divine talisman

Chapter 252

The first update!Thank you brother jnguogu for voting for a valuable monthly ticket!


Thoughts abounded in Bei Heng's mind, but his reaction was not slow. He smiled in surprise and said, "Chen Xi is Bei's brother-in-law. If he offends fellow comrades, I hope you will forgive him. After all, he is just a baby with a youthful look. Sheng, reckless, with the minds of fellow Taoists, you shouldn't care about a little baby, right?"

This remark can be said to be watertight, first you apologize, and then wake up vaguely, you old people, are you embarrassed to care about a younger generation whose status is a thousand miles away?

It can also be seen from this sentence that Bei Heng's intention to protect Chen Xi is indeed not a little false.After all, what he was facing were all big men who were powerful in all directions, and his identity, status, and cultivation were no less than his own, and it was not easy enough to be able to say such relaxed words. [

"Hmph! Fellow Daoist Beiheng, this king is very straightforward, and I don't like others beating around the bush in front of me. I don't understand what you are saying. All I know is that your adopted brother forcibly robbed my son of the precious nine pythons. Dingqian Ding, coming here this time is to ask you to hand over that crazy kid and hand it over to us, think about it, don't be in a hurry to refuse!"

Prince Rui Huangfu let out a cold snort, the sound was like a giant bell, rumbled in the hall.He was wearing a gilded crown and a yellow robe of nine pythons. He looked respectful and domineering, and he didn't give Beiheng any room to maneuver.

Nine pythons set dry tripod?

Bei Heng was startled inwardly. Although he didn't know the origin of this treasure, since it could be owned by Prince Rui's son, it must be very precious. What surprised him was how could his righteous brother snatch the treasure of a Lord Marquis ?There is such a huge disparity between the two, how could such a stupid thing be done?

In his mind, Chen Xi was definitely not a reckless and vulgar person, on the contrary, he was extremely intelligent and witty, and when it came to his thoughtfulness and calmness, he was far less shy than old monsters like them who had lived for thousands of years. unfavorable things.

Could this be an excuse?

All kinds of thoughts in Beiheng's mind were like lightning and flint, and they disappeared in a flash. He raised his eyes to look at the other strong men, and said to himself: "The excuses of these old things are also the same as Huangfu Jingtian?"

"Don't guess, Fellow Daoist Beiheng, your foster brother not only robbed the magic weapon of Prince Rui's son, but even the treasures of my disciples have fallen into this son's hands, such a rampant boy, don't teach him a lesson , Doesn’t it seem inappropriate?” Taoist Longhe, who was wearing a silver cloud Taoist robe, had a childlike face and white hair, and an immortal demeanor, sighed softly.

"That's right, this kid is too rampant, Fatian, and his methods are even worse than those of the Demon Sect. I will definitely embarrass fellow Daoist Beiheng when I come here this time. As long as I hand over that kid, I will turn around and leave. "

"Fellow Daoist Beiheng, as someone like me, I will never deceive you in this matter. You should think about it and make a decision early. For the sake of everyone being like-minded, I can guarantee that, As long as your righteous brother cooperates obediently, his life will surely be in danger. Otherwise, don't blame me for waiting unreasonably."

Mo Lanhai, the owner of Longsha Island in the East China Sea, Master Liuxiao of Cangku Mountain Sect of Beiman, Zhao Zimei of Huangtian Taoist Sect, and Chongxu Sanren of Jiuding Immortal Sect also stopped being silent and spoke out one after another.

Bei Heng's heart sank, until now he finally figured out why these guys came here, but his intuition told him that this matter would never be so simple.

For a treasure of the disciples of the sect, a group of experts from the fairyland joined hands to kill him?

Simply ridiculous!

Beiheng is also a cultivator in the fairyland, but he will never go to war because a disciple in his sect loses a treasure, and go to a different place to personally visit the sect to avenge his grievances.

Because these kinds of things are simply trivial matters to the monks in the fairyland.Can't the middle and high level of the dispatch door make a move?Are a large group of Nirvana Realm and Nether Transformation Realm monks raised in the sect just for display?Do you have to do it yourself?


These old things are obviously trying to sell dog meat, and the purpose must be extraordinary!

However, to be clear, Beiheng couldn't tear up this excuse face to face. Aren't they all using a high-sounding excuse to do some despicable deeds in the practice world? [

Of course, having an excuse is sometimes a good thing. It can indirectly win a little room for negotiation. At least these old monsters in front of them didn't come directly to the door and fight without paying attention.

This is the wonderful use of excuses, advance can be attacked, retreat can be defended, but the essence of the contest is the strength of the strength, this is the truth that no one can change.

Regrettably, facing the excuses made by Prince Rui, Huangfu Jingtian and others, there is no room for negotiation on this matter, and it only depends on whether Beiheng agrees or not.

Being forced to this point by others, Bei Heng was also extremely angry and aggrieved, he naturally would not agree so easily, so he could only sigh: "Everyone is late, unfortunately, my adopted brother died a year ago. I have left Liuyun Sword Sect, and I don't know where he is now, how can I hand him over?"

He was telling the truth, so his expression was frank, not perfunctory.

"What? He didn't come to seek refuge from you?" Prince Rui Huangfu was stunned and said in surprise.Not only him, but several other old monsters were also surprised.

From their point of view, it was only human nature for a little guy in Huang Tingjing to come to Liuyun Sword Sect to seek protection from his big brother Beiheng when he knew that a disaster was imminent.It was also because of this that they came straight to Liuyun Sword Sect to ask for someone from Beiheng, but they were a little surprised that the facts did not happen as they expected.

The most important thing is that it would be too embarrassing for these people to capture and kill a little guy together, and if Beiheng could be forced to hand over Chen Xi, then it would be a different situation, and it would not cause some criticism if it was said.

Bei Heng was also stunned, and then a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he understood everything in an instant. His righteous brother must have understood that he had caused a terrible disaster, so he didn't come to look for him, in order not to implicate himself and Liu Yunjian Zong!

At this moment, Beiheng was extremely moved, and there was a touch of emotion and pride in his heart. His brother's cultivation base is so low, and he is in a desperate situation, but he still considers me and refuses to involve me. As the eldest brother, how can I leave him alone?

"Report to master, I have urgent business to meet." At this moment, the voice of the head teacher Ling Kongzi came from outside the hall.

Bei Heng was slightly taken aback, and beckoned him to come in. He knew that Ling Kongzi would never appear in front of himself and the old monsters at this time if he hadn't encountered an extremely urgent matter.

"Master, this is a jade slip just sent by a monk in Songyan City." After Ling Kongzi came in, he sent a mirage jade slip with a quick voice transmission, and then hurriedly retreated.

In the Mirage Jade Slip, several scenes were intermittently recorded, including the scene where Huangfu Jing Tianming and others teamed up to kill Ling Bai, and the scene where Chen Hao was guarding Chen Xi with a sword... It almost sums up the scene that happened in Songyan City that day. Every battle is recorded, tragic and impassioned.

After watching it, Beiheng was overwhelmed with emotion and spoke for a long time.

Possessing nirvana swordsmanship, the miraculous and psychic three-inch villain, the sickle magic weapon full of killing intent, the Taiweichen sword array that moves the vision of the world... At this moment, Beiheng understood everything, these old monsters actually wanted to To meddle in the treasures of my foster brother!

"Fellow Daoist Beiheng, since that rampant boy is not with you, I will leave now and go to Songyan City to arrest him. I believe you will not stop me, right?"

"Let's go. Fellow Daoist Beiheng must have made a clear distinction between the serious and the serious. Don't make things difficult for him. Let's go to Songyan City right now and pretend we haven't been here before."

"Ah, in fact, it would be the most appropriate if Fellow Daoist Beiheng could go there in person and make that kid obediently catch him without a fight. But now, it seems that we can only bully the little one once."

Huangfu Jingtian and the others walked towards the outside of the main hall while they were talking, no matter how lazy they were to argue with Beiheng, since no one is here, what's the use of bullying a strong man in the fairyland?

These people, when they came, were full of murderous intent, and when they left, they had no nostalgia. They were just like Liuyun Sword Sect, and their arrogance could not be described as arrogant.

In the past, Bei Heng could only hold grudges in his heart, dare not speak out, and admit to this mistake, but now he decided not to bear it anymore, these hypocrisy, hypocrisy bastards have completely angered him. [

"Comrades, I advise you to stay and listen to Bei's persuasion, don't provoke my righteous brother, otherwise none of you can afford the consequences."

Beiheng's calm and indifferent voice came to everyone's ears. Huangfu Jingtian and others suddenly stopped, turned around and looked at Beiheng coldly. Although they didn't say anything, the terrifying aura belonging to the strong man in the fairyland covered the whole place. In the hall, the air froze and froze.

"Why, Fellow Daoist Beiheng wants to be our enemy?" Huangfu Jingtian said in a deep voice, his voice was thunderous and aggressive, "Do you know what will happen to the entire Liuyun Sword Sect if you offend us?"

"Hmph, I've already given enough face for my fellow-men. Fellow Daoist Beiheng, you should be thankful. Don't risk your own life!" Mo Mo, the owner of Dragon Shark Island in the East China Sea, Lan Hai said with an expression.

"I really want to know what consequences I can't bear. Fellow Daoist Beiheng, some jokes are absolutely unacceptable!" Daoist Longhe of the Yunhe Sect also stared coldly.

Although the others didn't speak, they all looked stern and unkind, and the atmosphere seemed tense and full of gunpowder.

"Hey, you really look at the sky like a frog in a well, thinking that if you cultivate to the realm of the earth fairy, you can catch people and do whatever you want? Take a look at this token first, and then make a decision!"

Faced with all the threats, Beiheng appeared extremely calm, shook his head and sighed endlessly, and when he was speaking, a white glow suddenly flew out from his palm, and flew towards Huangfu across the sky.

"How dare you call me a frog looking at the sky in a well? You are looking for death!" Huangfu Jingtian was furious, snorted coldly, and reached out to grab the white glow.

A token that is as white as snow is caught in the eyes, like jade but not jade, the surface is smoky, and an antique "white" character is looming in it. There are only a few words, but it is vertical and horizontal like a sword, revealing a wave that shakes the world. The majestic spirit directly points to the hearts of the people.

The moment he saw this token, Huangfu Jingtian's complexion changed drastically, and his pupils shrank like needles.

ps: Prince Rui Huangfu Chong's name has been changed to Huangfu Jingtian to avoid any business relationship with his son Huangfu Chongming.

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