divine talisman

Chapter 261 Nether Emperor

The first update!Thanks to the brother "Four Weeks" for another 888 reward, and thanks to the brother "Xuantian" for voting for a precious monthly ticket for support!


According to Ling Bai, the essence of the Slaughtering Scythe is actually a rare material that is the main material of the Immortal Artifact, and it contains the pure killing intent. Ordinary monks can even form the Slaughtering Dao with the help of the majestic power in the Slaughtering Scythe. Territory, extremely magical.

For example, when Ling Bai fought against Huangfu Chongming and the others, he relied on the Slaughter Scythe to condense the Slaughter Dao Domain, thereby besieging Huangfu Chongming and the others for a moment, and winning a sliver of life for Chen Xi.

According to Chen Xi's thinking, since the sword talisman he wants to forge claims to have limited growth space, the selection of the sword embryo must use the highest quality refining materials, and the Slaughtering Scythe undoubtedly has such qualifications. [

However, he still wanted to ask Ji Yu for his opinion.

Killing scythe?

Ji Yu was slightly taken aback, and asked for the Slaughtering Scythe from Chen Xi's hand. After looking at it for a moment, a look of astonishment appeared in his eyes, and he exclaimed, "It is indeed the material for refining immortal weapons, and it is also the best kind. , This thing actually contains the pure killing intent, as if born out of the origin of heaven and earth, obviously it is also a rare treasure of heaven and earth, it is very rare in the world. Where did you get it from?"

Chen Xi explained the origin of the Slaughtering Scythe, spread out his hands, and said, "I also want to know its origin, but it's a pity that its owner, Han Guyue, has already been killed by me, and I'm afraid I won't be able to find any clues anymore. .”

Ji Yu teased: "I can't tell, you've also started to kill people and seize treasures."

Chen Xi felt ashamed for a while, but said seriously, "Heaven and earth treasures are destined for those who get them, not to mention that Han Guyue wants to kill me, so I can't be allowed to resist, right?"

Ji Yu smiled, no longer entangled in this issue, looked at the killing scythe again, and suddenly asked: "Have you comprehended the meaning of killing?"

Chen Xi shook his head.

"Using slaughter as the sword embryo, the sword talismans refined by the five emperors to the emperor's gods are indeed quite powerful. However, these immortal materials cannot be refined with your current strength. If you are not careful, it may make you Losing the will to kill is troublesome, so let me help you."

As he said, on Ji Yu's right hand, a golden cloud pattern suddenly appeared, and the rune pattern surged and flickered, and there was a burst of Sanskrit singing. From a distance, it looked like a cloud of Yunsheng protruding from the cloud Wen's big hand, the surface of the Slaughtering Scythe, was immediately covered with a layer of golden glow, burning fiercely.

Chen Xi's pupils shrank suddenly, and he could clearly see that the Slaughtering Scythe began to melt, turning into jet-black drops of water, like black pearls.


Ji Yu grabbed the void with his right hand, and the black drops of water were connected into lines one by one, and then a sword embryo was outlined by the lines.

This sword embryo is three feet and two inches long, pitch black like ink, the sword spine is like a peak, the blade is like a cicada's wing, and the hilt is like a crescent moon. The style of the whole sword embryo presents the characteristics of simplicity and simplicity.


Ji Yu tapped his finger lightly on the sword body, the sword chanted clear and clear, and the sharp and pure killing spirit gushed out from the sword body, turning into "kill" characters one by one, dancing around the sword embryo endlessly, and the surrounding void was covered Cutting shattered fissures, like shattered tides, rolling endlessly.

Just a ray of breath from the sword embryo has already torn the void. If it is refined into a real sword talisman, how powerful will it be?

While Chen Xi was shocked by the power of the sword embryo, he couldn't help but smacked his tongue at Ji Yu's method. With a touch of his hand, he smelted the fairy-level Slaughtering Scythe into a sword embryo. It was simply turning decay into magic!

"Okay, the sword embryo is ready, hurry up and start engraving the divine talisman on it." Ji Yu ordered lightly, raised his hand and threw the sword embryo to Chen Xi, turned around and was about to leave. [

"Senior Ji Yu, wait a moment, this disciple has something else to ask." Chen Xi suddenly remembered something, and hastily took out the Buddha Pagoda, Nether Record, and Exorcism Brush, and then activated the witch pattern, causing the god tree, Metal, fire crystals, and water droplets floated out.

These treasures can be said to be extremely miraculous, existences that cannot be found, but they are placed on Chen Xi's body, but they are hidden like pearls, because he has no idea of ​​the true purpose and origin of these treasures.

Just like the pagoda of the Buddha, it was originally an immortal artifact, but now it was seriously damaged and its spirit was lost. Chen Xi wanted to restore it, but he didn't know where to start.

Another example is the Youminglu and the Xiexie Pen. These two treasures are even more mysterious, and they are not under Chen Xi's control. Whenever they get a chance, they seem to run away, which makes Chen Xi very distressed.

And the same is true for the sacred tree, metal, fire crystal, and water droplet. Chen Xi still hasn't figured out their true uses and origins.

It was also because of this that Chen Xi called Ji Yu to stop, hoping to get some information about these treasures from this cave spirit who had lived for a million years.

"This is..." With Ji Yu's xinxing cultivation base and years of experience, when he saw these treasures, he couldn't help but gasp, almost dazzled.

"Emperor Youming's Youming Record and Xiexie Pen! The relics of the Buddhist world, the Buddha Pagoda! Qingyi Shenmu! The Gold of Taichong! Binghuo Shenjing! Renkui Xuanshui!" Ji Yu gave each name one by one. The shock became more and more intense, and at the end, he suddenly looked at Chen Xi with strange eyes.

Chen Xi felt uncomfortable when he was seen, and coughed dryly: "I have obtained these treasures by accident over the years, but I don't know their origin and purpose, so I ask senior to give me some pointers."

Ji Yu took a deep breath, calmed his mind, raised his hand to take the Youminglu and the Xiexie Pen, looked at it a little, and there was a flash of reminiscence in his eyes, and said with emotion: "These two treasures were in ancient times. Owned by the third Emperor Youming in reincarnation, this person is stunningly beautiful and famous all over the world. He once discussed with his master for ten years without defeat. Countless supreme gods and demons were killed together, and died with hatred."

The Nether Emperor!

Control the six reincarnations!

This kind of earth-shattering big shot even discussed Taoism with senior Fuxi, the master of the cave, for ten years. No wonder he called himself the disciple of his old friend. It turned out that he also had such a relationship with senior Fuxi.

Chen Xi was also quite uneasy in his heart. He finally understood who the old man who rescued him and taught him the profound truths of the two ways of the other side and the sinking way was.

"Emperor Youming was killed, but because of the will to end the Dao?" Chen Xi asked suddenly.

Ji Yu was stunned, and said in surprise: "You also know about this? Yes, it is precisely because of the ending Taoism, this kind of Taoism is too overbearing, surpassing many Taoisms, it can be called a real way of going up the road , since the beginning of the world, few people have been able to comprehend it, and that Emperor Youming can comprehend and control it, which shows how amazing his comprehension is."

Speaking of this, Ji Yu sighed deeply, and continued: "However, it was this intention of ending the Dao that laid the root of disaster for the fall of the Nether Emperor. This man has great ambitions, and he wants to bury the gods and wipe out all demons , to rebuild the order and law of the heaven, earth, and human realms, and restore the heavens and myriad realms to a peaceful and prosperous world. Tell me, who among the gods and demons in the heavens can tolerate his existence?"

"He is challenging the rules of the Three Realms with his own power!" Chen Xi said emotionally, in his heart he greatly admired the Nether Emperor, but when he thought of such a big man who looked down on the heavens, he died of hatred in the end, his ideals and ambitions were not satisfied. It ended in failure, and a deep regret welled up in his heart.

"The Nether Record and the Xie Xie Pen are the treasures used by the Emperor You Ming when he ruled the world. The two are sharp and sharp, slashing evil and killing demons. The Nether Record forms its own world. The road of fire is paved with flowers from the other shore, and the other shore is penetrated by the turbid sea of ​​bitterness. That other shore is the six realms of reincarnation in the nether world."

Ji Yu quickly restrained his emotions, and said indifferently: "And this Nether Record is complementary to the Zhuxie Brush. The Zhuxie Brush is life and death, and the Nether Record Palm is extradited. Any undead killed by the Zhuxie Pen will be washed by the Nether Record Let go of the sins of his body, be convicted by the order of the netherworld, and then be extradited to the six reincarnations, turn around and reincarnate."

Chen Xi suddenly came to a sudden realization, Zhu Xie was the master of killing, and Nether Recording was extraditing. To put it bluntly, this pair of treasures cooperated very much in the sense of both killing and burying.

"You don't need these two treasures, and try not to show them to others in the future. After all, these things are relics of Emperor Youming. If they are discovered by some powerful gods and demons, your life will be over." Ji Yu looked solemn , reminded. [

Chen Xi nodded. In the eyes of the gods and demons, everything that has anything to do with the Nether Emperor will probably be wiped out by him, right?

But when he thought of these two powerful treasures, he would never need them again, Chen Xi felt a pity in his heart, but he couldn't help it. Compared with his own life, everything else was secondary.

"Of course, if one day your cultivation can reach the point where you can surpass the gods and demons of the heavens, you can use these two treasures at any time." Ji Yu said with a smile.

"I will." Chen Xi also smiled, his voice was calm, but it contained a resolute resonant taste. The road to the great road is so long, and the gods and demons may not have reached the extreme of the great road.And my goal is the ultimate road, without the firm belief of surpassing the gods and demons, how can this road go far?

Ji Yu was stunned. He originally wanted to use this to extinguish Chen Xi's desire to use the Youminglu and Xiexie Pen, but who would have thought that this kid was so ambitious, and a feeling of emotion suddenly rose in his heart, this kid has really grown up! !

Next, Ji Yu explained the origin of the Buddha Pagoda. This object is indeed a fairy artifact, and it is a very powerful fairy artifact in the Buddhist world. However, if you want to restore it, you need to enter the territory of the Buddhist kingdom , Conceived and nurtured with the power of Buddhism, only then can the spirit of the instrument be conceived again, and the power will be restored to its original state.

Chen Xi didn't even know where the territory of the Buddha Kingdom was, so in desperation, he had no choice but to use the Stupa Pagoda as a magic weapon with an astonishing storage space.

However, he still had some doubts in his heart. How could Fan Yunlan of the Blood Moon Demon Sect claim to be able to restore the Buddha Pagoda?Could it be that she has some kind of secret technique?

"The Qingyi Shenmu, Taichong's Gold, Binghuo Shenjing, and Renkui Xuanshui are called Miaobao in the Buddhist world, which means wonderful and unfathomable treasures. They are used to refine Buddhist treasures and have incredible uses. But in the eyes of the monks like us, these four treasures are spiritual objects conceived from the origin of the innate five elements, capable of accumulating immeasurable essence of the five elements."

Speaking of this, Ji Yu seemed to realize something, his eyes lit up suddenly: "Wonderful! If these four treasures are suppressed in the sword, why worry about not being able to advance to the immortal weapon in the future? And as long as the sword is successfully refined, its quality At least it's at its best!"

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