divine talisman

Chapter 254 Little Chen Yu

Thanks to the brother "leonstone" for the 888 support!Thank you!


Songyan City, the backyard of Chen's mansion.

In a spacious and elegant room, Chen Xi, who was covered in bandages, got up from the bed. After nearly two months of coma, he finally woke up.

After going through a life-and-death struggle, the current him has a calm and calm brow, and his eyes are opened and closed, with a deep light and a unique open-mindedness. [

In fact, his slightly thin and tall figure is not thin at all, and the muscles outlined by the tightly wrapped bandages are sharp and angular, like cast copper and iron, full of explosive power that can be described in words.

After staggering two steps in the room, Chen Xi was already out of breath. This was the result of an excessive loss of energy and blood, and a serious injury to the original source. He shook his head, but he didn't feel much depressed in his heart.

The medicinal power of Taiqing Yuye Pill was too overbearing and powerful, and he swallowed it twice in a row, which caused the meridians in his whole body to be broken almost every inch, and his dantian was seriously injured, it was empty and dried up, without any real essence.

Fortunately, the damage to the Dao Foundation is not serious, as long as it is recuperated slowly, it can be fully recovered. He plans to wait two days, and when his body is almost recovered, he will start to retreat and repair the Dao Foundation.

After opening the door, Chen Xi came to the courtyard.

This courtyard is no different from the courtyards of ordinary people. It is surrounded by lush greenery and there is a flower garden next to it. There are dozens of delicate and beautiful flowers planted in it, including several blood-colored camellias. , like a manjushahua flower on the other side.

Flocks of blue, yellow, and cyan butterflies flutter among them, with graceful postures, exuding an indescribable charm in the sun, making everything around it seem peaceful and quiet.

Chen Xi enjoyed this feeling very much. He hadn't been so peaceful for a long time. From childhood to adulthood, he raced against time every moment, raising his family, taking care of his grandfather, and supporting his younger brother to go to school to learn swordsmanship... Don't rely on him to restrain him Fu earned a little Yuanshi to support it. Although these days are difficult, the victory lies in stability and steadfastness.But when he obtained the cave in the jade pendant, his fate became turbulent.

Participating in the Nanman trials, entering the deep mountains of the Nanman, exterminating the Li family, being hunted to the vast sea desert, participating in the Qianlong ranking contest... Every experience is full of killing and blood, and it is full of murderous intentions and dangers. It felt like he was on the verge of death, wandering, without a place to settle down, and his nerves were tense all the time, wary of all possible dangers.

This feeling is very tiring.

But now, sitting in the courtyard of his own Chen family, he has a feeling of taking root in a trance, which makes him feel peaceful and comfortable from the inside out.

"It would be great if there were no disputes, no hatred, just quietly staying in the family and watching the family gradually rise..." Standing in front of the flower garden, Chen Xi sighed softly in his heart.

He knows that this tranquility is only short-lived for him, and he can only ensure the tranquility of the entire Chen family by working hard to cultivate and become stronger.Only by becoming stronger can the Chen family rise little by little in stability and tranquility, laying an immortal foundation.

Only in this way can grandpa smile at Jiuquan, can't he?

In an instant, Chen Xi's heart became firm again, his path was never destined to belong to Tranquility.


The unlocked courtyard gate opened, and younger brother Chen Hao walked in.

"Brother, how do you feel now?" Seeing his brother standing in front of the flower garden, full of energy, Chen Hao also felt very happy. After his brother woke up a few days ago, he was completely relieved. Now what he cares about is his body When will it be fully recovered.

Chen Xi smiled: "It's okay, I was just looking for you."

Chen Hao frowned, and asked, "What do you want from me?"

"In a few days, it will be your birthday, right? I have a gift for you." Chen Xi said with a smile. When he spoke, he already had an iron sword in his hand. Meaning, the light of the sword is faint, as if there is a long river of history flowing in it, recording the world of mortals and the various states of the world.

"I got this sword from the shamo cemetery. It should be a sacred weapon among the ancient sages and Confucians. The awe-inspiring aura on it is as majestic as the sea. It is just suitable for your awe-inspiring swordsmanship." Chen Xi had already put the iron sword on it. The sword was handed over.

Chen Hao took the sword, but he didn't rush to check it out. Tears welled up in the corners of his eyes at some point.He never expected that after so many years, he almost forgot his birthday, but his brother still remembered it, and even took the trouble to prepare a gift for himself.

This reminded him of when he was a child, due to the poverty of his family, their family lived in extreme poverty, but no matter what, every time he was born, his elder brother would always prepare gifts for himself as if by magic tricks. He has been remembering it until now.

What makes him most sad is that his brother seems to have never celebrated his own birthday, never, so that even he can't remember what day his brother's birthday is.

Chen Hao is not a person who loves to shed tears. On the contrary, except in front of his grandfather and Chen Xi, he has never shed tears, no matter how big the setbacks and tribulations he encounters.

But now, he just wants to cry a lot. He feels that in front of his brother, he is still like a child who can't grow up.

"Hurry up and try the power of this sword." Chen Xi patted Chen Hao's broad and strong shoulders, only then did he realize that his brother was already as tall as himself.

"You don't need to try it, the gift from my brother is the most precious thing in the world to me, and even immortal artifacts can't compare to it." Chen Hao put the iron sword away carefully and said with a smile.

Chen Xi was dumbfounded. He had heard this sentence many times. When he was very young, he would say that whenever he gave his younger brother a gift. How could he think that his younger brother is now such an adult and still looks like a child. It was in a trance, but also with emotion.

"Father." At this moment, a tender and clear voice suddenly sounded at the gate of the courtyard.

Chen Xi was stunned for a moment, then raised his eyes and saw a little guy who was about one year old, but with a thick head and a thick head, was standing by the gate as if tottering, and beside the little guy, Fei Lengcui was standing there with a smile on his face. .

"This is your son?" Chen Xi looked at his younger brother with shock in his eyes.

"I forgot to tell you that when I left Liuyun Sword Sect, Leng Cui was already pregnant, and not long after returning to Songyan City, she gave birth to Yu'er." Chen Hao scratched his head, a little embarrassed.

"Chen Yu..." Muttering to himself, Chen Xi couldn't hold back the surprise in his heart anymore, he laughed loudly, opened his arms, and said to the little guy, "Yu'er, come, let uncle hug you!"

The little guy blinked, obviously a little afraid of the uncle covered in white bandages in his eyes, hesitated, and looked at his mother beside him.

"Hurry up, that's your uncle, Yu'er must remember to listen to what your uncle says." Fei Lengcui smiled softly, encouraging little Chen Yu.

"Well, Yu'er listens to mother." The little guy nodded, his little feet staggered, and he walked towards Chen Xi crookedly. After all, he was only less than one year old, and he walked unsteadily, plus he walked in a bit of a hurry , when approaching Chen Xi's side, he stumbled and immediately fell forward, his eyes were closed in fright.

But the next moment, the little guy was hugged by a pair of big hands. It was Chen Xi, who hugged the little guy tightly in his arms, his eyes became a line of laughter, and he kept saying repeatedly: "Yuer, good Yuer , My Chen family has a successor, and grandpa must be very happy to know about it from the underground..."

"Uncle, you have a lot of blood on your body." Little Chen Yu pointed to the blood stains on the bandage, and said seriously: "My father said that men bleed but don't shed tears. When I grow up, I will bleed a lot like Uncle. , absolutely no tears."

The little guy's erroneous expression caused Chen Xi to burst into laughter again, and he liked this thick-headed little guy more and more. With a move in his heart, he took out a pill, "Yu'er, this is a gift from uncle, promise Uncle, wait until you grow up to eat, okay?" [

This elixir was as big as little Chen Yu's fist, and its whole body was crystal clear. There were rays of radiant glow in it, and there was a faint sound of dragons singing and tigers roaring.It is the Daoyi Yuandan that contains the Tao of Earth.

Seeing this elixir, both Chen Hao and Fei Lengcui were taken aback, unable to believe it, "Is this Daoyi Yuandan? Brother, this thing is too expensive, no, this gift cannot be given to him."

Both of them resigned hastily. The value of a Dao Yi Yuan Pill cannot be estimated, and it is a rare treasure that cannot be found. Seeing that Chen Xi wanted to give this kind of thing to his son who was less than one year old, How can the two agree?

"Does Yu'er like it?" Chen Xi ignored them and asked the little guy directly.

"I like it, it looks like candy, but the candy is not so big and beautiful." Little Chen Yu's eyes flickered, and he looked curiously at the rays of light flowing endlessly on the surface of Daoyi Yuandan, feeling very interesting.

"I'll give you this candy, okay?" Chen Xi said with a smile.

"No, my father said that you don't get rewarded for your merits, so you can't take this candy Yu'er." Little Chen Yu was obviously very greedy, but after tilting his head to think for a long time, he still shook his head and refused.

"Okay then, if you help the uncle hammer his shoulders, it will be considered meritorious, and this candy will belong to you, how about it?" Chen Xi really liked this little guy too much, and while he was hugging the little guy, he I have almost understood the foundation and aptitude of the little guy, he is definitely the best choice, as long as he works hard in the future, he will also be a great seedling.

Little Chen Yu didn't hesitate anymore, and waved her small fist to help her uncle's shoulders. She looked very serious, but in Chen Xi's eyes, she was indescribably cute.

After teasing the little guy for a while, Chen Xi handed him over to Fei Lengcui, who led him out of the courtyard.

"Brother, that Daoyi Yuandan is too precious, you just give it to him, this..." Chen Hao still felt that it was inappropriate, and said.

Before Chen Hao finished speaking, Chen Xi interrupted: "Do you know how those geniuses who are now famous all over the world are cultivated? It's not the sects and families behind them. The elixir helped him cut hair and wash the marrow, conceive and nourish the body, and laid a solid foundation unimaginable for ordinary people. Only in this way can he make great progress in cultivation and leave others far behind. I gave Yuer a Daoyi Yuandan , is nothing."

Chen Hao opened his mouth, but he didn't say any more. He had already seen that his brother's mind had been made up, so he didn't need to persuade him.

The two brothers chatted for a while, and seeing a trace of fatigue appearing on Chen Xi's brows, Chen Hao immediately left and let Chen Xi rest well, while he was busy with some family matters.

Looking at the back of his younger brother leaving in a hurry, Chen Xi nodded secretly. He has already seen that his younger brother now has the ability to stand alone. In addition, there is Taiweichen sword array protecting the family. Enough for everything.

"When my strength recovers, maybe I can leave with peace of mind..." Chen Xi pondered for a long time, walked back into the room, sat cross-legged on the bed, and placed a golden jade slip in front of him.

Although he can't cultivate for the time being, he can take advantage of this time to comprehend some exercises, and the jade slip of exercises in front of him is the half-step martial arts "Great Annihilation Fist" obtained from the Qianyuan treasure house. .

ps: Chen Xi is too tired, so he needs a short quiet rest, and I am too tired, so I can only temporarily write a quiet chapter to get over it, and return to the topic tomorrow.Well, that's it, good night everyone.

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