divine talisman

Chapter 257 The Realm of Chasing the Sun

Thank you brother "Four Weeks" for another 3666 reward!Brother, you are awesome!Originally, I planned to finish the [-]D update this week, and then resume the [-]nd update next week to take a break. Now it seems that I will have to update the [-]D next week, and it is considered as a celebration for the first "Hero" brother in this book.


The lava billowed, and the fire waves rose into the air.

On the vast expanse of land, golden lava flows endlessly, like fire dragons snaking across the land, roaring and wandering, exuding a tyrannical aura of incinerating everything.

This place is like the bottom of a volcano, there is only hot molten lava, and there is no place to stand on the ground. [

And on the sky, there are dazzling stars, twinkling and twinkling, as if they are close at hand, and one can be picked off by raising one's hand, which looks extremely deep and beautiful.

With billions of stars above his head and molten lava under his feet, Chen Xi stood in mid-air, a little confused. Is this the place of Tianfeng's second trial?


A huge stone tablet descended from the sky and appeared in front of Chen Xi. This stone tablet had a range of hundreds of feet, like a mountain wall, and its surface was as smooth as a mirror.

The amazing thing is that on the surface of the stele, there is a pair of deep and sacred wings fluttering. Each feather of this pair of wings seems to be composed of strands of starlight, and there are layers of clear star-like ripples.

Looking from afar, the pair of wings seems to have billions of stars revolving along mysterious trajectories. Every time they flap, it seems like billions of stars are twinkling. .


Several cracks suddenly opened on the surface of the stone tablet, shattered abruptly, and disappeared. However, Chen Xi was surprised to find that although the stone tablet had disappeared, the image of a pair of wings flapping was clearly imprinted in his mind, every detail was clearly visible. .

"The realm of chasing the sun! Under the attack of the vision of heaven and earth, he flew a hundred thousand miles away!" The moment the stone tablet disappeared, an old and misty voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

Chen Xi suddenly realized that he had heard this voice prompt when he entered the first stage of Tianfeng's trial, and it was precisely because of this that he obtained the supernatural power of the Star Dou Mahamudra.

"The Realm of Chasing the Sun? Could it be that you want me to chase the direction of the sun and fly a hundred thousand miles away?" Chen Xi suddenly felt his scalp go numb, and smiled wryly.

Last time, in order to avoid being chased by Huangfu Chongming and others, he flew all the way from the depths of the vast sea desert to Songyan City, which was almost a hundred thousand miles away. In danger of his life, he swallowed two Taiqing Yuye Pills before arriving in Songyan City.

It was also because of this that his body was severely traumatized, and he lay in a coma for almost three months.

"I have just recuperated from my injury, so am I going to be injured again?" Chen Xi was very complicated in his heart, and regretted rushing into the second stage of trials so recklessly.

However, before he could regret it, a heavy snowfall suddenly poured down in the starry sky. The snowflakes were as big as goose feathers. To Chen Xi's astonishment, these snowflakes were actually made up of ice blades!

Whoosh whoosh!Whoosh whoosh!

Several ice blades splashed down, and the sharp blades cut through the void, making a sharp tearing sound. The power contained in each ice blade was even comparable to the full blow of a cultivator in the Purple Mansion Realm.

In that situation, it was as if thousands of cultivators from the Purple Mansion were attacking in unison, and the momentum was extremely terrifying.

Chen Xi was right under the ice blade, and below him was the roaring molten lava, so he wanted to avoid it, so he had no choice but to run forward! [

Without hesitation at all, Chen Xi cast the divine wind and feather escape method, and his whole body was swept away into the distance like a swipe of lightning.


When he was about to rush out of the range covered by the group of ice blades, Chen Xi was severely hit by an ice blade, tearing a bloodstain on his back immediately.

However, his body-refining practice has allowed him to be reborn with a broken arm. As soon as this bloodstain appeared, he recovered as before, but the power gushing out from the ice blade caused his body to stagger and almost hit him again. In the other dozen or so ice blades.

"No, these ice blades can't hurt me completely, but they can slow down my speed. If I make a careless move, I'm afraid I won't be able to escape..." Chen Xi understood the danger of his situation in an instant. Dare to keep it, the whole person is like a phantom, rushing forward desperately.

During the flight, in his eyes, in the extreme distance in front of him, there is a blazing sun hanging, it seems very close, but it is impossible to get closer in a short time.

This sun may be the target to be chased in the realm of chasing the sun.


Under the sky covered with billions of stars, a figure as fast as smoke swept forward.

Chen Xi's expression had become extremely serious. After only an hour of flying, he encountered countless ice blades, countless giant trees, and countless gravels...

Its single attack is not equivalent to a full-strength blow of a cultivator in the Purple Mansion Realm. Mizaza fell from the sky, and that kind of attack density is simply impenetrable.

Although his divine weathering and feather escape method has completely integrated the Dao of Wind into it, and has also taken into account the will of the sky, but under the cover of such intensive attacks, he still inevitably suffers more than a dozen attacks. If it weren't for his The cultivation base of body training is strong enough, these dozens of attacks alone are enough to disembowel him, and he cannot afford to be seriously injured.

What's more serious is that with the deepening, the power of the attack pouring down from the sky is getting stronger little by little. If he can measure it well, he will soon have an attack power equivalent to that of a monk in the Huangting Realm, not a single one. It's a group, as dense as raindrops!


What a hassle!

Various strategies flashed through Chen Xi's mind like lightning, but none of them could be used in the current situation. What made him feel particularly dangerous was that if such attacks continued, it would be impossible for him to fly a hundred thousand miles away. .

Even swallowing the Taiqing Yuye Pill won't work, the power in the sky is gradually becoming stronger. Although the medicinal power of the Taiqing Yuye Pill is strong, it can't support him to reach a hundred thousand miles away.

The reason is simple, with his current physical strength, he can barely swallow two Taiqing Yuye Pills, and if there are more, he can't bear it at all.


Winding and winding lightning bolts, dazzling like a silver snake, crashed down from the sky like a torrential rain, and the whole world was immediately covered by lightning arcs.

Unprepared, Chen Xi was instantly struck by one of the lightning strikes, and a scorched bloody hole was pierced through his shoulder. Its power was at least comparable to that of a blow from a master of the Huang Ting realm.

"Damn it!" Chen Xi grinned his teeth, not daring to think about it anymore, concentrated his energy, and flew through the lightning arcs. [

Fortunately, the power of these thunders is much weaker. If it were replaced by the power of thunders during the Heavenly Tribulation, just one blow would be enough to wipe out his powder.

Just like that, after flying nearly [-] miles again, the true essence that Chen Xi had just cultivated was almost exhausted again, most of it was consumed by flying, and a small half was used to resist the attacks that descended from the sky from time to time.

"The hurricane attack here is already comparable to that of monks in Huang Ting's perfection realm..." Chen Xi shuttled through the vortex hurricane group like water columns, but his heart sank little by little. After one hundred thousand miles, it is impossible to reach even thirty thousand miles.

How could this be?

The test in Tianfeng's second trial site was only set up for monks in the Huangting Realm, so how could its power be so terrifying?

No, there must be some mystery hidden in it!

Chen Xi desperately thought about everything he saw after entering the second level of the Sun Chasing Realm in his mind.

"Molten earth, hundreds of millions of stars above the head, the realm of chasing the sun, the distance of a hundred thousand miles, the attack of the vision of heaven and earth... Wait, what kind of thing do I seem to have missed? It is a stone tablet! It must be that stone tablet!"

Chen Xi's eyes lit up, and he suddenly remembered that when he entered the Realm of Chasing the Sun, he saw the stone tablet with a range of one hundred feet, and that stone tablet was the key.

Why is there a pair of wings covering hundreds of millions of stars on the surface of the stele?

Thinking of it this way, the image of the pair of wings overflowing with starlight, sacred and profound, was clearly reflected again in his mind. At this moment, he suddenly realized that every time the pair of wings flapped, it seemed to drive the power of countless stars. The surging starlight poured down like the next moment, like traveling through the void and disappearing into the depths of the starry sky.

The more he looked at it, the more Chen Xi felt that this pair of wings was extraordinary, as if the pair of wings were conveying something, and he couldn't help but sink into it tightly.

Unconsciously, the witch power in his body surged out of his body, forming a pair of wings, each ten feet wide, with rippling clear starlight on the surface, and the poor tiny stars gathered in it, spinning endlessly, it was just like The wings in his mind are exactly the same.


A majestic force surged from behind, and Chen Xi's whole body seemed to be driven forward. His speed was faster than lightning, and he was almost on the verge of teleportation. He rushed out of the range covered by the lightning arc in just an instant.

"It's amazing. It turns out that this test is actually a test of understanding the power of the pair of wings and carrying out a test of hundreds of thousands of miles a day..."

Chen Xi suddenly realized it, and regretted that he only realized this now, but when he saw the wings dancing on both sides of his body, his mind was instantly replaced by a touch of amazement.

The surface of this pair of wings overflows with starlight, the shape is agile and misty, exuding a sacred and profound aura, it is simply like the most perfect masterpiece of the heavens, which is not what the world should have.


Chen Xi stopped thinking about it, and impatiently began to test the speed of the pair of wings. With a twitch in his heart, he discarded his true essence, and the witch power all over his body poured into the wings. outside.

Its speed is so fast that it is much higher than the divine wind and feather escape method, and it is extremely close to the speed of teleportation!

"If I had this pair of wings back then, I'm afraid Huangfu Chongming and the others would have been thrown away long ago. How could they be in such a mess..." Chen Xi was amazed in his heart. He had only seen this kind of speed in the person of Master Wenxuan.

And that real person Wenxuan has a cultivation base of the Nether Transformation Realm, and even mastered the method of teleportation and flight!How can it not be shocking that the speed of a pair of wings can be compared to teleportation?

ps: Let me explain. I didn’t recover from my cold last time. I didn’t expect it to be serious again yesterday. I’ve been receiving drips at the community hospital in the morning these days. You may have noticed that the update that was originally scheduled for noon is always updated in the afternoon. Come out, I'm really not lazy... I write [-] words a day while sick, this is not considered hard work, then I really want to cry.

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