divine talisman

Chapter 262 The Herd Attacks

Knowing that the four treasures, Qingyi Shenmu, Taichong's Gold, Binghuo Shenjing, and Renkui Xuanshui, were all spiritual objects conceived from the origin of the innate five elements, Chen Xi was also secretly shocked, but Ji Yu's The proposal made him hesitate.

These four treasures with mysterious functions, sitting in the witch pattern on the back, can continuously accumulate the essence of the five elements, and then transform them into one's own witch power, which has an immeasurable benefit to one's body training and cultivation base. It made Chen Xi somewhat reluctant to use it to sacrifice the sword talisman.

"When you have advanced your body training to the Golden Core realm, the nine witch patterns are gathered in the shape of a nebula, and the qi and blood in your body are like mountains and seas, and you can communicate with the power of heaven and earth for your own use. The existence of these things can only benefit the five elements. Essence is of little value to the improvement of cultivation."

Ji Yu seemed to see through Chen Xi's thoughts, and said, "In this case, you might as well use it to refine the sword talisman, it's worth the money, and avoid wasting money."

Indeed, as Ji Yu said, after a body refiner advances to the Jindan realm, his qi and blood are like the Yangtze River and billowing like wolf smoke. , will show a qualitative leap. Although the essence of the five elements can be transformed into witch power, it is no longer suitable for the needs of cultivation.

Just like when Chen Xi obtained a Dao Yi Yuan Pill that contained the Dao of Earth Path, because he had already comprehended the Dao of Earth Path, it would be useless to swallow it any more. The same principle applies to the essence of the Five Elements.

In the end, Chen Xi still agreed.

After Ji Yu left, Chen Xi was not in a hurry to engrave the five kinds of gods on the sword embryo, but left the world of stars, walked out of the cave, and returned to his room.

Once the sword talisman is refined in the world of stars, it will take at least 25 years, which is equivalent to two and a half years in the outside world. He has to explain some things to his brother to avoid the other party's worry.


Today's Chen family, after going through a catastrophe, is like a phoenix reborn from the ashes. Whether it is the recruited children with foreign surnames or first-class servants, their mental outlook is completely new, and they have a heavy sense of belonging to the Chen family. , when going out to do things, they are all proud to be disciples of the Chen family.

And in Songyan City, no force dared to be an enemy of the Chen family, and the Chen family had already formed a dominance pattern, but no one was unconvinced.

Most of the cultivators in Songyan City saw the battle that day, and asked themselves, if any of their forces had been suppressed by Huangfu Chongming and others, the Chen family was able to defend against the enemy and survived. , this kind of terrifying strength naturally won the respect of all forces in Songyan City.

In addition, the two Chen Xi brothers are inextricably linked to the Liuyun Sword Sect, the largest faction in southern Xinjiang. It can be said that there are strong fighters inside and reinforcements outside. No matter how stupid people are, they know that the rise of the Chen family The momentum is unstoppable, who would dare to pull out their beards at the tiger's mouth?

Not only that, these days, the Chen family's mansion is full of guests and guests. All the forces in Songyan City, large and small, put down their postures and hold expensive gifts. They all want to take this opportunity to form a bond with the Chen family. A good relationship.

So when Chen Xi walked out of his own courtyard, he saw many guests from inside and outside the entire Chen family, and most of them were prominent figures in Songyan City.

And his younger brother Chen Hao shuttled among the various guests, socializing with wine, talking and laughing, and behaved decently, without arrogance or impetuosity, showing the demeanor and skills of the head of the family.

Chen Xi nodded secretly. The rise of a family must not be isolated. No matter how powerful the power is, it will inevitably have some interest exchanges with other powers. Being able to handle this relationship with ease can also show the courage of a family from the side. and background.

"Brother, why are you here? Is your injury healed?" Chen Hao turned his head inadvertently, and saw Chen Xi standing in the distance, leaving the guests beside him, and walked over with a smile.

The guests who were left behind were originally a little dissatisfied, but when they saw Chen Xi in the distance, the trace of dissatisfaction in their hearts disappeared without a trace, and a brilliant smile appeared on their faces, revealing flattery.

At this time, most of the people present saw Chen Xi, and the originally noisy and extraordinary atmosphere suddenly became quiet and completely silent.

In everyone's mind, compared to Chen Hao, his elder brother Chen Xi is undoubtedly more powerful.

As we all know, Chen Xi grew up in Songyan City since he was a child. His family was in a difficult situation, his cultivation was shallow, and he was ridiculed as a broom star. Never set eyes on him.

But today is different.

This bastard star and little man in the hearts of most people in Songyan City wiped out the entire Chen family by himself, and was chased and killed by the Huang Tingjing monks of the Su family. No.1 in the list competition, becoming the first dazzling star in Songyan City's history to win the championship in the Qianlong list competition.

And the Su family who offended him was uprooted overnight, wiped out, and ceased to exist.Although the person who made the move was not Chen Xi, but he had an extremely close relationship with Chen Xi. It was his sworn brother Liuyun Sword Sect Grand Elder Bei Heng, the only remaining Earth Immortal Realm powerhouse in the southern border cultivation world!

Of course, these are all rumors. Although the local monks were shocked, they had never witnessed the incident outside of Pine Mist City, and most of them still had some doubts in their hearts.

But when they saw Chen Xi laying out a large formation that moved the heavens and the earth and forced back more than a dozen of the younger generation of Golden Core Realm powerhouses, the entire Songyan City practice world was shocked, and they were finally convinced that the rumors were true!

So when they saw Chen Xi at this moment, unconsciously, there was a trace of deep awe in the eyes of everyone present, which was respect for power.

Everyone is very clear in their hearts that as long as Chen Xi is around, the entire Chen family will never fall.

"Find a quiet place to chat for a while." Chen Xi suggested, he wouldn't feel any discomfort being stared at by so many people, but if he stays for a long time, he might affect other people. Not so good.

Chen Hao naturally readily agreed, these days he was almost entertaining guests, although on the surface he was talking and laughing at Yan Yan, but in his heart he was bored, and wished to find some time to chat with his brother.

The two brothers came to the side of a lake dug in the mansion, sat on the ground, and talked freely, but it was Chen Hao who kept talking and Chen Xi who kept listening.

"I'm going to retreat for a few years. If anything happens during this period, I'm afraid you'll have to deal with it." After a long time, Chen Xi finally explained his reason for coming.

"What trouble is it? I know brother, you are going to participate in the Stars Conference. Cultivation is what you need most. As for some trivial matters in the family, just leave them to me." Chen Hao laughed.

Chen Xi nodded, chatted for a while, and then left.But along the way, he kept thinking about a question in his mind.

When communicating with his younger brother Chen Hao, he heard something. Over the years, monsters have been running out of the deep mountains of Nanman from time to time, and the number is not many. Instead, some monks in Songyan City hunted monsters and sent out some monsters. Small fortune.Some monks even formed teams one after another and went to the deep mountains of Nanman to kill them, obtaining many rare materials and spiritual herbs.

At this time, other forces in Songyan City couldn't sit still, and they also sent elite children to explore and hunt for treasures in the deep mountains of Nanman, and also attracted many foreign monks to join them, which made Songyan City, a remote town, suddenly become lively .

But in recent times, this situation has changed.

Those monks who entered the deep mountains of Nanman never came back, some went in and some disappeared, and they did not know whether they were alive or dead. This situation immediately attracted the attention of the major forces in Songyan City, and they explicitly prohibited anyone from stepping into the deep mountains of Nanman again. .

However, this is not the end. Just two months ago, a group of beasts composed of dozens of purple mansion realm monsters suddenly attacked Songyan City and killed nearly 2000 people before they were gathered by various forces. Master, annihilate these big monsters in one fell swoop.

However, from then on, every few days, dozens of big monsters from the Purple Mansion would rush out from the deep mountains of Nanman and fly to Songyan City to cause disaster, which exhausted the major forces in Songyan City and even lost a lot of money. master.What was even more serious was that the frequent appearance of the beast herds wave after wave had already caused panic in the entire city, and many people even dared not stay in the city anymore and fled to other cities.

The facts are indeed true, the herds of beasts are appearing more and more frequently, and the number is also increasing. Just the day before yesterday, there were even nearly a hundred big monsters of all kinds in the Purple Mansion Realm, and they plundered Songyan City. Burning, killing and looting wantonly, the lives of the people were ruined, and it was only with Chen Hao and Fei Lengcui fighting side by side that these big monsters were all wiped out.

According to Chen Hao's estimation, the number of monsters rushing out from the deep mountains of Nanman will only increase, and there may even be powerful monsters such as Huang Tingjing and Jindanjing, forming a scale of beast tide!

If a beast horde appears, it will absolutely be overwhelming and never-ending. It is absolutely no problem to destroy a Songyan City. Of course, this is only an estimate, and no one knows how it will actually happen.

However, there is no need for Chen Xi to worry about these. The Chen family mansion is surrounded by a sword array of Tai Qi Mo Chen. Unless there are monsters at the level of Earth Immortals, no matter how many monsters there are, they will not be able to shake the defense of the big array.

And according to Chen Xi's calculations, it is impossible for monsters at the level of earth immortals to appear in the deep mountains of Nanman. He has been to the deep mountains of Nanman before, and among the seven great monster kings he met, the highest cultivation level was only in the purple mansion.

Of course, he also knew that as he took away the fragment of the river map that suppressed the Nanman Mountain, the monsters in the entire Nanman Mountain were no longer restricted from being unable to advance, and their overall strength would inevitably increase significantly.Like Qingqiu Fox King and Xuanjing Old Turtle King, who have the bloodline of ancient beasts and are no longer affected by the restriction, they have advanced to the Nirvana realm in just a few years. This kind of advancement speed has reached an appalling speed the point.

"Forget it, it's useless to think too much about this matter. With the protection of the Taiqi Mochen Sword Formation, I don't have to worry about the safety of the family. For the present plan, I should first refine the sword talisman, and then raise my strength to the Golden Core realm."

It wasn't until he entered his room that Chen Xi discarded the distracting thoughts in his mind and entered the cave again.


ps: These chapters are a bit dull, please bear with me, it's just a transition, once the foreshadowing is completed, Xiao Xixi will enter a new stage and lead the way.

Well, the plots in the future will also be concise and concise. Some conceptual things, such as grades, grades, and skills, will no longer be described in detail. Everyone is tired of watching, and I am tired of writing.

Of course, things that should be explained clearly will definitely not be ignored. There is also the first grassroots reading =.. before 12 o'clock in the evening, brothers who can't wait to watch it tomorrow.

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