divine talisman

Chapter 264 Beast Crisis

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The sword chant is faint, clear and melodious. (..) (+ quick find book)

At this moment, on the surface of the simple and simple sword embryo, there is a layer of rippling blue light faintly flowing, like a gurgling stream, exuding an indescribable spirituality.

If you look inside the sword body, you will find a verdant and verdant world formed inside it, with various runes as dense as vine branches and leaves, flickering on and off, like the stars in the sky, giving birth to a surge of vitality vitality.

It worked!

Seeing this scene, Chen Xi heaved a sigh of relief, and couldn't help but lie down on the ground. In his body, endless exhaustion submerged him like a tide, and he fell into a dream unconsciously.

For five years, all his energies were devoted to carving runes. Chen Xi was like a bowstring stretched tight. Although his body was fine, the consumption of his mental energy was increasing day by day.If it were another person who did the same thing without eating or drinking for five years, he would be exhausted physically and mentally from this extremely boring life. Wrong rune structure,

It can be said that even if a master of the talisman array came to seal the talisman structure of the Qing Emperor's Wooden Emperor's talisman, he would definitely not dare to say that he was sure of the success of the seal carving.

Chen Xi was able to achieve this step within five years, apart from his extraordinary comprehension of talismans, it was also due to his tenacity and persistence, as well as the heavy pressure of not allowing himself to fail.

"I thought it was impossible to succeed at first, but this little guy gave me a big surprise. Haha, the master has successors. Maybe one day he will be able to climb Shenyan Mountain and compete with his brothers..." Looking at Chen Xi who couldn't sleep soundly, Ji Yu felt honored in his heart, and stayed for a while before turning around and leaving.

In the entire star world, Chen Xi was the only one left.

He was sleeping in the starry sky, surrounded by the eternally revolving stars, nebula, and galaxies. The whole person looked very inconspicuous, like a drop in the ocean, and like an inconspicuous mote.

Then at the next moment, endless clear starlight surged from all directions, pouring down as if with spirituality, covering Chen Xi's entire body.

From a distance, Chen Xi bathed in the starlight was like sleeping in an eggshell. The wisps of starlight were like gentle drizzle, infiltrating every inch of his body's skin, nurturing his skin membrane Muscles, bones, flesh and blood, meridians and acupoints, internal organs, and some deeply buried impurities were all washed away, making Chen Xi's entire body more pure and flawless.

Even the power of his soul seemed to be nourished. Although the power did not increase, the power of his consciousness became more pure and flexible.

If it was said that before Chen Xi's spiritual consciousness was like a piece of unpolished jade that had not been carved, now the surface impurities of this piece of uncut jade are being removed, revealing its lustrous, flawless, and crystal clear essence. (+ Find this book quickly)

This kind of progress, after Chen Xi woke up from a deep sleep, he had a clear experience when he began to seal the scarlet emperor fire emperor divine talisman.He discovered that the real essence that can be controlled by the power of divine consciousness becomes more precise, extreme, and rigorous, and the speed of seal carving rune structure also becomes faster.

Compared with the time when the engraving of the Qing Emperor's Wooden Emperor's divine talisman was engraved, it was more than twice as fast!

"The power of my soul is not strong, but it has become pure, solid, and flexible. Could it be because of the structure of the runes carved day and night in the past five years?" Chen Xi felt this remarkable change, but he couldn't think of anything. So, soon, he put his attention back on the seal carving runes.

The rune structure in the Red Emperor Fire Emperor's talisman is not inferior to that of the Qing Emperor Wood Emperor's talisman, and none of these rune structures are the same. Its characteristic is wanton and publicity, like an uncontrollable flame.Therefore, its seal cutting is more difficult and requires more energy to control the trajectory of the runes.

However, Chen Xi couldn't be troubled by these. With the experience of engraving the Qing Emperor Wood Emperor's inscription, coupled with the change in the power of the soul, it didn't feel difficult to engrave the Scarlet Emperor Fire Emperor's inscription.

Before you know it, another five years have passed.

On this day, a glaring fire suddenly rose from the world of stars, like a vermilion bird soaring into the sky, like a golden crow fluttering its wings, and like gorgeous fireworks bursting into the sky. This vision took a long time to dissipate.

"The Scarlet Emperor Wood Emperor's divine talisman has succeeded!" Chen Xi's eyes brightened as he looked at the sword embryo in his hand.

A faint fire light floated around the sword embryo. This fire light was almost transparent, not hot and domineering, but giving people a warm and soft feeling.

The originally dark and dumb sword embryo, because of the appearance of this ray of fire, the surface began to become smooth, like a pool of mysterious water, clean and clear.

"The current sword embryo is only a semi-finished product, and it is still short of the engraving of the three gods. I don't know what will happen to the sword embryo when all five kinds of gods appear?"

Chen Xi was looking forward to it vaguely, but he didn't stop. After resting for a few days, he began to seal the third divine talisman——the Yellow Emperor Earth Emperor's divine talisman!


The flowers bloom and fall, the grass grows and the warblers fly. It has been three years in the outside world. Converted to the time of the star world, it is a full 30 years.

In the past three years, Pine Mist City has been attacked by hundreds of herds of beasts, and the whole city has been completely destroyed, like ruins.More than half of the people who were originally born and raised in the city moved away three years ago, and almost all of them should have left.

After all, the continuous invasion of the herds of beasts is tantamount to natural disasters for ordinary people. In addition, the defense force of Songyan City is getting weaker and weaker. For most people, in order to survive, they have to leave their hometowns This is the way to go.

Most of those who are still sticking to Songyan City today are families and schools that have been rooted in Songyan City for thousands of years. These influential families have great achievements. If the whole family relocates, they want to rise up in a strange city and a strange place. , is by no means as easy as imagined.Because no local power in any city is happy to see a strong opponent reappear on its own territory.

Therefore, in this year that was related to the life and death of the family, the major forces in Songyan City became extremely united, and when fighting against the herd, they also contributed forcefully, with money and money, without any negativity.

The Chen family, protected by the sword formation of Tai Qi and Mochen, is as solid as gold, so it has become the base camp of the practice circle of Songyan City to resist the herd of beasts, and Chen Hao has also become the leader jointly elected by the major forces in the entire Songyan City.

At this moment in the hall of the Chen family, the atmosphere is silent, and it seems that even the air has become stagnant.

Chen Hao sat in the middle seat, his face was solemn, his brows were tightly furrowed, and he couldn't hide a trace of exhaustion. In the past three years, he was almost at the forefront of killing herds of beasts, and he rarely had time to rest.

But these are not important, as long as he is a little tired, as long as he can help the family to tide over the difficulties, he will not hesitate.What worries him is that with the passage of time, the size of the herd has reached thousands, and every time there are big monsters in the Yellow Court Realm sitting in the town, according to his estimation, soon there will be Jindan Realm monsters. The big monster is here.

Just in these days, there are often terrifying roars of beasts in the deep mountains of Nanman. It shakes the heavens and the earth, and the monster aura soars to the sky, shocking all directions. Even in Songyan City, that huge sound can be heard.

"In the deep mountains of Nanman, will there be a powerful demon king?" A deep and sonorous voice broke the silence in the hall.

Chen Hao raised his eyes and recognized Ye Qiu, the master of the Hongye Academy. This knife cultivator who has reached the nine-star realm of the Purple Mansion has gray temples, eyebrows like knives, and a cold light flashes between his eyes. Shooting is also a decisive figure.

"No, from what I've seen, the highest cultivation level of the big monster in the deep mountains of Nanman is probably around the Golden Core level, and it's not so powerful." The person who spoke was a tall and burly old man with white hair like silver, The spirit is hale and hearty, but Ning Daofu, the master of Songyan Academy.

In the past, Songyan Academy is the well-deserved No. [-] force in Songyan City, and even the Li family did not dare to overthrow it. second.

"It is true that there are big monsters at the Golden Core Realm entrenched in the deep mountains of Nanman, and I am sure that the herds of beasts that attacked Songyan City in the past three years were all under the command of these big monsters at the Golden Core Realm. But I doubt that those Golden Core Realm monsters Behind the big monster Jing, will there be a more terrifying big monster directing everything?"

Ye Qiu didn't refute Ning Daofu's opinion, but just stated his own opinion, "Didn't you all notice that in the near time, the monster aura in the deep mountains of Nanman was soaring to the sky, and the roar of beasts was like thunder, which could be heard from far and near. Waiting for the power and influence is not something that the Great Demon at the Golden Core Realm can possess."

Hearing this, everyone present was silent.

Indeed, as Ye Qiu said, since Songyan City was first attacked by a herd of beasts three years ago, the strength of the monsters that appeared thereafter began to increase significantly.From the Xiantian Realm, the Zifu Realm, to the present Huangting Realm, the strength of the monsters has become stronger and larger, and the scale has also become larger and larger. In the past few days, it has reached thousands of people. , covering the sky and covering the earth, like dark clouds overwhelming the city, extremely terrifying.

Fortunately, only two or three monsters in this herd have reached the Huangting realm, and more than thirty have reached the Zifu realm, and the rest of the monsters are all innate strength.With the full cooperation of all major forces, Pine Mist City has not fallen.

But such a fact sounded a wake-up call to the leaders of the major forces present, making them realize that behind the wave after wave of beasts, there are even more powerful monsters commanding everything!

This time the leaders of the major forces gathered in the hall of the Chen family to discuss this matter.

"Everyone is right. In the deep mountains of Nanman, there must be this great monster whose strength surpasses that of the golden core realm. It won't happen. Don't worry about it for the time being."

Chen Hao glanced around, and said in a deep voice, "The imminent question now is, if there is a golden core monster in the next herd of beasts, will you hide in my Chen family to defend passively, or take the initiative to fight?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. The strength of their people present can be said to represent the highest level of Songyan City, but only Chen Hao and Ning Daofu, the head of Songyan Academy, have reached the Huangting realm, and the others are all in the Purple Mansion realm. , Facing the Great Demon at the Golden Core Realm, there is no chance of winning at all.

You must know that among the same level, the strength of monsters can completely crush human monks, and some big monsters with the blood of ancient beasts are more than ten times stronger than human monks.

Therefore, in the face of such an existence as the Great Demon at the Golden Core Realm, everyone present had only two choices, either flee or hide.

In the end, it was Ye Qiu who broke the silence and said, "If something like this really happens, it's better to hide. But if this happens, Patriarch Chen will be in trouble."

Chen Hao waved his hand: "Everyone is a comrade in Songyan City. In such difficult times, it is natural to unite and help each other. This is what my Chen family should do."

Hearing this, the heads of other factions were secretly relieved, they really didn't have to worry about any danger anymore after being protected by the Chen family.After all, the Taiqi Mochen Sword Formation is a terrifying formation that can kill the strong in the Nether Transformation Realm, and if the big monsters in the Golden Core Realm dare to invade, they will never return.

"Patriarch Chen's kindness and righteousness, we will always cherish it in our hearts, and we will never forget it." Ning Daofu said with a smile: "However, in order not to bring trouble to the Chen family, the old man has asked for help from an old friend, and invited several powerful people to help the Chen family." If there are no accidents, the Golden Core cultivator will definitely be able to arrive in Songyan City within three days."

Hearing this, the others were all happy, but Chen Hao frowned.

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