divine talisman

Chapter 255 Annihilation Promise

The first update, thanks to the brothers "Four Weeks" for the 3 "888" rewards in a row again for their support!Too v587!


The Great Annihilation Fist is a Taoist martial art created by the owner of the Qianyuan Treasure House, but unfortunately it is only a fragment. The jade slips only record the triple realm of the Great Annihilation Fist.

The Great Annihilation Fist's use of Taoism is extraordinary and unimaginable. It combines the two extremes of Taoism to produce a terrifying power that annihilates everything and pulverizes everything.

As we all know, most of the poor Taoism in this world is in two extremes, mutually exclusive, and law coexists, like water and fire, yin and yang, heaven and earth...etc., and the Great Annihilation Fist uses this mutually exclusive power to erupt Unleash terrifying power.This power is annihilation. [

In other words, the so-called annihilation refers to the perfect control of two completely different and opposite forces. Between every move, the forces collide, and the two poles are reversed. The power of the explosion is extremely incredible.

It is precisely because of this that Chen Xi did not hesitate to choose this half-step Dao-grade martial art in the first test of the Qianyuan Treasure House. Although the Annihilation Dao Intent in it is only a scrap and a half-claw, it is for him to practice, but there is no doubt about Dao. The skill of using the power of will makes him tempted.

In the room, Chen Xi took a deep breath, and his spiritual consciousness invaded the golden jade slips.


A picture appeared in his mind. On the desolate plain on the edge, a tall and towering figure stood in the middle of the mountain. The void around him was shattered like cotton wool, flying around in a mess, full of terrifying power that annihilated all things, making it hard to see. Know what it looks like.

But Chen Xi knew that this figure was the owner of the Qianyuan Treasure House——Qianyuan Tianxian.

"Annihilate mountains and rivers!"

A mighty sound exploded, and the figure suddenly moved. It was a simple punch, but it was like a mighty torrent erupting from the depths of the universe, rushing into this world, causing the sky and the earth to shatter, and the earth to crack. The mountains are crushed and the blue sea is dried up, as if they are about to annihilate everything in the world and make everything silent.

With just one punch, the whole world seemed to suffer an unprecedented catastrophe. The terrifying annihilating power simply did not seem to be within the control of human beings.

"Excellent, this simple punch is indeed worthy of the four characters of annihilation of mountains and rivers!" Soon, the world returned to its original appearance, but Chen Xi almost forgot to breathe, and fell into great shock.

"Reverse the chaos of yin and yang!"

Amidst the rumbling sound, suddenly, that majestic figure emerged from the abyss like a startled dragon, shuttled through the void, pointed at the sky and stepped on the ground, and on his fist, there was a palpitating force gathering.

Looking from afar, Chen Xi could only feel that the fist of that figure was evolving into two worlds, one world with the sky below and the earth above, as if it had been reversed, and the other world where the world was normal, but the relationship between heaven and earth Everything is turned upside down, with the head down and the feet up.

The moment he saw this picture, Chen Xi felt so sad that he wanted to vomit blood, and the Qi mechanism and blood in his body started to go against the law and run wild.


The fists with two completely inverted and mutually exclusive forces finally burst out. In an instant, the universe was reversed, the universe was reversed, and all the void was shattered into pieces, falling into a kind of chaos.

The entire world, everything that Chen Xi could see, fell into a state of chaos, broken order, and turmoil. Not to mention living things, even some dead things were in the process of falling apart!

"Excellent, the first punch annihilated mountains and rivers, made the world annihilate and return to silence, and regenerated organisms, but this second punch reversed the chaos of yin and yang, but put everything in the universe in chaos, and life and death were all in a state of collapse and disintegration. How terrifying should the third punch be?"

After a long time, Chen Xi recovered from the shock. He knew that the first two punches only represented

Because of the punch that figure punched, the light of annihilation bloomed, dazzling, and Chen Xi's eyes hurt, and he felt that his eyes were cut into several pieces, and tears flowed sideways. When he opened his eyes again, he saw only a void. The sky, the yin and yang, the mountains, rivers and the earth all disappeared, not even a speck of dust. It was a kind of extreme emptiness, which made people feel extremely depressed from the heart and soul!

"Annihilation Ji, is this the power caused by the third level of the Great Annihilation Fist..." Chen Xi felt chills all over his body, and he felt a fear of not being able to breathe.


At this moment, the whole world was shattered and annihilated, and Chen Xi also returned to reality. Only then did he realize that his whole body was drenched in cold sweat, making him feel uncomfortable.

He didn't care about these, because when he saw the jade slip in his hand, the golden light on the surface had disappeared and turned into a restrained dark gold. There are only various mysteries about the Great Annihilation Fist left on the Jane.

"You can't comprehend the third pole of annihilation? Perhaps only by comprehending the two fists of annihilation and rebellion can you comprehend the third pole of annihilation?" Chen Xi was surprised to find that he could only figure out the great annihilation. The first two realms of boxing, but the third realm is shrouded in a ball of golden light, forming a restriction.

In fact, it's enlightenment, it's better to say that it's learning the skills of using Taoism.

After all, this Great Annihilation Fist is not perfect, and there are very few things related to the Dao of Annihilation contained in it. Even if Chen Xi studies and comprehends it, he will not be able to punch it like Qianyuan Tianxian. Cheng Xu.

Because of the lack of annihilating Taoism, this Great Annihilation Fist only has some techniques for using Taoism.

This is the shortcoming of the half-step Taoist martial arts. The real Taoist martial arts contain complete Taoism. While practicing martial arts, you can also comprehend the Taoism, killing two birds with one stone.

However, Chen Xi didn't care about these things. What he wanted to comprehend was the Great Annihilation Fist's skill in using Taoism, otherwise, he wouldn't have singled out such an incomplete Dao-grade martial art out of the nine Dao-grade martial arts.

"In the Dao Yi I have grasped, water and fire, yin and yang, and heaven and earth are all repelling each other. The Dao Yi at the two extremes, combined with the method of using the Great Annihilation Fist, I don't know which one is better than the real Annihilation Dao Intention. .”

While Chen Xi was thinking, he began to concentrate on comprehending the Great Annihilation Fist. Only by mastering the technique in his heart can he judge the situation and integrate his own Dao will.This way of cultivation is actually no different from self-created Taoist martial arts. The only difference is that the existence of the Great Annihilation Fist has already set up a framework for Chen Xi, and he only needs to fill it with what he has comprehended. .

Seven days later, early in the morning.

Chen Xi sat up from the bed. For the past seven days, while he was meditating on his wounds, he also comprehended the Great Annihilation Fist. Not only has his body recovered almost, but he has also figured out some of the ways to use the Great Annihilation Fist.

On one side of the room, a maidservant had already prepared a wooden barrel filled with hot water. The heat was lingering, and the water was soaked with various spiritual materials and herbs. The medicinal power was sufficient. Chen Xi had to soak in it every day, absorbing the medicinal power to repair his body.

"Now my whole body's witch power is running, and the flesh and blood membrane has been restored to the best state. The meridians, acupoints, and dantian in the body have basically healed, but the original essence and blood lost are still seriously depleted. Now there is no real energy in the body. The Dao foundation is unstable, and it is obviously not a one-time achievement if you want to completely recover."

After exercising his whole body, Chen Xi secretly observed his physical condition, without any trace of annoyance or depression, his eyes were firm and deep again, with a trace of unique atmosphere and a kind of vigorous upward force.

That day he was hunted down for nearly [-] miles without dying, which made his state of mind stronger. After waking up from the coma, he had a feeling of being broken and standing upright. Although his whole body was seriously injured, his way of thinking On the contrary, the cultivation base of the heart has been improved by more than one level. This kind of strength may not benefit the cultivation base, but it will play a vital role in his future pursuit of the Dao.

Cultivation, the pursuit of the way of heaven, in the final analysis is actually the cultivation of the mind. [

Just like in the Qianyuan treasure house, a voice left by Qianyuan Tianxian once said, if you can't control your mind and ape in practice, how can you talk about transcending sentient beings?Seeking the Tao, you can't get rid of the horse, and it can't be called eternal life.

Only by subduing one's mind and sticking to one's heart can one set foot on the top ranks on the road of greatness.

Whether it is an evil devil or a sage or a great Confucian, as long as he sticks to his heart and keeps the eight winds unmoved, he can climb the avenue, travel to the eight poles, and live forever with the ages.


Chen Xi stepped into the wooden barrel full of medicinal power, and slowly closed his eyes. He had already decided that from today on, he would bid farewell to the peaceful days he was doing before, and return to his own cultivation life.

What is your own life?

It is to seize every minute and every second of time to practice, and it is to persevere in improving strength!

"Let's start!" Chen Xi took a deep breath, discarded distracting thoughts in his mind, kept the spiritual platform a little bit clear, and slowly began to run the "Hunting Taixu Kung Fu".This qigong method records all the formulas from the Zifu to the realm of the immortals. It was obtained by Beiheng from a secret Taoist realm.


The spiritual materials and herbs soaked in the wooden barrel are mostly healing products that Chen Xi scavenged from the Qianyuan Treasure House, which already contained pure and pure spiritual power. Now that Chen Xi just exercised his kung fu, these medicinal powers would turn into traces of healing power. Streams of trickling streams poured into Chen Xi's body gently and docilely.

However, even though Chen Xi had prepared long ago to reduce the speed of the kung fu to the slowest, the moment the medicinal power entered his body, it was still like steel needles, piercing the meridians all over his body like sawtooth ruthlessly thousands of times. , making his whole body tremble uncontrollably.

However, Chen Xi didn't say a word, and continued to run the exercises slowly. The broken meridian has just healed, and it's true that he can't bear the heavy force of the medicine, but as long as he bears it, after being nourished and repaired by the power of the medicine, he will quickly return to his original state. , so this severe pain is nothing to him.

That's it, a whole month later.

Chen Xi stood up from the bucket, with a hint of satisfaction on his face.After this month of uninterrupted practice, the meridians in his whole body are like a cowhide band that has been tempered thousands of times, flexible and wide, crystal clear like jade, which is a step further than before.

"The rest is to repair the dantian. I hate that the power of Taiqing Yuye Pill is too overbearing. Compared with the meridians of the whole body, the dantian has been severely damaged. Now it has become devastated. I don't know how long it will take to repair..."

The dantian is the place where the true energy gathers, the source of the whole body's strength, and the foundation of the Qi practitioner's cultivation, that is, the place where the Dao foundation is located.

In Chen Xi's dantian back then, the true essence lake was like a vast ocean, divided into yin and yang, and in the middle of the big lake, the gate of the mysterious female had already been born, and it was only one step away from condensing the two-yield golden elixir.However, after that severe injury, all of this is gone, empty and devastated, if not for his extremely solid Dao foundation, it would have been completely destroyed, and he could no longer gather his true energy.

"Forget it, let's figure out the situation first."

Chen Xi shook his head, looked inside his body, and the entire dantian was clearly presented in his mind, but the moment he saw the dantian clearly, he was completely stunned.

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