divine talisman

Chapter 256 Rescue Lingbai

In the vast dantian space, there is no such thing as a vast ocean of true energy lakes, it is empty and dried up, and there are broken scars everywhere, like cracked earth, full of devastation.

Surprisingly, in the cracks of those scars, there are a little bit of gray light spots dancing, like floating and swaying starlight. If you look carefully, these light spots melt into the scars in the dantian. In an instant, those scars turned out to be It was repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye!

At first glance, it is even doubtful that there seems to have never been seriously traumatized.

When Chen Xi saw his dantian, half of those scars had been healed, and this scene instantly stunned him.

In his prediction, his dantian might have already been like a water sac riddled with holes, which was horrible, and it might take longer to repair. How could he have imagined such a miraculous scene? [

It must be the effect of these spots!

Almost instantly, Chen Xi saw those spots of light that were trying to repair the scars on his dantian, and when he recognized these spots of light, he couldn't help but be surprised again.

These light spots are surprisingly chaotic soil!

Absolutely nothing wrong, the ray of breath emanating from the light spot is absolutely chaotic, but what makes him puzzled is, why does the chaotic breath appear in his dantian for a reason?

On Chen Xi's back, there are nine witch patterns, presenting in the form of nine palaces, the Shutu witch pattern is suppressed at the very center, and the chaotic living soil is dormant in the Shutu witch pattern.

This piece of chaotic soil, as well as the famous sacred wood in the Yimu witch pattern, the famous metal in the Gengjin witch pattern, the famous fire crystal in the Binghuo witch pattern, and the famous water beads in the Renshui witch pattern, are all made by Chen Xi in the Buddha Pagoda. Obtained in the Four Elephants Realm, these five extremely miraculous treasures can exude the essence of the five elements, temper the body, and are extremely miraculous.

It is precisely because of the existence of these five kinds of treasures that Chen Xi's body refining cultivation has shown a momentum of leaps and bounds and made breakthroughs again and again. Moreover, in the ruins of the Five Elements in the Vast Sea Desert, it is also by virtue of these five kinds of treasures that he can move freely in the demon world like a fish in water. In the herd of beasts, absorb the essence of the five elements of those five elements monsters, so that their strength soars again.

Among these five kinds of treasures, Chaos Immortality is the most miraculous one.

The chaotic soil can be transformed into the essence of various attributes at will, which can be fed back to the other four treasures. Most importantly, the other four treasures were originally conceived from the chaotic soil!

Now, the power of the chaotic soil has entered his body to repair his dantian. Even though Chen Xi knew that the chaotic soil was extremely extraordinary, he was still dazed by this sudden surprise.

"Are the rumors true? When the primordial chaos was not opened, the first batch of innate gods and demon spirits were conceived and born in the chaotic soil. Although the mysterious and yellow energy is called the mother of all things, the mysterious and yellow energy It is also born from the chaotic soil, and the chaotic soil can even be called the mother of the source, is it because it has the ability to nurture the spirit and accumulate the magic of all things, so it can restore my dantian?"

Chen Xi couldn't be sure, but no matter what, with the help of Primal Chaos Soil, he no longer needed to waste time and effort to repair his dantian, which undoubtedly saved him a lot of time.And according to his estimation, it would take less than half a month for his dantian to be completely restored to its original state.

"Huh? Golden Spirit Lotus Fruit?"

When he saw a golden fruit floating in the midair of his dantian, Chen Xi felt a rush of excitement, and thought of a wonderful idea, "My brother swallowed a fire lotus fruit, and his whole body has turned into a fire lotus spirit body. It's different from being completely reborn. Ling Bai's current body, Geng Jin Jianzhu, has been shattered, and his consciousness is even more dormant. If he is allowed to reshape his body with the Golden Linglian Fruit, will he be able to wake up?"

Ling Bai fought alone against Huangfu Chongming and more than ten people that day, and suffered more serious injuries than Chen Xi, and because Ling Bai had a special physique, it was a combination of the sword soul and the magic weapon Gengjin Jianzhu, any healing medicine would be like I used it on it, so I haven't woken up since I fell into a coma that day.

This has always been a concern in Chen Xi's heart, and it is more guilt.

When he was in the vast sea desert, Lingbai had sacrificed his own life to block Qing Xiuyi and Fan Yunlan's attacks on him. If it hadn't been for a sudden change, Lingbai would have almost lost his life. Later, it was also because of bumping into his mysterious "senior sister" Only then did Lingbai recover as before.

And more than three months ago, in order to win a sliver of life for himself and the Chen family behind him, Ling Bai rushed forward again without hesitation, jeopardizing his own life and trying his best to turn the tide, so he fell into a coma.

If Ling Bai can't be cured, Chen Xi won't be able to let it go for the rest of his life, because he owes Ling Bai too much. [

"However, I don't know exactly how to do it. I have to ask my brother." Chen Xi thought for a while, couldn't sit still anymore, got up and went out.


In the main hall of the Chen family, Chen Hao frowned and said: "Brother, according to what you said, Lingbai has a special physique, completely different from us humans, even if I ask Master for help, I'm afraid it won't help."

Chen Xi was stunned, and asked, "Is there anything else that should be paid attention to when reshaping the body with golden lotus fruit?"

"Well, when the master helped me reshape my body with the fire spirit lotus fruit, I practiced a special secret technique, and took a great risk to lose my life, so I succeeded." Chen Hao nodded and replied: " The master once said that this technique is against the sky to change one's life, and those who have a firm mind and a strong will can succeed absolutely, and the chance of success is only five or five."

Hearing this, Chen Xi was inevitably a little disappointed.

"Brother, why don't I go back to the sect and ask the master again? With his old man's means, he should be able to figure out a way." Seeing that his brother was silent, Chen Hao panicked and said quickly.

Chen Xi seemed to suddenly remember something, his eyes lit up, and he waved his hand: "No, I suddenly remembered that there is another way to do it." Saying this, he hurriedly left the main hall.

"Brother has always been calm, but now he is a little restless. This is very rare." Looking at the back of Chen Xi leaving, Chen Hao was filled with emotion.

In fact, he knew that the reason why his brother did this was because he cared too much about Ling Bai. If it wasn't for this little guy, let alone him, the entire Chen family might have been wiped out.

Chen Hao asked himself, if it were him, he would definitely try his best to save Lingbai just like his brother, otherwise he would never forgive himself in this lifetime.

To Chen Hao's surprise, after this day, his brother never came out of the room again, as if he was practicing in seclusion, which is puzzling.

In this way, another month passed in a flash.

On this day, Chen Xi suddenly woke up from meditation, and a smile appeared on his lips. He glanced at Ling Bai who was sleeping in the Pagoda of the Buddha, and thought, "Success or failure, it's all about this." .”

During this month, his dantian has completely recovered to its original state, and he used half a month to restore his true energy to its best state. Now, in his dantian, the vast sea-like great lake of true energy reappeared , surging endlessly, and in the center of the great lake, the vortex formed by the Xuanmin Gate is also getting bigger and bigger. When the Xuanmin Gate is opened wide, the Liangyi Golden Pill will be conceived from inside.

And by that time, it will be the golden core realm.

Of course, advancing to the Golden Core is not as simple as imagined. On the contrary, at the moment of advancing to the Golden Core, the energy in the whole body boils and the true essence shrinks, and a catastrophe of wind and fire will be born inside the gate of Xuanmin. Only by being able to get through can one be called a real Golden Core cultivator.

Although this catastrophe is not as terrifying as the heavenly catastrophe, it is also an insurmountable gap for ordinary monks. Out of ten monks in the Huangting Perfection Realm, at least seven will die in the wind when they advance to the Golden Core Realm. In the calamity of fire, the body dies and the way disappears.From this we can also know the horror of the wind and fire catastrophe.

However, Chen Xi was still one step away from the Golden Core Realm, so he didn't worry too much, not to mention that his current thoughts were all on Ling Bai, and he couldn't care about these at all.

Starting from the bed, Chen Xi didn't hesitate any longer, and all the strength in his body surged towards the jade pendant in the heart of his right hand.

Yes, he is going to enter the cave to meet Ji Yu.

Only this cave spirit, who has survived for a million years, can help Ling Bai.After all, it was Ji Yu who helped Lingbai to practice with Gengjin Jianzhu as his body. [


With a strange cry, ripples and ripples suddenly appeared in the calm void in the house, eventually forming a dark hole for people to enter.

Chen Xi stepped into it without hesitation.

There are also restrictions on entering the Dongfu. For example, when he first obtained the Dongfu, it was only considered to be opened, and he obtained the qualification to become the disciple of the master of the Dongfu.

And if you want to enter the cave again, you must meet some conditions before you can open the restriction on the jade pendant and enter it. Like the condition for entering the cave for the second time, you must reach the realm of the purple mansion in both body and qi refining.

And the condition for entering this third time is that both body refining and qi refining have reached the realm of Huang Ting. Chen Xi had both reached the perfect state of Huang Ting when he was in the desert of the vast sea. It is enough to enter the cave.

Inside the cave mansion, there was green grass, and the big river rolled by. The test peak stood in the middle of the big river, and it was still the same as before. When Chen Xi entered it again, he felt a little bit emotional in his heart. The cave mansion hadn't changed, but he had changed. He is no longer the youthful boy he was back then.


The big river was turbulent, and Ji Yu, who was dressed in blue, broke through the water, stepped on the rippling water, and walked to the bank of the big river. When he saw Chen Xi who had entered the cave again, a smile could not help but float on his clear and calm cheeks. I haven't seen him for nearly six years, and the little guy back then has now grown into an upright young man.

"Chen Xi, you came here for the second test of Chuangtian Peak? But with your current strength, I'm afraid it is enough to pass the first nine tests." Ji Yu asked with a smile.

The first nine tests?

Chen Xi was stunned, but he didn't think about it carefully. He shook his head and said, "Senior, I came this time for other things." After speaking, he introduced Ling Bai's current situation one by one.

"I didn't expect this little sword soul to be so affectionate." Ji Yu praised him, and then asked: "I can indeed help him, but the golden lotus fruit is rare, you really want to use it on On him? Are you not thinking about it?"

"You don't have to think about it. Compared to Ling Bai's life, everything else is not important." Chen Xi replied without hesitation, and as he spoke, he took out the Golden Lotus Spirit Fruit and handed it to Ji Yu, "I also hope that senior will help you." .”

Ji Yu nodded and said with a smile: "It's a blessing in disguise for this little guy to follow you. In the future, he will achieve a golden body. The future is bright. Leave him to me."

Hearing this, Chen Xi hastily carefully lifted Ling Bai out and handed it over to Ji Yu. Only then did he heave a sigh of relief, feeling a sense of relief all over his body. He didn't care about Ling Bai's future, as long as he could wake up, it was enough.

"I need to help him reshape his body with a secret method. During this time, you should go to the top of Tianfeng to break through." Ji Yu ordered, and then walked into the river and disappeared.


When I passed the first stage of Tianfeng's trial, I obtained the supernatural power of Star Dou Mahamudra. What benefits can I get if I pass the second stage?

Thinking of this, Chen Xi couldn't help being moved, and flew up to the Tianfeng Peak without hesitation.

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