divine talisman

Chapter 260

(+ Quickly find the book) "By the way, senior Ji Yu, where are those five kinds of divine talismans hidden in this star world?" Chen Xi suddenly realized that after talking so much, let alone how he refined it I don't know about the sword weapon, and I haven't even seen the five magical oracle. (+ Find this book quickly)

Qingdi Wooden Emperor Divine Scroll, White Emperor Golden Emperor Divine Scroll, Black Emperor Water Emperor Divine Scroll, Red Emperor Fire Emperor Divine Scroll, Yellow Emperor Earth Emperor Divine Scroll, but listening to the names of these five divine scrolls makes people yearn infinitely .

At this moment, Chen Xi couldn't wait to see it.

Ji Yu smiled, pointed to the depths of the starry sky, and said, "Didn't you master the meaning of the Five Elements? If you feel it with your heart, you will find its existence."

Chen Xi nodded, took a deep breath, held his breath and focused his attention, expanding his mind, secretly matching with the stars in the sky, and "looking" into the endless galaxy.

I don't know how long it took, Chen Xi seemed to see in a trance that the stars, nebula, and galaxy in the sky suddenly shrunk, forming an incomparably desolate world, dusty and lifeless, like a dead and silent waste earth.


A sound of thunder shook the world, but Dong Fang in that desolate land suddenly burst out a blue pillar of heaven, piercing into the sky, propping up the sky like a cover, and then, on the entire desolate land, trees, flowers and plants broke through the ground like crazy Come out, full of vitality, hundreds of flowers bloom, endless green springs from the earth, green and verdant, exuding extremely rich vitality.

And between the heaven and the earth, at some point, two phantoms appeared, a man and a woman, who were several feet tall, standing on the ground, wearing a Chinese robe, wearing a crown, with piercing green eyes all around their bodies. Light, various talisman cultures made countless gods and villains, flying around the two of them, wanting to worship, dance and praise the supreme emperor.

Emperor Qing!Wood Emperor!

A man and a woman, coincident with Yin and Yang, two emperors stand proudly in the world, all things sprout and vitality circulates, shaping a desolate world into a new look.

In Chen Xi's eyes, the whole world seemed to be transformed into a talisman. The flowers, plants and trees that grew surgingly in the sky were like mysterious talisman traces, implying various charms of the great way, while the two phantoms of the Qing Emperor and the Mu Emperor Then it became the core of the whole talisman, sitting in the eight wildernesses, looking down on the four poles, because of their existence, the whole talisman became different.

Qing Emperor Wood Emperor divine talisman!

A wave of enlightenment rose in Chen Xi's heart, and a thought as majestic as a vast ocean also flooded into his mind. In an instant, he felt as if he was immersed in the deep sea, and was almost overwhelmed by the various thoughts contained in the thought. The rune structure is submerged. (+ Find this book quickly)

This is the method of making the Qingdi Wood Emperor's divine talisman, but there are so many runes, it seems like a vast ocean is stuffed into his mind, so that Chen Xi can't tell how many runes there are.


Before Chen Xi could take a breath, the scenery in front of him changed, and a golden world was formed. The mountains, rivers, land, and plants here... all contained an extremely sharp aura, like a sharp sword, like an ice-cold The tip of the arrow has sharp edges and corners, giving people a piercing sharp feeling.

Similarly, in this world of sharp gold, there are two phantoms standing, with golden lights all over their bodies soaring into the sky, exuding a terrifying aura of unparalleled coldness and sharpness, as if with a light wave of their hands, they can cut through the world, cut universe.

Beside them, sharp swords, sharp knives, sharp axes, sharp guns surged... All kinds of weapons seemed to come to life, flying, circulating, and making cheerful chirping sounds.

Everything in this world is full of sharpness, full of cold and hard charm, and those two phantoms are the origin of all this.

The White Emperor Golden Emperor divine talisman!

When Chen Xi clearly recognized this divine talisman with the heaven and earth as the talisman paper and all things in the world as the talisman pattern, a majestic thought surged into his mind again.

Obviously, this is the method of making the Baidi Jinhuang divine talisman.

In the following time, Chen Xi saw another article about the world of fire, the world of earth, and the world of water, and obtained the production methods of the Scarlet Emperor Fire Emperor Divine Scroll, the Yellow Emperor Earth Emperor Divine Scroll, and the Black Emperor Water Emperor Divine Scroll .

Like the Qingdi Muhuang divine talisman, the runes used to make the other four divine talismans are also like a vast ocean, dense and complex, and the number cannot be counted.

According to Chen Xi's estimate, with his current calculation ability, it would be a huge project to complete any one of the divine talismans, and it would be absolutely impossible to complete within three to five years.

This is just to trace the runes of a divine talisman. If he wants to completely refine the divine talisman and condense the phantom of the gods in it, it is absolutely impossible for him to do it now.


Chen Xi opened his eyes, couldn't help exhaling a long breath, and calmed down, only then did he recover his thoughts from the five divine talismans.

"How do you feel?" Ji Yu asked with a smile.

Chen Xi pondered for a moment, and replied, "It's beyond my imagination." Immediately, he frowned and said, "Senior Ji Yu, there are tens of thousands of runes contained in these five divine talismans. That kind of sword, but carving these runes, I'm afraid it will take a lot of time, right?"

"Indeed, according to my estimate, with your current ability, you can barely complete the seal carving of a divine talisman within five years." Ji Yu nodded and replied.

"No, it's only a little over four years away from the Stars Conference, and I still have to raise my cultivation to the Golden Core level, so I don't have the extra time to refine this sword." Chen Xi frowned. Hair frowns, and I feel more and more how much time is not enough for me.

"This is not a problem. I forgot to tell you that this is the world of stars. It is the same as the Tianfeng Eighteenth Trials you have seen before. The power of time here is slow. You stay here for ten years. Years, the outside world has only passed a year." Ji Yu said with a faint smile.

Chen Xi was startled. Ten years have passed here, and only one year has passed outside. Doesn't that mean that he can practice here for 40 years, and it won't be too late to go to the Stars Conference?

Thinking of this, Chen Xi felt excited. In 40 years, excluding the 25 years it takes to carve the five kinds of divine inscriptions, he still has 15 years left, which is enough for him to advance to the Golden Core realm!

"And in the future, you can enter the cave at any time, because you have now begun to accept the master's true inheritance, and the previous restrictions will no longer exist."

Ji Yu threw another blockbuster, which made Chen Xi dizzy. If he wanted to enter the cave before, he had to cultivate his body and qi to a certain level. He wanted to see Ji Yu for help to solve some doubts. Impossible, but now that all of this will be solved and will no longer exist, how can Chen Xi not be excited.

Ji Yu looked at the excited expression on Chen Xi's face with a smile, and he was also filled with joy in his heart. He also felt extremely relieved that the master's true successor had successors.

Moreover, Chen Xi almost grew up under his watch. It would be a lie to say that he has no feelings. He would be equally delighted to see Chen Xi often in the future.

"Okay, now that I have obtained the inheritance of the five divine talismans, how about I start to pass on your sword refining method?" Ji Yu asked.

Chen Xi thought about it, and immediately nodded in agreement.

Now that the Chen clan is guarded by the sword formation of Tai Qi and Mochen, it can be said to be as solid as gold, even if the strong of the earth fairyland enter it, they will not be able to break through the formation for a while.

In addition, a few days ago, Bei Heng visited Chen's house in person, and while chatting with Chen Xi, he also revealed some things that happened that day in the main hall of the Liuyun Sword Sect's main peak, frankly saying that the major forces behind Huangfu Chongming and others had already She didn't dare to offend her again, and all of this was attributed to the white order left by Bai Wanqing.

This also made Chen Xi realize that his Aunt Bai had great supernatural powers, and his determination to participate in the Stars Conference became more and more firm. Only by getting the top ten places in the Stars Conference and entering the Primordial Battlefield can he hope to enter the Xuanhuan Realm, and also Only then can I meet Bai Wanqing, and learn some past events and grievances about her parents from her mouth.

All in all, Chen Xi doesn't need to worry about anything anymore, he only needs to bury his head in training diligently, advance to the Golden Core realm as soon as possible, and wait for the date of the Stars Conference to come.

"The magic weapon refined by this method is called Fubing Daobao. It may be different from the level of magic weapons in the practice world today, but the power can be compared if you carefully appreciate it."

Ji Yu was not a procrastination type either, so he raised his hand and sent an idea into Chen Xi's mind, it was a formula related to refining swords.

This tactic is very concise, but it is full of words, which is rare in the world, and its refining technique is also very different, ingenious and ingenious.

Chen Xi's comprehension ability is so powerful, but it took several hours to comprehend this formula by heart, and comprehend it thoroughly.

The sword weapon refined according to this method should actually be called the sword talisman, because this method is based on five kinds of divine talismans, and does not need to use a furnace, but relies on entering the refining formula to smelt all kinds of swords. Refining materials.

However, if you want to refine the sword talisman, the choice of the sword embryo is extremely important and cannot be neglected.The sword embryo is related to the engraving of the five divine talismans, as well as the advanced growth of the sword talisman in the future. Although materials can be supplemented to refine the sword embryo in the future, choosing a good sword embryo at the initial stage will undoubtedly save a lot of money. Kung Fu.

"I have obtained a lot of precious and rare refining materials from the Qianyuan Treasure House, such as Taibai Jingjin Iron and Fluorescent Sharp Stone, which are all excellent refining materials, but it seems that it is not enough for refining the sword embryo of the sword. what……"

Chen Xi scanned the various refining materials stored in the Buddha Pagoda, hoping to find a material that was most suitable for refining sword embryos.

However, to his disappointment, among the many rare materials, there seems to be no one that can make him particularly moved.

Of course, he also knew that his vision was too high, and he was too picky. He always hoped to find materials for refining immortal artifacts like the Slaughtering Scythe, so naturally he couldn't look at these materials.In fact, most of these materials are materials for refining the best earth-level magic weapons, and some are indispensable for refining sky-level magic weapons. They are also rare treasures with amazing value when sold on the market.

"Huh? The Slaughtering Scythe? If you refine it into a sword embryo, wouldn't it be fine?" Chen Xi slapped his forehead suddenly. He really ignored the Slaughtering Scythe!

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