunjian Sect, the atmosphere is extremely dignified.

A series of astonishing and majestic figures stood proudly in the hall, each figure was shrouded in a terrifying vision, making it hard to see the face, but it revealed the unique terrifying aura belonging to the strong in the fairyland .

The head teacher Ling Kongzi, Minghua Zhenren Wenxuan and a series of high-level officials of the Liuyun Sword Sect were all terrified in the face of these mighty old monsters, and they did not dare to neglect them, fearing that even the slightest offense would lead to catastrophe.

It can be said that this is the largest number of strong people in the fairyland they have seen so far. If they visit normally, they will be extremely happy, and they will welcome and entertain them.

But it's a pity that it was obviously not good, so it's conceivable how heavy their hearts are.

Liuyun Sword Sect can be the only one in southern Xinjiang, but looking at the entire Great Chu Dynasty, it is only a first-class sect, far inferior to the ancient sects in the Central Plains and other places with strong forests.

As in the current situation, among the visitors were Huangfu Chong, the head of Prince Rui's Mansion in the Central Plains, Taoist Longhe, the ancestor of the Yunhe Sect, Zhao Zimei, the strong earth immortal of the Huangtian Dao Sect, and Chongxu Sanren, the strong earth immortal of the Jiuding Immortal Sect.

This is only in the Central Plains area of ​​the Great Chu Dynasty. Others include Mo Lanhai, the owner of Longsha Island in the East China Sea, and Master Liuxiao, the suzerain of Cangku Mountain in the North Man.

There are a total of six powerhouses in the fairyland, each of whom is a top powerhouse with a reputation as the sun in the world of practice in the Great Chu Dynasty, and an old monster who can't be seen in the world.

At this moment, everyone is dispatched and gathers from all directions to the Southern Border Liuyun Sword Sect. Anyone who sees it will know that something big is about to happen!

"There are so many old friends here, so Bei is welcome from far away, and welcome from far away!" Accompanied by hearty laughter, Bei Heng appeared in the hall with his sleeves fluttering.

Seeing Beiheng appear, the head teacher Ling Kongzi and many elders secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and their hearts that had been hanging around also calmed down a little.

"You have nothing to do here, just step back." Bei Heng ordered, and waited until Ling Kongzi and the others left, then gave way with a smile, "Everyone, I haven't seen you for many years, but I didn't expect to have a chance to gather in my Liuyun Sword Sect. For me, it is a happy event, please sit down and drink tea to reminisce about the old days."

"You don't need to make any fuss." Huangfu Chong snorted coldly, and said lightly, "I'm here this time because I have something to inquire about. I don't understand this matter, and drinking tea tastes good."

Bei Heng glanced at the others and saw that everyone was calm. Knowing that these old fellows might have already formed a tacit understanding, he couldn't help but sighed in his heart, but smiled and said: "Oh, how dare you ask Prince Rui what you want to ask? Mr. Bei If you don't know it, you can't say it."

"Okay! Then the king will ask you, is Chen Xi your sworn brother?" Huangfu Chong suddenly raised his head, and stared intently at Beiheng's eyes.

Bei Heng thumped in his heart, and thought to himself: "Could it be that Chen Xi offended these old monsters? Impossible, he has only left Liuyun Sword Sect for a year, and his cultivation base is so low, how could he provoke so many old monsters? But if If you said you didn’t offend me, then why did these old monsters join hands and put forward his name straight to the point?”

At this moment, Bei Heng was full of thoughts and couldn't figure it out, but he had a vague feeling that the situation of his righteous brother was probably in a precarious situation!

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