divine talisman

Chapter 253 Bauhinia and Bai Family

The second update!Thanks to the old brother "Half Marlboro" for the support of the two precious monthly tickets, and thanks to the brother "Four Weeks" for the two 888 rewards!


Beiheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, Huangfu Jingtian's reaction fully proved that this token played a great role, otherwise Huangfu Jingtian would never have shown such a horrified expression.

For the rest, it's up to the old guy to decide.

Seeing that Huangfu Jingtian held the token in his hand and remained silent, Mo Lanhai and the others couldn't help being slightly taken aback. Isn't it just a token, the Nine Dragon Order issued by the current Emperor Chu, how can they do anything to me? [

But even though they think so, they know Huangfu Jingtian's character, and know that this old guy has always been domineering. In other words, is there anything extraordinary about this token?

They put away the pride on their faces, and raised their eyes to look at the token.

"White order?"

"Bai family, which Bai family?"

"Isn't it the Bauhinia and Bai family that dominates the Xuantian Realm?"

Bauhinia is the name of a vast group of mountains in Xuanhuan Domain, and it is also the territory inherited by the overlord Bai Family in Xuanhuan Domain. The name of Bauhinia and Bai Family comes from this.

As soon as everyone saw the white characters on the badge, their faces changed suddenly, just like Huangfu Jingtian, and some terrible information suddenly appeared in their minds.

"You can see it too? That's right, this order is exactly the token of the Bauhinia and Bai family. I have seen it at the emperor's brother, and it is exactly the same." Huangfu Jingtian said in a deep voice, with a trace of deep emotion in his voice. Dread and shock.


With Huangfu Jingtian's confirmation, everyone else took a deep breath in their hearts, holding the token with the white characters in their hands. Doesn't this mean that this old thing, Beiheng, has a close connection with the Bauhinia and Bai family?

The Bauhinia and Bai family, the overlord of a party located above Xuanhuan, is so powerful that it overlooks the world, just like a king standing under the sky. Others may not know the horror of the Bauhinia and Bai family, but they, old monsters in the fairyland, how could they not? Know?As long as the Bauhinia and Bai family is willing, it is even enough to destroy the entire Great Chu Dynasty!

This is not an exaggeration, only those who have a deeper understanding of the Xuanhuan Territory will understand the power of the vast continent, and the fact that the Bai family can dominate the Xuanhuan Territory, dominate it, and stand still is enough to show its power It's scary.

"Hmph, I didn't expect you, Beiheng, to have a relationship with the Bauhinia and Bai family. No wonder you took such a big tone." Huangfu Jingtian took a deep breath and said coldly. Compared with the aggressiveness just now, his attitude at this time is obviously much relaxed. .

Bei Heng smiled slightly, but he didn't say a word. It was very rare to see a group of old monsters lose their composure in surprise. He enjoyed this feeling very much, even if all this was only caused by that token.

Thinking about it, even the current Emperor Chu who wants to visit the Bai family has been turned away, which shows how terrifying the power of the Bai family is. When it comes to their status, they are inferior to the Emperor Chu. Even the Emperor Chu's visit was rejected, let alone them. It is no exaggeration to say that they might not even have the chance to be rejected by the Bauhinia and Bai family!

"Hmph, until now, I won't beat around the bush with you. Although you, Beiheng, have a token of the Bauhinia and Bai family, but it belongs to your brother-in-law. If we kill him, what can the Bauhinia and Bai family do?" ? You won’t blame us for an irrelevant little guy, right?”

Seeing that Beiheng's attitude was so arrogant, Huangfu Jingtian couldn't help being secretly angry in his heart, but he was concerned about the Bauhinia and Bai family behind him, so he didn't say anything too radical, he just locked his target on Chen Xi.

"That's right, Fellow Daoist Beiheng has the protection of the Bauhinia and Bai family, so I won't easily offend you, but that Chen Xi is just your brother Beiheng, who has nothing to do with the Bauhinia and Bai family, so if you kill him, the Bauhinia and Bai family may be afraid. Don't you bother to pay attention to it?" Mo Lanhai also sneered.

The others breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the words. Yes, Beiheng is Beiheng, and Chen Xi is Chen Xi. How could the Bauhinia and Bai family go to war for a tiny ant? [

"It's a big mistake, you guys...you're really getting more and more confused the more you live!" Bei Heng accused unequivocally, as if he was reprimanding his juniors, mercilessly and heartily.

But he was happy, but everyone else's face darkened and they stared angrily. Although they were afraid of the Bauhinia and Bai family, their dignity as a strong man in the fairyland could not be violated. Beiheng's words were undoubtedly provoking their bottom line.

Beiheng didn't dare to offend these old monsters completely, it's fine if he has had his mouth craving. If these old monsters are provoked to fight regardless of anything, it won't be worth it.

Thinking of this, he sighed and said: "Everyone, don't blame me for speaking harshly. To tell you the truth, if it wasn't for my righteous brother, this token would not have reached my hands at all."

Immediately, everyone's expression was not concentrated.

"You mean, the members of the Zijing Bai family gave this order to you because of that kid's face?" Huangfu Jingtian couldn't help being shocked anymore, and lost his voice.

Bei Heng shrugged his shoulders and said, "In my capacity, do you all think I am willing to admit this?"

Everyone was silent, they had already completely believed Beiheng's words, and they would not have said it lightly, after all, because they were a junior, they were favored by the Bauhinia and Bai family, and it was really embarrassing to say it.

"Impossible! What is the status of the Zijing Bai family, even my imperial brother can't visit its door, how can a little guy in Huang Tingjing be favored by the Zijing Bai family?" Huangfu Jingtian refused to believe it, shaking his head and said, but In the depths of his heart, he had already begun to waver.

Bei Heng sighed secretly in his heart, let alone Huangfu Jingtian, even Chen Xi's sworn brother, who had never seen Bai Wanqing transfer money, couldn't believe that Chen Xi would have any relationship with the Bauhinia and Bai family.

"Forget it, I won't pursue this matter any longer, but Daoist Beiheng, the treasures taken away by our sect disciples will be returned after all, right?" Mo Lanhai frowned and sighed.

Things had developed to such an extent that none of them expected. Originally, they wanted to deal with a little guy from Huang Tingjing, but it was not a matter of hand, and they even felt a little bit bullied by the big. Who would have thought that Chen Xi would have such a strong backer? ?

If they had known this earlier, they would not have come if they were killed.

Fortunately, the murderous spirit came to the door. Not only did no one capture them, but they didn't even take away any treasures. In the end, they were sounded an alarm, and all their plans fell through. One can imagine.

"That's the only way to go. Fellow Daoist Beiheng, we have already made a concession. You should agree to this request, right?"

"As long as that kid is willing to hand over the treasure he robbed and return it to our disciples in the sect, this matter will be cancelled, and both grievances and grievances will be settled. In the future, well water will not violate river water, how?"

"Fellow Daoist Beiheng, you should make a statement. We are all members of the cultivation world of the Great Chu Dynasty, and we do not belong to the Xuanhuan Realm. If you look up and look down, I hope you think twice."

These old monsters are not old-fashioned, they know that the situation cannot be saved, they make a decisive decision, take the next best thing, and make a request with thick and thick nai.

Doing this is just to save a little face, you can't come here with a murderous look and leave in despair, right?

Seeing this scene, Beiheng was very happy. Although he was a little pretentious, it was also a joy to see so many famous old monsters in the fairyland all deflated. If the occasion was not inappropriate, he I have already looked up to the sky and laughed, drinking a glass of strong wine to celebrate the mood at the moment.

At this moment, he thought of Chen Xi more and more, and felt that his sworn brotherhood with this sworn brother was definitely the most wise thing he did in his life.

He pretended to ponder for a moment, then shook his head for a while and said decisively: "I can't agree, because I'm on the same level as Chen Xi, and it's impossible for me to make a decision for him."

Hearing this, including Huangfu Jingtian, his complexion is almost blackened. This old man doesn't even give him a chance to win his respect?It's so deceiving!

"Everyone, Bei has always felt that this is a matter between the juniors, and it should be resolved by the juniors. If I intervene in it again, I will pamper them too much, and it will be detrimental to their cultivation!" Bei Heng didn't seem to care. Noticing the expressions on everyone's faces, he sighed earnestly.


Fake old stuff!

One day, the Heavenly Tribulation will strike you to death!

Everyone was so angry that they almost vomited blood. They had lived for thousands of years, but they were persuaded by Beiheng with a persuasive appearance. How could they bear it in their hearts?

But the matter had come to this point, and Bei Heng's attitude was extremely firm, so they could only leave with hatred. As for snatching the treasure from Chen Xi's body?What a joke, do you still feel impatient with your life?

They left without disturbing anyone in Liuyun Sword Sect, but in their hearts, there was a raging rage burning, and all kinds of grievances, resentment, and loss were about to drive them crazy.

As a strong man in the fairyland, how has he ever been humiliated like this?

"These bastards, who is not easy to mess with, but to provoke such a freak, it's like throwing yourself into the fire pit! After returning, I have to fix these bastards..."

Huangfu Jingtian and the others galloped away in different directions, but the same thought came to their minds, that is, after returning to the sect, let those bastards who didn't even understand the situation of the enemy let themselves go out to embarrass themselves Disciple cleans up severely!

Otherwise, it is not enough to vent the hatred in my heart!


In the main hall of the Liuyun Sword Sect's main peak, Bei Heng carefully put the white-character token into the magic weapon stored close to him, and then let out a long breath.

Thinking of everything that happened today, he couldn't help feeling afraid for a while. If he didn't have a white letter, everything today might not be reversed, right?

"No, I have to go to Pine Mist City in person, otherwise I, as the eldest brother, would be too worthless..." Bei Heng thought for a long time in silence, and immediately stepped towards the outside of the main hall.

"Master, how to deal with this matter?" Outside the main hall, Ling Kongzi has been guarding there. Although he didn't hear what happened in the main hall, he witnessed Huangfu Jingtian and others leave with his own eyes. Seeing Beiheng come out at this time, Hastily greeted him.

"Hahaha, didn't you see that they left in despair?" Mentioning this matter, Bei Heng remembered the shabby appearance of those old guys, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

Ling Kongzi was taken aback, and stared blankly at Grandmaster Beiheng, who was full of joy in his laughter, and said, "That means, Chen Xi's life is in danger now?"

Beiheng nodded, and ordered: "Tell the others, don't gossip, by the way, give me a good repair of Kexin Peak, and send it up if there is anything missing, and the treatment of disciples on Kexin Peak will also be improved. Even if my foster brother won't come, I have to keep this mountain for him!"

Saying that, Bei Heng took a step across the air, and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

"It seems that this contest is dominated by the master!" Ling Kongzi murmured, but there was a surge of excitement in his heart that he had never felt before, and he beat the six powerhouses in the fairyland. How dare you attack my Liuyun Sword Sect?

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