divine talisman

Chapter 259 What is the divine talisman

(+ quickly find the book) The real inheritance of the master of the cave is hidden in this boundless world of stars?

Looking at the stars, nebulae, and galaxies all around, Chen Xi felt that his head was not enough. Fortunately, Ji Yu's second sentence made him secretly relieved. As long as Ji Yu was willing to point him out, all doubts would be resolved. will be solved. (+ Find this book quickly)

"The world of stars left behind by the master is actually a world of talismans, containing all kinds of incredible talismans, among which are based on five kinds of talismans. They are the Qingdi Wood Emperor talisman, the White Emperor Jinhuang talisman, the red talisman Emperor Fire Emperor, Black Emperor Water Emperor, and Yellow Emperor Earth Emperor."

At this moment, Ji Yu seemed to regard Chen Xi as his master's heir, and asked with a smile, "Do you know what a divine talisman is?"

Chen Xi was stunned, shaking his head to express his ignorance.

In his impression, talismans are divided into nine grades. As long as a complete rune structure can be drawn on the talisman paper, it can be called a first-grade talisman. It can draw two complete rune patterns and make it breathe If they echo each other, they can be called second-grade talismans.Stacked in turn until the ninth grade.

To put it simply, a first-grade talisman contains one kind of rune pattern, a second-grade talisman contains two kinds of rune patterns... a ninth-grade talisman contains nine kinds of rune patterns.

Nine is the ultimate number, corresponding to the secret of heaven, and the existence beyond nine is a leap in quality and an improvement in grade.Ninety-nine return to one, combining two kinds of Ninth Grade Talismans together, already has the embryonic form of the formation.

A piece of talisman paper can contain a kind of formation, which can already be called a spiritual talisman. The more formations contained in a talisman, the stronger the power. Therefore, the talisman can also be divided into upper, middle and lower levels.

A low-level talisman contains no more than three formations.

A mid-level talisman contains no more than six formations.

High-level talismans contain no more than nine formations.

These three kinds of talismans of different grades naturally have very different powers. The lower-level talismans with attack attributes are already equivalent to a full blown blow by a cultivator in the Purple Mansion Realm.The middle-grade spirit talisman was probably the all-out attack of the cultivators in the Perfect Realm of the Purple Mansion, while the top-grade spirit talismans were already able to severely injure the monks in the Huangting Realm.

Above the talisman is the treasure talisman.

In fact, the treasure talisman is the same as the spiritual talisman. It is a kind of talisman produced by superimposing the lines of nine types of talisman arrays with the lines of other nine types of talisman arrays.

The grades are also divided into lower, middle, and upper ranks, and their powers are respectively equivalent to a full-strength blow of the triple realm of early Jindan, middle Jindan, and late Jindan.

Above the treasure talisman is the mysterious talisman. It is worth mentioning that the mysterious talisman requires too many runes to be carved and the power is too powerful, so ordinary talisman paper cannot bear it at all.Generally speaking, mysterious talismans are engraved in Lingyu, commonly known as jade talismans.The Xuan Talisman is also called the Xuan Grade Jade Talisman.

Mysterious Talismans are also divided into upper, middle and lower grades, and their power corresponds to the power of the three realms of Nirvana's initial state, middle state, and late state.

Above that is the heavenly talisman, which is the same as the three talismans of Ling, Bao, and Xuan. (+ Find this book quickly)

To put it simply, talismans are classified according to grades, regardless of the lower nine grades, they can be divided into four grades: Ling, Bao, Xuan, and Tian.Each level is divided into upper, middle and lower grades.

These four grades of talisman are also quite different in production techniques, power, and the structure of the talisman patterns contained in them.

The production of the talisman is just the superposition of the lines of the talisman array, which can be made by ordinary talisman masters.

The treasure talisman already contains the power of Taoism, and a perfect high-level treasure talisman can contain nine kinds of power of Taoism, which is extremely powerful.It is also because of this that a formation talisman master who can refine perfect high-level treasure talismans will never have less than nine types of Taoism under his control.

The production of the mysterious talisman, in addition to containing Dao meaning, can also arouse the energy of heaven and earth, forming a unique domain, just like the Dao domain controlled by monks.Therefore, in addition to controlling the Dao will, the formation mage who refines the mysterious talisman needs to comprehend the Dao domain.

The production of the celestial talisman is even more particular. In addition to containing the meaning and domain of the Dao, there is also a "momentum" of the world, and this "momentum" often turns into thunder.For example, Qingxiao Yimu Tianfu, the "potential" contained in it will give birth to Yimu Shenlei.

It is also because of this that a talisman master who can make celestial talismans can already be called a talisman master.

As for the Earth Immortal Jade Talisman that Qing Xiuyi used to use, it is not a pure talisman itself, but a one-time attack magic weapon that contains the life essence and blood of the monks in the Earth Immortal Realm, painstakingly refined from the loss of lifespan.

The above is Chen Xi's understanding of the Dao of Talismans. With his current understanding and control of Dao of Talismans, if he were to make Talismans, he could barely make high-level treasured Talismans.

As for the mysterious talisman and the celestial talisman, unless he comprehended his own Dao domain and realized the great "power" of the world, he could not refine it either.

"The so-called divine talisman is an existence above the heavenly talisman. In addition to containing the meaning of the Tao, the realm of the Dao, and the "power" of the world, it can also communicate with the power of the gods of the heavens and the earth, and conceive the gods!"

Seeing that Chen Xi couldn't answer, it was expected by Ji Yu, and he asked himself and answered, "Just like the Qingdi Wooden Emperor's talisman, when the refining is successful, there will be phantom images of the ancient Qingdi and Wooden Emperor in it. , in the same way, the Baidi Jinhuang divine talisman will also contain the phantoms of the ancient Baidi and Jinhuang. The "god" in the divine talisman refers to the power of these gods. With the blessing of the power of the gods, it can be called It is a real divine talisman."

Chen Xi was suddenly stunned, and at the same time, he was secretly shocked. In the talisman, there was a phantom of a god. How terrifying would it take to refine it?

"However, this is not the end of Talisman, but a new beginning, but after you have mastered these five kinds of divine talismans, you will naturally understand." Ji Yu said with a smile.

Just a fresh start?

Chen Xi was completely stunned. The current him can't even refine mysterious talismans and celestial talismans, let alone divine talismans. How could he not be surprised when he heard Ji Yu say that divine talismans were just a new beginning of the way of talismans? ?

"Senior Ji Yu, dare to ask what level of attack the power of the divine talisman is roughly equivalent to?" Chen Xi felt that it was necessary to figure out the power of the divine talisman.

"It's no problem to seriously injure a monk in the fairyland. If it's so powerful, it can even hurt a fairy." Ji Yu answered casually, as if he was talking about an ordinary thing.

However, when these words fell into Chen Xi's ears, they were no less than a thunderclap, causing him to be in a trance for a while again. A divine talisman, which can severely injure a strong person in the fairyland, isn't it much better than that immortal jade talisman?

He could vaguely tell that the Earth Immortal Jade Talisman was refined from the source of the powerhouse in the Earth Immortal Realm, while the divine talisman was different, it was purely a means of making talismans to test the talisman masters, and would not damage their lifespan Yuan, or hurt the source.

After a long time, he suddenly thought of a question, and asked in surprise: "Senior Ji Yu, don't you want me to comprehend the five divine talismans right now?"

Ji Yu asked rhetorically, "Why not? These are just the five basic gods in this star world. If you can't control them, how can you accept the inheritance of other gods?"

Chen Xi was stunned and said, "Could it be that the true inheritance of Senior Fuxi is all divine talismans?"

"Indeed." Ji Yu nodded.

Chen Xi was speechless immediately. For him, isn't this starting point too high?

Ji Yu seemed to see what Chen Xi was thinking, and shook his head with a smile, "I didn't tell you to master these five basic divine talismans in a short time, let alone you haven't comprehended the Dao realm, the great power of the world, and How can I grasp the profound meaning of the divine talisman?"

Chen Xi scratched his head, and asked, "Then what should I do?"

He was indeed confused, and inexplicably triggered the real inheritance of the master of the cave. When he came to this star world, he learned some knowledge about the gods. He originally thought that he would get some unexpected benefits, and at least he could be passed on. Lu's classic formula, but Ji Yu's words made him not know what to do.

"Do you still remember your answer when I asked you what kind of exercises you want to practice?" Ji Yu didn't answer Chen Xi, but asked another question.

Chen Xi was stunned, thinking about it for a long time before he frowned and replied, "I said I want to learn from the one with the strongest attack power and the one that runs away."

Ji Yu nodded and said, "What's my answer?"

"Swordsmanship, supernatural powers, body skills!" Chen Xi replied without hesitation, how could he have forgotten this matter, and it was also because of Ji Yu's words that he firmly established his path of martial arts.

Swordsmanship, in the hands of a Qi refiner, has the strongest attack power.Supernatural power, in the hands of a body refiner, has the strongest attack power.And the movement method is naturally used for fighting and escaping.

However, in these years of practice, he only used the Ten Thousand Zang Sword and the Divine Wind Transforming Feather Escape Technique frequently. As for the Divine Ability and Star Dou Mahamudra, he rarely had the opportunity to use it.

"To practice swordsmanship, you must have a good sword, a sword that you can use freely, like your arms and fingers, do you agree?" Ji Yu asked.

"Of course." Chen Xi said with a little emotion. He has a deep understanding of this. Don't look at the fact that Mrs. Shuihua gave him ten black-grade top-grade swords when he was in Hanhai City, corresponding to the five elements, yin and yang, wind, Thunder and stars have ten meanings, but to me, they seem to be complicated.

The only one that is often used is the Xiaolei Sword, and the other nine swords are rarely used.After all, when confronting an enemy, every minute and every second can determine life and death, so how can there be time to change swords?

"Well, I'll teach you a method of refining swords, and you can definitely forge a sword that can make you feel as powerful as your arms and fingers." Ji Yu said.

Chen Xi's heart was indeed moved, but he still couldn't help asking: "Senior Ji Yu, does this have anything to do with those five divine talismans?"

"Of course there is." Ji Yu said with a smile: "My method of refining swords must be based on five kinds of gods. I don't have much requirements for refining materials, as long as it is not a god that is not in the five elements. Things are enough. All you have to do is to engrave the five kinds of runes of the gods on the sword."

Chen Xi heaved a sigh of relief. The seal-cutting rune pattern is quite easy to do. It doesn't require the will of the Dao, the realm of the Dao, or the power of the world, nor does it need to move the spirits of the heavens and the earth to condense the phantom of the gods. Any talisman master can do it get.

"This is also to allow you to master the five basic gods as soon as possible. The [-]% of this sword is closely related to your ability to control the talisman, and the rank will also increase accordingly."

Ji Yu obviously thought it over carefully, and he spoke in a calm manner: "And you will find that the power of this sword is absolutely above all existences at the same level, and it has almost unlimited room for growth. It is not impossible to become an existence on top of a fairy weapon."

A sword that grows infinitely?

Chen Xi was shocked again. In the world of cultivation, after the cultivation level skyrocketed, the magic weapons used by ordinary monks could no longer fully display their strength, and then they would spend all their time looking for new magic weapons, which was extremely troublesome and extremely difficult. Spend money and energy.

Sometimes in order to obtain a treasure at hand, it may even offend many people and cause many grievances, and these obtained treasures are not all satisfactory, especially after the cultivation base reaches the golden core state, because of the difference in understanding the Tao and meaning , the requirements for the attributes and functions of the magic weapon will also become more stringent, and it is destined that it will never be easy to obtain the desired treasure.

Of course, this is only for ordinary monks. In some ancient big sects in the practice world, most of the treasures passed down also have room for growth. When their power soars, they only need to find some refining materials to regenerate. After refining it, its quality will be improved, so as to avoid the embarrassing situation that the disciples have no weapons to use.

However, what Ji Yu said was different from these, and it was for Chen Xi to refine a sword weapon that could grow infinitely!

What is the concept of infinity?

It is not impossible to become a fairy, or even surpass a fairy!

And according to what Ji Yu said, this sword is successfully refined, and its power can completely surpass all magic weapons at the same level!

Let me ask, who can remain unmoved in the face of such miraculous treasures?

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