divine talisman

Chapter 263

Star world.

Chen Xi sat cross-legged on the ground. The emptiness here is very miraculous, like walking on flat ground, as if an invisible ground has been flattened in the emptiness of emptiness. Sitting on it, he doesn't feel the slightest discomfort.

In front of him, there is a simple and simple sword embryo.

After a long time, when there was no more distracting thoughts in his mind, his hands moved suddenly, his fingers fluttered, and his fingertips transformed into phantoms in the void, like butterflies wearing flowers, at an incomparably fast speed.


It was like the sound of a swarm of bees flapping their wings, and on Chen Xi's fingers, circle after circle of misty halos lingered, like layers of circular ripples in a lake, it was truly beautiful.

This is the art of refining weapons taught by Ji Yu. Its effect is very simple, that is, to open up a space on the sword embryo that is enough to engrave a divine talisman.

A series of mysterious formulas penetrated into the sword embryo, and gradually opened up a space inside the sword embryo. If you immerse yourself in it, you will find that this space has a range of thousands of feet and is completely blank.From the outside, the sword embryo is still only three feet long.

Its principle is the same as the spell used to refine the storage magic weapon, Sumina Mustard Seed, which opens up a large space between square inches.

"The Qingdi Wooden Emperor's divine talisman sits inside the sword embryo, and it can nourish the spirituality of the sword body, so let's start from here." Chen Xi took a deep breath, and once again recalled in his mind the various meanings contained in the Qingdi Wooden Emperor's divine talisman. This kind of rune structure, which drives the consciousness, pours into the space opened up by the sword embryo.

This was a blank space. Chen Xi surveyed it briefly, circulated his whole body's true energy, gathered lines as fine as a cow's hair, and under the control of his spiritual consciousness, he moved towards this space to engrave a seal bit by bit.

This method of engraving runes is actually similar to using a talisman pen to draw runes on talisman paper, except that the divine consciousness replaces the palm, the real essence replaces the ink, and this space becomes the talisman paper.

Chi Chi Chi Chi... As soon as the mysterious and flexible runes appeared in the space, they were smudged with a layer of verdant glow. As the runes gradually hid, these cyan rune lines began to change in different ways. The structure is entangled together, without a bit of chaos, but reveals an orderly beauty.

Looking from a distance, the little runes carved in that space are like a small sapling, stretching out its slender and dense branches, trying to spread around, and then giving birth to clusters of leaves, blossoming The cyan flowers are natural, mysterious and light, without the slightest trace of chiseling.

This is just a kind of rune structure contained in the Qingdi Wooden Emperor's divine talisman. Like this kind of rune structure, the entire Qingdi Wooden Emperor's divine talisman has at least hundreds of thousands of seals, which is simply vast and dense. Extremely complicated.

Thanks to Chen Xi's deduction ability, after passing the test of the Wanzang Sword Code, he has reached an extremely powerful state, and he also has a super high attainment in making talismans. Dazzling, let alone distinguishing their differences and uses from each other.

But even so, Chen Xi had to be cautious and concentrated like never before. Although it was only the structure of the rune pattern engraving the Qing Emperor's Wooden Emperor's inscription, as long as there was a slight mistake, he would have to start drawing from scratch. Such a result was absolutely unacceptable to him. of.

Just imagine, it would take five years to engrave the rune structure of a piece of Qingdi Wooden Emperor's divine talisman. If mistakes occur one after another, how much time will be wasted?

Therefore, from the very beginning, Chen Xi made up his mind to pay attention, as long as he succeeds, he will never allow failure!

It is precisely because of this pressure that his whole mind becomes so concentrated, and there are no distracting thoughts in his mind, only the beautiful and mysterious rune structure in his eyes.Even if an ordinary person approached Chen Xi right now, he probably wouldn't be able to notice it at all.

"Huh?" Three hours later, looking at the rune pattern carved by himself in the inner space of the sword embryo, Chen Xi suddenly felt a sense of déjà vu.

This rune pattern is a collection of hundreds of rune structures. From a distance, it looks like a leaf swaying in the wind, green and green, and the veins on the surface of the leaf are also clearly visible, showing a sense of vitality.

Where did you see it?

Chen Xi frowned, and a flash of inspiration suddenly occurred in his mind, and he suddenly remembered that the Yimu witch pattern on his back was in the shape of this leaf?

"No wonder it is so familiar. This Yimu witch pattern is also a kind of rune pattern, and it is also contained in the Qingdimu Emperor's divine talisman. Could it be that senior Fuxi used this divine talisman to create the "Zhou Tianxing Slaughter Body Forging Technique?" 》This body training method? Or is it because of this Yimu witch pattern that Senior Fuxi realized the Qingdimuhuang divine talisman?"

Chen Xi had a vague feeling that not only the Qing Emperor Wood Emperor's divine talisman, but also the other four divine talismans might have a great relationship with "Zhou Tianxing's Body Forging Technique".

"Perhaps, the fact that I have mastered the essence of these five divine talismans can also have an unexpected beneficial effect on my cultivation of body training..." Chen Xi stopped thinking about it, and re-entered the seal-cutting runes.

Time passed bit by bit, and seven days had passed without knowing it.

For these seven days, Chen Xi was like a stone that had no sense of the outside world, concentrated in the seal-carved runes, completely forgetting himself, until the spiritual consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness was exhausted, and the true essence in the dantian was also dried up, and then he suddenly woke up .

Without wasting time, he began to practice cross-legged to recover his strength.Fortunately, in the Pagoda of the Buddha, there is enough psychic liquid, enough for him to restore his true essence in a short time.As for the recovery of the power of the soul, one only needs to observe the statue of Fuxi quietly, and it can be recovered quickly.

"In seven days, there are less than [-] kinds of rune structures in the seal carving. According to this speed, as long as there are no accidents, within five years, the seal carving of the Qing Emperor Wood Emperor can indeed be successful..."

Several hours later, Chen Xi woke up from his meditation. He felt that the power of his soul and his true energy had returned to their peak state, and there was no discomfort in his body or mind. He once again devoted himself to carving runes.

Chen Xi didn't notice at all that as more and more rune structures were carved, his ability to recognize and deduce the way of runes was unknowingly and rapidly improving.

Perhaps, when he completes the seal cutting of these five kinds of divine talismans, his control over the talismans will reach an unimaginable height.

Among the many avenues between heaven and earth, talisman Tao can be said to be the most complicated and mighty kind of supreme avenue. Understanding talisman Tao requires superb understanding, strong deduction ability, and careful understanding and control of various runes People with weak structures and unstable minds will definitely not be able to achieve success in Talisman.

Of course, although talismans are difficult, obscure, and extremely complicated, their uses cover a wide range of uses, such as refining weapons, alchemy, making puppets, and arranging large formations... all of them need to be supported by talismans.

Take the refining tool as an example, only the furnace and refining materials are not enough, and the cooperation of various talisman formations and the seal cutting of various talisman patterns are needed to refine high-quality magic weapons.

In the world of practice, a powerful master of crafting must be proficient in talisman formations, but a master of talisman formations can be competent in various professions such as weapon refining and alchemy.

However, people such as master craftsmen and masters of alchemy are extremely rare. Taking the Great Chu Dynasty as an example, there are only a dozen or so powerful craft masters, which is very rare.But precisely because of its rarity, the status of a master craftsman is undeniably lofty and deeply respected by monks all over the world.

Under normal circumstances, no one is willing to offend a big person like a master craftsman. After all, they are all in the world of practice, so they will inevitably lack some handy magic weapon equipment. If they offend a master craftsman, who will refine magic weapons for themselves? ?

It is precisely because of the wide range covered by the Dao of Talismans that the Dao of Talismans appears so complicated and all-encompassing.

Time flies, before you know it, three years have passed.

In the past three years, apart from engraving seals and talismans, Chen Xi has been meditating and practicing. Although his cultivation has not improved much, his spiritual consciousness has improved significantly. Now his spiritual consciousness is comparable to that of a cultivator in the Nirvana realm. All the movement and movement within a thousand miles can be clearly reflected in the heart.

And as more and more seal-cut runes were added, Chen Xi's understanding of the Qing Emperor Wood Emperor's divine inscriptions became deeper and deeper, and the speed of seal-cut rune structures also became faster and faster.

This also made him understand what Ji Yu said at the beginning, refining sword talismans is the most direct way to practice the five kinds of divine talismans, and it is also the fastest way to control the five kinds of divine talismans.

During this period, Ji Yu also came to the Star World many times to visit Chen Xi, seeing his seal-carving runes as if he had forgotten to eat and sleep, he was completely unaware of any movement outside, and he was extremely relieved in his heart, and he became more and more appreciative of Chen Xi.

It can be said that Chen Xi is the only person who has entered Ji Yu's eyes in these millions of years, and in Ji Yu's heart, he already regards Chen Xi as his master's inheritance disciple.

As for the other people who broke into the cave, most of them did not get the approval of the cave, even if they broke through the [-]th stage of Tianfeng's trial, no one had ever succeeded.

Time flies, and before you know it, another two years have passed in a hurry.

On this day, after Chen Xi woke up from meditation, he was not in a hurry to seal and carve the structure of runes, but took a deep breath to calmly recuperate his body and mind.

There is only the last rune structure left in the entire Qingdi Wooden Emperor Divine Scroll, and it is also the most difficult structure. It needs to complete the seal cutting of one hundred and eight runes in an instant to form a new rune structure. As a result, it echoes with other rune structures from beginning to end, and perfectly blends into the entire divine book, and only then can it be called a great success.

But to complete the drawing and carving of one hundred and eight runes in an instant, there are extremely strict requirements on the requirements of spiritual consciousness and true energy.The power of spiritual consciousness must capture the trajectories of one hundred and eight runes in an instant, and the true essence must also be divided into one hundred and eight parts in an even and equal manner, and outlined at the same time.

All of this is not difficult, the difficulty is that it is difficult to complete in an instant. If any accident occurs in any of the steps, the entire divine book will collapse, and the result is that everything that has been paid in the past five years will be paid. empty!

"Do you want to rest for two days?" At some point, Ji Yu appeared next to Chen Xi, his gaze swept across the sword embryo, as if he had seen through Chen Xi's current situation.

"No need, I'm in the peak state right now, the only thing I need to do is to release all of this state at this moment." Chen Xi shook his head and said.

Ji Yu keenly discovered that Chen Xi's calmness of mind far exceeded his estimation. It felt as if he had already planned everything and controlled everything, and his calmness revealed extremely powerful confidence.

He stopped persuading him, and stood with his hands behind his back, waiting for Chen Xi to complete the last step.

A quarter of an hour later, Chen Xi sat cross-legged on the ground again, his expression calm and at ease, his eyes as clear and deep as a starry sky, and his spiritual consciousness and true essence had simultaneously transformed into a hundred and eight strands as thin as a hair. Enter the inner space of the sword embryo.

At this moment, in that space, it is no longer blank, but covered with a dense layer of rune patterns like a starry sky. The blue light flows endlessly, like a turbulent green, surging with vitality.Only at the end of the pattern, there is still a trace of blankness that is difficult to find with the naked eye, making the whole pattern slightly incomplete.


One hundred and eight paths of true energy and one hundred and eight paths of spiritual consciousness are like the countless sensitive tentacles of an octopus. As soon as they enter this space, they almost do not hesitate to drill along the trajectory that seems to have been measured with a ruler. Into that incomplete void.

This series of actions only happened in an instant, as if it never happened at all.


In the entire space, the rune patterns as dense as the starry sky suddenly flashed dazzling green lights one after another, just like the dead sea surface suddenly surging, the rune patterns flickered, and the glow was like a waterfall.

But on the dark and simple sword embryo, suddenly there was a touch of spirituality, like a puppet possessing a soul, and a clear and melodious sword chant resounded.

Obviously, the engraving of the Qingdi Wooden Emperor's divine talisman was successful!

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